《Treachery Lurks》18. The Road to Millarno
"Herin... My daughter. Stay safe alright. Make sure to trust Ser Devon. He's going to be there for you to protect you. Please promise me that you'll not leave his sight." A woman in her early forties with dark blonde hair sobbed and pleaded.
"I promise mamma! I can't wait to see the architecture of Deorum. It's fountains, arches and towering white walls! I can't wait to make new friends."
"She'll be fine Serin! Our daughter is strong and intelligent. She gets that from you." Her father quickly added some platitudes to her mother. But it wouldn't be enough.
"You sold Herin to that lecherous drunkard! How could you!" She paused to huff and promptly covered her face with a silk made fan. "Don't even say it. Don't you dare say it..."
"Say what, honey?"
"For the past week you've been telling me. Over and over. That we should be 'grateful' and 'honoured' for our daughter to be married off to a duke's heir." Serin spat and gravely frowned. "I'm just as ambitious as you Lons. But this is too much! I would've preferred Herin to be engaged to a baron's son not him." Unheard treason were uttered from her mouth.
Herin looked over towards his father as he squirmed and shot a series of nonsensical platitudes to further placate her mother. It just seemed to make her more annoyed the more he spoke. Worried that her mother is going to yell and explode, Herin quickly intervened to the delight of Lonsdale.
"Mamma please don't yell. Pappa did what was best for our family. For the Hunstman dynasty. You always tell me when we break our fast that we must treasure our duty to the family. Please allow me to do mine."
Her mother softened her gaze and held her daugher's chin and raised it. "Well said. Now leave us and say your goodbyes to your siblings."
She quickly walked towards the twins and ignored her mother's outburst.
"We're going to miss you sis!" Anders and Sarah simulatenously said. The twins looked down at the ground and pouted. They didn't like how their elder sister was going to leave them. Life would be boring without pranking her. Jealousy also gripped them both as they wanted to go to Deorum too. The hyper bunch weren't satisfied with Grey city alone. They wanted to explore the rest of Haften and the rest of the world.
"I'm going to miss you Anders. You too Sarah. As much as I hate your nasty pranks. I think I'll miss them." Herin grabbed both of them one by one and lifted them. She also quickly flicked their foreheads in jest.
"Ouch! Why'd you flick us!?"
"Because you both deserve it."
"Because you didn't attend your lessons. I was going to help out on your court etiquette, and imagine how upset I was that both of you missed it. Where were you guys anyways?"
The twins looked at each other and stiffled a giggle before fidgeting and twiddling their thumbs. "None of your business!" They both held their tongue out in defiance.
"That's not a nice way to send Herin off." A young man in his late teens interrupted them.
Quickly, the twins turned their heads and ran to their older brother's direction and hugged him in the waist.
"How was the battle like!?"
"Did you get to fight monsters!?"
Herin couldn't help her self shaking her head. Sarah, I keep telling you that monsters don't exist.
Erdin visibly stood frozen and shooked and shivered. He quickly reined himself in and stared at the twins with cheer and delight. "I was able to defeat hundreds of monsters! I swung and swung till they were all dead! The battle was won when we were standing on huge piles of their dead!" Erdin indulged them and was met with high pitch cries of merriment.
Herin noticed the way his brother stood. She noticed how he swallowed and gulped. As if trying to hold something inside. I hope he's alright. I heard from several of my teachers and men at arms that battles aren't like the way they're told in history books. In those books, battles are full of numbers. There's always no personal recounts of what battles are really like.
The carriage lurched to the side and woked Herin up.
"Sorry milady. Ther' was a rock that I didn't see. A hundred apologies milady!"
She waved at the driver and told him that it's fine.
A few days of travelling and I'm now starting to dream about my family. Looks like I'm already home sick even though I'm nowhere close to Deorum.
I hope Del and Yuna are doing fine. They should be able to carry on with their lessons without me.
A sudden knock at her carriage-door alerted her and asked who it was.
"It's me Herin. Open up."
Of course its him. At least he bothered to knock this time. The first time, he rudely barged in at a moving carriage, no less! I thought he was a robber and screamed. Herin blushed in embarassment recalling his future Duke and maybe husband. She opened the door and saw the blond haired youth expertly dismount from his moving horse and stepped inside the carriage.
"Damn. It's a bit... Hot and stuffy in here." He pinched his nose awkwardly and coughed. "Maybe you should open the windows a bit more often."
How about you leave me alone. You're rude bluntness is improving at the very least, and Baron Hensfield deserves my thanks. But, you trying to be polite just makes things worse! She turned her head to hide her gritting and grinding her teeth.
