《Into The Guardian's Gate》Chapter 08 - Catastrophe


"Nigo, what's going on?" Ejiro asked in a confused voice, he was so shocked that he couldn't think straight.

"Concentrate on yourself, I'll fill you in later" Nigo replied with a tranquil tone.

Zara who had just witnessed the scene before her, heaved a sigh of relief. They might have not escaped their predicament, but with the strength of the experts present, their survival was imminent.

The four experts flew to the Section Elder. They stopped at about a hundred metres from him, due to the power radiating from the section elder and the star meteorites. They all bowed their heads slightly in respect, before the eldest of the team moved forward and asked "what are your orders great Elder".

He has a very rigid face which is riddled with scars at the sides. His hair; black and his eyes dark. Just from looking at him, one could only imagine how many life and death experiences, he had encountered over the course of his life.

He is also the strongest of the group, an expert at the A- tier of the Prime Domain. Though he spoke with respect, he didn't have any smile on his face. His name: Victor.

"You have not lost your decorum, that is good" Elder Tobi replied amidst the pressure pushing him back. . The pressure reduced tremendously because of the auras of the experts.

"Forgive us for not coming out sooner. We were unsure, if it was fitting to assist the Section Elder in this struggle. And besides, if it is too much for you, what can we who are weaker than you, accomplish?" The leader said

"There is no need for talk. I know you were sent to protect the guardian's son from the shadows, and I allowed you stay because of the urgency of the situation today" The Section Elder responded

"All I need you to do is, use all your power to hold off one of the meteorites, so I can activate the-!"

The elder stopped abruptly because something unusual had occurred. The Star meteorites were pushing him with a greater force, and it was increasing by the moment. It was like an external force was acting on it.

"Quickly! Help!"

"!!!!" Stunned by the sudden scream of the Section Elder, the experts released all of their User energy.

"Hold one o.......... off the meteorites now!" Elder Tobi said through his clenched teeth.

"Yes!" The experts responded in unison.

The group is made up of four experts in the prime domain. One in the D - tier, another in the C- tier, the only female in the group, in the B -tier of the Prime user domain.

Under normal circumstances, they won't be able to hold back an attack from an Expert in the S - tier of the Prime user domain. But stopping an attack for some seconds, would suffice for the Section Elder to activate the barrier.

The four experts looked at each other and gave themselves a nod, before moving into a square formation. They all raised their hands towards one of the meteorites and released all of their User energy.

Four Way Scarlet Shield Formation!

Their energies coalesced together, and created a red defensive formation of about five hundred metres.

The Star meteorites were about three hundred metres in diameter, so a Formation that large would be convenient.


The formation flew to the star meteorite at the left of the Section elder, to hold it in place.


The crashing sound of the Star meteorite shook the entire section. As the Section elder removed his User energy from it, the Star meteorite crashed into the formation


The star meteorite's movement came to a halt before the formation.

"Phew" Elder Tobi sighed in relief because, the burden had been taken from him. He furrowed his brows at the thought of what just happened. It was like someone was in control of the star meteorites. He shook the thought from his mind. Even though that was the case, there was no time to start thinking about it.

As the formation appeared, it blocked the pressure of one of the star meteorites from the kids, and zara was finally able to circulate user energy to defend herself. She stretched her hand to the air, and ice user energy danced on her hand.

Ice Blizzard Barrier!"

An ice blue light glowed before her and an ice blue barrier of three foot formed around her. She turned to look at Nigo and Ejiro, beckoning them to come.

With the reduced pressure, Ejiro was able to move, though with difficult, it wasn't impossible anymore. Nigo on the other hand wasn't feeling the pressure, but he just couldn't abandon Ejiro and join zara under her barrier which as bizarre as it sounds; he didn't need. He just wished he could ease the pressure on Ejiro, so he could move quickly.

Although straining, the experts were able to hold the star meteorites off completely. They weren't part of the United Allied Forces for nothing. All that is left now is for Elder Tobi to activate the barrier.

Elder Tobi lifted the artifact for controlling the barrier in front of him. But just as he was about to release user energy to activate it...


The force behind the star meteorite in front of him escalated. And due to his focus on the artifact, his grip on the star meteorite faltered and it pushed him backwards. The power didn't increase, but the force grew exponentially.


The fingers in his right arm broke under the growing force, mounted upon it. He didn't have time to heal his wounds as he focused all his might on the Star Meteorite, that continued to increase in force.

The section elder flew backwards for thirty metres before gaining his balance, but even with that; he still couldn't hold it back completely. He was still being pushed back, and the force increased with every passing moment.

At the same time, the four experts were being moved backward as well. Although no cracks had appeared on the formation, the force exerted on it was growing with every passing instant.

"Wh......what is going on?" The weakest of the group said as he clenched his teeth. He obviously felt the most pressure.

"The force just keeps increasing, and it is growing at a frightening rate" Lily the only female in the group said.

The force continued to increase and they were being pushed backwards, towards the school.

