《Silver Lucky's Lovely Wubbles》WP 004 - Cavemen


Theodore Jesse Smith, President of the United States of America, sat and stared at the simplified and concise data scrolling before him. He preferred Theo since his full name usually involved grand ceremonies and more media attention then he liked.

He was the first Democrat in office in four terms. Republicans had won and did their thing and now he was here to clean up after them. Never had he despised their short-sightedness then during his first term. The debt was at an all-time high and America's image at an all-time low.

After seven hard and difficult years in office, he had done the miracle work of cutting the national debt almost in half. 7.8 trillion down, 7.9 trillion to go.

He had reinvigorated the economy using the 44th president's model of job policies and tried to decrease corporate freeloading by severely tightening tax loopholes. There was an uproar at the sudden increases in taxes but they were one of the reasons America was in the gutter today.

America's image was rising, the debt was falling and his popularity was at an all-time high.

Now, this.

The three-dimensional holographic projector gently lit up the low lightroom as bulletin points scrolled down the left of a series of charts. Data about debts and finance. Lists of how to funnel money into what could be the largest 'perhaps' since the Manhattan Project.

Project M-22, a black project so big that it would actually stagnate the rebuilding economy and could set it back a full ten years. Ten years of debts and interests that would weigh down the citizens. A project that when matured would ensure the USA's military supremacy for decades to come.

The costs were there on the screen but they more than just monetary. It was things that would bring down the might of the UN if discovered. Moral issues were at stake here and if he said 'yes' then hundreds, perhaps thousands of his own people could suffer in unimaginable ways. Inhumane was a pleasant compliment in regards to M-22.


His General of the Army sat before him, a stone cut man that laughed the way rocks did. He didn't. His aid, a cute thing, stood at attention at his side and she was very professional and so much more human than the Five-Star hero beside her.

Theo let out a sigh as he let his head sink into his hand. Fingers pinching his nose as he felt the full weight of his title settle onto him. President of the United States of America. Head of both State and Government. He was also the Commander-In-Chief of the United States Armed Forces.

He was buried alive and both he and his general knew it.

As a president and human, he knew this project was rubbish. This would kill innocent people that did nothing to deserve this. As the commander-in-chief, he could not ignore what was presented before him. The new age was literally scrolling before him, the stats were there and within just a decade they would have a potential world first, cyborg soldier.

Two decades from today and that cyborg could be obsolete trash in comparison to the first generation, god damned, super-soldier.

This was something that would definitely ensure America's future. There were hints that China was dabbling in this and America could not would not fall behind. Not with the way China was becoming unstable.

He gave out a quick snort of amusement as a memory popped into his head. He remembered it clearly, despite the decades since he last heard it. It was clear enough that it was in the voice of his old professor, "Cavemen do not know they are in the stone age..."


Theo blinked as his general spoke. It took a moment for him to realize that he had just quoted his old professor out loud and he smirked. "An old saying that one of my professors liked to mutter out occasionally."


"Of course, sir."

Theo held his smirk at the reply. A clear answer. No innuendo or hints of his inner thoughts. The man was truly relatable to a rock. A scarred and battered rock as the man had given his arm, leg, eye, and two sons to the defense of America.

The man was tragic as no one would truly know what he had sacrificed by staying in the military. His victories and successes were rarely recorded and purposefully left out of reports. He would not have brought this up if he didn't believe in it.

Theodore Jesse Smith's smirk vanished as he stared into his general's eyes. The man clenched his jaw. Once. It seemed even the rock could feel tense.

"Project M-22 cannot be approved since it does not exist. America has no black projects active. Ever. Project Mjolnir however, will have pending approval but I have officially shelved the project since the country's economic rebound has hit a bad slump. I am sorry general but try again in ten or so years from now."

"SIR!" the general stood up with a razor-sharp salute. Theodore nodded at the man and leaned back, ignoring his general leaving along with his aid. The projector turned off and the lights were fading back in.

"Caveman huh?" Theo whispered as he stared at the ceiling for a few moments before he closed his eyes. "And here I thought I was a ruthless barbarian when I shut down corporate tax loopholes last term."

God, he needed a drink.

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