《Superhumans from the Past》Chapter 9, Legend Has It - part 4
Queen Cassandra’s Thorn Room, Planet Arlos
Stargazer’s broadcast projected above the entrance to the majestic room, once filled with hundreds of dignitaries and parliament workers. Now, it was a command center full of Kalar Soldiers. Their stone like bodies weighed on the polished conglomerate limestone floor marking their presence with many scoffs and scratches from their metallic-like boot soles.
Their skins were of various textures from light to dark rock and minerals. They were not bulky as one would think of when describing a rock, but mirrored a medium stature of a muscular human male. Each person had one primary type of mineral, recognizable by the skin not covered by military attire. The battle armored uniforms were all the same flat onyx color, making them seem like they were mimicking a colony of black Army ants. The room paused their war gaming as Stargazer spoke and the demonstration by Spot was displayed on a thirty by fifty foot projected hologram above the throne entrance.
On the thorn sat Emperor Korvax. His pure gold chair was imported, allowing for his ten foot stature to be accommodated. He wasn’t wearing battle armor and his alarsite skin was rare for a Kalar. The yellowish brown aluminum texture complemented his white diamond like robe. His eyes were also very unique almost rectangular in shape and glowed topaz blue. Different gems were implanted on his fingers, taking the place of eight would be rings. His quartz boots were trimmed with dime sized sapphires around the soles. There were no genitalia on the elemental Kalar race. A belt made of a silver alloy, boots, and diamond robe was his only clothing by any standard of modern civilizations.
He eyed the video and without any commands to his subjects, the image paused and zoomed in on Stargazer; then moved slowly towards the rest of the group as if he were memorizing their facial features.
“My Emperor?” Three mildly shorter Kalar knights knelt in front of Korvax awaiting instructions. They worn glossy black armored plates covering every part of their anatomy without restricting their movement. Their helmets were lightly spiked at the top with only their ruby red eyes exposed to the elements, leaving a smooth look throughout the head. Each had a unique weapon on their back, one a Great Sword design, another a crystal halberd and the last one had a bastard sword and short sword made of pure black diamonds.
“If Commander Paldar fails you will find these Earthlings and kill them.” Korvax’s deep base voice carried out to the entrance of the throne room.
“As you command.” The three Realgar Knights simultaneously replied and left the room without delay; everyone quickly getting out of the way, and returning to their duties in tracking the war.
Siglar Moon Base, Lakros Star System, 987 light years from Arlos
The massive dome covered twenty miles of livable space, with its citizens scrambling to prepare for the brewing storm. The war between the Kalar and Andromen Empires affected them greatly since they were a high source of minerals and chemicals for many races in the star sector. However, the warring ships had not made it to the star system, and what mattered most at the moment was the condition of the atmosphere, which was kicking up the worst storm in decades. The storm would buy them more time to prepare and hide any valuables. The inhabitants of the moon base were a mixture of all sorts of races and professions, mainly miners and engineers. The prosperity from the resource output made for a very sophisticated and state of the art type of lifestyle in space, the dome being one of many engineering masterpieces.
A teenager looked up at the standard I-MAX screen above one of the many plaza centers. Stargazer’s broadcast was loud and clear, and was received with mixed feelings. People left the eateries and stores, with still many continuing as if the broadcast was a paid advertisement. The young girl was messaging on her wrist phone at the time, but saw darkness at the corner of her eye.
She turned and jumped back as a black robed person stood inches from her side. Her legs froze, and her heart would’ve as well, but she needed it to continue living.
“Don’t be afraid, I won’t harm you.” The young man’s alluring voice calmed her as he looked at the screen which repeated the broadcast as reporters commented on the event.
“Who are you?” The girl’s curiosity caught the best of her as she saw Cyer’s handsome alien face.
“I’m a traveler, and would like to talk with you, if that’s alright with you?”
“I think its okay.” She sat back down on a short wall ledge next to a grassy garden area.
“What do you think about these Earthlings and the Kalar?” Cyer said as he sat next to her with is head turned to her, hood covering most of it.
The girl thought for a moment. “The Earthlings must be very brave and powerful to fight the Kalar all by themselves.”
“And you’re not afraid them?”
“I’m an orphaned girl, what good would it do to fear so many people who may or may not kill me?” Her pink eyes blinked slowly as she scrutinized Cyer’s face.
