《My life is ruled by my character stats》chapter 7


inishing my lunch which was spicy chicken curry. Any way remembering what Beth said that I should go to the adventure guild. Remembering that I got hit in the cave, I check my injuries but to my surprise there was no blood or anything. Looks like the armour does it job properly. So, the pain before was just from the force of the hit not because of my flesh being cut or pierced.

Continuing my trip to the guild hall it was rather uneventful. When I got to the guild and entered Janet rushed upped to me and spoke with the shock of being ran up to by a really cute girl. We were so close I could smell her perfume it was summer fruit. I stepped back so I don’t get flustered but it’s too late my whole face was bright red like a tomato.

Janet notices this and starts to tease Darrel as she says this she leans closer to Derrell. Unlike her prediction Derrell answers, I can’t help it you are way too hot. This remark even leaves Janet gets flustered and not forgetting the adventurers present they all had their mouth wide open in shock as no one had the guts to hit on her as she worked for albert. Getting out of her shock she quickly but with a shy voice tells Derrell go to the third floor pass me your guild card so I can give you the authorization. Passing her the card she inserts some sort of energy it wasn’t magic but another mystical energy passing it back I head to the third floor.

Entering the doored third flour I saw Beth standing behind Alfred who was sitting in a large let her seat made out of monster leather you could figure that much out just by the aura it released. The room itself was large about the same size as half of the first floor but it had three doors leading to different areas, I didn’t know what was behind those doors. Getting back to Alfred I walked up to his table about 1.5 meters away from him. Looking at me and sizing me up said Alfred. Yes, how did you know! I replied with a surprised expression. Trying to check his stats it was hopeless as there was more information but I could see any off it except for his name. how is this supposed to help me?


Name Alfred ???

Class ???, ???, ???

Level ???

Titles ???, ???, ???, ???, ???

With his gaze getting lot heavier on me he told me I was shocked that he noticed it but how without me having a chance to speak he continued. . Finely giving me a chance to speak I ask . Again, staring straight into my eyes as if he is staring in my soul and could tell if I was lying and asks this simple question made my hearth drop. Thinking off a answer that would suffice rattling my brain but still no avail I figure out it ok if I just tell him the truth and to anyone else I’ll say I have amnesia but I would have to get Beth out. Looking Alfred dead in the eye back I say with a apologetic face I look at Beth. Hearing this Alfred also looks at Beth. With a small nod, she leaves the room. with that comment form Alfred I start.

I told him that the last thing I remember is being in my old-world earth at the year 20XX. Then I start to tell him about my RPG screen ability and all the components to them inventory, quest and stats.

With a sceptical gaze, he ask with that I say starting with the inventory I pull out my sword and open my inventory with [open inventory] the same hologram appears and I put it in. with the sword disappearing Alfred’s eyes pop out he shouts outs. Calmly I reply . The quest part I can prove about the reward I got from it firstly I show him the quick slice skill book and also pass him my guild card as . Looking trough the book he is puzzled well I can learn skills automatically after reading a book about a particular skill (the skill book was from the quest and the sword was a drop if it wasn’t clear in the last chapter) hearing this he rummages trough his desk until he finds a book and he passes the book to me. Looking at the book a notification pops up


Do you want to learn




Pressing yes the book shines in a golden glow and another notification appears.

Skill learned

Elemental Aura armour

Proficiency 0% level 1

Activating the skill automatically to prove it to him my whole-body glows in a red hue covering me in the same way plate armour would but without the heaviness. With this spectacle Alfred with a wide smile say answering almost immediately I say I’ve got around 93 silver ac from hunting and around 150 miner medicines. Hearing this Alfred’s eyes popped out and his mouth dropped to the floor from the shock. the last bit was whispered so that no one could hear it. Finely letting Derrell speek he ask looking at Alfred he answers tomorrow around 9 am come back here on the third floor”> nodding my head and about to leave I ask with a harty laugh Alfred agrees.

So with that that concluded. I spent rest of the day just practicing in the local fields improving all of my active skills to level 5 which took till about dinner time. After having had my diner I just fell asleep in my room.

( I didn’t realy explain the skill levelling but when your proficiency gets to a 100 it levels up and when it gets to level 20 it’s a novice skill then at 40 it’s an apprentice skill at 60 journeyman then at 80 it’s a master/ expert skill and finely at 100 it’s a grandmaster skill)

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