《Existara: the RRD. Book two》The Guest and the Uproar
“My Lords, there's someone who wishes to see you.”
“Who is it?” I ask, cuddling up with Breeze.
“Someone from Araneum. They refuse to say more. A Primerian woman.”
“Let her pass.” Zarri stretches out, sitting up. “We'll meet up in the throne hall.”
“Understood.” Glen disappears.
“Know who it is?” I ask her, glancing over her figure...
“No clue.” She leaves the bed. I follow her silhouette. “Do you remember when was the last time we had a visitor from over there?”
“Good point.” I get up and help her dress.
“I can handle a few laces by myself.” She whispers.
“Don't spoil my fun for me.” I bite a lace.
“Get that thing under control, please, no need to scare people.”
“It has a mind of its own.” I pull some pants on, very much uncomfortably.
We enter the throne hall. A young Primerian woman stands surrounded by our elite guard.
“Welcome to Astri. To what do we owe the honor?” Zarri stands a step below the marble desk, with me right beside her. Our guards thin out a little.
“My lords, allow me to be blunt. I am here to beg for forgiveness.” She bows to us on her knees. I look at Zarri. What the?
“Ruby.” Breeze walks over to the woman. “A Queen does not grovel. Stand up.”
“I'm no queen. I’m simply a child, trying her best to right the wrongs of her foolish father.”
“You’re the most likely heir to the Concords throne.” Oooh riiight. “Rise.” The girl stands up but keeps her gaze to the ground.
“Has Tahon sent you here?” I walk over closer, gesturing to our fighters to disappear.
“No. I am here on official business. Well. I am supposed to be visit the Founding Nations as part of my diplomatic mission. As well as making known that I shall be taking over the Rebirth Research Division.” Ruby tells us. Hold up.
“Pardon?” It only takes a heartbeat for Zarri to get into her Queen mode. Ruby blinks fast.
“Pardon. I meant to say I will be taking over from my Father as its overseer.” The girl scrambles to make the correction. Good call. Breeze loosens up a bit.
“I take it the Research will continue?”
“Yes. I shall see to it. You have my word.” The girl holds Breeze’s glare. Well now. A staring contest between Queens. Intriguing.
“I imagine that is not all, you've come all this way for?” I get in on the action too.
“No. Please, allow me to apologize again. I wish to make amends for my father’s actions. If it is at all possible.” Ruby adds quickly there at the end.
“Considering the fact that all ended well, I see no point in groveling now.”
“We do appreciate the gesture, though.” I second Zarri.
“I see. Then may I, please, extend my deepest condolences, for the late Lady Emerald.” Ruby says with her eyes down again. Breeze gets in real close to the woman.
“Is that why you stand here alone?” Zarri asks Ruby, almost growling.
“Who else knows?” I take a step forward too. The shadows get restless. Easy now.
“Only I.” Gotta say, the girl does a damn good job holding her ground against my crazy wife.
“Was it Laira who helped you figure it out?” Breeze keeps her eyes on Ruby.
“Yes. But. All she said was what I'll find my answers here. Regardless of my official business, I stand alone here before you, unarmed, with my guards left behind at the inn for a reason.” The girl stands tall as she speaks. “I was not sure what would await me but seeing you, I can tell…” She pauses again. “I would have come here to apologize regardless of who it was upon the throne. I feel it is my responsibility. Whether I like it or not, he is my father. However. Lady Emerald did save my life. I never forgot that.” The girl has guts. Keeping her eyes locked with Zarri's like that.
“Appreciate the respect.” My wife's emotionless. “I recall you are here on official business?” She quickly changes the topic. Rather, forces it.
“Yes.” Ruby answers.
“Well. If that's the case. Then might I suggest discussing the matter with the future generation of Noxanda, instead.” Breeze says. “Show yourselves!” She calls out. A shadow elongates and three figures come into view.
“How'd you know?” Xan asks, pouting a little.
“Don't underestimate me.” Zarri winks. “Please. Step forward.” She gestures to our trio. Xan goes first.
“Xander Stardust Shadowkill.”
“Reina Stardust Shadowkill.”
“Tyro Stardust Shadowkill.”
“Ruby of Araneum.” The girl curtsies. “An honor.”
“The pleasure's all ours.” My genes clearly seep out of Xan. I'll never hear the end of this...
“Ruby is here to strengthen the relationships between Existara and the Original Nations.” I quickly grab the chance to cut into the silence.
“We suggest you make yourselves acquainted. For the sake of Noxanda's future.” Zarri adds.
“Mission accepted!” Xan winks.
“Miss, if you would please, follow us.” Tyro takes the lead, properly. Rei remains on her guard as usual. We watch the kids leave the hall. I sit down in the chair and take Breeze into my lap.
“Well? Think she's the genuine article?”
