《Bad Habits {V2 Out now!}》Volume 1: Chapter 16: Ukato’s Impossible Plan...


Ukato took a deep breath, as he showed the piece of paper.

Their eyes widened up.

It showed the newly built: ’General Bank Of Japan, Tokyo.’, following up with a picture of an armored van filled with suit cases.

“We’re robbing this...” Ukato said, grinning.

“Have you lost your mind?!” Nokado shouted in complete shock.

“Yeah, do you honestly think we can rob that?!” Kuruka followed up.

Ukato smirked.

“With what we have… We could definitely.” Ukato mumbled.

“If we don’t use this chance… We will never get out of here… ” Ukato followed up.

“We aren’t doing this, this isn’t worth our lives.” Rikishi replied.

“It is...” Ukato said.

“Well, explain why it is.” Nokado asked.

“Because with this we will have enough to leave the city and get back to Tokyo to start a new life.” Ukato explained.

Their eyes widened up.

“What do you mean?” Kuruka asked.

“The entire van is worth, 25 Million Yen...” Ukato explained.

Their eyes widened up, once again.

“25 Million?!” Kuruka shouted in shock.

“Yes… We will grab anything we can from here and never turn back to this hell hole.” Ukato said, smiling.

“So, give the details.” Rikishi said.

“W- Wait, you’re agreeing?!” Nokado said.

Rikishi grinned.

“We have to take our chances, right?” He said.

“Yosh! That’s the courage I was expecting...” Ukato said, pointing to Rikishi.

“So, we will burst the garage open with our rover, run to the van, grab as much as we can, and then go back to the rover...” Ukato said.

“...After that we will follow the highway and go over the bridge, out of this city.” Ukato followed up.

“Well, don’t you think the rover will blow up instead of breaking through the wall.” Nokado replied, cold.

Ukato grinned.

“You’ll change your mind when you see that pimped up baby.” Ukato said, as he walked up to the wall full of armory.


“We have enough weapons here...” Ukato said, as he grabbed any weapon he could hold on to.

“...Let’s go.” Ukato mumbled.

“W- Wait, we’re going now?” Kuruka said, in shock.

“Of course, we can’t wait anymore.” Ukato replied.

Everyone was silent…

Ukato let out a sigh and kept walking, until he suddenly tripped.

Rikishi caught him and grabbed the half of what he was holding.

“Oi… Don’t do everything on your own.” Rikishi said.

“... Your bravery starts to annoy me, but...” Rikishi followed up.

“... We promised a vacation.” Rikishi finished his sentence.

Everyone’s eyes lightened up.

The other’s were still skeptical, but they all agreed on helping him out.

They all grabbed what they could, and their eyes lightened up once again when they saw what Ukato was talking about.

The old and disgusting car they kept using for years, is now turned into a walking bunker, with armor plates everywhere and even a roof position for someone.

Even the cabin has been made way bigger to fill up the place.

“W- What is this?!” Nokado said, shocked.

“This… This is the baby who is bringing us back.” Ukato said, smiling.

“A- Amazing...” Tado mumbled.

They kept bringing in what they could.

Ukato walked back into the apartment to grab something, the others were waiting inside the improved car.

When Ukato walked out of the door, someone was behind him.

Ukato completely froze.

“...Where do you think you’re going?” The man asked.

Ukato turned.

The person who asked that was Takumi, he had a grin on his face.

“Oh we...” Ukato mumbled.

“... We are going to rob a bank.” Ukato followed up.

“Oh? What bank, if I may ask?” Takumi asked.

“You might know the bank, since it is pretty famous...” Ukato said.

“... The name is: The General Bank Of Japan.” Ukato said, grinning.


Takumi’s eyes widened up.

“A- Are you crazy?!” Takumi said.

“You will definitely not make it out alive!” Takumi followed up.

“Why do you care?” Ukato replied, cold.

It went silent.

Takumi was looking down.

Ukato walked up to him, laying his hand on Takumi’s shoulder.

Takumi looked up.

“Oi... You should improve on your acting.” Ukato said, smiling.

Takumi’s eyes widened up, taking a step back.

“W- What are you talking about?” Takumi asked, as his face turned red.

Ukato pointed to his ring, and then to Takumi’s.

“The bond is still here, you’re just hiding it… ” Ukato said, smirking.

Takumi’s eyes suddenly lightened up.

Ukato turned his back, as he walked to the door.

He suddenly stopped.

“Oh and… Don’t forget to chase us, since you now have a chance.” Ukato said, grinning.

“...We’ll meet at the bank.” Ukato followed up, walking off.

Takumi let out a sigh.

“...Idiot.” Takumi said, as he was smiling.

Takumi could hear the sound of the car driving full-speed away. As he walked back.

- - - - -

Rikishi looked at the highway, letting out a sigh.

“So, what you’re saying… We burst the wall open, jump out, get the money, get back in and drive out of the city?” Rikishi asked.

“Exactly, can’t be to big of a problem, right?” Ukato asked.

“Yeah… The only problem will be the Japanese Army.” Nokado replied, cold and sarcastic.

The others started to laugh.

“O- Oi! This is serious, we can do this.” Ukato said.

“You’re right… We will be able to do this-”

“There it is!” Ukato interrupted Kuruka, pointing to the garage next to this huge skyscraper.

“Rikishi, full gas in there!” Ukato shouted.

“Yosh!!” Rikishi screamed, driving instantly through the wall.

As they entered, everyone jumped out of the car and walked through the garage.

They hostaged the civilians nearby and took down the guards…

Ukato walked up to the van. He then grabbed a drill and started to create a hole through the van’s back door.

- - - - -

Kirakuma slowly opened up his eyes, as he looked around.

The first thing he realized is that he was in a hospital bed.

His eyes widened up, as he barely remembered what happened.

“T- Takumi...” Kirakuma mumbled, as he stood up from the bed.

He opened the door and walked around.

The first person he saw was, unfortunately, Akurai.

But he was somehow different…

Something was different about his aura…

“A- Akurai...” Kirakuma mumbled.

Akurai turned to him.

“Kirakuma?” Akurai asked, as he ran up to him.

Akurai suddenly hugged him.

“Woah, what happened to you?” Kirakuma asked.

Akurai let go of him.

“N- Nevermind...” Akurai said.

Kirakuma was confused.

What the hell did happen when he was gone?

“Oi...” Kirakuma said, looking down.

“... Where is Takumi?” Kirakuma asked.

Akurai’s face expression changed.

“I… Don’t know… Go check on him.” Akurai asked.

“... I have somewhere to go, quickly.” Akurai followed up, walking off.

Kirakuma, still confused, walked up to the Takumi’s office.

When he opened the door, his eyes widened up.


He isn’t here…

- - - - -

A man walked through the streets, as he saw someone drive full speed with a motorcycle.

The man grabbed a walkie talkie and pressed on the talk button:

“Ma’am, He’s heading towards: ‘The General Bank of Japan’, Over.”

The man said, as he walked back into the allway, grinning...

* * *

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