《Treachery Lurks》19. A Medici Reception
Alex huffed and straightened himself again as his carriage ran over a large tree root. He fixed his eyes on the book he was reading and tried to calm down. The roads south of the Empire needs a good overhaul and needs to be fixed. It's bloody hopeless. My arse is starting to get sore from this! Laid with packed dirt with layers upon layers of gravel, just like in Leidorf. It would be much more smoother that way. He adjusted his seating position for the upteenth time and gently soothed his backside.
The Baron continued reading his book. 'The Rise of House Medici' by Aston Sveglian. An indepedent scholar. The writing is a bit stale but at least it doesn't have shitty propaganda, parroted by the Medicis and their puppets. He continued reading and gazed upon the most important bits with fascination and admiration. Just mere merchants. Then bankers. Then barons, counts... Then Dukes. That's impressive. The fact that they managed to accomplish it in only three centuries and relatively bloodless. No violent overthrow or unlawful usurpation. He put his hands in his mouths to stiffle his giggling. Seirun is not going to like to hear this. I briefly glanced this piece of the Empire's history in his lessons and it's fun to see him speculate. Speculate about how the Medicis are a family of assassins, hoarders of treasures that made them rich and so on and so on. He just couldn't accept people rising in the Heirarchy set up by the Divine Social Order.
He looked out and observed the surrounding countryside. Dotted with stout log cottages and some stone houses. I thought Leidorf is the only one where peasants don't have thatched roofs above their heads. Looks like Florencia's commoners could enjoy red tiled roofs as well. He hummed and unconciously put his hands on his chin. No doubt that the Medicis are as affluent and wealthy as Leidorf.
His brainstorming was interrupted as panick and dread gripped him. Alex instinctively grabbed by his side where his sheathed sword would normally be. Rapidly, he stood up and ran across the carriage and grabbed his sword and unleashed it. He stared outside the window again and noticed two people. One was obviously injured in his left upper arm and walking with a slight limp. His companion walked beside him and helped him walk.
Both were dressed in plain, brown cloaks. Brown tunics. Brown boots.
He gulped in fear and was about to head out with his sword swinging at the obvious raiders. But, managed to stop himself and steadied his breath. Ten, nine, eight ... two, one. Much better. Now to analyse and figure out rationally whether they're innocents or bandits. I'm a sophisticated man of culture after all and not a brute that charges head first and asks questions later!
Baron Hensfield examined the plain clothed pair. He noticed that they didn't have those ridiculous shields. Though, those shields managed to bleed the levy halbediers a bit. They didn't have chainmail armour. No barbute helms and no surcoat displaying the overlapping three circles.
Thank Allure for making me calm down! I could've slain two innocent men!
He sat back down in content relief and let out a massive breath that he was unknowingly holding. I shouldn't be this jumpy! Seirun who's seven years younger than you fought with the halbediers and in the front lines! If that stupid brat can compose himself like an adult after his first battle then so can I. I think... His hands started to shake and accidentally recalled the brutal melee between the enemy horsemen. No, I can't! I'm not a prodigy like Seirun. I should probably punch my pride to oblivion and ask how he handles it. And prepare for a sarcastic remark from him.
"Baron Hensfield!?"
He was gladly taken out of his traumatising reminiscence by his liege's daughter, astride on a horse with a Seirun behind her. In the same horse. In the same saddle. In the sam-...
Lady Serin ordered me that if Seirun embarasses her daughter then I would report it to her. It turns out, Herin is already humiliating her betrothed. He smiled and chuckled and quickly forgot about the brown clothed peasants that haunted him a few minutes ago.
"My lord. We've riden ahead and spotted the magnificent red walls of Millarno. Also, a huge party that is going to welcome us is camped outside of the moat, just after the drawbridge. They're displaying the crest of house Medici."
"That's only natural lady Herin. We are a prestigious host after all." Alex said whilst eyeing the blushing Seirun and continued. "Then why the rush?" Alex pointed at the neighing horse and recognised that it's been galloping for a while.
"Seirun here- " She gestured behind her and didn't even bothered to turn back, "- just mentioned the ducal house of Medici as lowborn. I would like you to correct him on that because he's not listening to me."