“Hard to say.” Zarri puts her arms around my neck. “I can't track her vitals anymore... It makes this somewhat difficult...”
“That's why you sicked someone on her who can?”
Breeze kisses me tight. “You know me so well.” She whispers. “Yes and no. Emerald did save her when she was a child. So.”
“But?” I ask her neck.
“But this is Tahon we're dealing with.”
“There we go. You don't trust her.”
“No. I don't. But I can't let my mistakes get in their way either.”
“So you bite your pride and hope she's not a fraud.” I gaze into her eyes.
“More or less.” Breeze murmurs. “Laira never said a word about this to me.”
“You know her. She probably wasn't sure about anything. I'm more surprised that lunatic let his daughter leave in the first place.”
“True. Doesn't mean I can't be bothered by it.” She pouts. I giggle. “Well?” A shadow emerges from the floor and a kneeling Glen appears again.
“Nothing. It appears she was telling the truth. Her attendants wait for her at the Inn as we were told.”
“Make sure it stays that way.” I tell him.
“Crank up the sweeps too.” Zarri barks.
“Yes.” Glen slithers away again.
“What are we afraid of, exactly?”
“I'm supposed to be dead... Even if Noxanda was closed off to the outside world due to my selfish acts, it's best to leave Deathbreeze Skyrider and Gazaria Stardust separated..."
“Entire Noxanda is full of yous? Was it?” I whisper into her ear. She glares at me. I smile. “You're not the only attraction in the world...”
“Oh? Have you finally found someone to replace me with?” She squints at me, mockingly. I bite her shoulder.
“Don't. Start.” I rumble the words out, with her shoulder in my mouth. A quiet moan.
“Look who's talking...” She traces my jaw, down to my neck.
“Come on, Ty! What's the hold up!” I barge into his room and freeze, hanging on the door knob with my jaw to the ground.
“Pardon the intrusion!” My body moves before my brain registers. I quickly shut the door and stand in the hall with my back against the wood. Me and my damned luck… How the hell I’m the one that ends up in these situations… Again…
“We were told that Ruby hasn't been seen since last night.” Mom's voice pierces my racing thoughts.
“Tyro hasn't shown himself either, yet.” I hear them coming over. Move, you!
“Ah! My family! Tyro said to start without him!” I come to greet them with arms wide open as all three of them turn the corner.
“What's all this all of a sudden?” Dad stares at me.
“I missed you guys! Come on, let's go!” I try to steer them away from here.
“Right.” Mom doesn't buy my fast-act.
“Ugh. Remind me again, how are we related, exactly? Rei's not impressed either. Not that she ever is...
“Oh you're related, alright.” Dad says. “I should know. I was there.” He grins with a proud, self-satisfied grin. I wanna say something here, so baad. I fight the urge to make the comment.
“Step aside already.” Rei pushes me away. I quickly step backwards and get in her face again.
“Wh..where are you going? Kitchen's this way!”
“Xan. It's too early for this.” She glares at me. It's noon, though. I keep the stupid grin on me.
“Move.” She side steps me again, ramming me into the wall.
“Ah! Wait!” I call after her and the door to Ty's room opens. Rei stops and stares. I turn my gaze too. Ruby show's herself, freezing for a moment and quickly going into the other room, across the hall. Ro shows himself to us too, with pants on only and shuts the door back, leaving the rest us stunned.
“Oh that STUPID child...” Mom covers her face with her hand. Dad's clearly fighting between a grin and a frown.
“So he hooked up with a girl? Big deal?” I shrug my shoulders.
“Sadly, it is a big deal.” Dad says. “She's the most likely candidate to succeed Araneum's throne. Even if this is where it ends, it poses a threat still.”
“How so?” I ask.
“Well one, her father ain't exactly what I'd call stable. Who knows what he'd might come up this time.” Dad says.
“This time?” I ask and get ignored.
“Two?” Rei cuts in.
“Two. It would put the power scales out of balance. After the discovery of Existara great conflicts followed suite. Nobody could agree on who the new land belongs to or how it should be divided.” Mom explains. “Eventually, by a miracle, I guess, it was agreed on it being mutual ground between the Four Nations. Araneum was founded and declared a Royal City by selection. Not by inheritance.”
“More like a Royal pain in the ass.” Dad adds and I catch a giggle and Rei's glare. I clear my throat and let the Parents continue. “That didn't mean that the problems ceased right there and then. Expeditions were needed to explore the land. Settlements to be made. All that jazz. The Rebellion's shenanigans didn't help either.”
“Some time later the Rebirth came to be too and that brought a whole lot of new problems. To this day the Araneum's throne is selected by some sort of a tournament or vote. It's a very rare occasion when an heir is born.” Mom takes over from Dad.
“Ruby here is something that hasn't happened in generations. If she truly intends on taking on the throne then Tyro's hook up could mean catastrophic consequences, and not for us only.” Dad continues where Mom left off.
