《Bad Habits {V2 Out now!}》Volume 1: Chapter 15: Twelve Months Later…


It was raining as Rikishi walked through the street, Tado walked up to him in the alleyway.

“Yo, got paid?” Rikishi asked.

“Yeah. Another 20,000 Yen.” Tado replied, showing his bag.

“Good, now let’s bring that back.” Rikishi said, as he grabbed a cigarette.

Tado pulled out a lighter and helped him out.

Rikishi took a puff as they kept walking through the street and the rain.

“So, it has been twelve months… We have 1 Million Yen left, it won’t be a problem anymore.” Rikishi said.

“Not that true, the amount of mission we get have been lowered by an extreme amount, there is 89% chance that we won’t make it.” Tado replied.

Rikishi let out a sigh.

“You’re right… We need something new.” Rikishi said.

They both stopped moving, as there was a group of 5 people in front of them.

The 5 had all male suits on, but they were female. As thunder fell down, their faces lightened up.

“Hello there… May we ask you two a question?” The girl in the center said.

“Sure… But be quick, we have business to attend.” Rikishi replied.

“We are searching for a person named ‘Rikishi, Mika’ from the Ishido clan...” The girl in the center said.

Tado’s eyes widened up, but he tried to stay calm.

“... He and a group of five others attacked our club, and we lost a lot of men there.” The girl followed up.

Rikishi’s eyes widened up…

He remembered he and Takumi entered the place, and he took down the man with the fedora…

That was probably their boss…

“Hmm… I don’t recognize the name, sorry…” Rikishi said.

The girls looked at each other.

The girl in the center walked up to him, laying her arm on Rikishi’s shoulder.

“I hope… You aren’t lying to me?” The girl said, grinning.

“No, why would I lie?” Rikishi replied, smirking.

The place was silent, and Tado noticed they both were on edge.

Tado’s heartbeat was going up, as it felt difficult to breath.


The girl let go of Rikishi.

“Fine… You two look like you won’t lie.” The girl said, letting him go.

“My name is Kimoto Seppuku.” The girl in the center said, she pointed to the girl with red hair.

“This is Kanami Akagi.” Kimoto said, she then pointed to the girl with blue hair.

“She is Uchiko Minakami.” Kimoto said, she then pointed to the girl with blonde hair.

“That is Charlotte Fukuhara...” Kimoto followed up, as she finally pointed to the girl with black hair.

“And last but not least, that is Yuno Seppuku.” Kimoto finished, as she smirked.

“We are, as you might’ve realized, from the Seppuku clan.” Kimoto said, as she reached out her hand.

“...And you two are?” Kimoto followed up, grinning.

Tado noticed that she purposely introduced the others, so that we would have to introduce ourselves too.

“My name is Isaac Tatafu.” Rikishi said, smirking.

“And he is Zack Zukaka.” Rikishi followed up, pointing to Tado.

Rikishi grabbed her hand and shaked it.

“Nice to meet you all.” Rikishi said.

Kimoto nodded.

“All right… let’s meet again sometime.” Kimoto said.

“Sure.” Rikishi replied, as they both walked off.

Yuno turned to Kimoto.

“Do you really trust them?” Yuno asked.

“True… They were probably lying.” Charlotte followed up.

“But were they really?” Uchiko asked.

“I- Idiot! Of course they were...” Kanami replied.

“It’s fine… We’ll make some of our subordinates follow them.” Kimoto said.

“As I said...” Kimoto mumbled.

“... I’ll perform Seppuku if I won’t get my revenge.” Kimoto said.

“But that isn’t gonna happen anytime yet...” Kimoto followed up, grinning…

- - - - -

Nokado let out a sigh.

“Is there something on your mind?” Kuruka asked.

“There is a lot on my mind… But I was thinking about if we could take a break.” Nokado said.

“A break?” Kuruka asked again.

“Yeah, just a short one.” Nokado said.

Kuruka started to laugh.


“We mean a break like this one?” Kuruka said.

“No, of course not, dumbass.” Nokado said, laughing too.

“I mean, like, we could hang out, together...” Nokado mumbled.

“... With Takumi, too.” Nokado followed up.

Kuruka let out a sigh, as he took a sip out of a bottle.

“Your right… ” Kuruka said.

“Those twelve months have passed by quick, right?” Nokado said.

Kuruka didn’t reply.

“Kuruka- !” Nokado froze, as he saw a group of five people in front of Kuruka.

Kuruka’s eyes widened up.

“Hello there… Gentleman.” The woman in the center said, she had long, blue twintails.

There were four boys behind him.

“What do you want?” Nokado asked, cold.

“We? We are searching for someone from the Ishido clan.” The woman said, grinning.

“The Ishido clan?” Kuruka asked.

“Yes… They destroyed our restaurant.” The woman said.

Kuruka’s eyes widened up, he had just realized that the man in the back was the man from that time.

When Takumi said he had heard someone that time…

- - - - -

The first thing Takumi notices is a boy with white hair, instantly charging him with a knife. The boy swings the knife, Takumi leans back and dodges. Takumi then follows up with a punch in his chest.

The boy's eyes widen up, as he collapses on the ground.

"Idiot… Can't you see I have a firearm?" Takumi said to the collapsed boy.

- - - - -

“You look like you know something-” Just as the woman was talking, Nokado pulled out his handgun.

“Listen up… I don’t care about your backstory with this ‘Ishido’ member. Leave us alone.” Nokado said.

The girl smirked.

“He looks like he knows something...” The girl said.

“He doesn’t... you’re scaring him.” Nokado replied.

The girl let out a sigh.

“... Fine… But the next time, I won’t let you go away this freely.” The girl said.

“Or else my name isn’t Byakuya, Akane...” The girl followed up, grinning.

Nokado smirked, as he holstered the weapon.

“We’ll see about that...” Nokado replied.

He turned to Kuruka.

“Let’s go back.” Nokado said, smiling.

“S-... Sure.” Kuruka said, as they both walked away.

“But jeesh… You make me look like a babysitter.” Nokado said, laughing.

Kuruka’s face turned red.

“T- That isn’t true, I could easily save myself!” Kuruka replied, frustrated.

Nokado smirked.

“You can’t hold a gun directly, forget shooting it.” Nokado said, laughing again.

“Oh shut up...” Kuruka said, covering his red face with his hoodie.

They both got into a nearby car and drove back.

When they arrived, they noticed the others had parked their car too.

They both walked out of the car and locked it, after that they entered the building.

“Oi! We’re back!” Nokado shouted, opening the door to their office.

The first thing they notice was Rikishi and Tado discussing something in complete fear.

“What is going on here?” Kuruka asked.

“Yo, we got a big problem here… We meeted with the leader of the Seppuku clan, the one we robbed twelve months ago.” Rikishi explained.

“Shit… We had the same but with the Byakuya clan instead.” Nokado said.

“We should ignore them, they left us alone and let it stay like that.” Tado said.

“True… We still need one Million Yen, but there are no missions left.” Kuruka explained.

“You’re right… The drugs aren’t paying that good anymore either-” Just as Nokado was talking, the door got rammed open by someone they hadn’t seen in twelve months…

Their eyes widened up.

“G- Guys!” The man shouted.

The person ran out of the shadows, this man looked like Ukato. He had a small beard on his face.

“I have it…” Ukato said, smiling.

“Have what?” Rikishi asked.

“...The perfect plan.” Ukato followed up.

Their eyes lightened up…

After leaving for twelve months…

What could this plan be?

* * *

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