"I have no good reason to listen to you Herin! You're about the same age as me and not an heir, and because of that you didn't receive the same education as me, an heir!" The petulant boy angrily retorted and empathised and was made more furious after Herin ignored him entirely.
Its a good point. A good reason not to listen to his betrothed. Oh dear Seirun. Already not listening... His mind wandered to Lady Serin and he shuddered.
"I guess that would be my fault." He paused realising talking outside of a window was a bit awkward and gestured both to enter his carriage.
Seirun could easily do this. He forgot about lady Herin. His liege's daughter...
Shit. He was about to yell at the driver to a sudden stop, but was interrupted by Herin dismounting from the horse and stepped inside the carriage with expertise.
That would explain why Herin was guiding Seirun around. I'm being severely outplayed by children! He silently clicked his tongue. It's alright. None of them is a walking, breathing and living library! I can recall information at a point of use and I guess I'm a good painter... Bloody pitiful. Comparing myself to kids.
Seirun huffed and pouted and sat beside him whilst Herin sat opposite them.
"I've briefly lectured Seirun about the history of Florencia. Included about how the Medicis used to be influential merchants and married off into the cadet branches of house Florencia. Eventually, that house died off and history is a bit vague on th-"
"That's why they're a family of ass-"
"They're not a family full of assassins. Save your interesting conspiracies for later please. Real business now. If you called them that, then that would greatly insult them.-" Alex paused and pointed a finger at the recalcitrant young man,"- You're used to a sheltered life where you're on the very top of the ladder. Now is the time that you're no longer in the top, but in a level playing field. Do you understand why?"
"Of course... They're a ducal family like ours. But... Their duchy is not named after their family name."
"They're still a ducal family and that's all it matters." Herin rebuked Seirun which caused him to pout. Herin continued. "By the way, my lord, how does a family of bankers rise to be rulers of a duchy?"
Seirun quickly turned his head on his lecturer and noticed his eyes widening in delight, and hurriedly tried to stand up to leave but was interrupted by Alex.
"Seirun. In this speed, we would be by Millarno's gates in one and a half hours. Might as well listen to this."
The young man was conflicted but was persuaded by the extreme curious gaze coming from his betrothed. He rolled his eyes and positioned himself, as comfortably as he can, and rested his head to the side. 'An hour and a half of his ranting... I guess it's not as bad as the four hours last time!' He directed his gaze towards Herin and plotted. 'I'll have to help Ser Devon help you on your swords lessons...'
They're Dukes. Which means they're equal to me. Not yet, I'm only the heir. They're important. They may originate from lowborn peasants but they're no longer lowborn? I don't get it but I'll play along, as long as Alex and Herin stop sending me that look. Don't piss them off. What could go wrong? Exactly, nothing. Because, I'm the best.
The Leidorf heir readjusted his coiff and combed his hair then neatly dusted his green doublet. He fidgetted with his grey trousers and polished his shoes, then he stepped out.
He was greeted with an array of light brown soldiers with red and white stripes adorning their shoulders and upper arms. They wore a helmet that curved towards the top with a thin ridgeline down the middle. They hoisted the coat of arms of house Medici.
Five red dots with a blue dot. Seirun disguised his distaste with a smile and adjusted his look towards the Medicis. Most wore a black doublet with gold rimmed buttons and wearing a ridiculous hat with many feathers pointing out. Their ladies also wore a black dress with something stupid that puffed out their shoulders. At least they have a neat looking corset that accentuated their curves. What's the point of that shoulder thing on a dress? It looks a bit daft considering most of them are quite thin and petite.
"Your grace. Lord Seirun. It's an honour to meet you. My name is Giovagni and these are my daughters." The man with dark brown hair with a slight streak of grey, gestured to a haggle of ladies shuffling themselves through and approaching the Leidorf heir before doing a well practiced curtsey.
"Your grace, it's a pleasure knowing you. My name is Marie."
Seirun rapidly maintained eye contact before glancing at her chest. She seems well developed. Those rival the ones I've touched in those consort's houses. She seems to be the eldest and looks quite a bit older than me and Herin.
