《Into The Guardian's Gate》Chapter 06 - Star Meteorites Fall (1)


United Royal Institute

Nigo finished counting and opened his eyes. He looked around him to see if his friends were close by. He was glad they didn't make finding themselves easy.

Nigo looked at the Nascent section building before him, and muttered to himself "It's time to try 'that' "

Nigo closed his eyes and tried to search for any nearby aura. He focused all his attention on his surroundings and to his surprise, the feeling he got was exciting. It is because; he could feel a faint thread of of two new different auras, different from the four he felt earlier around himself. And he still felt the four auras behind him. Nigo smiled, he started walking towards the nascent section building, in front of him. He continued following the thread of aura, that was closer of the two.

He moved into the hallway, and headed straight for one of the classrooms. The classroom is the eighty fourth, of the one thousand five hundred classrooms in the Nascent section.

Normally, locating someone in the building would take him hours to search every classroom, until he found the person. But right now, it was quite easy. Although he couldn't tell which of them he was heading to, he was still happy he could track their energy.

After some minutes of hurried walking, nigo finally arrived at the classroom and opened the door. He looked inside the classroom and saw zara facing the window. She was busy with her usual 'admiring the sun cause it's beautiful' routine, when she noticed him. She turned around in surprise, she was shocked that he could find her quickly.

"That was quick" zara said examining him, with visible excitement.

"It was quite easy" Nigo said with a smile on his face.

"How did you find me?..... because, without a liaison core, locating me this easily would be impossible" zara asked

"When i've found Ejiro, I'll tell the both of you" Nigo replied

"Ok, I hope it's not what I'm thinking" zara said, not intending to continue probing him.

They both came out of the classroom and stood in the hallway. Nigo closed his eyes once more, and opened it few seconds later. He began walking outside of the hallway.

Zara noticing what just happened thought: wait, what was that? What happened? Could it be.... No! That can't be it. She was suspicious and excited at the same time because, though she still couldn't sense nigo's liaison core, what he had displayed was similar to sensory. She was sure of this, because Ejiro was located outside the building in the direction nigo was headed. She held her breath following behind him, not speaking or distracting him.

Nigo walked outside the building. He continued moving to the left side of the building. He stopped before some ornaments and said "Come out, I know you are here"


There was no response, so nigo separated the leaves of the plants and saw Ejiro seated on the floor, meditating.

Zara who was behind him almost shouted for joy. She sent user energy towards Ejiro, and the later opened his eyes. He was shocked, to see the two of them there at such a time. It had just been some minutes, and despite the size of the nascent section, he was found this early along with zara.

He looked at nigo and said "how did you find me this quick?" he asked the same question zara asked earlier. They both looked at nigo, awaiting his response, hoping it was something good.

"Hehehe...." Nigo smiled before replying "I wanted you two to hide because, I wanted to try something"

"And that is?" Ejiro said in anticipation.

"It is-...."


A powerful sound reverberated across the school. It was so loud that it caused everyone to look up.


The sound came again. It was at this moment, they noticed it was not just the school. But every place in the capital and even the entire Flame continent, was experiencing it.


The sky grew darker, as a blue light covered the sky across the whole continent.

Ejiro, zara and nigo, who were in the midst of their chatter stopped talking. They looked at the blue light in the sky in unison.

"That's!" Ejiro shouted at the top of his voice

"It's about to happen" zara said, she started walking forward, to get full view of the sky because, the roof of the building obstructed her sight slightly.

She moved for about a hundred metres away from the boys, before she finally coming to a stop.

"Wow" the words of amazement escaped nigo's lips as he looked at the sky. The sun was no where to be found, and all that was left; was the beautiful blue lights that filled the sky. They looked like beautiful blue stars, dancing glittering in space.

"According to records; the star meteorites all fall at once. Not one earlier nor one late" Ejiro said in astonishment. He had forgotten he wanted to know how nigo found him quickly.


The sound came once more, but this time, more louder than the others. Nigo felt something jolt within his body, it felt like his soul was shaking.


This time, every denizen of the Flame continent felt a heavy suppression, on their liaison core.

"Wow, it truly is beautiful" someone said

"I can feel my liaison core resonating with it, despite the distance between us"

"This is the pressure of the star meteorites from such a distance, just imagine what would happen, when they get close"

"Would the absolute flame barrier be able to hold such a thing?"

