《Silver Lucky's Lovely Wubbles》WP 006 - Before I destory the world


It simply hurts. The world is hazy but you know enough. Bound to a chair and unable to do more than wiggle. This is not good.

You aren't sure when it all went to shit, but it did. Your team is in question. You are sure that they lived from the explosion. It was more of a question of how much longer you all had to live.

"Guten Tag!"

You know that voice. That tone. That man.

"Wie geht es dir, dear friend?"

It takes a moment for you to recall German. His accent is smooth and casual but he is not from Germany. He was from the Americas. You never did find out more than that, even after years of working together.

"I hope my men did not treat you too roughly. I asked them to be as gentle as possible, but you know that I know that you are too skilled to be so easily..." His voice paused as he searched for the correct word. His thumb ran across his fingers in thought as he stepped into view. "Persuaded."

He stops and crouches before you. He still looks the same. Clean cut, short brown hair, and a vibrant set of piercing green eyes. Ten long years since you had last met and he still looks very handsome. His code name was based on his gaze and personality. The Falcon, as he could strike fast and swift while looking majestic. 25 years into the service and you still don't know how they name agents. It always seemed so silly.

"I am glad we could chat again, this one last time." His voice is smooth and friendly. His sincerity is apparent and you believe every word. He would not lie to you, even now.

You trusted him long ago. Perhaps you do still. A small, deep part of you. He was family in a way that you could never describe. You have taken a bullet for him. He has also done the same for you.


"... Why?" is all you ask. You croak out the words. Talking is hard as the soldiers had taken you down, hard. He could read that word though. He would talk.

The questions cause Falcon to frown in remorse.

"Things are always changing. Always. Today's justice can, and has, become tomorrow's tyranny. I do not relish in what must be done." he speaks as he slowly stands up. He hates it when he has to stand too quickly and the resulting dizziness.

"Before I destroy the world, I have a few words for you, my friend. I am sorry..." he whispers the last part. "I have a final task for you. A what if, if you will."

He snaps his fingers and suddenly you are hoisted into the air. The chair is fairly thick and electronic restraints hold you down. Before you are the large glass window that shows the nuclear power plant below.

A desk is dragged up. On it is a flash drive and a bottle of water.

"In this small memory stick exists a copy of all the evidence that I have gathered. Our great leaders have become blinded. I will protect the people, even if I must become the villain." Falcon explained as he stared out onto the power plant below.

"In this world, I fear only three things. Failure, the lives of my men... and you. You, Snake, are the only person to get this close to me in over a decade. You alone have the right to kill me." Falcon said with a smile as he turned around and made eye contact.

"Research, find the truth. If I am wrong, kill me. If I am right, kill them and help us rebuild a proper government again." Falcon continued as he snapped his fingers and the soldiers immediately started to pack up to leave.


"This nuclear power plant is safe. We have simply turned it off and ensured that it will stay offline for a few weeks. No real dangers yet. Your teammates are safe next door as well. Your restraints will unlock soon."

Falcon stopped as he once again made eye contact. "It is good to see you again, my friend. Sayonara."

He waved as he walked away as his men finished their packing and left. Organized and well trained. He has built a very solid and skilled organization. No wonder no one had ever succeeded in killing him.

True to his word you are released from the locks and within 12 hours you and your squad are back at base. It is there that you discover his evil plot. The damage is catastrophic.

The nuclear power plant was a distraction. Instead, he had set up and released over fifty years of war crimes, inhuman torture, and government-sanctioned genocide for every major government on earth.

The information had gone viral and now the public was asking deep questions about issues that they should not have known. The first world nations were trying to spread counter information as fast as possible but they couldn't stamp out everything.

Already in 38 unstable and developing countries, riots had begun. Civil unrest was predicted for another 16 countries.

The higher-ups are breathing down your neck for your failure and for your next mission to take down Falcon. They have given you no room for failure.

You stare at your phone and the memory card contained within. Time to do some research.

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