《Into The Guardian's Gate》Chapter 07 - Star Meteorites Fall (2)



The earth began to compress under the might of the descending star meteorites. The air grew stiff and even sound seemed to disappear. How could it move under the oppressive might of not one, but three star meteorites?

"Run into the nascent building!" Seeing the approaching star meteorites and experiencing the scorching heat of the raging flames, that threatened to consume everything in existence. Zara, who was a hundred metres away, screamed at the top of her voice but........ How could they move under such oppressive aura? Forget moving! even breathing was difficult. And yet, the star meteorites were still far away.

Ejiro turned to look at nigo to see how he was doing, but to his surprise yet again; nigo was faring much better than himself and even zara. He was not shaken one bit, despite the heavy suppression that radiated from the star meteorites. Ejiro was already racking his brain, thinking of ways to escape their current predicament.

As a cripple, nigo should have already died under such a heavy and scorching aura. But for some reason, he couldn't feel the suppression or the scorching heat. All he was worried about; was the user energy being radiated from the incoming meteorites.

It is because, what he was sensing; was an aura that far exceeded those four auras that he sensed earlier that day "Maybe my senses are just thrown into disarray because, I don't a liaison core" he thought to himself. He looked at his friends, he could move but from the look of things, they were under suppression.

"Gulp" zara swallowed her siliva to rehydrate her drying throat. Ice and fire were opposite in nature, and cancelled out each other. Therefore, she was in a very strained situation. Forget protecting herself with user energy, she couldn't even circulating user energy. The only way for them to survive this nightmare, was for a miracle to happen.


The nascent section building vibrated as an aura flew out of it. The kids looked to the aura, as the silhouette of a human flying out of the top floor of the building, materialised before their eyes. It headed straight for the incoming star meteorite, which was closest to the school. It's aura stopped mid way between the school and the meteor. It was then, that the kids saw the true outline of the human. The person is an elderly man with grey hair on his head. He wore a red robe with the symbol of fire, stamped on the his back. Though he had white hair, he still had a face without wrinkles. And from his body; radiated a calm but oppressive might. It is the energy of the prime user domain and he appeared to be in the late stages as well; at the S - tier of the Prime User Domain.

The faces of Ejiro and zara lit up because the aura was indeed a very familiar one. It is the aura of the Section Elder: Tobi .D. Ore

Tobi looked at the kids who were rooted on the floor. He had not left earlier because, he could still sense the auras of some kids within the premises. One at the Infirmary and three others outside the school building, and it was his duty to ensure every student left the school before he could leave the school, to join other top experts in moving the spoils from the star meteorites. But with one of the students in the infirmary, he wasn't ready to leave, so how could he send nigo and his friends home?


The old man shook his head. And turned to look at the meteorites that were heading his way. He furrowed his brows because of the power, he could sense from the Star meteorites.

According to Records, the star meteorites were all easy to destroy, even those at the King user domain could destroy one. So destroying three of them for himself; who is at the Prime User Domain, was an easy feat, but the power that was being radiated form this meteorites, were all equal to himself, which was absurd. No wonder the top experts haven't destroyed all of them yet.


He clapped his hands together and then.....


A fiery aura radiated from his body. His mighty user energy was powerful enough, to cause the blue light from the star meteorites to go slightly dim.

Flames danced around his arms alongside user energy. Though he was going all out, he tried his best to focus his aura only at the meteorites, and not the the kids. But despite his efforts, the kids still felt a little bit of pressure except nigo.

Elder Tobi breath in and his eyes flashed a red light. The silhouette of a fire gate appearing behind him. The gate was ten foot tall and scarlet red in colour, with the symbol of fire burning in the middle. Unlike that of kel, this flame was alive and burning.

The moment the gate appeared, the area around grew hotter. Even the atmosphere began to burn. And the earth, far beneath him was beginning to sink deeper as it burnt, due to heat radiating from both Elder Tobi.

It is a fire defensive technique that protects the user and also repels all attacks of the enemy; it is

"Great Inferno Armour!"


Elder Tobi breath out of his nose trills and the breath of fire, came out with it. The gate disappeared at the same moment.

Elder Tobi spread his arm towards the kids and a red barrier appeared. Covering the kids, because of the impact about to unfold.

"Huff! Huff!"

Zara and Ejiro tried to catch their breathes as the barrier covered them.

Elder Tobi focused his aura on the meteorites and tried to stop them, but he only managed to reduce their speed


Space around him rippled as he flew towards the meteorites. He stretched his arm that was covered in flames towards the closest meteor.

The gate flashed once more and

Fire Art: Flaming tongue!


Elder Tobi shouted as he released a flaming tongue that was similar to a whip from his arm.