The leader of the group remained quiet. He looked at the section elder, and saw him not faring any better than themselves. He turned to his team and said "It's time we stopped holding back, else, we'll be putting Lord Guardian's son in danger"


"Senior, do you mean 'that'" the third strongest in the group asked. He has long black hair, which he packed behind him. He was not just handsome, he was also the youngest in the group. And yes! he was also a former member of the school, so he was more disturbed than any of his comrades. His name: Li feng

"Yes!" Senior victor responded

"Alright" the weakest said with crooked smile.

They all closed their eyes, their already chaotic aura becoming tranquil and then


They shouted at the same time.

Instantly, a strange but dense light was released form their bodies. It had different colours to each individual.

"What are they doing?" Nigo asked

"That's the legendary Spirit manifestation!" Ejiro responded with awe written on his face. He never knew that, he would be seeing such a user art today

The {Spirit Manifestation} is an art that allows the user, utilise their spirit energy to enhance their physical strength. At ten percent, no one in the same tier would be your match. At twenty percent; the user would be able to match those at a higher tier than themselves as equals. At forty; the user can fight those three tiers away. At sixty; fighting those in an entire higher domain becomes possible. At eighty, fighting those, two domains away, would be easy. And at one hundred percent; the user would possess unimaginable power.

Currently, only a few people could use the Spirit Manifestation Art. Ten percent was the average. At twenty percent, that person would already be classified as a genius, by forty percent the user would be seen as one in a billion prodigy.

Only a few, have been able to use the technique beyond this point. But with the boost in power, it doesn't have any drawbacks, as long as a person is alive, the technique can be used without hindrance. It is because, the spirit is part of a person and dwelled within them.

The leader of the group is at twenty percent, which means, he has the power of an S - tier Prime domain user. His spirit energy; giving a gold brown glow, signifying his Affinity of earth.

Lily, the only female, could also use twenty percent of Spirit energy fused with her liaison core, which means, she is as strong as an A -tier Prime domain user. Her spirit energy giving off an orange glow, signifying her fire affinity.

Li feng the same as the others in spirit manifestation, but his spirit energy is grey, with threads of green, signifying his metallic and plant affinity. But the the weakest in the group 'Kevwe' could utilise forty percent of his Spirit Manifestation. His full power; equal to that of a user in the A- tier of the Prime user domain. His spirit energy glowed with a red light but has strands of yellow in it, which signified his fire and air affinities.

All members of the United allied forces, must learn the Spirit Manifestation art, to at least twenty percent, which made it to become the most powerful force on earth. The members of the United Allied forces were prohibited from displaying this technique in public, except given the order by the guardian. This is a rule that was formulated in order to prevent, terrorists from having a rough idea of their full strength. But how could they not use it in this situation?

With the sudden boost in power, the kids felt a form of suppression that was different from the usual, because this suppression, was on their souls.

With the increase in power, the formation began to get shrouded in a blue glowing light, at the same moment, the formation grew thicker. The star meteorite before it, halted it's approach and the group began to push it out of the school range.

Noticing the changes around him, Elder Tobi screamed as he was still being pushed back "please, help me!"

"Go and help the elder I and kevwe would handle this" victor said, he couldn't let the star meteorite enter the range of the barrier.

"Okay" lily responded as herself and li feng withdrew their energy from the formation.

The force grew heavier, but it was something Victor and kevwe could handle.


Just as lily and li feng were about to leave, the force increased exponentially.

The group were being pushed backwards, the Section elder was thrown seventy metres in an instant.

Lily and li feng immediately started infusing their energy into the barrier.

The force continued to rise exponentially, and even the four of them were barely holding on.

The Section elder on the other hand, didn't even offer any resistance at all. He was being carried back to the school at a frightening speed.

He looked back and saw the other meteorite struggling to release itself from the Scarlet formation.

Cracks began appearing on the formation, and it was spreading.

Blood flowing from the side of li feng's mouth due to the pressure because, he is the weakest.

The Section elder, faced the meteorite which was pushing him, and his face grew tranquil.

Victor's face twitched. He looked at the approaching elder, and said "what are you doing!" he took notice of a bizzare change in the section elder's aura. There is energy swelling up within the section elder's Liaison core.

It isn't an increase in power that came without a cost. It is a forbidden technique! One that came at the cost his life.

'The Last Light of Purgatory'

The section elder didn't respond, he had made up his mind to sacrifice himself rather than allow, the school be destroyed, and people inside it to die.

With a force like this, the Star Meteorite would be able to destroy the whole section. So how could he not sacrifice himself to stop it? It is his duty! One that h's had always been prepared for.

He smiled. There was no greater joy than dying for the sake of the next generation.

Zara, Ejiro and Nigo all noticed the change.

They looked at him and screamed

"NO!" In unison

He was not just a section elder, he was like father, never treating anyone specially. He also never looked down on any kid, no matter the level of talent. And despite the largeness of the section, he knew the names of all students.

"Don't give up no matter what, there is still hope"

He would always tell nigo whenever he sees him. He also upheld justice and fairness to all kids. He was loved and respected.

So to him, dying for those kids was like dying for his own children.

'Last Light Of Purgatory!"


His energy exploded.

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