She quirked her face to a smile and thought of a fitting rebuke. "Your grac-"
"Seirun, I would like to apologise for the smell here. A river is nowhere near here and thus I can't bathe. Looks like you also haven't bathe for a few days Seirun." She pinched her nose back at him causing the Duke's heir to stifle his laughter, and fall back and take a seat opposite her.
He coughed again.
"Umm. It's only a few hours of riding towards the south. Towards Millarno. I heard from Erdin that you like to ride horses?"
He actually talks to Erdin. He probably has balls of steel to be able to speak to him like that. Come on! Either, Seirun is too oblivious towards Erdin's passive aggressiveness or he notices it and stomachs it. Hmm. He seems to be quite perceptive. He probably does notice it... Hmm...
"I've just woken up Seirun. I'm a bit dizzy, so give me a few minutes and we could ride in advance."
The young man beamed at her and nodded happily. "It's fortunate that you know how to ride horses! Most sons of courtiers disdain horseriding and prefer carriages." He snorted in disgust and clenched his fist.
"The Huntsman family always prides itself on it's member's martial ability. While it is unladylike to wield a sword but there's always something so graceful about mastering a horse to your will and ride about. The freedom to go where you want at a fast pace!"
"Exactly! I've found a kindred spirit in you Herin." Seirun excitedly raised his fist into the air and grabbed Herin's shoulders. He then hurriedly turned away, hiding his reddening cheeks.
Looks like he's not a traditional, conservative man; I've always imagined a duke's heir to be. That's very reassuring. Herin smiled back at him and noticed her dizziness fading away.
"Thankfully, I'm not wearing my dress -"
"Really? That looks like a dress to me. Too fancy and... Spacious?"
Please stop interrupting me.
"It's my riding leathers your gra- Seirun. It's 'spacious' so I can be flexible when riding about." Her smile slightly crooked but the young man opposite her didn't seem to notice.
"Whatever you say. It's been a few minutes now. Want to go riding?" Seirun impatiently asked.
"We need to wait Seirun. The carriage has to stop and may interrupt the wagons behind us."
"There's no need for that. I tied the horse into this carriage. We should be able to get on him whilst moving."
Goddess be with me. This sounds way too dangerous and reckless. But, I feel rebuking him now will just spur that fool even further. Bloody attention monger! I probably should've kept quite about my love for horses. Now he's planning to impress me. Herin mentally sighed and gulped which removed a lump from her throat. Hmm... Maybe I can take the horse for myself and force him to ride behind me. Herin mischievously plotted and mentally laughed. Her previous sense of danger replaced with humbling a wayward young man. My friend? Future husband? For now; a cocky friend that needs to be humbled!
She rustled her riding leathers and ruffled her skirts and swiftly opened the door and signalled the horse towards her.
Seirun watched with curiosity and apprehension. He reached out to stop her but Herin was too fast.
The young woman grabbed the reins of the horse and stepped into the stirrups and hoised herself up. She quickly turned back into the carriage and delighted her self with a shocked blond man staring right at her. She grinned back at him and positioned the horse closer to the door.
"Well get on. There's more room in the back!"
The strucked young man slightly hesitated but continued forward and slung himself behind her. He didn't know whether to admire or be annoyed with her. He was always very proud of his horsemanship and thought he was the only one that could do the maneuver. He was proven wrong today. By a woman at that. 'She mentioned she didn't know how to wield a sword. Maybe... I should 'teach' her how to.' Seirun thought to sooth his wounded ego.
Herin looked back and tilted her head and smiled. "Your suprised that I could do that?"
"A bit my lady-"
The young man bit back the irritated retort. "I thought I was the only one that could do that. Most peop-. Actually, all of the cavalry men at arms don't practice it because an accident could cause them a leg." He finished but not before giving Herin a withering glare. "You could've seriously hurt yourself my la- Herin."
I'm thankful for your 'concern'.
"I'm perfectly capable. It was your idea to do it in the first place."
"I've never said that you were going to do it first! I was... Simply worried about - "
"Worried? Worried about me getting injured or your pride?" Herin didn't bother to look back and swiftly drove the horse to the side avoiding a collision with an incoming caravan. I shouldn't have said that. But, it's a bit... Interesting teasing him and listening to his outburst. He should've never 'implied' that I stink!
"Listen! I will not be interrupted again! Even those lowborn don't dare!"
"And I'm lowborn. Am I?"
"Compared to me you are! So listen to me and don't stop me from speaking again. You clear?" Seirun demanded imperiously.
