《Hazard Lands (Dropped)》Glossary
Characters (Main)
Profile #10473
Name: Nik Morris
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 5’7
Weight: 131 lb
Ethnicity: Classified
Family: Classified
Occupation: Private (World Nations’ Army), Student (Grinn Shai High)
Description: A brown haired boy possessing red eyes. He has a very capable brain that allows him to make numerous calculations at lightspeed. This ability has proven to be one of his greatest assets in being a first rate sniper. After being forced into a life and death situation, the character was revealed to have a demon sealed inside of him, called Limperus, the Overlord of the Abyss.
Profile #10474
Name: Jasmine Griswall
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5’3
Weight: Classified (never)
Ethnicity: Proto American
Family: Grand Griswall (father), Emily Griswall (mother), Hila Griswall (sister [deceased])
Occupation: Private (World Nations’ Army), Student (Grinn Shai High)
Description: A female with long red hair, with black eyes. She is the daughter of Grand Griswall and Emily Griswall, two apical geniuses who excel heavily concerning technology and sciences. Jasmine Griswall is the same as her parents, and also excels in technology and sciences. Along with her intelligence, Jasmine is skilled in close range fighting with a dagger.
Profile #10475
Name: Hudsonn Moulic
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 6’3
Weight: 193
Ethnicity: Proto Russian
Family: Barker Moulic (father), Diana Moulic (mother)
Occupation: Private (World Nations’ Army), Student (Grinn Shai High)
Description: A brawny and tall boy with black eyes and brown hair. Having been a part of multiple athletic clubs in his school, Hudsonn has grown to become a very tall and muscular person. His explosive strength is almost unmatched by most soldiers, but his endurance suffers quite heavily. His preferred weapon is a giant hammer.
Profile #4218
Name: James Lambert
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Height: 5’11
Weight: 158 lb
Ethnicity: Proto American
Family: Classified
Occupation: Lieutenant Colonel (World Nations’ Army)
Description: A blond, golden eyed male second in command of the Fenlei Military Brigade. Skilled both in Mysticism and mid-range combat using a pistol. A whimsical and laidback man, he treats his colleagues like family, but will be ruthless to any enemies. Due to his combat experience, various scars dot his face after several battles.
Profile #104
Name: Myers Brown
Age: 273
Gender: Male
Height: 5’8
Weight: 136 lb
Ethnicity: Proto Russian
Family: Classified
Occupation: Colonel (World Nations’ Army)
Description: An elderly man who has lived through World War I, II and III. Due to his terrifying experience during the World Wars, Myers was bestowed property of a Brigade, being the Fenlei Military Brigade. After being recruited by the World Nations’ Army, his aptitude for Mysticism was rated as high leveled in Air.
Profile #683
Name: Garret T. Loper
Age: 29
Height: 6’1
Weight: 184
Ethnicity: Mil American
Family: Hindon A. Loper, Jessica T. Loper
Occupation: Head Scientist (World Nations’ Army)
Description: A very muscular man who works as a scientist for the World Nations’ Army. His ethnicity, Mil American is one of the classifications for the Second Generation humans that were genetically engineered before the descent of the Third World War. Though he does not train in any martial arts, his genetic enhancements, and cybernetic enhancements that he had installed himself aid him heavily in combat. Due to these enhancements however, his aptitudes for Mysticism was heavily hampered.
Profile #65
Name: Grann Sone
Age: 46
Height: 6’7
Weight: 246
Ethnicity: Proto Canadian
Family: Classified
Occupation: General (World Nations’ Army)
Description: With a very powerful physique and unnatural charisma, Grann Sone has become the General of the World Nations’ Army, second only to the General of the Armies and General of the Military. He commands over the Mildr City Army Branch, working along with General equivalents from the other military branches. Along with his skill in hand-to-hand combat, he has been personally tutored by the Grand Patriarch in the arts of Mysticism, his aptitude being High Earth.
Profile #66
Name: Grand Patriarch (real name unknown)
Age: 394
Height: 4’5
Weight: 97
Ethnicity: Proto Asian
Family: Classified
Occupation: Head of the Mystics (World Nations’ Army)
Description: Even though he used to be part of the Asian continent prior to the World Wars, the Grand Patriarch had emigrated from his home country to the United States, now the World Nations in order to find a future. Living into his hundreds was an almost inconceivable idea in the past, but due to certain genetic disorders in his body, age did not seem to affect his overall health, aside from his appearance. In the Descent of 2020, the Gods were kind enough to allow him to become an Origin Mystic, and to this day, has become the most powerful kind. It is unknown as to what his aptitude is, but many suspect that it is an undiscovered element.
