《From Human to Lizard In Another World, What Worse than That.》Chapter 5: Power Up
*Adventurer A POV*
*Few hour before battle*
*In the City of Cambia*
“We shall not let that ferocious creature keep on killing innocent people of this beloved city, as per today me as the leader of this city swear to you my dear citizen I shall exterminate that fouls beast before the end of the day” say the landlord, me as the intermediate adventurer interested in the quest that being ask by the landlord. “I can make easy money by joining this subjugation party.” Said to myself, but I realize that many other adventurers think as well as I’m, few moments after landowner speech in front of the city main gate there are many mercenaries, gathers and prepare themselves for the hunt quest.
The leader for this party is the captain of the landlord personal bodyguard, his age around 35 years old and his face has a beard and based on his look this guy full of experience in hunting down the monster. We took turn register our name in the list so we can claim the price later on after this quest is complete, from what I can describe this league consist of 10 forefront fully arms, 8 rangers, 5 mages and 7 healers. I very sure this quest will be an easy one, seeing such party that will be by my side in the battle against the king of the forest. Before we departure into forest, the leader step on the higher ground and asking for other attention, “listen here, I will briefly explain about our plan in this subjugation, first there will be four vanguard need to attract that beast attention toward them, then all the mage will focus to give heavy blows using magic, when that four vanguards cannot fight and tired other will switch in and at that time hunter will provide cover shoot and healer need to be divide into two group, one will focus on heal the wound and one more to focus on battle side, is that clear?” everyone scream to rise our moral after listen to captain plan.
“What will you do with the money?”
“I will propose to a woman I love and married her.”
“I will spend on beer and food after this.”
Those are the conversation from few people in the party, while we walking down the forest searching for the monster that will be our target. “Everybody stop moving” shout the captain from the front of the line, before I can react to that order suddenly I can hear the sound of thunder like coming from the top of huge rock on the left side, scare and afraid I try to look up and then I can see it, the monster size is huge around 7 meters the body is full of scar and it looks like ready to attack at any time its want, “formation ready!” shout the captain and everyone start go to their position like plan before this, eager to fight the captain dash forward first to gain it attention and everyone also follow the captain but that beast start to roar and most of the members can’t even move their body. The healer forms our party begins to cure our mental stage but seeing that healer group is in the way the lion opens its mouth and cast a [Flame Ball] magic toward that group of healer in order to eliminate them first.
“Your bastard, take this [Flash Slash]” attack from the captain, but it only manages to deal minor injury to that beast, now the captain has been separate from the group, looking at this opportunity the lion make huge jump and land near the member at the back, its plan is to kill all the weak member of the party first before focusing on the strong enemy. [Thunder Ball] [Flame Ball] [Earth Spike] few spell has been cast in order to deal damage but the lion is so fast and it can even dodge the spell from taking direct attack, after take down the healer now it focuses on the mages group but by combining power in people as vanguard and the cover shoots from the hunter, they manage to hold that lion until captain return to the party and fight together. Seeing the condition it’s been forced to be right now, the lion begins to roar much stronger than before and its fur began to change to red colour, “Unbelievable, its even has special skill” say one of the members in party, in blink of eye the lion make it move and stop, in that time two of our friend being cut in half, then the battle continues with the favoured side on that lion monster.
*Deus POV*
“This is not the joke, that lion totally strong more than I expected” said to myself, my first plan is to wait until I get an opportunity to strike that cat with my poison skill and kill that lion by myself, but after see by my own eyes how strong and smart that monster is I should reconsider my plan, what more I have Mia and Liza to be protected. I don’t want because of my mistake both of them meet their end at the claws of that monster. A few hours later, the battle has ended and not a single human able to stand maybe they all die in that battle, we are waiting for that lion to leave and seek for survivor to help, after seeing there is no more battle, that lion walk away and gone in the shadow of tree, “Now our chance Liza” said Mia, both of them go to the battlefield and look if their person survive in that battle. The only one that saves is the man that looks like in the age of 30 and full armor, I take he is the captain in that party, Liza and Mia carry him to the city to give him proper treatment.
I suddenly doubt myself, can I even win if I fight alone against that lion, what can I do to be able to close the gaps between two of us, as per today I don’t have to hunt because there are many adventurer corpses I can eat from.
*The next day*
Like always, Mia and Liza will come to my place but today their face is more serious than before, what happens to them. “We want to be stronger than this” said Mia and Liza only nod her head on, looking at my face still unsatisfied with their answer Liza open her mouth “In the party of subjugation yesterday both of our father join it and that lion kill them,” Mia has started to give tear while Liza keep on silence, I sympathy with the fate of their live and their father, I make sign using my tail to show that I agree to help them become stronger than before, after seeing them smile again we departure into the forest and begin our quest in order to become strong and repay our revenge on that lion, just it wait a little bit longer.
