《Where All Dreams Go》The Smile, the Starry Night and the Heavens
Chapter 5: The Smile, the Starry Night and the Heavens
I've always loved airplanes.
The way they surf the sky as if they own it really wrings my heart.
Their grand design is enough to make a person dizzy.
Their wings long enough to reach the skies.
Their flaps going up and down as if taming the forces of nature.
Their roaring engines that rival even the roars of thunder.
Their fins slicing the clouds as though going beyond it and further.
The products of human ingenuity.
I want to be a pilot someday like my mom and dad.
Staring at the familiar corners of a 2x2 meter room, I realized that I got lost in thought as I played with my toy airplane gifted by my father on my 10th birthday inside my room.
I just turned 10 yesterday.
I heard a knock from the door followed by a familiar voice.
"Go take a bath already, Rick. We're going to drive you to school this time. It's your big day, isn't it?"
"Mom, you always say that. It's not like everyday is my birthday."
She made a sound as though she was thinking.
"Do I really?"
Suddenly, she slammed the door open and went straight to me then gave me a hug.
"Let's make everyday your birthday then!"
"M-Mom!... Stop!! I can't breathe!"
"Silly you, you know I can't control myself when it concerns you! You're just so cute! I can't imagine someone as cute as you came out from me!"
"Mom! Should you really say that?!!"
"It's true! You're my baby boy!"
She gave me a tighter hug. Knowing my mom, I just gave in and gave her a hug too.
Unexpectedly, she carried me and went straight out the door of my room.
"M-Mom!?? I'm not a kid anymore!"
She ignored my comment and just added a few of her own.
"Boy, since when did you become this heavy?"
She then laughed.
My mom has always been the kind of person who takes everything at her own pace. I don't know if she is consciously or unconsciously doing it.
Knowing this, I just gave up and laughed with her.
Eventually, we arrived at the bathroom.
"Should I give you a bath?" My mom smirked.
"NO! Get out!"
And with that, she closed the door and laughed.
I can even see her smirk through the door.
Just like that, I had done everything I did to get ready for school. Today is the first day of my 5th grade so my mom prepared my clothes and ironed them as carefully as she did as though she was making a cake for a wedding.
My mom was always a firm believer of "First Impressions."
Eventually, I wore it and it felt warm like a mother's love.
I came down the stairs and saw my dad drinking coffee while reading a newspaper.
He took a glance at me and placed his focus back on his papers as if I was the most unimportant person in the world.
This is my dad.
He doesn't know it but I actually know who he really is.
He acts cold and collected, but he's actually the opposite.
I notice him stealing glances at me from time to time and also the fact that his smile reaches his ears.
I took the plate with food that mom prepared for me then sat at the table where my dad was.
I ate it slowly as I read an aerodynamics book.
My dad broke the silence.
"T-That's bad manner!"
"Oh yeah. I'm sorry dad..."
He then flipped a page of his newspaper.
"So we're driving you to school today. You better show your gratitude to your parents by doing good at scho-"
Out of nowhere, my mom slapped my dad on the back.
"Why are you acting like that? That's now how you talk about him to your friends!"
He tried to hide his face with the newspaper as he made a shh sound.
"Not in from of him!... You know I love the boy, but he must know respect and discipline!..."
"Since when did you think about ResPeCT and DiSCiplinE?"
My dad almost broke his character so he cough to take another shot and acted calm.
"Rick. Finish your breakfast or we will be late."
I nodded as I saw my mom release a sigh.
And with that, my mom and dad drove me to school.
Eventually we arrived at school.
As I opened the car door, my mom kissed me on the cheeks.
"We'll be home in a week. You'll be okay without us for a while, right?"
I saw my dad steal a glance at me at the driver seat but he acted like it never happened and tried to cover it up by talking.
"We have a surprise for you in a week."
My mom and dad aren't usually home because of work but a caretaker takes care of me when they're not around.
My mom looked at my dad with an irritated face. My dad flinched.
"Make a lot of friends, okay?" My mom added.
I got out of the car and I was about to close the door but my dad's voice stopped me.
I can see my mom tugging his t-shirt and my dad looking at away.
I looked at my dad.
"We love you, Rick." my dad added.
My mom smiled.
"Goodbye, Rick. Be kind, okay?"
For some reason, when she said goodbye, it felt unnatural. I decided to ignore it and replied.
"Goodbye, mom and dad... I love you too."
With that, I closed the door and waved them goodbye.
They gradually disappeared from my sight and it honestly felt a little lonely.
The entrance ceremony.
In front was the principal having a speech about the importance of discipline and kindness to our school. As I looked around, it was rather obvious that not everyone was listening at all. All these sweat-drenched students were too busy keeping themselves comfortable against the blazing sun. It was rather unusual to be this hot in this time of year so the frustration on most people's faces were justified. I continued to move my gaze from student to student.