The world of Hazard Lands Revenge takes place in the year 2043. It is set in a futuristic timeline of Earth, and its prior history. I won’t be referring too much to the past and present (2015), due to my horrible grasp in our history, but there will be similarities between this novel and our world.
For the chronology, the novel goes from historical to sci-fi in July 3, 2021, when the Third World War was initiated by all of the superpowers in the world, mainly those in Europe, Asia, the Americas and the Eastern Countries, India and other powers. This was due to the amount of people that the Earth has been holding, an astonishing thirteen billion population. This was clearly over the limit that the world was able to handle.
Pollution was rampant, and the countries could not easily stop it. To stop this amazing growth in population, the previous countries I stated earlier waged war against each other. North and South America, and Europe created an alliance, being the World Nations’, Asia created the E.L.E.C State (Entire Last Endurance Coalition State) and the Eastern Countries created the Frozin Empire. As for the neutral countries, such as the Antarctic Alliance, founded in 2019 or the Philippines, they were easily absorbed by the three new Superpowers.
And so, in 2021, the three of them initiated a large scale war, which lasted for three years, ending in October 25, 2024. As for the results of the war, World Nations and the E.L.E.C State created a peace treaty, while the Frozin Empire remained hostile. The war had taken five billion lives, of both soldiers and civilian, as the Third World War did not accept the Geneva Convention as a basis for its ethics. It was a wild and rampant massacre.
In exchange however, as most wars had, the Third World War brought about many new innovations that people before the war could not even begin to imagine. Advanced medical treatments were developed, allowing soldiers who have just been ravaged by lead and metal recover at an almost impossible rate. Cities became the most secure strongholds as the military had build fortresses and metal walls around them. What brought about a much bigger change was the introduction of Mystics.
Mystics were actually introduced even before the war, but they were not as well known until they showed their powers in the middle of it. Waves upon waves of destruction destroyed armies, and flattened cities. In the Descent of 2020, numerous people, soldiers and citizens alike were touched by the hands of Mysticism and developed to become powerful forces. Aside from the World Nations, who saw their potential as a special troop, the E.L.E.C State and the Frozin Empire thought of it as heresy and as witchcraft. The World Nations were included as well, but after having had massacred 95% of the Mystics that they have found, they saw uses and thus recruited those who remained alive. The E.L.E.C State and Frozin Empire did not stop, and so their military were not able to generate a division of Mystics.
Along with the Descent of 2020, another event had occurred at the same time: the Scroll of Larac. At first, not many paid attention to it, due to the outrageous events that it portrays inside of its writing, yet many could not avoid but to carefully study it as well. Their instinct to study the scroll was correct, as the Scroll does not feature plain fiction, but shows events that happen in the future. It had predicted the Massacre of Mystics, the Third World War and its ending, and to the present, the Blood Rain. Only three copies have ever been found, one in the World Nations, one in the E.L.E.C State and one in the Frozin Empire.
A hidden side was hidden in the Descent of 2020 however. Only an exceptionally small collection of people knew of the hidden agenda, but there were still some. The Descent of 2020 did not intentionally create Mystics or even drop the Scroll of Larac onto the world. No. It truly was the Descent. The Descent of Gods and Demons. From the Abyss and from the Light, these supernatural beings were introduced to the world. They were then sealed inside multiple people along with those who became Mystics. Though the Mystics were given signs of being turned, those who had these beings sealed inside of them were not shown anything.
From then on, after the end of the Third World War, October 25, 2024 to the present October, 2043, the world was set to peace. Though the three Superpowers continued to have scrims every few months, no major battles were held. Due to this, the population continued to grow at an even more expanded rate due to the medical practices developed during the war. Now, the world barely contains a population of fifteen million people. This number was officially broken in September 28, 2043, which signaled the beginning of the Blood Rain.
The Blood Rain had first appeared on the Antarctic Continent, from an unknown origin. The people who lived in the Antarctic Alliance were quickly turned into mutated humanoids and now wander around the frozen wasteland, looking for prey. Soon, the Blood Rain had continued to spread at a steady rate, covering the entire globe in measly twenty one days. After it had fully covered the world, the animals, plants, humanoids and other mutated types were forced into a berserk state, attacking all the strongholds that the humans have held to this day.
Now, on October 19, Monday, humanity was sent into one of the Seven Tribulations it has to face.