Our party is full of determination to become strong, so we began our mission by hunting and defeat any monster that we can find in the area. Several hours after the hunt, we manage to kill 10 Goblin, 3 Troll and 7 Hob-Goblin even though we manage to defeat many monsters in the area but the experience we get from them is not enough to make us strong, “if we keep up like this, it will take forever to us become strong” claimed Mia, Liza stay silence under the tree but judge from her face I sure that her also agree with Mia. Day almost end, Mia, and Liza decide to return to town before nightfall and I also plan to sleep early today because I need to be prepared for tomorrow hunt.
[Name: Deus]
[Race: Lizard]
[Class: Sinister Lizard] [Lv 47]
[HP: 150/150 MP: 50/50]
[Str: 101]
[Def: 115]
[Agi: 50]
[Lck: 12]
[Poison Bite Lv8] [Iron Tail Lv9] [Iron Skin Lv9] [Analysis Up Lv4] [Poison Split Lv9 Mp:3] [Poison Breath Lv9 Mp:5] [Paray Eyes Lv7]
[The One That Being Abandon] [Weak Lizard] [Curse Race]
Early in the morning Mia and Liza already reach the place that I take a nap, “Let hunt [Drunked Monkey] for today” said Mia, what is that, I never hear monster with name like that, “people tend to tell a story about a monkey beast that lives more than 10years and reaches the second evolve stage, they said this monster tend acting to be weak but actually very strong compare to regular monster here” Mia continues her stories. Listen to Mia story I body can’t stop shaking, it a good opportunity to boost my level up if that monster as strong as Mia claimed it’s to be, “should we reconsider that idea, it pretty dangerous task to do and I afraid that Deus also don’t wanna take high risk in hunting” says Liza, I quickly stand beside Mia for the first time, it seems our determination is real.
“Fine, from story I hear from people that travel around this forest, we can found that monkey if we reach a certain lake that called [Lake of Whisper] let begin our search there and see if we can find it”
Taking quick step, it only takes us 45 minutes to arrive at location mention by Liza, we stroll around to see if we can spot that beast, then suddenly I found a creature that look weak and unable to move, I approach it without any concern of danger but a voice from behind has alerted me. “Don’t be fooled by its act, that is the monster we looking for Deus” shout Mia, but it too late because now my body has been sending flying and slam on the ground because one swing from that monkey.
Liza gave me fast aid to restore my health; dammit I totally being fool by its, even Mia has reminded me about its traits. Before the battle begins that monkey stands on its leg, from the shape of a weak and thin body it changes to muscular and brown in color but its face especially cheek is red in color, no wonder people tend to think it drunk.
*Analysis Up*
[Race: Monkey]
[Class: Liar Monkey] [Lv 49]
[HP: 160/160 MP: 70/70]
[Str: 111]
[Def: 90]
[Agi: 90]
[Lck: 20]
[Giant Swing – able to send any of its opponent flyings] [Sonic Roar – deal minor damage, tend to give paralyze] [Act – can disguise itself according to owner will] [Stomp – deal quake each time owner of skill leg reach the ground]
[Monkey that has been evolved for the second time]
[Pervert Creature]
[Weakness - fire]
Weak to fire, that is our luck because at our side there is a flame mage, but how can I tell Mia to keep cast fire magic, even I can tell her does she has enough MP to keep casting the same spell over again. Lost in the thinking, the monster doesn’t let the chance it seem to be miss out, it begins its attack by focusing on me first, try to eliminate me as fast as possible but I am not an easy target even for it. I shoot out [Poison Spilt] several times but keep miss then I try to use [Poison Breath] in order to effect large area of battle, but once more its use [Giant Swing] to clean up the mist of poison that I create. “This beast quite smart in thinking, this will be hard battle” think to myself, [Fireball] Mia begin her attack with magic but same luck with me her attack keep miss each time be launch to that monkey, but I notice small gaps between that monkey movement without giving its a chance to proper landing after avoiding Mia attack, I launch myself and bite its leg. Mia realise that monsters unable to move then she cast a [Flame Spear], struggle to avoid Mia attack, the monkey unleased several attacks on my head but thank my defence and Liza help I can hold very well in that attack, angry at me its use [Stomp] direct on the head of mine force me to release the bite of its leg and my head bleeding heavily even with high defence.