Two more daughters: came, introduced themselves and said a well rehearsed boring litany of platitudes. Seirun realising they're younger than him, quickly ignored and dismissed them. Not before showing his amazing manners.
A whole slew of introductions came and go and by the time it ended, Seirun can only remember two names. Giovagni and Marie. They look important. Well, Duke Giovagni is a duke. Enough said. Marie... Well, Marie is a very attractive brunette. Cute breasts that are complimented by a corset and with sharp green eyes. I wonder if Herin can age a bit more and wear a corset will she...
He continued to smile and shake hands and offering many, many platitudes. He multitasked and eyed them eagerly. The gazes that they shot, intrigued him. Stares of curiosity. Not disappointment. Not judging. And definitely not of disgust. He instantly made note of this pleasing and fascinating tidbit, and complained inside his head why the Leidorf courtiers are not like this.
The greeting ended without much excitement and he continued to smile. He endlessly smiled. 'Always remember to smile Seirun. It gives good first impressions! This is vital if you want to represent House Leidorf!' Alex said to me. So I'll continue to smile... Smile till this boring bit has ended.
He gestured his retainers to step forward.
"This is my fiance. Lady Herin Hunstman. Daughter of a Count and a Chancellor serving in my father's esteemed Court Counsel."
Herin gazed happily at him and curtseyed.
A slight murmur in the crowd was noticed by a suddenly disgruntled Seirun. He noticed the way the Medici daughters collectively sighed in disappointment and resignedly stared on. Duke Giovagni looked livid. He doesn't know why, but his intuition is telling him. My intuition, my stomach, is never wrong. Why does he look mad? Maybe he wanted one of his daughters to marry me? Is that why they looked shattered? Were they already captured by my masculine charms. I'm flattered but the Hunstman may be lower in the rank but they have a prestigious history. They were loyal servants when Leidorfs were kings! I would never marry someone descending from peasants.
Seirun with practiced grace then signalled for his lecturer and friend to step over and introduced him. After that, the long procession of caravans clogged the main gate to get into the city.
Now that the tedious and boring part is done, Seirun hoisted himself on a horse and trotted towards the Duke of Florencia's side.
"You have a lovely city here, your grace."
The old man, with a deep baritone voice , laughed good heartedly. "I'm sure it is, but it's not as impressive as Grey city."
No it isn't. We have taller buildings. Taller sunclocks. Taller everything.
He gazed around and looked further and pointed at a building. A marble statue of a man with outstretched arms, carrying a balance and his other arm carrying a ledger. "That's the bank that propelled us to power."
You should be ashamed that your linking your family to a bank! A bloody bank that gives out usury. I probably shouldn't say that out loud.
"The money made from that bank originally had one humble reason. To help merchant troupes and other businesses grow. And grow they did. They amassed amazing wealth and all of them can relate it back to our family. My ancestor, Clement, is a genius for coming up with it and because of that; he has made history." The proud Duke told him.
"He must be amazing. To grow that much with just a tiny expectation."
"Yes. Yes he was. Humility is a Goddess given virtue and if used right can give all a blessing."
Humility huh? I don't know if it works for me. People say humility is more sincere but I think not. I think it's more sincere to show off your talents, and show to the world about the ability Allure has given you.
"Lord Seirun, may I ask a question."
"Of course."
"I've noticed a peculiar happenstance about the amount of merchant and traders coming from Leidorf. I'm beginning to wonder, what has happened in Leidorf? News has been quite, unusually, rare from that area."
"My father did his duty is what has happened, your grace. A bunch of bandits thought they can raid our lands. They were mistaken of course." Seirun passionately said without any hint of deceit.
The Duke of Florencia still looked puzzled at that and dismissed it, and continued his conversation with the blond young man about his family's history and important buildings that came up.
Their conversation abruptly stopped when one of the guards came galloping by and ordered the procession to stop.
Stupefied and irritated by the guard's insolence, he was about to yell until he noticed movements from roof tops.
In a blink of an eye, arrows rained from the sky, narrowly missing the Duke and Seirun.
Seirun spurred his horse and rushed to a particular carriage.
Herin should be in this one! I'll protect her! She better say sorry after humiliating me!
All of a sudden, his horse lurched forward and buckled down and sending Seirun tumbling down.
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