《My life is ruled by my character stats》chapter 8


Around 8 am just as I asked I was woken up. By Beth but she had somewhat of an annoyed face. she said this with annoyed voice. Remembering that I had the appointment with Alfred so getting all I had to do finished by 8:30 am I ran to the guild hall getting their just in time with almost 5 minutes to spare. Entering the building going to the straight to the elevator but remembering to greet Jennet having our quick conversation I left for the top floor.

Entering I saw Alfred sitting on his chair with a black 2-meter-long claymore, just looking at the weapon gave you the sense of a dreaded killer staring at you. Without Darrel knowing he had took a step into something powerful just by sensing the spirit of the weapon. He didn’t have a clue what this power yet was but in the future, it will be his saviour countless times.

Getting back to Alfred he begins talking.

Listing to all of his words and trying to absorb and understand the ways of this world, Alfred looks at the claymore on his table and asked ” Thinking about it for a solid 15 – 20 minutes I answer with complete confidence listing to me Alfred nodded in approval until he hear me mentioned heavy long spear he shouted the whole room was shaking from the powerful roar. Letting him calm down I clarified in my previous world ancient times spears were classed as the most powerful weapons as no weapon had its power, reach, flexibility and available moves. The reason I chose the sword is because it is the king of weapon with its quick and deadly attacks with infinite possibilities of combinations.

Hearing my explanation Alfred couldn’t rebuke it or fiend flaws in my logic so he asked As he said this you could see the pain and sorrow in his eyes so I didn’t ask about these 8 emperors knowing that I would cause some sort of painful memory to come back.


Alfred seeing my determined look he stood up and started walking. stopping near one the side doors he says going to the side room we enter together looking in the room it was just an elevator but for some reason I had a weird feeling about this. He put his guild card on the scanner and pressed on of the underground floors. Going straight towards it when we reached our destination we were on 5th underground floor. It was an armoury we went towards another closed door within and finely Alfred spoke Looking inside the room I noticed it had t spears lined up all across the wall. There were short spears, long spears, light spears, heavy spears, flexible spears and rigid spears. Alfred looked at me and said Searching the collection picking up any spears that caught my eyes and trying it none of the spears I tried I’ve didn’t suite me. About to give up when a feeling similar to that I felt towards the black claymore but instead of it having a murderous sensation it was close to that of an emperor in the battle field. Looking in that way I saw a long heavy flexible spear picking it up magic ran out of my hand towards the spear and it let out a deafening roar.

With a single sentence, I chose the spear and inspecting it I was even more shocked.

Thunder dragon spear [epic]

To use it need to be one with it

Gets stronger with you can releases thunder if you insert magic

What did the “need to be one with it” men ill check it out later. Alfred seeing, I have chosen my spear he said Hearing his reasonable concern I replied

Looking into my eyes and seeing the burning spirit Alfred said.

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