《Treachery Lurks》17. Failed Plans
The sun was out in full force with no hint of cloud from miles away. Birds sang and bees buzzed across the well cut and intricately patterned garden. A gazebo overlooking the miniature lake housed a man brimming with anger.
Horus crushed and burnt the message he got. His plans burning away like the message. Never to return and be unburnt. He balled his fists and winced whilst holding his scream. Months of planning, months of scheming and years of conspiring gone. Regret replaced his anger and asked himself if it was worth it.
He wanted to leave the Empire right then and there. He panicked and was worried that Duke Albrecht will find something on him and report it to the Emperor.
His breathing hastened and heart beat accelerating; he tried to recall what motivated him to commit treason and burn down the Empire. He contemplated whether to risk his life and continue with treachery and treason or flee and end it all. No! I can't do that. Not now. But...Years of sacrifice and no results came out of it. Is it worth it? He anguished and planted his face on the table.
Is it worth it?
A raging battle burdened his mind and wanted a way out. He called for the servants to serve him his favourite cake and Lichtofen buttered ale.
Maybe not... What am I even doing it for? As if a lightning, divined by the Goddess herself, struck him; he quickly whirled about. Remembering... Fire. His family burning away. His father's last words to him. The cries of his brother and sisters. The wails of his mother.
He swiftly chugged down the buttered ale to help ease his depression. Not the best way to remember my family's death I must admit. What must they think up there that I remembered them over a cheesecake and ale. He grinned and slammed his empty goblet down and laughed. Servants around him scurried about in suprise and quickly bowed and left him.
'Horus! Our family is screaming and dying. Do you know why?' Horus' father calmy asked. Despite the terror he's witnessing, he couldn't break down. Not yet. He must tell his son, and he must tell everyone else.
A young man with light brown hair and with reddening eyes and cheeks kneeled down on the ground. Not believing the disaster in front of him.
'Dad we must save them! Mom, Berta and Ed! we must save them!'
The ageing patriarch spotted soldiers with the Imperial's flag as their livery and promptly tackled his son to the ground.
'Da-" His mouth was covered by his father's hand resulting in endless muffling.
'Keep quiet Horus.'
The soldiers marched on passing by bushes and trees.
Horus in his early teens watched on with curiosity and glanced at his father. 'Dad what was that? Why didn't we ask help from the Emperor's men? Why did they ignore our manor being on fire!'
'Because they're not here to help us. They're here to kill us. Under, Harvet's orders no doubt.'
The starry eyed youth pointed his muddy fingers at the raging inferno covering their house. 'Why does the Emperor want this? Why is he going to kill us!? ' He demanded and got a quick stern gaze from his father.
'Our 'Emperor' is not the real emperor. He's not our liege lord. I've gotten some intel about Harvet and he's a pretender. He doesn't come from the house of Lollensollern. He's nothing but a bastard son. Conceived from the previous Emperor, my dearest brother, and his heathen whores from the east." His father growled at the last bit. His pious soul couldn't comprehend how his eldest brother got bewitched by heathens.
Horus listened with rapt attention and for the second time of the day, his world collapsed around him. He remembered Emperor Harvet's wisened gaze as he stared upon his court. He remembered his just and fair rulings. The reforms he has made which averted a famine. He knew the Emperor was just, wise and learned man and cared for his subjects.
I don't give a damn about him being a bastard! He was a good ruler! And we're still kin. We're still cousins! He stared listlessly towards his father and his mind stopped working for a second. He was confused. Confused at whether to sit and sulk by the tree and lamenting his family's death or punch his father till he's half dead.
'So I plotted for him to be removed. He's half heathen and not even a devoted Allurion!' His father spat in disgust.
'So you put my brother and sister and mother at risk because you couldn't handle our Emperor being a heathen?'
'Boy! Don't you dare speak to me like that! It is our duty as nobles to ensure the Divine Social Order, ordained by the Goddess, be enforced and protected. His existance is a stain on our Empire and an insult to our hierarchy.'
'Who gives a damn! You killed them! -' He furiously pointed at the burning house and trembled in rage. Horus was confused. He always knew his father was a pious and stern man that follows the rules fervently. Anyone breaking the rules is fair game in his mind. But to allow his family at risk. His mother and siblings at risk.
He stood up and went to his father and abruptly grabbed him by his collar. 'You killed them! All because you have a stick right up your ars-'
The proclaimed Patriarch of House Lollensollern mustered his strenght to slap his son right in his cheek.
