《The Unwanted Man》Segment 001 - Injustice


"Why can't you study fucking harder! You think your school is free? You want to be sent outside with no food, clothes and money? Is that what you want?"

"AH!Huh? Where-. It was a dream..." I am Drayton Skyle, I am 25 years old. I live in a small apartment in Japan, I am a 'non-gifted'. It is 2031. 10 years ago, a rift opened up in the world and people who came out of it gifted humanity the 'system'. The system allows people to level up like in a game, most of humanity was bestowed this power. Now everyday things in the world was like a quest, the average 16 year old could easily match with an athelete like a runner or gymnast. Now ever since, rifts in the world formed and monsters that you would only see in fantasy came out. Goblins, Dragons and Demons all those type of monsters came out, people had to seal these rifts.

It was revolutionising, people from the rift also gave humanity one more thing, 'Mana Orbs'. These mana orbs gave out unlimited power that could be used as electricity, humanity did not need to depend on fossil fuels for electricity anymore. After 10 years, humanity had cleaned up most of the plastic in the world and was able to invent a more biodegradeble and recycble material that had the same properties as plastic. With the mana orbs, humanity could advance like never before but just like the greedy creatures we wanted more. The Rift people gifted one mana orb for each continent, naturally people wanted to get more so they went inside the rifts to another world to explore the endless possibilities. These people were called Argonauts, explorers of the new world.

I was unfortunate to not get the system, my parents and my brother got it but not me. The class divide of people who did not have the system was harsh, they were seen as inferior trash to people gifted with the system. I was not good at studying, I barely passed my exams in middle school. I was not atheletic either, I was just a sad excuse for a son to my parents. When the rift came, I was excited that I could become an Argonaut that could change the world with the power of the system. Weeks passed by...


"Why am I not getting it, I want to have the system. I want to be something to everyone not a useless nobody. Fuck!" I had not been gifted with the system. My brother was gifted with extraordinary power and left the family due to our parents constant nagging and pressure to start a business that adapted to the new wrold's changes. I was left alone, I could not do anything. A 15 year-old with nothing.

"I can't be left behind,I need to become better!" This was when I realised that if I stayed like this I would just be thrown around like garbage. That day I started training, I knew that my studies were a lost cause so I started training my body to its absolute limit. Everyday, I watched videos on every excerise that trained every muscle. I took 4 hours of training of the day, I made sure I was going to be the strongest non-gifted in the world. By my 2nd year of college, I could run 2.4 km in five minutes, being able to curl a 90 kg dumbell with one arm. I had almost gained control of every muscle in my body, I could at least rival with some of the people gifted with the system. My brother had came back to the family, he got our family a nice home. I wanted to live alone from them, he had hit big in his business. My brother was a national-level Argonaut, he had came back from the rifts several times and his level was among the highest in the country.

"Are you sure Drayton you want to live alone in such a place?" I had asked my brother to let me live in an old apartment building alone, I wanted to live a more simple life in the city so he had bought the entire building. It did not even make a dent in his bank account, my brother was stupidly rich. The entire world advanced rapidly so I needed to as well.


"Well time to train!" Now I am 25 years old, I do all different types of training. I do yoga and muscle strengthening, its terrifying how strong my body was. I could match up with a few gifted people but I was still nothing to the Argonauts like my brother, I was strong, I learned how to use nunchuncks, I did not like the idea of using swords or daggers. I could use my full might on a nunchunck like with a stick, I felt happy. I also worked because I did not want my brother just giving me things for free so I made use of my body. On the otherside of the rift, there was a whole new world to explore and valuable ores to be mined. I am currently working as a miner, I go to the other world and get ores simple as that.

"I will become stronger." I am Drayton Skyle who lives in a modern futuristic world, I still wish to be an Argonaut.

"Hey so the boss wants us to go another mining site, they just discovered a lot of untouched ores. They'll give us a bonus." A peer at my workplace had offered me to go wtih his team to a new site, a few high-ranking Argonauts and a soldiers with magic guns so its going to be safer than usual.

"Sure let's go, will it be today?" I agreed since there was a bonus.

"It'll be tomorrow morning at 7, so be on time." My peer had patted my back and went off home.

"I want to get a cheesecake." My stomach was growling, my hunger these days was never-ending.


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