They all have unique moods going on them. I see some students with faces saying "This is it! I'm gonna do my best this time around!" To be honest, I feel a bit jealous to their blissful approach in life. I can also see some of them already talking to each other. From this, I can hypothesize that they might be classmates before or even friends.
It surprises me how mixed all the emotions are in just an entrance ceremony.
But I digress.
Anyways, I continued looking around and eventually saw this boy. He looked relatively small. He was reading a comic book. Not gonna lie, he was reading it like he was in his own galaxy as though no one existed except him. He looked like he was the happiest person in the world.
Eventually, the principal finished his rather short speech. Although it was short, I didn't really hear anyone complaining about it - rather, they celebrated it. Not gonna lie, I celebrated a bit too since the heat has gotten to me. I'm actually used to heat since I've lived on the rurals with my grandma and my late grandpa and I helped them in the farm. But the heat today is unusually weird.
Before I knew it, it was already recess. As I expected, students already formed groups here and there. Some looked like they already know each other before school while others looked like mustering some courage to join cliques. Some of them looked like they were trying too hard, while others looked like they're gifted by the God of Social Interaction.
At this time, I was sitting, slurping my juice on an empty umbrella table. It was a bit hot so the juice felt like it was the best juice in the world.
A group of friends sat just across me as they were talking about some trivial things like the unusual weather today and their experiences. However, one topic caught my attention.
"You know who's weirder than the weather today?"
I can feel my eyes widen out of reflex.
"Speak of the devil, he's here."
The guy pointed to a direction and my eyes followed.
What met my eyes was a boy. Looking at him, there really wasn't anything remarkable or worth mentioning about him. He was just normal like most people are. Well, aside from the comic book he was reading and it seems that reading those kinds of books are deemed as weird and nerdy in this school. I didn't really understand the concept but that was the rule here.
"Yeah, he's always been reading that book since this morning. It's really weird."
"Exactly. He didn't even try talking to me. And we sit next to each other."
They all synchronized to a "Yeah..."
"It's better if we stay away from him."
"Yeah, I think so too."
I took a slurp of my juice again while washing my thought along with my dry throat.
I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to defend yourself.
There's nothing more I hate than people who are dependent.
I eventually learned his name. His name is Justin.
One that same day, people started calling him nicknames. There was a lot but I could only a few of them. As it happened, I eventually joined the group who started it all but I didn't really join on the teasing because I didn't think it was worth my energy.
However, it got worse from there. I didn't know how it happened, but it just did.
It was just plain bullying in just a matter of days.
I just watched while it happened.
However, Justin isn't really doing anything about it. He just kept his eyes on his comic book.
A click of my tongue escaped out of my mouth. I didn't know what that meant but it was probably frustration. I mean, if I was him, I wouldn't let anyone do these things to me.
However, Justin isn't really doing anything about it. He just kept his eyes on his comic book.
He looked like he wasn't affected.
Just three days after the first day of class, the class has already formed their groups and cliques. A few unfortunate ones however, wasn't in any. That was the reality. I just excused myself from my group to go to the comfort room. As I was walking there, I noticed the weirdness of the sky - no, it was the Sun itself. It looked like it grew tentacles and scattered them like an octopus.
As I was thinking about the weirdness of the irregular weather, I found myself already at the comfort room door. I opened it and went inside.
Something caught my attention. It was the sound of a quivering voice that was in pain. I looked towards the direction of the source. It was in one of the three stalls in front of me. The sobbing continued for a few seconds until a sound of a slap followed and then silence.
For some reason, the creaking of the door made me flinch a little.
It was Justin. His eyes were a bit red but no signs of tears were visible on his face. It felt like he was trying to hide it.
He noticed me, smiled and walked away.
I was really confused about the happenstance but for some reason, I felt like I saw something I wasn't supposed to see. That might be the reason of the sweat on my temple.
After that event, I couldn't see him the way he was before. The bullying continued but he still looked unfazed by it in the surface but I don't think that's what's really happening on the inside.
He just kept a smile.
But that smile wasn't enough to convince me that he was okay anymore.
Something about it bugged me.
Still, he just smiled.
Just two day before a week, I noticed that this "Justin" person was different from the rest of us. I couldn't really describe what's the big difference between him and the rest of us, but I'm sure there's something. He was weak but for some reason, there are hints of his strengths. He looked resilient but I'm sure he's vulnerable. He looked like he is fine being alone but I feel like there's something more to it.
Another matter of bullying ensued while I just watched by the side. Still, he didn't look affected at all but I know that was a lie.
The aftermath was him sitting on the ground while covered with a bit of dirt.
I just looked at him.
But before I got to my senses, I already walked over to him.
He noticed and gave a smile again.
Suddenly, I unconsciously asked a question.
"Why do you still smile?"
It came out of nowhere.
He smiled and answered.
"Smiling makes things easier."
For some reason, he looked surprised.
I was too.
I didn't expect my hands to be there.
My hands reached out to him.
He smiled even more and took them.
I found myself helping him get up.
