《Hazard Lands (Dropped)》Chapter 8 - Healing


Hazard Lands Revenge

Chapter 8 – Healing

Any similarities between this novel with the real world, other fiction and events are purely coincidental.


--* Fenlei City, Fenlei Military Brigade Headquarters *--

Pain coursed throughout his body, as if hammers had smashed him to pieces. Tear of agony welled up in his eyes, yet there was no scream that came out of his throat. Nik planned on taking this miserable feeling by himself as he fiercely clenched his jaw. His body was stiff as a board, unable to keep itself down from the pain.

Broken bones, ripped muscles, bruised skin and even chunks of missing flesh. It was miraculous he had somehow survived through all the injuries covering his body. Teeth creaked from the force of his jaw as he bit down to endure the pain. Unable to persevere, darkness began to meander into his consciousness once again.


Two pairs of eyes stared at the young boy shaking in pain. Tears welt up in their eyes, similar to the one lying unconscious in the nursing bed. Jasmine’s body shivered, her teary eyes couldn’t hide her desire to go into the room and comfort Nik, yet she could not take any actions. Next to her, Hudsonn looked similarly depressed, but instead of desire to help, his eyes were covered by a thick layer of determination. It was the determination to get stronger to prevent more of his friends and acquaintances from suffering.

The two of them had been informed recently that their parents were accepted into Mildr City already, due to the Griswall family’s connections and Hudsonn’s parent’s luck. Relieved that their family’s had survived, excluding the poor girl’s sister, the two of them did not want to experience the feeling of lost once more. Tears of sorrow and determination streamed down, as resolute lights glowed inside their eyes.

Behind them, the Colonel stared at the three individuals, one crying from pain, one from care and one from sympathy. He had already prepared the most advanced medical technology and the best medical team in the Headquarters, yet they could only partially ease Nik’s situation. Though without his help, the boy would have died hours ago, he could not prevent the agonizing pain from stabbing into the boy’s body. Even the most powerful of anesthetics could not stop the horrible misery.

For now, they could only wait.

“Colonel, the evacuation has been complete. We’ve begun transferring supplies over, which will take at most 18 hours,” a soldier reported after saluting the Colonel.

“Alright…” the Colonel replied solemnly. He doubted that Nik’s condition would recover within a week, much less within 18 hours.

“If he doesn’t recover within that time however…” a chilling feeling suddenly ran down his spine. He could not bear thinking about the repercussions he would face if he does not recover.


Sharp black lines suddenly erupted within the unconscious boy's skin. His body jerked and shook as the lines gradually spread out on his frail looking body. They inched their way everywhere on his person; like parasites, they crawled and spread, unstopping. Trails of tears kept running down his face, but this time, instead of salty waters, crimson red created likes down his face.


“Shit! The seal couldn’t keep it in! Pentagram formation, prepare a Five Point Seal!” the Colonel’s face was covered in fear. Previously, as time had passed, Nik’s body was rapidly healing underneath the doctor’s eyes. At first they were very hopeful, thinking that their patient’s almost broken body would heal just like that within a day. Who would have thought that the Demon sealed inside of their patient was the one responsible for the rapid healing.

The other two were sent back to their own rooms to be locked away to prevent them from running into the Nursing Area

Inside the room however, the boy they were worried about was laid down on the floor, surrounded by five people. Strange symbols, similar to the snaking black patterns were etched on the ground. Candles were placed around in a strange pattern; their purple flames flickered constantly, casting an eerie glow on the snaking patterns crawling in Nik.

Five voices intertwined and echoed out through the dimly lit room. Violet flames rose to the air, flying around the group and licking Nik’s frail frame. Wherever the purple dragons and black snakes touched, massive hisses sounded out, joining the chanting voices that lingered.

Slowly, the black tendrils grew smaller and smaller, as if they were retreating back into the boy’s body. Not before long, they were almost completely gone, except for a circle of ink in the middle of his chest. The five surrounding him were breathing haggardly, as if they had just run a marathon.

“For now… we’ve temporarily sealed it…” one of them spoke, his voice sounded ancient. The Colonel nodded, yet his eyes could not hide his worry while staring at the inky circle.

“That is?” he asked.

“As I’ve said, we’ve sealed it only temporarily. If the seal breaks once again, that circle will spread and we won’t be able to stop it,” he replied. As he did so, the five of them stood from their positions and began to walk out, one by one, their purple robes trailing behind their backs. As for their identities, only the Colonel knows.

“Temporarily huh…” eyes stared at the unconscious boy; worry once more began to permeate. With a sigh, the Colonel left the room.