“What if you’re raped or enslaved instead of being killed?” Cyer scanned the girl’s body language and bio-chemical levels.
“My parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts all died fighting in the last several wars. There will always be good people fighting for me.”
“So you want to go fight in a war when you grow up?”
“Shouldn’t we all if there are bad people around?”
“What if I told you I was bad?”
The girl slowly reached out with her hand. “If you were bad, you would have killed all of us already.”
“What makes you think I can or won’t later?”
“You’re the Destroyer of Ordis.” She boldly replied.
“And you don’t fear me?”
“I wish I could do what you do; then I wouldn’t fear anyone.”
“That would be easy since I was created without fear.”
“So you are an android or something like that?”
“I’m a biogenetic hybrid of the most powerful beings in the universe; there is no one like me.”
“Did it hurt very much?” The teenager’s eyes widen, understanding erroneous basic genetic graphing and splicing methods.
“No, I was born as I am now.”
“I guess you wouldn’t want to be my friend then?”
“I don’t have any friends, but why would you ask me that?”
“Because you are so powerful and intelligent, how could I ever be there when you need me, if you ever do need anything from anyone?”
“Just because I don’t feel pain or fear, doesn’t mean I wasn’t programmed with emotions.”
“Really? So would you like to be my friend?” Her face brighten with joy.
“It makes me, happy, when I disintegrate self exalted beings.”
Pananthra’s smile straighten, but she touched his exposed hand. “It’s okay; I sometimes like it when bad people get what’s coming to them.”
“And what do you consider as bad people.” Cyer scanned the girl internally, down to the genetic level.
“Oh, I guess it would be people who care only about themselves, people who like to hurt others because they get some weird pleasure in seeing someone suffer. People who are very prideful and think they are better then everyone, but they’re not.” She paused for a second. “I guess those people who want to enslave people, making up stupid reasons to try to justify their own injustice.”
“That’s a very short list.” Cyer smiled for the very first time in his seventh month of life.
“My grandmother told me before she died. It’s easy to find bad in people, but it’s better to see what is good in those that are truly good. She said they just need a nudge in the right direction sometimes.” The girl held Cyer’s hand with confidence.
“What’s your name?” Cyer let her touch him.
“Pananthra, and yours?”
Pananthra smiled. “Cyer; I like it.”
Cyer looked around the large center and pointed. “Do you see that family dressed in yellow and brown garments, with the two children?”
Pananthra looked into the crowd and after some coaching, spotted the family. “Yes, I see them now.”
“Would you like to be part of their family?”
“What are you talking about? How?”
“We go and ask them if they would like to adopt you.”
“Why would they want to adopt me, they already have two small kids?”
“Are you going to continue to ask me questions or answer me?” Cyer’s tone became stern.
Pananthra looked at the husband and wife talking and smiling as they ate their lunch. “Yes, I guess I would.”
Cyer stood up and walked toward the family, holding on to Pananthra’s hand. The mother looked up at the very tall man and almost choked on her food as Cyer entered their personal space. “I have a gift for both of you. This girl is very intelligent and understands how to live a life that is destined to end in approximately three centuries.” Cyer’s body glowed yellow for a second with the black robe falling to the floor, ignoring his physical body.
The husband and wife jumped up from the table. The wife grabbed one of the children, and Pananthra grabbed the other seeing the fear in their eyes, being too far from the parents.
Cyer spoke loudly as if his vocal cords had turned into a megaphone, and walked away a few meters letting go of Pananthra. “Hear me people of Siglar. I am Cyer, the Destroyer of Ordis!” Cyer flew up ten feet into the air with an aura of yellow to white light around him; slowly rotating once for all the people to see.
“This orphan girl, Pananthra, is being adopted by this family. Pananthra has saved all of your lives, and all of you will bless her and her new family for the rest of their natural lives. Let it be known, that anyone who harms this girl or her family will answer to me and die. In like manner, Siglar will also be protected by me. Teach your offspring to remember this day. You are all witnesses, and I will never forget your DNAs, all seventy-four thousand three hundred twenty-three inhabitants! So I suggest you inform all of the people in this base!” Cyer floated down to the couple.
“Do not fear the girl. She is good, so you will love her. Do you understand?”
“We will do as you say.” The husband replied with relief, but yet concern.
