《Eldritch overlord》chapter 5


Okay, I've been psyching myself up to face Sarah. I'm not ashamed I have the right to be afraid of a fucking dragon. Also as loyal as Sarah is dragons put quite a bit of value on the items in their horde, and well Tthe guild item would most definitely be the most valuable item in there. Now I guess I should say what the guild item actually was well you see my guild wouldn't settle for anything but the best we could get our hands on and that essentially sent us on a several-year-long hunt for world items. God, I don't want to even remember how many we lost to this obsession of ours to be perfect in a way I guess we made the guild item out of three world items and the best materials we could get our hands on. Now let's not get ahead of ourselves here we haven't even seen the item yet well I have you haven't though. Oh, I'm already here damn.

"Sarah I'm here for the guild item so come out and stop hiding" you'd be surprised how hard it is to find a dragon that doesn't want to be found is to see.

"Caught you Daiko~" hehe he's mine now

SHIT this is bad I need to get out of her grasp I refuse to allow my first time to be taken this way I will lose it on my own terms, not by someone else's!!! (presence of the eldritch unleashed)

"WahT dO yoU ThINk yOur DoInG SarRh"

"Please stop please it hurts my head I'm sorry I'm sorry just please stop" What did I do he's so angry he even released his aura what did I do so wrong my head if this keeps up I'm going to go insane his voice is just crushing my spirit it just hurt so much


shit I went too far I didn't even mean to do that dammit she's crying I hate making people cry by accident especially those I care about

"I'm sorry Sarah I went too far," I said this while hugging her I am actually sorry you know I don't like hurting those close to me

"it was just so scared I felt like my mind was breaking and my soul was being torn apart"

That is actually somewhat concerning oh and by that I mean her being an elder dragon and being affected this much is just ridiculous dragons are known for having a lot of mental fortitude and not easily being overwhelmed honestly its kind of worrying if a normal person was hit with my presence their mind would probably snap like a twig.

"common Sarah I'm sorry I really am now I need to get the guild item why don't you come with me"

"Okay, I'll come with you...WAIT DID YOU SAY THE GUILD ITEM I REFUSE DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT IS WORTH AND NOT TO MENTION THE RISK OF USING IT" does he think I'd just let him take the most valuable/dangerous item in my horde!!!!!

TCH damn I thought she would just let me take it with the state she was in I guess it's good that she recovered quite quickly

"Sarah this is not up for discussion whether you want me to or not I will be leaving this treasury with the nanodium world solution" I mean I know just how valuable the NAW is after all I was the one who was trying to make it the longest not to mention all the items put into it quite a bit of it came from efforts of me or others helping me along.


"Daiko you can't be serious and you know just how powerful the NAW is if you injected it into yourself you could die and you the only one here for us after the others left us please just listen to me"

"First of all, we don't know if the others weren't also transferred here with us and I doubt it will kill me just stop arguing with me and go grab NAW" I mean it could but the chances of that happening are really quite low I made it in mind of my character, and if I don't use it who will honestly who will.

I guess I should say what the NAW is now well obviously it's the guild item but that doesn't just say explain how powerful it is. The NAW is the accumulation of the best materials and a couple of world items as well. The entire process in making the NAW was overseen by the devs but it was honestly left behind and not able to be used because of how powerful it turned out to be we were literally told that if we used it we would lose all of our progress it was enough incentive not to ever use it, after all, we didn't want to lose our character or catch the ire of our guild for using the item. well, that's not a problem now I guess. The base of the solution was a divine class item created from a mix of nanodium and the blood of mother earth an that's just the base of the solution you can't forget the three world items used in it as well. The first of the world items was dineiles the second one was mawlecresder, and the third was dasdryncada.

nanodium was an indestructible material that had to be manufactured by nanites that could take apart and reassemble things on an atomic level(it has no other known manufacturing method and has no known weaknesses)

dineiles was a world item that was capable of denying anything( attacks, time, damage, etc )

mawlecresder was a world item capable of creating dimensional gaps( dimensional gaps basically creat places where nothing can exist and thus an indestructible defense or unstoppable attack(the attack just couldn't be blocked and dodging was really difficult))

dasdryncada gave the wielder extreme regeneration properties( multiplies regeneration by ten really useful for high leveled players)

"Daiko I got the NAW are you sure you want to do this"

"Yes know just hand it over" Sarah gives him the NAW "thank you" tsss woh this feels weird why is Sarah yelling...why can't I hear her...why...is everything...going black.

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