Herin responded by rearing the horse to its hind legs. Seirun shocked by what's happening quickly wrapped his legs around the horse and clung on to Herin's waist.
"What in Allure's eternal void was that! I would've fell and broke my back!"
"Pfft! The horse was nearly standing in its two legs. If you fell, it would have been on your feet not your back. I hoped you would've landed on your feet. Considering that you're a master horseman..." Herin looked down and cheekily slapped his wrist from her stomach.
Seirun quickly withdrawn his hands and mumbled. "That- that's right. I think... I would be able to land on my feet."
Too easy.
"Then, what was the fuss earlier? Was it not fun?"
The Duke's heir wisely bit his lower lip and didn't respond with an angry retort, when noticing the glances he received from the caravan and carriage drivers.
"It... It was fun."
Never mind. It's not easy to placate him. I thought I knew him enough that he would take kindly to compliments to his skills. Perhaps, I was wrong. But, he should really tolerate harmless jests a bit more.
"Then I see no harm. Let's ride ahead and meet with Ser Devon."
I was suprised at first that we had a knight in our service. Ser Devon. I could still remember the way he pushed that guard away from me! I told pappa all about it and had the guard flogged. She silently harrumphed. Ever since then I pressed Ser Devon to protect me and both mamma and pappa agreed.
They trotted ahead of the procession and spotted a lone horsemen.
A helmetless knight gently stared back at them. At her. She noticed his ginger hair with a slight tinge of red. His muscled jaw and cheek bones quirking a respectable smile, covered in a well kempt light brown beard. Piercing blue eyes alternated between the Duke's heir and her. His, soul inspiring, gaze then returned to her.
Herin looked back and observed the fuming blonde boy and resignedly sighed.
"Your grace and my lady... It's a suprise to see you both here... In the same horse?"
"His grace has given me a unique opportunity to display my horseriding skills, Ser Devon. I await his constructive feedback."
"You interrupt me then dare to speak for me!-" Noticing the indignant stare from the Hunstman knight, Seirun heavily gripped on the saddle and grinded his teeth. He sighed and softened his gaze. "I'm impressed about your horsemanship my lady. Your feat that you've shown me should've put your ancestors to shame. It seems to me that you have an amazing potential to learn my lady. Perhaps, I could teach you how to wield a sword?" Seirun grinned and formed his noticeable rictus smile.
Herin sensing the trap quickly replied. "Wielding a sword is so unrefined. It's not suitable for ladies like me. But, if push comes to shove, perhaps a knight - " She casted Ser Devon pleading looks, "-will help me."
"I will do as my lady orders."
"Why not from me? I'm the best swordsmen in the Duchy! I fought in a battle and lead troops to victory!"
"Sometimes the best of the best don't make good teachers, your grace." The dutiful knight kindly rebuked the fuming young man. "Sometimes, people are just too good and they can't comprehend how the people they're teaching can improve. I think your just too good, your grace."
Seirun raised his face causing his frown to disappear. "That's... That's not true. Ser Elvaughn is the best! Even better than me. Yet he's still able to teach me and help me improve!"
"You're simply in the same level as the Hero then your grace." The knight couldn't help compliment him sincerely. He has heard the rumours about the prodigy, and he has seen it. His arrogance is well placed and nobody but the Hero of Almagh can correct that.
They continued to trott forwards and Herin couldn't help her eyes rolling continuously. She was tired with the conversation happening behind her back. Swords this. Swords that. By the sound of their conversation, If I was attacked right now then I would be completely safe! Her mind took her back to the lustful guard. Perhaps, I should learn to wield a sword. To protect myself from that! And the ungrateful brutes that attacked Yuna!
Eventually, a towering red wall loomed over the horizon. Towers spiralling towards the sky stretched as far as the eye can see. Beautiful crenalations graced the walls, and an endless flame engulfed each crenalation, which made the walls more visible. More intimidating
Those torches must cost a lot of money to maintain! Not a suprise considering the Duchy of Florencia is ruled by the Medici family. Pappa would always scoff and ridicule them for rising up as a ducal house, by bribing 'thousands of mind addled fools'. I remember him always complaining about sending 'polite' letters to 'those damn bankers.' 'Nobility shouldn't associate themselves with banking' he always says. The only ducal house with a duchy not named after them... She regretted not able to recall why that was. I should ask Lord Alex.
She squinted his eyes and saw several banners. The most prominent banner she saw was a coat of arms. A coat of arms depicting five red balls patterned as a spear going downwards. With a blue ball at the middle top. Must be the crest of the Medici house. She squirmed whilst observing the reception they were going to get.