The wife nodded, looking back at Pananthra gently holding their daughter. “Yes, we will be a family.”
Cyer flew in front of Pananthra. “I told you all you had to do was ask.”
“That was more of a command than a request?” Pananthra half frowned.
“Everyone here will make sure you are cared for.”
“Does this mean you will stay here?”
“No, I have other things to do in space. But, now you know I am your friend.” Cyer flew up silently and rapidly a hundred meters and instantly vanished as he warped out of the dome and into deep space.
Pananthra stared at the doom until her new mother softly gripped her hand. The girl looked at her new family and wept with joy.
The void of space was interrupted by thirty Kalar vessels many light years from Siglar. The flagship confidently raced through space, uncloaked with shields up.
The automatic alarm from the sensors jolted everyone into action. The battle technicians started their protocols trying to identify what set the alarm off.
“How many vessels?” The captain instinctively asked.
“Sir…” Before the technician could reply, Cyer entered the bridge as a very bright white stream of energy, forming into his physical body.
“I am Cyer, Destroyer of Ordis. I assume you command this group of vessels?” Cyer body glowed slightly, so that he could be recognized.
“Have you come to fight with us?” The captain asked, confused.
“No, I have come to tell you to order all Kalar vessels to turn away from your current trajectory and declare Siglar Moon Base off limits for the next three centuries.” Cyer floated in front of the main screen.
“We have been ordered to occupy the base and extract resources for the empire.”
“The base has been placed under my protection; you will meet the terms immediately.”
Three security guards moved close to the captain ready for battle. “You answer to the Emperor, and the orders we have, come from him.”
“You Kalar think that since the Emperor had a hand in my creation, that I must obey his orders. I agreed to fight for him, is true; but because of this agreement, I did not immediately destroy your vessels… Do you comply?”
“The Emperor will have your head, and we will not comply.” The Captain lashed out with contempt.
Two of the guards fired their plasma rifles center mass on Cyer’s chest. The energy dispersed throughout his body as if he were an unquenchable lighting rod.
“Your ship will be last.” Cyer lit up the entire bridge with a flash of light and energy.
Several of the bridge consoles shorted out; burnt beyond repair. The Kalars’ eyes were used to intense light, but all were temporarily blind. The crews’ visions came back to find Cyer nowhere in the room.
The main screen was black, but two small screens at the navigator’s console were operational. “Sir, the ships around us are exploding.”
The Captain rushed to the console only to see the second to last ship blow up in a nuclear ball of light while in warp. “Evasive action. Communications officer, send out a message to the Emperor about Cyer’s treachery!”
“Sir, our communications array has been disabled.” The officer replied as Cyer once again returned to the bridge.
Cyer entered at the back of the bridge this time and lased everyone except one of the battle techs. Eleven Kalar lay dead with partial holes in their chests except the captain who was decapitated. No blood was present, but there was residue of charred powdery sediments everywhere.
The slender tech looked around in fear, but quickly regained his cool.
“You’re wondering why you’re still alive.” Cyer flew and stood in front of him.
“Yes.” He stood at ease now accepting his impending death.
Cyer stepped next to the console. With dexterous fingers, he re-engaged the computer and internal comms. Energy pulsed through his fingers as he interfaced with the computer. “You are Captain of this ship now. You will take the ship and return to your galaxy. The Kalar cannot win against the Burik’dir or Queen Cassandra. You are the future of the Kalar. Do you understand?”
“We may not be able to make it back to our galaxy alive.”
“You will die if you stay in this galaxy; take the challenge for the voyage back. Or are you not a Kalar?” Cyer turned his face away from the console and looked straight into the tech’s emerald gem eyes.
“All hands. This is the Destroyer of Ordis. You will follow your new Captain’s orders and return home or face oblivion as prisoners or refugees in this galaxy. Your Emperor is doomed; your new hope is with you and your new captain.” Cyer looked at the tech. “Captain.” Cyer’s body glowed yellow as he flew out of the bridge as quickly as he entered.
The Captain looked down at the navigation console. The ship was already on course back to his home planet, ETA: fourteen or so Earth years.
Author's Notes:
Legend Has It chapter is finished. Any thoughts so far on the story are appreciated. Will have the next chapter finished and uploaded by tomorrow night if not sooner. Thanks for reading.
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