“Like your father said, even if this ends here, it would be enough for other nations to catch a mere hint of this to spark outrage and conflict, with our land, yet again...” Mom dies down.
“Meaning that they would suspect Noxanda of trying to increase our political reach and weight. Right now we have the Four Nations here and Concord as a mix, an alliance of sorts, between us. Rebellion is a mess, so nobody's worried about them. However. If one of the Nations here would tip the scales in their favor, it would throw the entire Land of Race and the New Continent into disarray, as the other three would try to even things out?” Rei makes a statement rather than a question. Guess it is a big deal, after all...
“Exactly like that.” Dad agrees.
“There's a reason why upon the establishment of Concord it was agreed between the Original Nations that no marriages between nations would take place. Not between us here, nor with Araneum. Well. The Rebirth has made it easy for that last part.” Mom adds quick.
“Damn.” The word slips out.
“Yeah. I'd like to tell him “well done” but really, I can only handle one war threat in a lifetime...” Dad says.
“War threat?” Rei's eyes turn murderous instantly. She honestly scares me sometimes.
“Long ago, Ruby's father twisted my arm for his, more or less, personal affairs. He mentioned something along the lines of waging war against Noxanda if I refused.” I notice Dad's arm wrap itself around Mom. His eyes are the same as Reina's now. So that's "this time"...
“I'm guessing it never came to be?” Rei says.
“We managed.” Dad answers.
“Queen? If you would, please?” I turn to where the voice comes from. Ruby stands in her doorway. Blushing.
“Show time.” Mom says and goes over to her. A moment later I look back at Dad as the door closes.
“Question. How does Araneum have a King then, exactly? What's the purpose of that?”
“Oh. Guess even you have a brain, sometimes.” Rei's at it again. Usually, I'd have a snappy comeback but not now.
“Well. The thing is, the title of the King isn't something that came to be right from the start. For the longest time "the King" used to be called a War Chieftain. That too, only started after the first Rebirth happened in the distant past. The Royal City has a Council and the Congress. At first the Congress was simply a gathering of the Four Nations, so that Existara could be overseen as equally and fairly as possible.” He says. I feel like there's a but coming in.
“But?” Reina catches on too.
“But two things happened to change that.” Dad answers.
“Lemme guess, one would be the Rebirth?” I cut in. He nods.
“So what's the other one?” Sis asks. The corners of dad's lips climb up and stop.
“Your Mother.” He tells us proudly.
“Say again?” We stare at him.
“Technically, only the previous King Bellkehm was the first King Araneum ever had. Till then they'd pick the strongest warrior to lead the fighters into the Castle of Despair.”
“Lovely name.” Rei whispers. No kidding. Even though we grew up hearing it...
“It was the Council's job to present candidates to the Congress. If the geezers couldn't agree by voting, they would decide with a competition. Having the War Chieftain's tittle bestowed upon you was the same as receiving a Death sentence, considering.” Dad explains.
“So? Where does Mom fit in?” Sis beats me to it.
“It's a long story.” Dad smiles.
“Give us the main point?” I try.
“It's difficult to say. Lots was happening at the time. But we kinda made friends with the previous King. On top of that, he took a liking to Breeze, almost like a daughter. One thing led to another and your Mother was announced the War Chieftain. One of the youngest too. That did not sit well with anyone.”
“Only that?” Rei glares at Dad. He smiles again, his eyes lost in the sea of memories.
“Nah. But anyways, that's the story. More or less.”
“So what does the King do then?” I go for it again.
“Nothing, for the most part. The King is only needed for matters of Rebirth. That topic is the only one that the Congress goes 50:50 versus the King slash the War Chieftain. The King can present ideas and the Congress can block them and vice versa.”
“What’s the point to the king then?” Rei goes for it too.
Dad shrugs his shoulders. “Not much. When you put it like that. It used to be more strategic. Although, these days you can't tell anymore. I guess Tahon used Rebirth as his main excuse for a bunch of changes. I can't say that I ever paid attention to those things before but it kinda became clear later... So right now, his reach has extended, somewhat? But the rest remains as it always was.”
“Meaning?” I ask.
“If someone from outside of the Advisors, Council or the Congress wish to voice their ideas about anything, they must go through the Council first. Those geezers are forever busy for anything.” I pick up a hint of contempt. “Well now.” I follow Dad's gaze. Tyro walks up to us. Fully dressed this time.
“Have anything to say?” Dad stares our Youngest down.
“Guilty as charged. I'm not as naive as to claim ignorance. I'm, no, we, are fully aware of the situation and how grave the consequences might be.” Wow. Spoken like a true King. I smile. Rei's not hiding her admiration for our little brother either. I smile double.
“Where's Mom?” Ty asks.