"Are you doubting Lord Flame emperor?"


"Our flame continent is about to reap the spoils of this ordeal"

"We would rise in power....hahaha"

People said different things. But one thing was certain: They were all looking forward to it.

At this moment, every expert in the Flame continent began flying towards the sky. They all spread their arms and released their user energy from bodies. The pressure from this top experts of the flame continent, was so thick, that one could touch it.

When Ejiro turned to nigo to protect him with his energy, he noticed nigo was relaxed. It was like nigo didn't feel the pressure at all.

Nigo on the other hand was unaware there was any pressure, all he felt was the auras of the experts."They are reinforcing the barrier" he said casually.

The energy of the experts formed an orange light around the Flame continent, before disappearing into an invisible barrier. And then, the pressure stopped. They had completed their work but didn't leave their positions. They were prepared for any type of accidents.

Everyone looked on in anticipation and then


The star meteorites fell at once from the sky, they decended at a uniform pace, not one quicker than the other.

The moment it began to fall, the entire continent shook because, there were billions of star meteorites falling at once. Space trembled violently and the sky grew brighter as the meteorites drew nearer.


The earth and sky shook as the sound of impact between the barrier, and Star meteorites rang across the continent. The buildings and structures were shaken to their roots. From everyone's view, It was like an invisible force field, held back the meteorites from hitting them.

The sound died down. And at the same time, the meteorites bagan rolling off the barrier. They started falling to the ground around the barrier.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound continued for thirty minutes, as every star meteorite hit the ground, some falling into the ocean around the continent as well. Then it stopped. Dust covering the cloud around the barrier, before completely dissipating few minutes later.


As the dust cleared up completely, sounds of joy rang out across the continent. The denizens were both happy and proud of their continent's defensive prowess.

The barrier was deactivated and it disappeared without a trace.

"Phew.... That was incredible!" Nigo said as he watched it disappear.

"It was indeed incredible! All that's left, is for the experts to gather the meteorites, from around the continent" Ejiro said in agreement

"But, why can't I shake off the feeling of something being amiss?" Nigo said to himself.

"That shouldn't bother you right now. All that should be on your mind, is how to get a star flame, to awaken your liaison core" Ejiro said "I mean, with your status, getting the flames would be easy. It's just a matter of time"

"That's not the problem........ It's just a vague feeling of unease" Nigo said

As the two friends discussed, the top experts had already travelled to the borders of the continent at the speed of light. (Note: speed within the verse is ridiculous, so get used to it). They didn't have time to waste, because, the benefits were much. Therefore, only a handful of experts were left within the continent.

"Hmmm....... That's rather strange" Ejiro said looking at nigo, then he pondered and said "even with the vague feeling of unease that you have, there's no need to be dis-"


Suddenly, something abnormal happened.......Luminous Blue silhouettes filled the sky. And this time, although they were fewer, the pressure was far denser. It was something that had never happened before in history, because, the Star meteorites were Falling again!

There were about a million, but everyone could feel their skin burn, due to the scorching heat. The experts in the continent were shocked to their core, because the flames of the star meteorites were never hot to begin with, the were just dense, but had a purifying sensation. The reason for the use of the barrier was because of the explosion of energy, the star meteorites made, whenever they hit the ground. But this ones, were both hot and carried a purifying feeling at the same time.

The experts began rushing back into the continent but were already late due to the speed of the meteorites, which was equivalent to that of an expert in the mid stages, of the premier user domain.


The sound of the first three explosions of this abnormal star meteorite, shook the entire continent.

The barrier was reactivated but a large number of star meteorites had already entered it's range. The experts inside the continent began to fly towards the meteorites at full power. They released all of their user energies, creating powerful formations to defend against the calamity. Denizens of the Flame Continent were all thrown into panic by this abnormal turn of events.

Cries of pain filled the air, as many suffered severe injuries due to just three explosions. Millions were killed on the spot because of the explosions. The scene of the explosions were filled with burnt bodies. And those who survived lost body parts. In just the space of a few minutes, the Flame continent had lost three million citizens to the ordeal, and this was just the beginning.

The kids all looked at the sky with shock written all over their faces. It is because they all felt an abnormal heat headed their way.

Their eyes shrank to the point of needles because, three star meteorites were heading their way!

"Is this the end..." Nigo exclaimed

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