《Eldritch overlord》chapter 4


*yawn* I feel so heavy...wait no there's something on top of me. Hmm okay, I can tell It's Cecilia. now brings up the question of do I move her or do I stay right here for as long as possible? Actually, she looks petty tasty...wait a second I just described her as tasty and no I not thinking of devouring her no matter how much my body is trying to disagree. I mean I actually am looking at her as food right now...OH, it's because I'm a vampire now I am actually starving and, that means I need to drink blood. I am glad I like to roleplay I just need to get down to the blood bank. Yes, I have a blood bank full of "blood bags" hmm I guess I should go there...now how do I move Cecilia do I just...throw her off I mean I've never been in this situation before...that's kind of sad. Oh, yea I guess I did achieve "wizard" status ha ha *sigh*.

"Cecilia get up I'm starving" I'm not joking here I am actually starving

"huh, just eat me then I don't want to get up yet" she said this while half asleep just so you know. But still, the attack on my defense was almost overwhelming.

"Cecilia I'm not joking get up" if she doesn't I'm really going to bite her uhg my fangs hurt. She's just starting to look tastier I swear I can see the blood flowing through her veins.

"As I said just eat me I don't want to get up yet" you know what fine she said I could so whatever *crunch*...oops I bit too hard. jk haha. "aah~" hm why is she "mm~" making those sounds I mean I don't know why books depict it as pleasurable "mmm~" I mean I literally sunk my teeth into her neck...I should probably stop drinking her blood I mean I honestly don't want to her blood tastes like hmm whats a good way to describe it it's sweet kinda bitter and with a slight after taste of iron I guess...I'm not a hundred percent sure, but all I know is that its delicious uhg fine.


Okay with that whole fiasco over...I wanna go outside but am I vulnerable to sunlight if so I probably have something that would solve that issue. Honestly, though I can just go out at night...NOOO, I REFUSE I LOVE THE SUN!!! I swear somebody just cringed from hearing a vampire said that. No...nobody...hm oh well. Okay, time to go outside I believe I have a tp ring somewhere AH HA found it okay time to go outside.

Okay, I'm at the front door and well I'm scared to open the door. Ah, what a lovely door made it out of elder wood has a nice blackish brown color and STOP distracting yourself already and JUST DO IT go outside. *SLAM* Ah the sun feels so *ssss* *AAAAAAHHHHHHHH* *SLAM* hu hu hu WWHYY I just want to feel the sun. The sun felt like it was transferring all of the heat and rage it could into my body like I killed it'd family or something!! Goddammit!!! I guess I need that*sigh*I'm just glad I heal fast looks like I need to grab that. I don't want to face the perverted dragon she was asleep last time I was lucky to get out of there before she woke uuuup. come on JUST NO last time I said that I felt the fiery wrath of the sun. Hold on a sec which is worse the sun or the perverted dragon...The sun...fine just gotta get this over with without getting raped by a dragon. Yep, I'm screwed.

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