“In there.” Reina points to the door behind him.
“Show time.” I say and go over to the blushing maiden. I walk pass her, she closes the door behind me. A long moment passes slowly by, till Ruby manages to stand in front of me. I wait.
“I. I have no excuse.” She says looking right at me.
“I don't expect you to justify your actions. I am not your mother, after all. However. I do wish to know whether or not you comprehend the situation you have put all of us in.”
“Yes. I do. For that I deeply apologize. However.” She straightens out more. “You have nothing to worry about. My father will never know of this.”
“How sure can you be?”
“I'm not. But even if he would come to learn of this by chance, I can stand my ground. I do not wish to cause the Stardust Shadowkill family any more trouble than we have already. Besides...” She mumbles, somewhat pouting but bites her tongue instantly. I wait a short moment.
“It's not like he cares about anything besides the stupid Rebirth anyways... Especially now... The older he gets the more insufferable he is... I mean really, if I hadn't suggested taking over the RRD he would have let me rot in that stupid Palace!” She flares up, causing me to smile. “It's all he ever talks about!! Ugh! Oh!” She quickly shuts up. I chuckle silently.
“You look just like your mother.” I tell her softly.
“You knew my mom?” Ruby takes a step forward, eyes full of hope. I smile again with a hint of sadness.
“Unfortunately, I have only ever had the privilege of dealing with your father.” Her eyes die down again. “However.” She shifts her gaze to me again, just a little.
“You look nothing like your father, except for the eyes. That's why I said that.” She smiles shyly.
“I never knew her... I was told she died. Well, that's what he said. Later I found out she was a maid that babysat me for a bit...” Ruby's eyes change once again. As somewhat royalty, she sure has a good grip on her poker face. The eyes alone giver her away.
“I might be able to understand your longing feeling to know the other half of yourself, from which you come from.” I tell the girl. She hesitates a moment longer.
“Allow me to apologize.” She bows again.
“Apology accepted.” I pause. “I would though, have one request.” She looks back up at me. “I must ask you to leave. Today.”
Ruby's face turns to stone. “Understood.”
“Appreciate the understanding.” I bow my head to her as well. “We shall assist you, should you need anything for your trip.” I add walking toward the door.
“Thank you.”
I stop with my hand on the knob. “One last thing.” I feel conflicted enough but I can't pass up this opportunity. I look back at Ruby. “How was he?”
I see the confusion flush over her. Eyes gleaming. Lips pressed together. A gulp of air caught in her chest. She fidgets with her hair, face red as a flame. A nod is all I get and it is all I need. I leave the room. Least his insecurities haven't gotten in the way there. I close the door and see a pair of six eyes staring my way. Crile's grinning. Xan and Rei wait for me to make the first move and Tyro's unreadable. I walk over to them.
“That's not exactly what I had in mind when I said you should get to know her better.” I glare at our Youngest. He quickly straightens out and bows.
“Please accept my deepest apologies, if you can.” He remains bent over. I exhale.
“Instead of your apology, I'd rather you didn't do something that would require you to grovel at my feet...” I pat his head. He straightens out.
“It was our mistake as your parents and as rulers for not making the boundaries clear. Besides. You're seventeen. I expect you to make mistakes.” I smile at our little one.
“I'm sorry...” He says like he's four again.
“You're lucky you're good, apparently.” I give into my urge to tease Tyro. Crile roars with laughter. Tyro blushes and looks away. Xan and Rei are getting there...
“Of course he is!” My idiot husband says proudly over his laughing fit. “He takes after me!” Another roar. Oh brother...
“Ah, know I see the resemblance...” Rei looks away in disapproval.
“Wait. WAIT WAAIT. Hold up!” Our Eldest finally puts the picture together. He throws his arm around his brother’s shoulders. “You gotta let me in on your secrets!” He grins just like his father...
“Get off me.” Tyro glares at Xander.
“Idiot.” Rei never misses a chance to remind her twin that.
“Nah, you and I have a ton to talk about.” Xan persists. Reina grabs his other arm and forces Xander to his knees.
“Rei, sis, ow ow ow, REI! ALRIGHT! SHEESH!” She lets her brother go. I offer him a hand. Xan takes it and gets up.
“Well, shall we get back to breakfast then?” Crile makes way for me between Our kids. I step forward and take my husband's elbow. Our trio line up to follow us. Ruby joins us, fashionably late. Everyone pretends not to care about what happened. The kids keep pampering the girl with offers of our cuisine, places to see, things to try. It feels unreal watching our children this way. I wonder, would I have been able to make this happen sooner if I had done things differently? Or is it because of how everything happened that we are able to be like this now? No matter how much I think about it, I never remember thinking that a picturesque scene as this was ever possible for me to achieve... Nothing is set in stone, and yet it feels like this was destined to be... We have the kiddos see Ruby off a little bit later in the afternoon.
