《Superhumans from the Past》Chapter 8, Legend Has It - part 3


Master rallied everyone back inside the conference room with the new tablet he had taken personal possession of. Major Krodis was able to supply the heroes with fitting clothes. The Vorgoling uniforms were of various colors. Stargazer and Master wore navy blue skin tight space suits. They were not the padded armor type, but they were space worthy and helmets were part of the ensemble. Spot and Rat Bastard wore black suits, while Ghost’s was pearl white.

Master was the last one to enter the conference room with the new attire. “You guys don’t believe in long showers I take it.”

Gus looked at the young man and smiled. “Were we supposed to shower?”

“I know you took one Rat. You sing like a parrot.” Master stood next to Stargazer who had saved him a seat.

Rat Bastard laughed. “Good one, I’m make sure to sing louder next time.”

Stargazer smiled. “I heard you pissed off Commander Exleter.”

“I thought it was you guys, repainting the walls. But, I guess I did. What’s the occasion?” Master replied motioning at the saved seat.

“I want you next to me when I tell the Commander my plan to save the universe.”

“You have a plan?” Master pointed at him and sat, amused.

“Ghost told me you examined all of the military and star system information on the computer.”

Major Krodis sat in front of the group, listening to the conversation as well as the other members, all quiet and intrigued.

“Do you think you can mastermind a victory for the armada and rescue the queen?”

“So you think I’m like Captain Kirk?” Master replied turning his chair to face Stargazer.

“More like the Doctor, considering we have probably already traveled through time.” Rat Bastard casually said.

Stargazer turned his gaze on Rat Bastard in admiring thought, but answered Master. “You’re a genius who destroyed a cloaked enemy spaceship, and have us as assets that the armada doesn’t have at this time. Cassandra picked all of us for a reason, and well I’m asking a lot from you, but can you do it?”

Master turned to look at Major Krodis. Her eyes showed wonder, not of confusion, but of witnessing history in the making. Master smiled, “I will need complete access to strategic space battle history, current space assets, how subspace communications works, timelines in the armada plan of attack, engine technology, and anything you have on planet destroyers.”

“We will also need your fastest spaceship, and I want to know if it’s possible to broadcast a message to all star systems in the galaxy…” Stargazer looked at Krodis. “Something that won’t take years to receive.”


“Through subspace communication buoys and wormhole repeaters, messages can be sent across the galaxy in days.” Krodis replied. “As for a ship, the fastest and probably the only one within many parsecs is the transport, but I don’t know if it’s travel worthy, since the Bethers attacked the bay.”

“Bethers are those fire worms, right?” Rat Bastard asked having been briefly informed of the creatures during his time before returning to the conference room.

“Yes, Lord Rat Bastard. They’re robots more than anything else. They disrupt and absorb energy, but also leave numerous biological diseases in and outside of their bodies.”

“That explains a lot.” Spot said.

“Anyways, back to the subject. We will need to get that transporter working, along with a working battle center inside. Do you think we can get that done within the next twelve hours?” Stargazer asked.

“I don’t know Lord Stargazer since I’m not an expert in the fields you need. I do know who to assemble for that; but…”

“But you need Commander Exleter’s approval.” Stargazer stated for her.

“That’s correct.”

“Understood, in the meantime prepare to gather and execute what we asked. I will get the approval.” Stargazer said and turned towards Ghost.

Ghost nodded in approval and started to work on his tablet with great zeal.

The time passed quickly as they kept busy with their research and strategy, while the station personnel cleaned up the mess of dead Vorgs, worms, and continued the final evacuation procedures.

Commander Exleter entered the room alone and less irritated by what Ghost could tell. His prideful walk and straight face said otherwise as he stood next to Major Krodis who was at the position of attention. Stargazer stood up out of respect, as did the rest of the group.

“Commander, before you say anything, I want to let you know that we have a plan to save the universe, but we need your help.”

“Is that right? And how do you plan on doing that?” Exleter crossed his arms.

“The five of us will announce our legendary arrival to your galaxy and challenge Emperor Korvax and whatever forces he has. We will travel to the armada, help them win a victory, make our way to Arlos, have the armada attack Kalar forces, while we rescue the queen. By this time, all friendly forces will have united and assembled in Arlos, where we will defeat Korvax and his band of henchmen.”

“And you think that the Destroyer of Ordis won’t get in the way?”

“We will figure out a way to kill or neutralize him, long enough for us to rescue the queen.”

“And you think you can do what I fear the generals and tacticians will not be able to do with the armada that is out numbered four to one?”


