《The Unwanted Man》Segment 002 - Accident


"Hwah~!" I woke up at 4am in the morning to get my daily training routine done. Today was an important day, my co-worker had signed him and I up for a special job at a new mining site in the other world. My body felt lighter than ever, I packed all my belongings that I needed for the job. I am a miner operator, I operate mining machines and just observe the mining process.

"Time to go." I exit my house around 6.30, my co-worker had sent me the location of the jobsite. An Argonaut was going to open a small rift to the other world since it was easier for them to move the equipment.

"Sorry, excuse me!" I had bumped into one of the guard robots by mistake. Humanity could now afford to make robots that could properly do jobs like guarding the neighbourhood or a receptionist, the robots were still in a prototype phase though.

"It is okay citizen, be more careful next time!" The robot was programmed to have a human voice, programmers were finally able to make more complicated AI's since the inteligence stat gives people the ability to learn more faster and retain knowledge easier. The world was evolving at a terrifying pace.

"Hey you made it Drayton!" My co-worker was waiting at the meeting place for me to start the safety breifing.

"Sorry, I was a bit late Mr. Gordon." After the briefing, everyone had to double-check the equipment and load into the cargo trucks to bring into the site. I had brought my nunchuncks in case of any bad situations like a few goblins but there were a few high-ranking Argonauts so everything should go well.

"Okay let's get on the truck. One of the bosses in the company is going to visit us, they say they wanted to check if the work here is doing well. We might get a pay raise, haha!" My co-worker was chatting with the rest of the team while I was praying. I did not really believe in God but I liked the idea of someone watching me from above, I prayed that everything went well today.

"Alright, let's get to work." We had arrived at the site, so we had to set up the mining equipment first.


"Hey Drayton go turn on the quarry drones. We'll get the camp set up, you can start the mining process already." I was in charge of the mining drones today, these massive drones were like tanks. These carried all the heavy ores and stone out of the mine, while we just check for any problems in the machines. Not a simple job as you think, I have to monitor the drones carefully or else an error would endanger the rest of the mining team down there.

"Okay, the drones are ready sending them into the mine now." The company I was working in was mining an important new metal that was as hard as diamond but lighter than a feather. It was an ideal metal for industrial machines, cars or weapons for Argonauts. My company was a manafacturer of machines like the prototype robots on the street I bumped into.

"Oh the boss is here, everyone line up!" A ferrari pulled up to the mine and one of the bosses of the company came out.

"Ha Ha, so how's everyone. The work is going well?" The man had checked some of the equipment to ensure that it was working well.

"Welcome Boss Everts, everything is going well!" Everyone bowed to the boss.

"Hm, so uptight. Relax, i'm not firing anyone. Big smiles everyone!" I did not expect our boss to be so relaxed and cheerful, I expected more of a strict type of boss that would be very unfriendly.

"Hey is anyone going to escort me inside the mine?" The boss wanted to see the mine.

"Hey Drayton, go escort the boss. Your in charge of the quarry drones remember?" My co-worker had dumped the responsibility of the boss to me, though people would die to escort the boss themselves they were just intimidated by him still.

"Shit, fine I will." I agreed since I might get a pay raise if I explained properly.

"Right this way sir." One of the Argonauts followed slightly far behind us to protect the boss from any unexpected situations.

"So the new drones the company sent us has been working fine, there has been no performance issues with the machines so the efficiency of mining has increased." I made sure that I would be able to explain perfectly what was happening in the mining site.


"Hm, that is good. I will report this to the company that everything is well then." A sound came from the quarry drones they were making a continous beeping sound.

[Boss Everts, your crimes will be atoned for with your life!]

"Boss Everts, Let-" The 'high-ranking' Argonaut was killed by the quarry drones, the quarry drones had a massive drill on their right arm. The drill was enchanted with magic so it would be able to quickly mine more efficiently, it could also serve as a weapon. The Argonaut's guts were spilled out and drilled by one of the massive quarry drones.

"Fuck! Hackers? I need to get out of here!" The boss was shit scared, though he was gifted with the 'system'. He never really took the time to train and raise his level, so basically he was weaker than I was. He started to run near the exit, a bunch of the quarry drones blocked off the exit outside the cave.

"Fuck! No, don't hurt me!"

[There is no way to escape we surrounded the area, even if you made it out there would be our soldiers waiting for you]

"Shit, what do I-" I was not really panicking but if I did not think fast I could die, I needed to get of here. I did not fucking care about the boss since their main target was him anyways.

"Okay where's that button, I had it somewhere." The company had prepared a special code in case hackers were to take over the drones.

[Killing sequence activated. Destroying virus...]

[Wait! We're losing control]

[Defense System activated, 30 hostiles detected in the area. Preparing elimination now]

"Yes! It worked!" The code had erased the hacking virus, it also had defense systems to deal with hostile intruders like rebels from this world. All 10 of the quarry drones from the mine emerged frm behind and went to confront the people who had tried to kill the boss.

"Sir, stick close with me." My nunchunks were in my bag so I sort of had a way to defend myself.

"Shit, the quarry drones are charging at us! Fall back go go go!" The quarry drones had dealt with the intruders from the outside, eliminating most of them while some retreated.

"Boss, I think it would be a good idea to call the company for help?" The boss probably had a phone that could reach the world though we were on the other side of the rift.

"Uh, yes good idea! I will now." After an hour, the company rescue team had come to pick us up. We finally got out of the cave safely. All the crew and guards were dead, they were able to catch us off-guard.

"Hey you! Thanks for saving me! You'll be rewarded and promoted when I recover, I promise you I keep my word.' Boss Everts was grateful for saving him, I was trying to save myself but I still accepted the promotion and reward. I returned home safely but I knew that the person who was targeting Boss Everts probably knew who I was now, the quarry drones had cameras.

"I need to call brother now." I knew it might not be safe so I asked my brother to let me move somewhere else and get all my belongings by a moving team.

"Drayton are you okay? You seem scared of something." I might be targeted by this mysterious organisation that wanted my boss dead, they saw my face and know that I was the one that activated the killing virus sequence. Fuck, of course I would be scared.

"Its fine brother just let me live somewhere bigger and more richer. I actually want to try out the luxurious life." I made up an excuse to live somewhere else.

"Ahaha, you finally came to your senses. Its not everyday your older brother is multi-millionaire, its good that you want to live a more luxurious life. Don't worry I'll prepare everything ASAP! I'll send you a car to drive you to your new place." My brother was so kind to just help me and our parents live in such nice homes.

"I need to make sure nothing happens to my family. I guess i'll have to wait for a while." I was sitting at the company's main building in Japan, I felt wary of everyone after the situation in the world beyond the rift.

"Hopefully they didn't scan my face or something."


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