“Well? What do you think?” Crile asks them.
“She's cool.” Xan shrugs his shoulders with his arms behind his head. “We already know Tyro's opinion.” He teases his brother.
“She seemed honest.” Rei cuts in. “Or at least I wasn't able to tell that she was lying. So she's either well trained or truthful.” Her father's cold and calculated way of thinking is evident in her blood.
“We'll see.” I glance Tyro over again. “Tyro, dear. May we talk for a bit?” His face quickly turns to ice.
“Of course, Mother.” His tone is too cold.
“Walk with me.” I get up and get out on the terrace. Ty comes over to me. He stops a little bit away from me. I pat the stone rail next to me.
“I'm not about to execute you, I simply want to talk.” I tell him. He hesitates and comes over.
“Well? What do you think of Ruby? Be honest, please.” I ask, gazing over the side view of the Statue.
“She's amazing.” A whisper. “It was the first time I was able to discuss things in such depth...”
I smile. “You like her?”
A nod. “A lot...” Ro keeps his gaze to the ground.
“I'm sorry, honey.” He looks up at me. I keep staring at the Statue. “I'm sorry that yet again I am the one to screw things up for you. If you weren't, if we weren't what we are, then perhaps you would have had a chance to live your lives the way you wished.”
“Mom, that's not it.” Ty puts his hand on mine. “It was one night. I liked it but that doesn't mean that we could have gone into something more than that. Besides, there’s no telling if I would have met her otherwise, so...” He stops from my gaze.
“You don't need to pretend to be all grown up.” I slip my hand from under his palm and put it on his cheek. “Just because you understand the situation you are in, does not mean you need to like it or be happy about it.” I tell him softly. Tiny drops glisten on his face. I hug my boy to me and place my head on his. I took away his powers and now I take away his freedom. What a sorry excuse for a mother I turned out to be...
“HE DID WHAT!!!” I hear Dad laughing his ass off, walking back upstairs from the cellar.
“Wanna tell me what happened?”
“Oh, hey there, what's up?”
“Don't dodge the question, I know you heard me.” I put my bag on the table. “Mom said she'll be late a bit. Looks like you're cooking tonight.”
“Oh? That hasn't happened in a while. Huh? Oh, Ether's back. Sure. Crile says hi.” Dad tells me, setting the jars on the table too.
“Hiya back.” I nod, washing my hands. He takes a moment to say goodbye and returns back to this reality. “Well?” I ask again.
“Oh nooo. You ain’t getting anything out of me.” He grins.
“You do realize I'll find out about whatever that was?” I look at him.
“I know. That's why I'm not telling.” We rustle for the dishes to get started on dinner. “Got everything you need?”
“Yup. I'd like to leave tomorrow.”
He shrugs his shoulders. “Fine by me.”
“I figured you'd be happier having the place to yourselves again.” I give him a smirk. Dad grins silly again.
“Oh shush you.” He jabs me to the side.
I notice him staring at me. “What it is?”
“When did you get so big?”
“Ain't my fault you shrunk.” I tease him and get jumped, he puts his hands around my neck and ruffs me up.
“Daad! DAD! GET OFF!” I try to shake the man off.
“I'll show you shrunk!” He persists.
“What's all this about?” Mom walks in.
“Oh hey, lovely, figured you'd be late?” Dad holds me down in the headlock.
“Luck you my hands are full.” I mutter. “Hi, Mom.”
“I managed to get what I need early. Here.” She sets a pouch down. “Take them with you and this too.” She sets another bag on the table. Full of scrolls. I sigh.
“Gotchya. Do you mind!”
“Nope.” Dad smiles at me again and let’s go. A shriek outside reaches us.
“Looks like the dragons are back.” Mom says, helping us.
“I wonder if it's alright for me to take Storm with us?” I ask.
“The kid's big enough now. Meteor should be able to handle him. Besides. We'll be here.” Dad tells me.
“I guess. Oh. Mom, is it alright with you if I leave tomorrow?”
“Sure. The sooner you leave, the sooner you'll return.” Mom says and Dad and I steal looks at each other.
“Yes yes.” We say quietly and get chopped on the heads, gently.
“Well. We're off.” I hug Mom.
“Take care.”
“Tell him I'll kick his ass.” Dad says.
“Don't worry. I'll do it for you.” I smile and get on Sky. Storm finishes up nuzzling her little one. Meteor places his head to hers and growls softly. She comes over to us the next moment.
