《The Unwanted Man》Segment 005 - Leveling Up


I had escaped the Atsugama for now, I had to keep moving since they might stil be chasing. I looked at the mysterious chest that the system had given me.

Would you like to open the chest? [Y/N]

I chose to open the chest and was given a battle suit! A battle suit was built for the new army soldiers of earth, it had camouflage setting to hide from enemies or monsters. It was also bulletproof without any weak spots like the neck or near the joints, it could turn into normal clothes for undercover missions.

"This is going to be useful." I equipped the suit right away, I heard another mechanical beep from the system.

Error! Proto wishes to join the party. ∷∷𝙹∷?`;^

"What?" Normally people with the system could form parties with other users but Proto was not even a human to begin with.

Will you accept Proto as a party member? You will share the amount of experience as your party member.

"I guess I will, I want to see what happens." I agreed for Proto to join the party.

Error! Proto is unable to gain experience so all experience will be transfered to you.

"What! I guess it was impossible since Proto does not have a system but his experience will be transfered to me?" I looked around, we were in a forest in the rift world.

"Let's see if this system can give me a map. Ah! there you go." Since the system was able to even give me C4, a map should not be hard. I bought a map of the area for 100 gold, quite cheap if you ask me. There was a town 10km away from where I was, it was already evening so I had to reach there before night since monsters are more active at night.


"Okay I bought all the things I needed." I had bought a rifle, some more ammuniton and a cloak. I was now headed to north-west. I heard a sinister cackle from behind, was it monsters? Several arrows came my way, I was able to hide behind a tree before getting hit.

"Time to put this suit into use!" I had activated the camouflage of the battle suit and observed the enemy, it was goblins. There was a group of 30, armed with decent armour and weapons. Proto was hiding in another location, I had now programmed him to be able to talk to me through the suit.

"Let's see if this rifle will be able to do its job." A magic rifle that could pierce weak monster armour, I had also put a suppressor on it since it might attract those rebels to my location. I aimed at one of the goblins head and shot, I had no experience with guns but I knew some safety and basic works of the gun so I knew how to fire and reload. The goblin group was now in a panic since they did not know where the enemy was. I made sure to use most of the 30 bullets in the mag but after I used it up, I switched to my nunchuncks. I had never fought actual people until today, I never used my nunchuncks on anybody before either. The camouflage had worn off already, there was five goblins left. I had never felt so happy to use my nunchuncks and hearing the breaking of bones, looking at the flesh made me so delighted! 

You gained a level! You gained a level!

"Hm, good got some levels." I had cleared the goblin group and proceeded to the town nearest to me. 


[Sir, we are almost there. You should change into civilian clothes]

We were near the town, it seemed like it was a reasonably large town maybe it was one of the towns that was renewed by the earth organisation. I had to swtich my battle suit with clothes that looked like any average person you would find in the rift world. 

"Excuse me, can I find a teleporter around here?" I needed to find the device that could forcefully open a rift back to earth. 

"You can go to the guild's reception they can book you a rift to earth." I had been given directions to the Argonaut guild where traders, Argonauts and civilians can go to for help.

"You want to book a rift to earth? Just wait over there please then." That was easier than expected, this accident was really fun but short. I should go to brother and tell him all about it so he can help me, there could be side effects to this artificial system. My stomach was rumbling from hunger, the whole day I had just ran and fought monsters.

"I'll buy some food then I can wait." I rushed to one of the food stalls in the town and sat down. Proto made a map from this town all the way to the Atsugama rebel base, all I needed to do was get home safely.

"You're quite the troublemaker aren't you Mr.Drayton." I heard a voice from behind me. I tried to get up, Proto was off since he was charging.

"Try to escape and all the people here will die, we set up snipers around this place. Don't try, just quietly come with me." I had no choice but to follow his orders. 

"Just let me finish my meal first." The rebel agent had agreed to let me finish my meal, as soon as he turned around to tell his snipers to back off. I turned on my battle suit to camouflage, I had also bought a device that could hide machines so Proto could also hide. 

"Shit, he escaped. This is Alpha 1 we lost him, stand by." The agent had made a big mistake taking his eyes off me.

Emergency Quest: Escape the Atsugama rebels part 2

"Another quest? I guess i'll be having a bit more fun.[Proto/Find the enemies]"

I had let Proto detect the enemies hidden in town and sniped down all the enemies before my camouflage ran out, I made sure their bodies would not be found easily. 

"Don't think you can get me now. Ha ha, you will regret kidnapping me!" The rift to earth had finally open and I rushed to the portal, I had finally reached earth. I was in Japan, the Atsugama must have multiple bases since that base I had escaped seemed shabby. 

"Proto send a message to my brother, i'm going to his company building right now." I had grabbed my phone from my inventory and texted my brother to make sure he received the message.

< Brother ...

Brother I've come backk, Ha Ha>

I'm coming to the company building>

My brother was so shocked, anyone would be. Your younger brother was kidnapped and he escaped the same day, what an unbelievable story but it was true. 

I needed to get to the company building fast, those rebels could be anywhere right now.


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