A sudden biting chill graced Horus right cheek and nose and immediately lost his grip and stepped back from his father.
'I will not be disrespected by my own son!' He boldly strided in front of his errant son. 'I will also not be disgraced by my nephew who mistakenly claims as our emperor. I refuse to.
'Horus... We have a duty to step up. To step up and take our rightful place as Emperor.'
'You mean for you to be the Emperor.' He gritted his teeth and soothed the stinging sensation.
'Don't interrupt me or this time it'll be a punch!'
A rustle in the bushes alerted the both of them and they stood still in fearful anticipation.
'Your majesties! Thank Allure you're both alive! Please come quickly. Harvet's men are nearly upon us.'
Thankfully, a group of loyal retainers found them and hurriedly rushed them to a carriage. The carriage sped away with energised mares galloping in full speed. Escorted by men wearing the red eagle insignia to seperate themselves frm Harvet's men.
Unexpectedly, dozens of arrows were loosed from both sides of the roads which quickly killed several men.
Horus ducked down and was suprised to see his father laying right next to him. His throat pierced by an arrow but due to sheer will managed to make his last words known.
'Avenge... Your mother, Berta and Edward.' He struggled to whistle his last words but his heartbroken son heard it all.
Horus took another swig of refilled buttered ale. I think that was what my poor excuse of a father said. At least he had the decency to not say 'Avenge me' or 'retake the crown' .
A man clearly well beyond his prime entered the gazebo. He pierced his gaze towards the slightly drunken brown haired young man. He sighed in disappointment and seated opposite him.
"Why is his Majesty drinking in the middle of the day?"
Horus briefly looked up and put his goblet aside. "Oh, Gawain. Nice to see you here." He burped loudly.
"Just remembered some things in the past. That's all."
Gawein softened his gaze at that. "Your father always said that you should always stride forwards. No matter what obstacles you encounter."
"Well my father was a shit man. He risked us just to fulfill his ambition."
"You know that's not true Horus."
"Yeah, yeah. He's all stern and stuff. Fair... And just. Always for the rules. If you were against law and order then he'll hunt you down. The 'Empire's Enforcer', those peasants said about him.
"Yet I remembered him showing no ounce of regret when he saw his family burn to death. He probably once said 'Duty over family'. Never heard him say that but that's exactly what he is."
The ageing man frowned making his already wrinkled face, potrude out. "Ceres loved you. He loved you all. He may have his fault but - " He quickly stopped speaking realising it's futile to talk to an intoxicated young man.
"W-What w-were you going to s-say?" He loudly belched again.
"Nothing. How's the news in Leidorf?"
The rightful Emperor suddenly sobered. "A bloody disaster. The Francian soldiers failed to crush Ser Elvaughn and the army you organised in the east has also got destroyed."
Gawein sighed and pinched between his eyes. "Have we been found out?"
"I don't know. Considering Yusely is not immediately telling the 'Emperor', I think he doesn't know. Oh and we're not being arrested."
"Good. This means Arthes is doing his job properly and I don't think Duke Albrecht even has a spymaster. We got lucky with this monumental cock up."
"They could've won against the Hero if you didn't divert a thousand men to the east!" Horus slammed his hands on the table and imperiously glared at his subordinate and 'father'.
"Please do calm down your majesty. This is not like you." He paused to stress his point. "I've made connections to the east. There are potential allies to your cause."
"For a price I presume. Do they seek me as a puppet. To control the Emperor and the biggest country in Haften!"
"Maybe your majesty. But they won't control you for long if we succeed this. We failed the previous one but we'll try again to put you back on your throne."
Horus scoffed insidiously. "You know I don't want the thone. But I'll take it to avenge my family."
The ageing man ignored that and continued. "I've made contacts to the Kingdoms of Pozan and Bohemos. If our situation is dire, we could call them for support."
"What's this got to do with the east?"
"The lord there, marcher Baron Surman, has no heir. His family also died out in an unfortunate accident."
The young man winced with empathy at the unknown baron. "Your doing I presume?"
"No. It's a lucky coincidence for us but I'm not responsible. But, their deaths are very suspicious..."
"With his death, marching through that 'Trapped' forest will be easier then? But, you neglected one major fact Gawain. What would the rest of Allurion nobility going to think if I brought a foreign army to reclaim my thone. Everyone from prey to predators, snakes and eagles in the Imperial Courts will unite against me!"