“Fly.” I say and we take off. It takes about a week to get to the Site on a dragon. Unfortunately for most of them, it takes longer. Besides Uncle Percy and my Parents, nobody else there has dragons. So once in a while we offer our "services" to help transport something. Even that has been established as an excuse for us to visit each other. Except that ever since Storm and Meteor had their kid, uncle Percy had to leave Storm behind. He hasn't been back since. Not that I'm complaining. It's fun traveling like this and I only do it every few months. Usually, it's a piece of cake. I do need, I mean we, need to look out for poachers, though. I can take care of myself plenty. Sky's capable too. Even if his ability is defense orientated. Storm, on the other hand, is vicious, to say the least. Just like her Master, huh? Still. I try not to let my guard down. I like traveling this way in the Winter too. Flying isn't great, gotta bundle up a lot but when camping, we stay warm thanks to their natural heat. The Spring and the Fall are the worst. The winds pick up, making it difficult to fly. We had to go by ground a few times. Takes a bit longer. No matter. Wild dragons are the only other thing that truly frightens me. Dragons are extremely territorial. Explains their loyalties to their masters. So far we've been lucky not to encounter any up close. Sometimes I'll see one or two flying in the distance...
We land next to the Base and finish the rest of the way walking. About an hour. Gives me a good excuse to stretch my legs too. Storm gets more and more anxious the closer we get. Sky too. Just not in a fun way. Sorry boy. I pat him as we leave the woods.
“You two wait here for now.” I tell them. Storm gives me a disapproving roar.
“I'll go get him for you.” I take my bags off Sky and go. The Base is busy as ever. They seem to be taking good care of themselves. Uncle Percy really is a genius.
“Zal!” I wave.
“Yo! Ether, my man!” The Ravo comes over to me. “Lemme get that. He takes a bag off me.”
“Thanks. What's up?”
“Oh, you know, same, we haven't had any major developments happen in a while.”
“Right. So? Where is he?”
“His place. I think just saw them somewhere, not too long ago.”
“Ok, great. Then I can kick his ass with no witnesses present.” I say and Zaltem laughs. “And? How are you guys?”
“We're good, thanks.” He escorts me to the Uncle's place. “I'll wait here.”
“Thanks, be back in a bit.” I knock on the door. “I'm coming in!” I call out. No answer. I open the door and see the same thing as always. Uncle Percy asleep on his desk next to bundles of books and scrolls. I hang the bag on his chair and leave.
“That was quick.” Zal says.
“He's passed out.”
He laughs. “As per usual.” We walk around the Base a bit, with me taking notes of things. Gotta have something to report back... Zal gets stopped a few times.
“Something the matter?”
“My name doesn't have a nickname.” I pout for some reason.
Zal laughs at me. “Well, I mean, there's not much to choose from. You either have ET or HER, like?” He says chuckling. “Oh, Miss!” Zal waves to a Primerian woman with a girl in hand. "Look who's here!"
“Etty!!” The girl let's go of her Mother and runs over to me. I take her and pick her up. She looks just like her Mother. Dark brown, chocolate colored hair and bright green eyes. The only thing she get from her Father were the locks.
“Hi, Burla." I smile at her. "See what you've done?” I whisper, glaring at the Ravo.
“Hello, Ether.”
“Hi, Aunty.” I smile again.
“I was right.” Uncle show's himself from the crowd. Yawing. “You are here.”
“Hey.” I greet Uncle.
“Daddy!” Burla squirms and I set her down.
“Hi, honey.” Uncle Percy pats his daughter’s head. A roar rolls over the Base. Uh oh.
“Don't tell me...” Uncle stares at me.
“Hey, don't give me that look. You brought this on yourself.” I try to defend myself.
“Take her, please.” He gives his daughter back to her Mother. A dragon runs charging through the crowd. People scatter out of her way.
“No! NO! STORM!” Uncle tries to defuse the riled-up creature but fails miserably. She tackles him full force and knocks the man flat on his back. Storm follows up with an upset roar, right in his face.
“Well, guess the ass kicking part has been taken care of.” I whisper to Zal.
“Looks like it.” He agrees. Sky carefully approaches our party too.
“How long will you stay with us this time?” Aunty Ocana asks me, through all the commotion. I shrug my shoulders. “We'll see. Maybe a few weeks?”
“STORM! ENOUGH! OFF!” Uncle Percy has finally regained his control over his dragon. She backs up. “SIT!” He tells her. To my surprise she lays down. Guess that's close enough?
“Sorry about that.” Uncle tells us, patting Storm's head. “How are they?”
“Oh, the baby's growing up just fine. He looks exactly like his father and is healthy as a horse.” I see the look Uncle gives me. “They are fine. Dad said to kick your ass for him.”
“Perhaps we'll be able to come visit soon. I think she's big enough now, to handle a trip like that.” Aunty says.
“That would be nice. You could stay at our place easy.” I answer.
“So you're the reason for the racket.” Dynna shows herself too. For someone in her 40s she looks good.
“Hi there!” I wave.
“Hi.” She answers short as usual. “Mind moving this elsewhere? You're in the middle of the road.”
“My bad.” Uncle bows quickly.