“We have our own secret weapon.” Stargazer said. “And the element of the unknown.” Master added.

“What are you talking about?”

“We have my brain, and a PR campaign this galaxy has yet to see.” Master replied.

“You will place the future of the galaxy on a boy?” Exleter looked deep into Stargazer’s crystal brown eyes.

“No, we will all place the future of this galaxy and mine in the hands of Lord Master.”

“Do you think the enemy monsters and invisible spaceship was destroyed by accident, brute force, or a genius?” Rat Bastard interjected.

Exleter looked at Rat Bastard, then at Master. “No, you all saved the station.”

“Then trust Stargazer and this real master of war so that many lives can continue to live.” Rat Bastard softly replied, pointing to the boy.

Ghost smiled as Spot’s thoughts leaked into his head. ‘He’s a smart bastard too, go figure.’

“Lords, this station and its people are at your total disposal.”

Stargazer turned toward Major Krodis, and then back at Commander Exleter. “Here’s a list of what we need as quickly as possible. The longer it takes us to travel to the armada, the lower the chance of us getting enough firepower to attack Arlos.”

Exleter took the list and called for the department heads to report to him immediately.

Master finally got his chance to eat, with Rat Bastard socializing with anyone he could in the mess area. Spot also tagged along, all three lords inviting many questions about Earth.

Stargazer assisted in the repairs to the transport, learning much about space travel in the process.

The time finally came when Stargazer sat inside the transport with a fully functional battle table. The cockpit was linked to the battle table console and monitors which mirrored a starship bridge. The communication implants were placed in each of them except for Stargazer and Spot who used external ear pieces and audio transmitters attached to the inside of their throats. All commands Stargazer gave were automatically heard and executed in the cockpit and everywhere else in the transport.

“Commander Exleter, my helmsman tells me we are ready to depart.” Stargazer said on an open communication channel.

“Lord Stargazer, we wish you the best and will spread the word as you directed.” Exleter replied.

“Thank you commander… Helmsman, take us out and head towards the armada at maximum speed.” Stargazer smiled.

Ghost also smiled as he saw Stargazer’s delight in imitating a captain of a starship.

Master diverted the communication broadcast to all channels and amplified the output towards the Arlos star system. “We are ready when you are.”

Stargazer sat in the middle of the oval battle table, with his friends on both sides. The section of the room was bright, but the table was glassy black with a stellar map as a background. Stargazer looked at the main screen which was also the source of the camera view he was showing the audience.

“Inhabitants of Andromeda, I am Lord Stargazer leader of the Burik’dir. I and Lords Master, Rat Bastard, Ghost, and Spot are superhumans from the planet Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy. We have come to destroy the Kalar forces along with Korvax, and just in case some of you doubt our powers, I have included a video which you can examine on your own time.”

Master smiled, touched an icon on one of the table’s six consoles; displaying the scene of Spot shooting laser beams from his hand out into space causing the nuclear explosion which destroyed the Kalar infiltration cruiser, coming to an end as the three men flew and floated in mid air close to the bay entrance.

“The sneak attack has failed and the Vorgoling Station is safe and well. All Kalar forces, you will surrender and retreat to your home worlds immediately or face a far worse punishment than Ordis. As for you Korvax, you and I will meet very soon.”

The broadcast ended in blackness, Major Krodis and the Vorg crewmembers eyed each other with mixed emotions. Master looked at Major Krodis. “You disapprove?”

“Lord Spot didn’t destroy the cruiser.”

“Sure he did, and now the Kalar think we have our own planet destroyer like the Destroyer of Ordis.” Stargazer countered.

“So what are you going to do about the Destroyer of Ordis when he decides to fight you, Lord Spot?” Krodis asked.

Spot turned to Stargazer. “Yeah, what am I going to do?”

“He will fight me since I’m leader and probably assume I’m more powerful. Hopefully, he won’t be with the armada and we can get closer to Arlos before we do meet him. In the meantime, Master and I will think of something.”

“Well he’s right about being more powerful.” Rat Bastard turned towards Spot.

Spot smirked. “Everyone will fear or love me when I’m done.”

“That’s the spirit. You’ll need it when a thousand spaceships hunt you down once they get your scent.” Ghost laughed.

“Yeah, then he and Ghost will disappear and leave us up the creek.” Rat Bastard laughed along.

“Why are you laughing?” Master asked, confused.

“Because that’s what we do.” Stargazer laughed.

The Vorg crewmembers sat in awe as the Burik’dir joked about fighting against forces capable of wiping out star systems in a single day.

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