Ejiro, Zara and even Nigo all looked up as their eyes widened in shock. It was because the 'User art' that Elder Tobi used, was one of the arts in the later stages of the 'Annals Of Flame Purgatory'. The art creates a flaming tongue that sweeps everything in it's path and burns them to Ashes. It is one of the User Arts at the 'SS grade' of the 'Annals Of Flaming Purgatory'. And with the Level of Elder Tobi's evolution, the technique would be catastrophic. This just goes to show that; he planned on destroying all the meteorites without leaving a speck behind, and he was going to do so quickly.



The spirit asphalt began to shatter as the Tongue of Flames grew. It grew for about three kilometres, covering the compound of the nascent section, as it flew towards the Star meteorites.


The entire section vibrated at the sound of the explosion. Such power was enough to destroy hundreds of mountains. The earth beneath vibrated and the heat spread. Even the stones that were flying in the air due to the explosion, were turned to dust instantly. Space trembled as ripples appeared across the collapsing space, the clouds gave way from the area around the explosion.

The barrier protecting the kids trembled violently and cracks appeared on it, like webs. The energy from the explosion, spread across the Flame Domain.


The walls around the section, began to collapse under the pressure from this collision of power.

After a few seconds, the explosion began to dissipate and smoke with dust, filled the air. The explosion finally calmed down, leaving behind a hole, which was about three hundred kilometres wide in it's wake. Zara and ejiro were stunned by the sight before them. However, nigo on the other hand was not shocked, because he had seen and felt, far more powerful explosions in his 'dreams'. He looked forward calmly and tried to find the silhouette of the elder.

Huff! Huff!

The elder began to breathe heavily. The Art required a large amount of user energy, and he had to pour a larger amount to increase the scale of power to make sure; not one Star meteorite is left after that.

His breathing began to relax, when he suddenly noticed something. Nigo and the others all felt it too. It was the approaching of two massive auras, and it was that of Star meteorites.

The eyes of the Elder shrank. He had thought; that using that attack would destroy all three meteorites but to his surprise, it only destroyed one and damaged the others.

He had used a large amount of user energy to use the Flame tongue, and he couldn't do it again. Although the speed at which the star meteorites were decending had reduced, its aura and pressure was still at eighty percent it's full power. Which means; he could not destroy any of the star meteorites.

"Tch" He sighed and thought of what to do. He looked up and smiled, it's because he has a plan.


The Great Inferno Armour exploded from his body once more, and he flew towards the star meteorites, leaving shock waves in his wake.

Elder Tobi stretched his arms forward to meet the star meteorites. He focused all his remaining energy into his arms


The sound that could make a person go deaf shook the section, as his hands made contact with the meteorites. His aim was to slow them down, so he could activate the barrier around the section. He was with the artifact that would enable him do that, at the same time, he couldn't let the star meteorites get within the range of the barrier.

The barrier should only be activated during dire situations, as it takes up a lot of resources to set up. But this was an event that threatened to destroy the section, how could he not activate it?

Once again, the Elder underestimated the power of the star meteorites, and he was being pushed back rapidly. In his current state he could hold one back effortlessly, but two were just too much.


Under the oppressive might, the barrier protecting the kids shattered completely. Nigo was unaffected by it, but zara and Ejiro felt the aura pressing heavily on them, although not as heavy as before.

The Elder turned to look at the school, as he couldn't hold on much longer.

"Are you going to let the person put under your care, die before you act?!!"

He shouted but there was no response from anyone

Zara and Ejiro looked at each other because they didn't understand what the elder was trying to do.

Nigo looked behind him and screamed at the top of his voice

"Show youselves!"

Zara and Ejiro grew more confused, they thought to themselves: are this two going mad because of our desperate situation? But.....


Suddenly, four figures flew from behind them, and surrounded nigo and Ejiro in a square formation.


The earth shattered at the robustness of their energies and user strength.

They all had the same dress code of; black military jackets and white pants. The moment they appeared, they all bowed to nigo and said

"Sorry for our lack of competence, we hope the young master will not take it to heart"

"????!" Ejiro and zara were both dumbfounded despite the oppressive might from the environment. They both gave nigo a questioning look. Just when they thought; today couldn't get any stranger, they were proved wrong.

"You thought I didn't know you've been following me?" Nigo said with a calm voice

"!!!!" The four of them jerked in shock, because they heard he was a cripplek and now, they had seen it with their own eyes. He didn't have a Liaison core, so how could he know of their existence? Not even zara or Ejiro, knew about them.

"Go and give him all your support, we are in a dire situation" Without waiting for their response nigo ordered them.

His words filled with authority and power! He might be a cripple but he was still the son of the guardian.

"Yes Young master nigo" They all responded and flew towards the section elder.

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