Herin shooked her head and tried to forget what his father said. I'm already prejudiced towards them thanks to pappa! I should try to befriend them at the very least. I must project the might and power of house Hunstman and our liege! She turned back and saw Seirun's disinterested face.
"Not as impressive as the gargantuan grey walls of Grey city! I've heard from Alex that a bunch of lowborn bankers managed to oust the previous dukes centuries ago and took control of the city."
"They're dukes! A ducal house! They're equal to you! I don't want you calling them lowborn again!" She screamed and panicked, and suddenly remembered her father's lessons on diplomacy, and the unsavoury events relating to it.
Seirun had the rarest moments of humility and gulped. He blanched as he saw his future wife's cutting glare.
"Perhaps we should head back towards the procession and summon Baron Hensfield to correct your manners, your grace." Herin stated without expecting a retort and swiftly turned back the horse.
She looked back again at her betrothed and smiled in satisfaction. Looks like we won't suffer a disastrous diplomatic incident. She wiped cold sweat from her forehead and called for Baron Hensfield.
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History’s Strongest Senior Brother
The first time Yan Zhaoge crossed worlds, he landed in a martial warrior civilization that was at the peak of prosperity. He ended up in the book storage building of the the Divine Palace, which collected and preserved the classics of the entire world from all fields of knowledge. However, a world class calamity struck soon after and even the Divine Palace was destroyed. Yan Zhaoge’s soul once again crossed over, but this time he arrived in the same world, except countless years have passed. With his brain full of rare books and classics from the era of peak prosperity, Yan Zhaoge’s second crossing over to the present era was like a gamer who was used to playing hell mode suddenly finding himself playing the game on easy. That was just way too awesome. But before that, he needs to fix a certain problem. “I’m not a main character? In fact, I’m actually the the main character’s love rival and the antagonistic Mr. Perfect senior martial brother? This script is wrong!” PS from author: ‘History’s Number One Founder’ is already complete with 4.6 million characters, I welcome you readers who have favourited and fed my book until it became fat to enjoy this book as well.Thank you for reading updated History’s Strongest Senior Brother novel @ReadWebNovels.net
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To Play With Magic
My name is Alexis Everette. I'm the only daughter of Earth's greatest hero. My dad is a normal man, but he's still my greatest hero. While he may be normal, I can bend the elements to my whim and have power over space and time. Of course, that's who I am at the end of the story. There's a lot I have to go through to get there. And even with all the power I gain... The world ends on a Tuesday. ... This is currently a completed story arc, though it's not the end. New updates are starting March 28, 2022. Actively updating. Mostly on Mondays/Thursdays. WARNING: FLAWED MC and not great early writing. Edits are on the list. ... *LitRPG-Isekai start with a return to Earth to stop the System apocalypse goal. Still a first draft, but with a bunch of edits from you guys thrown in. Thanks for that. Guaranteed updates on Monday and Thursday. This story is only available on RoyalRoad and my Patreon. If you find it anywhere else, please reach out to me. Thank you. Old cover provided by Asviloka. She's also does werds!Current cover provided by Fuyudust. Old synopsis "Hi, my name is Alexis," I say into the camera, as I attempt to calm my nerves."And I'm Sab," I hear my best friend add from beside me. It's good to have her there, it's been far too long."I'm trying to focus," I tell Sab as I look into the camera. Will anyone even watch this?"What, just cause I didn't get sent to another world, where magic and dragons are real, I don't get to be a part of this?" she questions me. I can hear the hurt in her voice. I wish she'd been there. Things might have been... different. I can't believe I thought it was a game. If it had been, she'd have been the better choice."I said I was sorry. It's not like I knew I was going to be kidnapped by the system," I lamely apologize. She deserves more, but this is important."Coming soon, to an earth near you," she might be making light, but I can hear the fear in her voice."It's not funny Sab. It really is coming," I can't help but reply to her words, even though I know she didn't mean it."Come on Lexi, it's a little funny." she tries while chuckling nervously."Sigh. Look, can we just get back to telling them?" I ask, pointing at the laptop."Sure, but first you should show them some magic," Sab declares while waving her arms around."I told you. It's not that simple. I only showed you because you could tell it wasn't fake. They'd just think it was special effects," or come after me to try to lock me in a basement."Yeah, well they're not going to believe you anyway. It sounds pretty crazy, even to me. And I've seen what you can do," she proclaims. I didn't think it was that special, but she was super impressed by my magical abilities."Maybe, but I have to try. We don't have much time," I state as I stop the recording, before starting a new one."Hello, my name is Alexis," I pronounce, projecting as much confidence as I can at the little camera."Remember, the world ends on a Tuesday."
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