Black Hole (High) – A high level Mystic that summons a black hole that temporarily sucks in all sorts of matter with an astonishing force. It first covers the user or users with a force field that will not be affect by the suction the slightest bit. The black hole will first appear and expand at a slow rate, and once it reaches its max, the hole will shrink and disperse. If the user or users use up their lives, the black hole will once again rip through space and expand at a much faster rate, using the matter it had absorbed prior as fuel.
I [We] am [are] the one [nine] who sacrifice(s).
I [We] cannot destroy but I [we] can empty.
I [We] will let go and find the Abyss.
The Will of the Ancients reigns supreme.
Let me [us] bring the end.
Adamant Prison (Medium) – A Mystic spell that summons the chains that bound the one who holds the World, Atlas. Each chain is as powerful as adamantine, but can only reach out from ten feet, before running out of chain links. Though these chains are difficult to destroy, they do not have a long life, as they require constant energy to keep materialized. Unless one had an infinite supply of energy, then these chains would dissipate into crumbling dust. A normal Mystic would be able to summon five or more chains for at most ten seconds, but with unified chants, a group can summon hundreds of chains for a significantly longer time.
Since the dawn of time, he has held our world,
The bearer of the lands and the holder of the sky.
Atlas and the chains that hold you to servitude,
I [We] ask for your aid to seal this being!
Sin’s Gifts (Unique) – One of the Grand Patriarch’s unique spells, specialized in sealing Deities in order to prevent disasters from occurring. The spell has a lengthy chant and requires ample amounts of time and proper rhythm to even complete the spell, but it is proven to be leagues above ordinary Sealing Spells from Spirit Mystics. Should the spell be interrupted, not only will the Mystic die, but so will the deity being sealed. Do note that this spell will ruined the environment and might make others sick should they be within the environment.
Eat away this being’s sins, Gluttony’s Seal
Steal this being’s fortune, Greed’s Luck
Destroy this being’s soul, Wrath’s Destruction
Deny this being’s fate, Lust’s Temptation
Dream this being’s lost, Sloth’s Nightmare
Diminish this being’s destiny, Pride’s Reservation
Collect this being’s debts, Envy’s Touch
I seal thyself unto this vessel to be lost forever within your wrongs, Sin’s Gifts
Military Branch
Army (9)
Tiger Branch (Fangs) – Dedicated to those who lead the army as the vanguard, slashing aside foes like tofu with their broadswords. They face the most danger compared to all the other branches, but are the most essential battlers in head on fights.
Night (Crescent) Branch – Snipers are the most lethal troops available, capable of killing targets from hundreds of feet to even a mile away. The Night Branch is entirely composed of these elite soldiers, assigned to assassinate important targets or simply to kill/spot dangerous mutated.
Shadow (Skull) Branch – If the Night Branch is dedicated to those who kill from miles away, the Shadow Branch are those designed to kill from a few feet away. Equipped with a sword, dagger or other types of small to medium sized melee weapons, Shadow Branch soldiers are to kill important targets through subterfuge.
Guardian (Shield) Branch – Similar to those in the Tiger Branch, the Guardian Branch are those who lead the army as vanguards, but instead of focusing on massacring foes, they focus on absolute defend. Using tower shields made from the hardest materials on Earth and impenetrable armor, Guardians are like walking walls, capable of handling any type of damage.
Priest (Cross) Branch – Those in this branch are responsible for keeping soldiers alive through any means. Be it through Life-style Mysticism or through the advanced medicinal technology humanity has created, the Priest branch are the reason why casualties are kept low during battles.
Storm (Whirl) Branch – The Storm Branch is entirely composed of Mystics of all ranks and is the main force during large scale wars. With their skills, Storm Soldiers are capable of raining hell upon enemies with a few words. The only drawback to this branch is that Mystics are often limited by their capacity and often have to rest to recover their lost energy.
Library (Book) Branch – In charge of intelligence reports, enemy espionage and other types of intel gathering, the Library contains all of the data the Army has gathered. In addition to creating and gathering intel, the Library is also responsible for managing and posting any information and notices.
Engineer (Wrench) Branch – Due to the advent of highly advanced technology, Engineers have risen to become very important members in all branches of military, be it for their skill of fixing guns to planes, or designing new weapons to destroy the enemies. No matter what, the Engineer Branch is held highly and is crucial for a functioning army.
Crate (Box) Branch – Supplying soldiers and engineers is a job reserved for those in the Crate Branch. The Army does not discriminate against those who wish to join, and those who are unable to fight or are not well with technology, are placed into the Crate. The position may be looked down upon by others, but it is the glue that holds everything together.
Air Force ()
Marine ()
Navy ()
Ranger ()
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