Liza keep on casting [Heal] on me after see me in bad condition, while Mia tries to hold the monkey at side using her spell. “I can’t keep using spell forever here” shout Mia, that monkey look likely toying with Mia, each time it attack Mia it only make a light punch or simply push Mia down, “Curse you pervert monkey” after I gain the strength back Liza face start to show fatigue it seems that she can’t use her blessing anymore. I need to finish this fight fast before the table being turned against us. “Take this you stupid monkey [Fire Lance]” Mia shout while cast a spell that much more bigger than before, that monkey just jump up then Mia spell hit the ground make a smokescreen, confused and unable to see our location that monkey has to open it eyes bigger than before than I quickly use [Paray Eye] it make that beast to stop moving for a moment, I slip behind its back and bite using [Poison Bite] and from the opening wound I directly use [Poison Split] and [Poison Breath] to inject poison directly into its body.
The monkey fell to the ground and not breathing anymore; to make sure that not an act for this time I bite its neck to divide the head from the body, without wasting time I check up on Liza and Mia condition there are no major damage on their part only tired because they use very MP they have in this fight, “See, we can win right, I know we can do it” said Mia to me and Liza, Liza can only smile and sigh as proof of satisfied and hope Mia will think twice before doing something. After taking short rest Mia and Liza want to return to the city quickly I don’t know why, but I agree and accompany them until out from the forest. “See you tomorrow Deus,” says Liza while slowly walk beside Mia.
*You have level up*
[Name: Deus]
[Race: Lizard]
[Class: Sinister Lizard] [Lv 57]
[HP: 170/170 MP: 70/70]
[Str: 112]
[Def: 120]
[Agi: 70]
[Lck: 12]
[Poison Bite Lv10] [Iron Tail Lv10] [Iron Skin Lv10] [Analysis Up Lv6] [Poison Split Lv10 Mp:3] [Poison Breath Lv10 Mp:5] [Paray Eyes Lv8]
*[Poison Bite] has reach max level, evolve to [Trple Bite Lv1]*
*[Iron Tail] has reach max level, evolve to [Lance Stab Lv1]*
*[Poison Spilt] has reached max level, evolve to [Venom Shoot Lv1]*
*[Poison Breath] has reach max level, evolve to [Dual Breath Lv1]*
[The One That Being Abandon] [Weak Lizard] [Curse Race]
Sweet, not only I manage to rise up my level but most of my skill also evolve, I so much closer to become stronger if I keep on fighting on the strong enemy I sure I will meet my second evolve next time. ”Please let me get an option for a dragon after this”. I end my day early today because tired of the hard battle just now. I woke up in the next day, but it weird because Mia and Liza don’t come to visit and disturb my nap like always, I just hope that nothing bad happens to them, as today I just find food enough for me to eat and spend my time off from levelling and hunting, most of my time spend inside the lake bathing for the whole day long.
During lunchtime, I spot two human shape running toward me, while thinking that might be a hunter or adventurer I prepare to attack them but due to voice I recognise the desire to attack and kill them gone, those people are Mia and Liza, I can’t recognise them at first because of the equipment they are wearing this time differs from the past, what I can say they look like more adventurer to be and much stronger. “Sorry we are late, but we don’t know the rank up ceremony will be dragged for a long time,” said Mia, “Well what you think Deus, are we look more adventurer like to be now?” asked Liza.
*Analysis Up*
[Name: Mia Asteria]
[Race: Human]
[Class: Intermediate Flame Mage] [Lv 7]
[HP: 170/170 MP: 200/200]
[Str: 65]
[Def: 49]
[Agi: 28]
[Lck: 30]
[Fireball – shoot ball made out of fire] [Fire Lance – launch lance made from fire] [Fire Chain – bind enemy with chain made from fire] [FlameBall – high level of Fireball skill] [Eruption – summon pillar of flame from ground to burn the enemy]
[Air head] [Noisy] [Has potential to be strong Flame Mage] [If she mad, the power of her spell will be double]
*Analysis Up*
[Name: Liza Yulia]
[Race: Human]
[Class: Intermediate Healer] [Lv 7]
[HP: 160/160 MP: 220/220]
[Str: 55]
[Def: 29]
[Agi: 30]
[Lck: 50]
[Heal – heal small portion of HP] [Protection – create a layer of extra armor] [Bless – remove negative boost from party] [Holy Light – Blind enemy for a moment] [Holy Light – deals damage to enemy, double for undead] [Restore – heal medium amount of health]
[Granddaughter of Head of Church] [Smart and Positive] [Can communicate with Fairy]
“This is ridiculous how they become stronger than me and have the much more good skill” complain myself, but looking at their happy face after rank up, it makes me feel better after all their hard work is pay off with something good.
“Maybe I can relax and let them fight for me.” Just kidding.
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