"I'm disappointed that you would think us incompetent your majesty."
"Don't be coy with me! Spill what your solution is!"
"Me and Arthes have been busy swaying numerous people in the Court of Governance and Intrigue respectively. I can't speak for Arthes so I'll speak for myself. I've revealed your secret to several people in the court of Governance. I've provided them proof and they should be steadfast as these people were your father's vassals once."
"Good. Good. If you continue this and build up my support then perhaps my ascension won't be full of blood. This is a better alternative than relying on bloody lowborn. What compelled me to put my trust on them!" They looked quite trustworthy and willing! Their zeal to win. I could see it in their eyes. It's a shame they failed. Perhaps if they won, I could've ask for their surrender and pardoned them.
"Your majesty, didn't you once say that they were destined to lose. How can you put faith on them when you didn't even believe they would win." Gawain twerked his eyes in confusion.
"I didn't expect them to lose within one week!" He bellowed and raised his fist to the air. "My plan was to disrupt trade within the Empire and cripple it's economy. Hopefully, less money for 'Loyalists' to spend on food and feed their armies. And we could usurp the crown and use our armies to defeat those peasant heretics. Commiting treason and acting as the hero at the same time! But now it's nothing but burnt up ashes." He stared at the burnt parchment beneath him.
"We wouldn't have this problem Horus, if we rebelled ten years ago. You could've won." Gawain looked at his adopted son and blinked.
Horus cleared the lump in his throat. "I was grieving. I was in no mood at commanding armies."
"You liked Emperor Harvet didn't you?" Horus' adopted father skeptically glanced at him.
"Who didn't like him? Everyone did. Going up against him would be like climbing a mountain. We would've died with shortness of breath before reaching the peak!"
"His armies were shattered dealing with the Francian heresy. Several of his vassals suffered succession problems due to it. The peasants were ruthless after all. They may be lowbown but they sure know how to use a shield and wield their horses like a spear. They didn't even ransom, they just killed. We could've stand a chance of beating him."
"It's not the time for regrets 'dad'. I didn't rebel then because I didn't want to. I'm planning to rebel now, bloodlessly if possible, because I want to."
'I don't get you sometimes Horus. You talk about avenging your family alot but do nothing for ten years against your family's killer. And 'bloodless'. You seem to favour those heretics a little bit too much. At the end of the day they're nothing but commoners with no wealth. It's only obvious they'll steal it for themselves by pillaging and killing the people they sought to 'liberate'.' Gawain ironically thought. Even after ten years of fostering the youth, he still couldn't understand him sometimes. He seems quite intelligent, wise too considering he listens to me and Arthes alot. He stopped himself giving his son a few curious questions. 'He won't answer it anyways. Though, his sympathies towards the people below the order will hopefully garner him some goodwill.'
A hooded dark haired man, just a few years older the Horus, briefly stepped into the gazebo. He unhooded himself and bowed.
"Arthes, no need for that. You'll just confuse the servants. Now come and sit. Oh! I forgot to ask if both of you want some beverages."
"Your majesty, I would like to take up on your offer. I would like some buttered ale if you wouldn't mind." Arthes cheekily grinned at the old man.
"It's the middle of the day! How are you two drinking already?"
"Would you like some dad?"
His foster father huffed and shook his head. "No. Arthes anymore news?"
"Good news actually. The heir of Leidorf is coming towards Deorum. He's set to join the court of Intrigue."
Horus ears perked at that and was puzzled. "Why not Governance?"
"Yusely - " Arthes growled his name "- has connections with the Duke it seems."
"That would explain how no one 'helped' him." Gawain regretfully said.
"It seems everything is going wrong. At this rate I won't be sitting on my throne."
Arthes hurriedly spoke. "You could try to befriend his heir your grace. I've covered our tracks quite well and all the leads lead to the 'Emperor'. Hopefully, this'll cause a rift between the Duke and him." He chugged the goblet of ale and burped in satisfaction. "I also heard that he's a man of fine taste."
'A drunkard then.' Gawain grimaced in thought. 'And leads? Didn't the Duke have no spymasters? What's the point of forging leads when it will just be ignored?' "Arthes, didn't you say that the Duke - "
"That's an excellent suggestion Arthes! Perhaps I could sway this...-"
"It's Seirun, your Majesty."
"Seirun fellow. Maybe become friends. Better than sulking in this damn gazebo! And a man of fine taste you say?"
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