《The Unwanted Man》Segment 003 - Rebels


A few weeks had passed, my brother had helped me move to nicer place in the country. I had received money and a helper robot that could cook, clean and do most of the chores at home from Boss Everts. I had my brother help me check the robot for any bugs or anythings that might be secretly recording my actions, he also put his own company's anti-virus to reassure me that nothing was going to hack my new helper robot.

"You seem paranoid, is it because of that accident at your work where the hackers got hold of the quarry drones?" My brother had noticed my irregular behavior the past few weeks.

"Yeah, I guess. Just want to make sure everything is safe that's all." I needed to know that the hackers could not get anywhere near me.My brother left my home and went back to work.

"Its been weeks already, maybe i'm actually safe? I had been ordering food from inside my house for a while now, I wanted to eat something I made myself.

"Proto set command [Follow Drayton to supermarket]" I had named my helper robot as Proto, I seemed satisfied with his name. Proto was able to recognise my voice and the commands I say, he could only be ordered only by my voice.

[Follow Drayton command/ Action commencing]

I live in a condo near sector 3, most of what I needed was close to me. Hospitals, Supermarkets, Gunstores and a Mall. It was a 10 minute walk so it was safer than my previous home.

[Welcome Customer, please enjoy shopping at our mall!]

I entered the supermarket, something felt off. I could sense someone watching me, as if I was being followed.

"You should stop following me it's weird." I finally confronted the person.

"As expected of the person that saved Boss Everts, you spotted me quite quickly. Mr. Drayton, please to meet you." A man in a suit appeared from behind the market shelf.

"You are Boss Everts henchmen or something?"

"Aha yes, something like that. Actually he's waiting outside for you right now." I was suspicious as why one of the bosses of the biggest robot manafacturers would want to talk to me, I had quit right after I had received the reward. I did not want to get involved with the company anymore.


"It was quite ashame when you quit the company after receiving the reward. Boss Everts actually has something to offer you in exchange that you work for the company again." The had a sly smile.

"Its about your 'system' We can give you one." I looked at the man with curiosity. I mean I did fill out a form that I was a non-gifted so they knew but he said they could give me the 'system', what does that mean?

"Okay, i'll see the boss then." I decided to follow the man into a fancy looking car.

"Ah, my savior! You're finally here! I got the best deal. Hey driver, to the main company building." Boss Everts looked pretty calm even though he was almost killed a few weeks ago.

"Drayton, my secretary might have told you already that we could give you a system." I leaned closer to what Boss Everts had to say.

"So you know that the system that everyone has right? You will have a status panel like in a game, it will show your level, health and mana. This artificial system that many companies had worked together for is so much more! In this new system, there's a portable shop. You can buy items from this shop like potions, weapons and armour and even food! You use actual gold or silver from this world to buy these things from the 'shop'. Its awesome isn't it?"

Boss Everts was like a child, he was so obsessed with this artificial 'system'.

"I mean one of the Argonauts had slain a so-called 'god' in the other world, its blood enabled us to come up with this artificial system. We needed a non-gifted to be our test- mean our first person to use the artificial system."

I heard what Boss Everts said, a god. An Argonaut killed one of the gods in the other world, what terrifying news. Gods in the other world are know to have extreme powers and an Argonaut killed one? People from the other world must fear us now, why must humans be so selfish. We were already gifted with sources of unlimited energy, so why?

"Why do you need someone like me? You could have picked any non-gifted." I stared at Boss Everts who seemed surprised why I would ask such a question.


"You are the perfect candidate! Drayton, my secretary is level 20. He can sense the power within you, you could rival a level 10 user. You are without a system but you still made it so far, now you can be rewarded with the system. Haven't you always dreamt of being able to use it?" Boss Everts made it sound so tempting. I always wanted to use the system, I knew it might be dangerous but I would like to take the risk.

"Boss Everts what's the risk of me dying?"

"Drayton, I would never wanted to convince you if the risk of you dying would be clear. The chance of you dying is almost 0%, does that not sound reassuring to you?" There was a possibility I could die even if it was 1%, I would still die.

"Okay, I will do it." I shook Boss Everts hand and we proceeded to the main building in Japan.

(Almost too easy. He doesn't even know that the chance of dying is actually over 75%, like anyone would care a non-gifted would die anyways) Boss Everts smiled at me who was oblivious to the dirty lie that he had laid out so easily.

"Sir, we are at the building." We had reached the main building after a while.

"Mr. Drayton shall we go?" Boss Everts and I walked in front while my helper bot and his secretary followed behind.

"Its going to be an injection so we will be putting anesthesia, will you be alright with that?" Bos Everts said the injection of the artificial was going to involve many needle so they were going to have me on anesthesia.

"Yes that will be alright, just wait a moment." I walked towards Proto and gave him a command.

"Proto set command [Contact Brother/ Anything if Drayton's heartbeat will cease]" I had given him a command that if I were to die, Proto would send a recording of all what had happened since I got into Boss Everts's car.

"I would like my helper bot be beside me, I like him around it helps me relax." I requested that Proto could be beside me so that I could relax more. That was a lie of course so that Proto could get a clear video.

"Of course, anything to help you relax Mr. Drayton." A scientist had led me into a chamber where I had to lie down on a table restrained, there was a giant glass window where Boss Everts and a couple of other people operating the procedure would be watching.

[Okay Drayton, just relax we put the anesthesia. Just sleep and it'll be done quick]

I had heard Boss Everts voice in the chamber, I felt so drowsy.

"Okay Dr. Claude, inject the artificial system in him." Boss Everts was anxious if the artificial system would actually work.

"Yes Boss Everts, system is being injected."

[Artificial Injection in 3... 2... 1...]

[Injection taking place]

[Injection complete]

Drayton's body started shaking rapidly. "Argh! aghhh!" His body was in pain, his heartbeat was skyrocketing. The building was starting to shake as well, was it because of Drayton.

"Dr. Claude what is happening?" Boss Everts was in a state of panic.

[Intruder alert! Rebels have broken through to Sector 3]

"Those damn rebels again?" Boss Everts had ordered his secretary to rush to Drayton's chamber before the Rebels could get him. "Aha, there it is!" A giant mecha had crashed into Drayton's chamber. Proto was there protecting his master, looking above to the mecha. "So that's where the artificial system was injected to. The robot if you want your master to live come with me." A mysterious voice asked Proto to come with him, Proto had no feelings but he was programmed to protect Drayton so he went along with the mysterious person. Seeing that his master was in great pain after the injection and his heartbeat was now faint, Proto could not trust Boss Everts now.

[Protect my master please

Proto had grabbed Drayton and went into a container of the mecha and they got out of the main building. "Hold on!" The mecha rushed out of the building and summoned a portal to the other world. Who could these people be? ....


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