"Thanks, man. I'm Justin. Nice to meet you. He-He..."
"I'm Rick."
Jeez, what am I doing.
Tomorrow, my parents are gonna come home.
However, my thoughts were occupied with what happened just yesterday.
To relax myself, I opened my window and looked at the sky. It really looked weird as these giant streaks of green painted the sky. It was like one of those aurora you can see on the poles of the Earth.
How did it get here?
Suddenly, it collapsed in a silent manner then everything went out. My phone started being weird. My room light suddenly went off. I looked outside my window as I was very confused about what happened. What met my eyes was a very dark city. All the lights that were there stopped existing. It was very dark.
I was very confused about what happened but as I looked up the sky, it was art. Every light of the city disappeared, so the green streaks on the sky was emphasized more. The stars also showed more of themselves. For some reason, this scene reminded me Van Gogh's "Starry Night."
It was beautiful but for some reason, I feel very unsettled. I'm not sure why. After just a few minutes, I saw some shooting stars. It looked beautiful, but why does it feel like it's not something I'm supposed to be admiring about?
My mind began to shut down as my brain produced melatonin. I noticed my yawn and decided to sleep. I closed the window again as if to block the world and went straight into my bed.
It was then that I slept through the biggest event that happened in my life.
Morning came like it usually does. My phone seemed to do okay now. I'm guessing the lights too. I heard footsteps from downstairs.
I thought to myself that mom and dad had already arrived and thought that I should welcome them.
I went down stairs but it wasn't my mom and dad. It was grandma who's eyes looked like they were crying all night.
I looked at her and welcomed her.
I was confused. I didn't know why she was crying.
Is she in pain?
I walked closer to her and she suddenly hugged me. It was so tight that I couldn't relax myself.
A question slipped out of my mouth.
"Grandma, what's wrong?"
She just kept hugging me while crying.
Her crying made me wanna cry too.
I asked again.
Only this time, I felt an urgency.
"Grandma, what's wrong??!"
My grandma didn't say anything. She just hugged me.
At this point, I was already crying myself. I realized I was already hugging her too.
I didn't know what was happening.
She answered.
"They called me early this morning."
"What? Who called you?"
"They said they are still looking for them."
"What??! Who??! Where's mom and dad??!"
At the mention of my mom and dad, my grandma started crying hysterically.
I knew she couldn't talk about it anymore so I went to the internet.
My head started hurting as I read the articles. From the background, I can still hear my grandma crying. I didn't notice it but I started to cry hysterically. Tears wouldn't stop flowing from my eyes. I could feel my throat tighten a dry cough with all my crying.
What do I do now? This is gotta be a joke or something. It doesn't happen just like that.
This can't be true.
What did mom and dad last say to me? Why can't I remember? I need to ask them. I need to tell them that I forgot what they said and I should say my sorry.
That's right! My mom and dad are very good swimmers! They're alive and well as I speak! I mean, they have to be, right?
I mean...
What do I even do without them?...
In just two weeks, the airport personnel found the plane but they couldn't find any bodies in the area. Because of that, I missed two weeks of school as they prepared a funeral for my mom and dad.
In just a day, I lost everything I had.
Everything changed after that day, I couldn't find anything worth doing. Everything was gray. Even the planes I used to love so much.
The way they surf the sky as if they own it annoyed me.
Their grand design is not enough.
Their fake wings easily crippled.
Their irreverent flaps going up and down as if taming the forces of nature.
Their roaring engines that are no longer reaching my ears.
Their fins slicing nothing but clouds as though going beyond it but failing
The products of human ego.
The heavens that I longed for took everything from me - even my dreams.
With these thoughts going in and out of my mind, I found myself at school witnessing another bullying of Justin.
Only this time, I didn't stay still and watch. For some reason, I had the urge to help Justin.
At this point, Justin was again on the ground. He was surrounded by them as they teased him. Normally, I wouldn't even think about going in the middle of trouble.
"You're reading those books again?"
But now.
"Why are you so weird?"
I don't know why.
"You don't have friends because of that."
But for some reason.
"You don't even care, do you?"
I did what I did.
"Eh?" my classmates synchronized.
In the middle of the scene, there I was lending a hand to Justin again.
"Rick, what are you doing?"
"You okay, Rick?"
My brain ignored what they said. No, I deliberately ignored them
Justin smiled and accepted my help.
As he rose up with my help, I could almost see the question marks on some of my classmates faces.
Then at that moment, I realized that nobody, except the bullies, enjoyed the bullying. I could see on some of my classmate's faces a sense of relief after I had interferred.
That's right. Nobody likes seeing people hurt, but most people choose to protect themselves rather than stop something that might harm them in a way.
"Why?" Justin asked.
"I don't think liking something that much is bad. I even thought of getting into manga and anime. Not too much though like you do."
With that, the bullying stopped. Eventually, Justin stuck to me and became somewhat like a little brother or someone who's helplessly reliable to a point. We became close friends.
And life somehow got a little better.
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