“We'll be going then.” Zal says. “We'll catch you later.” Zaltem and Aodynna make their exit.
“Sure thing!” I wave to their backs. Storm and Sky take off and circle a little above us.
“How are you?” I ask Uncle. He yawns again.
“Same. Even with the research out of the way, there's plenty to do.”
“No kidding.” I say. “You have a whole town here now.”
“Yes, and we're slowly expanding.” Aunty adds.
“Just hope the effort pays off.” Uncle mumbles.
“Don't worry. We'll make it pay off.” I smile. “Zaltem filled me in on the situation, more or less. I understand you've been gaining steady income?” I change the subject.
“Yes, our produce production has increased about 45%? We have now, like what?”
“4 different types of grains growing.” Aunty answers.
“Yes. Thank you, dear.” Uncle agrees.
“To be fair, our enchantment-based produce is more popular with fighters and casters.” She continues. “Regular people don't do much business with us. The location has its disadvantages...” She looks away into the distance.
“Unfortunately, yes. Some folk believe the food here to be...”
“Bad?” I step in.
“Cursed.” Uncle says.
I try not to smile that time. “Honestly.”
“Yes, well, it can't be helped. We're lucky that we have even that much bought from us. From what we hear, our extra special produce has been slowly spreading its way into the Land of Race too.” He adds.
“No wonder. It's like a boost of spells and abilities in a spoon. As long as you don't abuse it - it helps to steadily increase your magic or enhance physical abilities.” I agree. “I should know. Wait, but that doesn't mean that you stopped making the regular ones?”
“Oh, of course not. We make plenty of those too. We need them, and as much as the Enchanted Grains are increasing in popularity, we have more of the regular, out of season grains growing nicely too.” Uncle answers.
“Of course, those are more or less consumed by the rich.” Aunty says.
“Yes, but we charge them more just cause.” Uncle says. “I would prefer to help the regular people more, though... It's been years now.” Yes, it has been. It should have spread across the continent by now.
“What if we offer to send out teams to remote areas with our knowledge and have them help the people there?” I ask.
“We already have that going on, more or less. See. The people here are free to come and go as they please. Only those who sign up for the RRD officially need permission to move.” Uncle Percy explains.
“Some of the families here stay with us for a few years and then go back to their home villages to help develop them. So, in a way.” Aunty Ocana takes over.
“I see. In a way, you are helping. So, then it's just buying directly from here that's the problem?”
“More or less. I don't feel like tricking people into buying from us. We don't charge them much either. But the Base has its down side. We have reports come in from time to time that some are wary of our methods even if they learn of them from people they know.” Uncle tells me.
“There will always be sides divided. Can't win them all.” Aunty adds.
“Their loss. I see no reason not to trust Uncle's methods.”
“Thank you, Ether.”
“No problem! Anything else we miss? Are you good on weapons? Meds?”
“Yes and yes.” Uncle nods. “Meds are not a problem whatsoever for us. Weapons too. We try to reforge anything we can and the ores sell well. Considering how much unused resources there are in the surrounding areas, the more we expand the more we discover. So, we're able to sustain ourselves plenty.”
“Glad to hear, and the Rebellion?” I look to the west.
“Yes, well, that...” Uncle hesitates.
“They try, less nowadays but they are persistent.” Aunty answers me instead.
“Not that we ever have much trouble with them. Everyone here is trained to fight. Even the non-combatant family members are taught basic medical and battle knowledge as a rule, if they wish to stay here.” Uncle adds. “There's nothing to worry about. We are fully able to defend ourselves.”
“I see. Right...” Wait. “Less?” That catches my attention. “Not more?”
“I asked the people here to share some food and clothing, as well as meds with them. We leave them by the boarder... No weapons, of course.” He adds quickly, noticing my expression. “I hope we can ease the tension...”
“Percival, you're not telling the whole story here.” Aunty Ocana gives her husband a look of her own... Burla continues to walk quietly amongst our talk. Her tiny face with bright eyes looking up at us, reminds me of me, back in the day... I catch her small gaze and smile. She waves back at me.
“Well? I'm waiting?” I urge Uncle.
“We have some of the Odions come over to us, asking for help. Usually, it's food and shelter... Some leave after a few days. Some have stayed with us...”
“How long has this been going on?” I stare at Uncle Percy.
“A decade... More or less...” You're kidding me...
“Uncle!” I stop.
“Yes, yes, I know. I should have said something earlier...”
“That's the LAST of my worries right now! You do realize they could be stealing our secrets! What if the Rebellion is using our methods to get stronger! What IF they attack us!”
“I know it was reckless of me–“
“ETHER!” Aunty Ocana steps into my view. I quickly pull myself together again.
“I apologize. The information you've given me, made me lose my composure.” I bow.
“No, no, it's fine. You're not the only one to have that reaction.” Uncle admits.