“How is he?” Jasmine’s voice sounded out, as she stared into the room behind the glass. She was back once again, staring at the unconscious body inside.

“With his recovery speed, he’ll wake up within an hour or so. By then, his body would be completely healed,” the nurse replied. Though as she said those words, she still could not bring herself to believe them; having had personally witnessed the extent of Nik’s injuries, she was almost certain that the boy would take at least a month to heal. She never would have expected that within six hours, not only the his life become stable once again, but broken bones, ripped flesh and crushed organs had already begun to recover.


She did not know however, that his monstrous regeneration was the result of being possessed by an unknown supernatural being. After all, even though she had seen the strange mark on his chest, who would suspect that it was a demon sealed inside of her own patient. Similarly, the doctors paid no heed to it, and kept doing their best to repair the boy’s injuries heal faster.

Satisfied with the nurse’s answer, Jasmine smiled lightly, relieved that she won’t have to witness another one of her friends die an unfair death. With her conscience clear, she walked back towards her room looking for rest.


Inside of one of the many spacious rooms in the Underground Shelter, a fairly large teenager was covered in layers of sweat. Weights were placed on top of his muscular body, heavy metals were being lifted and lowered slowly by his massive arms, and springs coiled around his legs, threatening to pull the man down to the ground.

Only a monster could withstand this type of training, yet a young man was able to endure it all. As for whom this individual is, one could easily see the large amounts of determination in his eyes. Ever since Hudsonn was forced away from Nik’s room, he had indulged himself in this type of training. Without resting, he lifted massive weights that could easily smash a normal man into pulp, placed restricting vests of weighty packs of material and coiled springs to his legs to strengthen his balance.

If Jasmine was a lord in flexibility, speed and endurance, Hudsonn could be said the King of explosive power. And now, he’s currently making this dangerous weapon into even more of a lethal aspect of his body. Not for the sake of simply getting strong, but for the sake of being powerful enough protect the ones he truly cares about. Being swiped aside like a doll by the wolf had thoroughly broken his pride just like his bones. And while one can easily mend bones together with advanced technology, one cannot easily repair broken pride.

Only by proving himself to be powerful enough to be deserving of that pride, will he be able to redeem himself of the humiliation that he had suffered. Even ignoring this humiliation, who could guarantee that he would not be humiliated once more in the future? Making up his mind, he had begun this monstrous training to quickly gain the power he needs to protect.

Magic? Mystics? Oh my! (a script for a satirical, yet educational show) (A.N. I’m definitely not sorry for this script)

Hello and welcome everyone to our National broadcasting, bringing happy smiles to your dark and gloomy world! Ever wondered how in the world you still even have TV? Or maybe why you’re even alive right now, considering the fact that tens of millions of monsters are right outside of your doorstep? Well, look no further, because today, we will explain to you about our Military’s top secrets concerning their soldiers! Not so secret now eh?

Well, to start it off, our World Nations’ soldiers are not your ordinary average people who were just given some training and a gun with mountains of ammunitions to fight off those mean nasty villains outside. No, not only were they supplied with those, but they were also given opportunities to become a God amongst men. A Magici- ahem, a Mystic! Now, I know that most of you are so very skeptical of this claim, but trust me! We may be a satirical show, but we still make you learn don’t we?

Anyways, a person’s adventure in the military of today is quite standard, aside from the whole murdering masses of monsters. Receive training, receive merits, then somehow make your way up and get promoted! Then you just rinse and repeat! Except you don’t. You see, when a recruit becomes a Private First Class, (don’t ask me how you can get there, I don’t know), ahem… When a recruit becomes a PFC, their superiors are required by their superiors to let the recruit take a test.

It isn’t an ordinary test however, as it is a test of Mystical Aptitude! Spooky! This test usually involves an actual Magician to probe the recruit’s body for any aptitude towards Mysticism. If they come up with no or horrible talent, then the soldier is sent away to another Ordinary Military Branch. If a recruit has only mediocre talent, then they are only provided simple methods to grow their talents, until they reach their limits. They are usually kept as Mystic soldiers responsible for coordinating with other Mystic soldiers to create waves of deadly magic.

Now, those who possess high or unparalleled talents are taken in as disciples by Origin Wizards. For those who don’t know, Origin Wizards are the ones who were initially bestowed powers by some unknown power. From then on, those recruits grow up into beautiful chicks capable of using destructive weapons that could mostly wipe out cities, like the one you’re currently inside of! So good luck citizens, don’t piss off any soldiers, or else you might provide your neighbors with some great barbeque!

Moving on, our next segment is how to cook mutated safely! Stay tuned citizens!

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