《Eldritch overlord》chapter 3-


Okay, I think this base is just a wee bit too big. It wasn't that bad when everything was managed by all of the guild members but now that I'm here alone...well I guess that the NPCs became real so it's not that bad. I mean It's not like I need people to talk to.

"Daiko were here"(Cecilia)

"Hm oh were here already" I thought it would take longer(Daiko)

*Opens door* Now I have a question for you have you ever been so shocked about something that you literally just freeze ya don't say anything you just look on not sure what's happening or what you're supposed to say or do. Well, that just happened thankfully it didn't last long though. Now I'll describe what I'm seeing right now I am seeing CHAOS. Literally, I have no better word for it, now that is not why I was so shocked it's because the twins should have been pretty cool-headed...um...things? I'm not sure what gender they are now that I think about it. Actually, do they have a gender I mean their race was quite strange? Oh by that I mean each twin is a different race so I guess you could say that the name the twins are more of a nickname based off their appearances and, not because they were actually birthed at the same time by the same paent...oh well not important.

"Can I have your attention...) They didn't even notice me I dislike raising my voice though it's tedious. (daiko)

"DAIKO'S HERE YOU IMBECILES SHOW SOME RESPECT!!!!!!" honestly I can't believe the nerve of some people. (Cecilia)

Huh I guess I don't have to raise my voice Cecilia did hmm some people would say that's an innuendo but whatever huh they all stopped and are quite literally shocked speechless I guess I should say what the twins are now right so you don't get confused in a sec.


The first twin Laney is quite literally a living signal array and instead of sending signals to satellite dishes while she is fully capable of doing so. She sends these signals to...other bodies I'm not sure how else to say that. Basically, she is capable of creating homunculi that are connected to a network of shared knowledge of all of the homunculi. Now, most people would assume that mind control would be a big issue right one person casts a spell or slaps a slave collar onto one of the homunculi and boom everything controlled right? well no actually. It's an ability that unlocks a bit far down the racial tree what was it called it was um I think it was called self-centered or something like that. Basically, it takes the hive-mind like structure and gives all of the homunculi a sort of pseudo will I guess so that that one homunculus is controlled and not the entire network. Now a couple of other things happen but those are the little details.

Now the second twin is Lana she is of the race XY-637-9Q I know not very descriptive but oh well basically she is a human that had her genetics fucked with to create the perfect manager and she helps Laney and is a super genius when it comes to management.

"We're sorry daiko"(laney&lana)

"It's just that I lost connection to all of my homunculi".(Laney)

"Don't worry to much about it if what I think happened it wouldn't matter anyway" if we actually traveled to another world anyway(daiko)

"Anyway I need you to do a couple of things for me".(daiko)

"What is that you need"(laney&lana)

"I need Laney to create some homunculi and send them outside to ensure the base is secure and confirm my thought also to infiltrate any society that she finds."(daiko)


"That's no problem I can do that easily it'll just take a bit of time."(Laney)

"That's all, for now, have a good day"(daiko)

"Have a good day daiko"(laney&lana)

Hmm, I'm actually quite tired but I've only been awake for a few hours at maximum...unless all the hours I was in before that count hm ow well I don't care I'm going to sleep.

"Cecilia I'm going to bed just do whatever you want"(daiko)

"Okay I'm joining you then"(Cecilia)

"Yea sure whatever" I'm just so sleepy. Ah, this bed is so fluffy!!

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