“Ether, you need to remember that most of the Odions are misguided souls. Some do not even remember the reasons for going over there, or are hostages of the choices their predecessors made. The people we have coming over, have difficulty accepting kindness and help.” Aunty Ocana explains it, keeping her voice low and calm. “What Percival is doing, is trying to ease the tension and gain their trust. If that's at all possible.”
“Thank you, dear.” Uncle takes his wife by the hand. “It is as Ocana explained it. You do know we have an Accord of Defense against the Rebellion.”
“Yes. We are only to defend ourselves. Never to attack first.”
“Yes. That being said. I'd like to turn this into a complete Non-Aggression Pact between us and them.”
“Why?” I struggle to stay cool.
“Same reason why we are trying to help the people here.” Aunty answers.
“To help develop the land and improve their lives overall?” I ask, keeping my tone even.
“And hopefully to reunite the people divided one day. We only have one world. No reason to be fighting amongst ourselves for it. We are our biggest enemies. The RRD is the first step toward that. Least I want it to be...” Uncle gazes the town and the people over. I understand where he's coming from...
“I'm sorry...” I mumble. “I know how hard you're working for everyone's sake... Perhaps I was more shocked to find out you have included the Rebellion into this too... As if you don't have enough to worry about...” I mutter the words out there at the end.
Aunty laughs quietly. “That's what I told him. Zaltem too.” She adds.
“Sorry for the trouble.” Uncle gets a bit embarrassed.
“Too late!” Aunty says smiling.
“Mommy, I'm hungry...” Burla pulls on Aunty's sleeve.
“Sorry, honey, let's go back then.” Uncle takes his girl into his arms and she rests her head on his shoulder.
“You'll join us, won't you?” Aunty squints at me.
“Do I have a choice?”
“No.” Uncle says and we laugh a little again.
“I'd be happy to.” I smile.
- In Serial199 Chapters
On the Way Home I Got a Bride and Twin Daughters, Who Were Dragons
Thanks to my old man doing his best, despite it being on a two-generation housing loan, I was able to get my very own single-family house! As I went shopping on the evening of the day I moved in on my younger brother’s request, I was asked for help by a lovely blue-haired girl. Told it was a kidnapping, I took out the perpetrator with a lariat, and what appeared were actually two large eggs. As soon as I touched them, they split and two baby girls appeared! At that moment, the blue-haired girl called out, “You’re the dad!”
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The Flower of Separation
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Abnormal Days
These supernatural stories revolve around and are narrated by Zhang Shun, a boy recently graduated from high school. Lost and wondering about his next move in life. After his graduation ceremony, he has his first brush with the supernatural and is trapped in an ideal dream world. Fortunately, he escapes with his life and he gains a bit of insight into what he wishes to do in life. From that day onward, his life becomes increasingly hectic as he constantly faces off against incredulous supernatural events. An inescapable monster, his body being stolen by a ghost, the dead coming back to life, escaping the King of Ghosts and more. But most importantly, these stories cover the growth of Zhang Shun and the people around him.
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Wild Thing (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)
After the death of her last living parent and getting known by an American modeling company, Hungarian Mira Caspari sets off to move to the United States with her older sister who is a cosmetic surgeon and her younger teenage sister. Coming to America, Mira Caspari thought it'd be a fun experience and that it'd change her life forever. After the first couple of months of staying in Los Angeles, she realizes everything isn't as good as it seems. There's more work than play, but at least she managed to find herself a hot girlfriend to spend her spare time with, Ellie Banks, a fashion designer for a wild, untamed and aggressive rapper by the name of Scotty XXX. Born with the name, Arden Scott, Scotty XXX spends most of her days and nights partying and doing anything from drugs to women. For Mira, everything in her life changes, once Ellie brings her to one of Arden's raves. Her eyes open up to a whole new world and she finds herself a little too interested in the wild child that is Arden Scott.
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Who are you: school 2015 ( A Chance) {On-going}
I entered "Who are you: School 2015".On her 24th birthday, Han Eunha made a wish that the Second Male Lead gets a happy ending!The power was cut and suddenly she had entered the first kdrama she had ever watched.This time, she swore the SML will get a happy ending!Single update every week!Started~21-01-22End~#1 in School 2015#1 in Male lead#1 in Second Male Lead#1 in Koreandramas#1 in Kdrama#1 in sungjae#1 in yook#1 in namjoohyuk#1 in Eunbi #1 in Eunbyeol #1 in Taekwang Only the character Han Eunha, and anything regarding her past, belongs to me. No other characters used in this book belong to me and are credited to the rightful owners.Please do not copy my work!
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သူပိုင်တဲ့အရာ ၊ သူပိုင္တဲ့အရာ (Uni+Zaw)
D ShinenaNay Yatt WonMahar Myittar
8 150