《Existara: the RRD. Book two》The Royals and the Pain
“My Lords, there's a messenger from Araneum who wishes to see you.” Messo announces.
Breeze and I look at each other for a moment. “Well?”
“Let them through.” Zarri answers holding my gaze.
“Right away.” Messo bows and leaves.
“This is rather unusual.” I stand closer to her.
“I'll say.” Our guards walk into the throne hall with the messenger, a young Balli boy, in the middle of their circle. The guards open up in the center and let the boy through a little. He bows and takes a scroll out. He takes in a gulp of air and begins.
“To the Royal Family of Noxanda. It is with great grief that I inform you of the passing of King Tahon of the Concord.” Oh? I watch Breeze straighten her back out and rest her chin on her laced fingers. The boy continues.
“The Funeral Ceremony has already been held and our land is in mourning.” Sure it is. “I, Ruby of Araneum, with the blessings of the Council and the Congress, have succeeded my late Father and have ascended the throne.” Of course, she did.
“I shall continue on with my Father's work and wishes. As the Queen of Concord, I'd like to invite You to Araneum to pay respects to the late King, as well as honor the treaty between the Original Nations and Existara, regarding the Rebirth Research Division and the matter of Rebirth, as it has been agreed upon during my Father's ruling.” That's what this is about...
“We shall await you at the Royal City in six months, should you wish to accept the invitation. You have a week, upon receiving the summons, to reply.” Interesting. “Signed. Ruby, the Queen of Concord.” The boy rolls the scroll up and hands it to Erin. She brings it to me. We wait for Breeze. She puts her hands down.
“You shall have your answer in a week.” She tells the messenger boy.
“Then I shall be back in seven days.” The Balli kid bows, the guards make way for him and he leaves. We wait a little longer. Our guards disappear and I ask Zarri again.
“I'm thinking.”
“You gotta give credit to the girl. She coated it as an invite but really, she ain't giving us a choice.”
“Yeah, I picked up on that. Frankly, It's hard to miss...” She has a serious look on her. “How long has it been?”
“32 years. Give or take.” Rei answers from the shadows and all three of them appear.
“We should go.” Xan says.
“Could be a good chance to reinforce relationships with other nations too.” Ro seconds.
“I agree.” Zarri looks at me. “Considering that nobody over there ever saw your real hair color - we should be safe.” I wink at my wife.
“We can't exactly leave Noxanda alone.” Breeze makes a point.
“You can leave it to us.” Glen shows up too.
“Ugh, does everyone here spy on everyone?” Zarri pouts, with her hand under her cheek. I smile.
“We can handle overseeing things here while you're away, my Lords.” Glen repeats it. “We are more than capable. We'll split in two teams, no problem.”
“Thank you, Glen.” I answer. “Well?”
“Come on, Mom! Let's go!” Xan's impatient as always.
“Ugh. Fine.” She caves. “The whole thing's in six months? We leave in three. You know the drill.” She waves to Glen.
“Roger that.” He nods and slips away again.
“ALRIGHT YEAH!” Xander cheers.
“Take it easy.” Reina says.
“We should brush up on the current Politics then.” Ty keeps his composure.
“Not a bad idea, you do that.” Zarri agrees.
“On it!” Xan smiles and they leave us.
“What's wrong?” I ask her, taking her into my lap.
“It'll be such a pain...” She whispers and I laugh.
“Oh, that will be one hell of a punishment for you...”
“You're enjoying this more than you should.” She glares at me.
I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe. That's not the only thing that bothers you. Is it?” I brush her hair away from her face.
“We'll have to tell them...” Right...
“Perhaps this way's better then...”
“I'm not sure...” She exhales, pulling herself to me…
“Finally! Damn that took too long!” I stretch.
“As if you did anything.” Rei jabs at me.
“Hey, I'm allowed to have an opinion.”
“Of course, you do.” Ether shows himself on board. “Hey there.” He kisses Rei and I turn away.
“Hi, Ether.” Ro comes over with our bags. “Catch.” He throws me mine. “What's with you?”
“That.” I nod to the love birds.
“Really? How many years has it been now?” Dad and Mom come over to us too.
“What does it matter!” I pout. “He's our cousin!”
“Adopted.” Ether says, taking Reina's bag from Tyro.
“Different race.” Rei seconds him again. Why do I feel like I’ve had this conversation before? Never mind.
“Like ANY of that matters!”
“Grow up.” Sis glares at me.
“Mom and Dad are waiting at the cabin?”
“No problem.” Dad nods to cuz. We get off the ship. Our escort gets sent away to the Palace, while we make our way to the legendary cabin in the woods. We take the famous Dragon Trail. Apparently, it's the fastest way from the Docks to the City. I stare at all of the different beasts.
“We're meeting your dragons too, right?” I ask Dad.
“Hope so.”
“The little one's all grown up too now.” Ether says.
“I'm excited to meet him.” Mom says. We split up into two cabs. Mom and Dad with me. Rei and Ether with Ty. I stare out the window. Definitely a different feeling from home.
“So this where all of it happened?”
“More or less.” Dad says with a smile. “You ok?”
“Ask me that again later.” Mom answers. I take a quick glance over at her. She seems different somehow too. The carrier lands with a soft thud. We get out and switch the dragons out for horses.
“My Queen!” A Noxian man comes over to us with an extra self-satisfied grin on his face.
“No. Not him.” Dad closes his eyes.
“Now now. Play nice.” Mom smiles at the approaching man. He takes Mom’s hand and kisses it, bowing down.
“What a pleasure to see you.” He says. I look over to my siblings. Yup, they are watching this too. With another Noxian male next to them.
“Good to see you are doing well, Rixa.” OHHHH. So this is the one.
“My Lords.” The other Noxian bows down now too.
“Zaltem, please. No need for that.” Mom says. Oh.
“Thank you.” He straightens out.
“I was wondering who would escort us, since you've sent our guards away.” Dad stares at Ether.
“Sorry, Uncle, he insisted...”
“You're as beautiful as ever, my Queen.” Rixa does not seem fazed by anything.
“Hands off.” Dad steps in and pulls Mom closer to him. This will be fun. I grin.
“Shall we get going?” Mom implies, casually, more or less.
“Please.” Zaltem says and goes over to the other carriage.
“Why do we get him?” Dad calls out.
“Cause I lost the fight.” Ether admits. Dad's not happy about this whatsoever. We get in and take off.
“Soooo this is the famous Rixa?” I break the awkward silence.
“Sadly, yes.”
“There aren't many left here that we can trust. I think this is quite nice.” Mom says calmly.
“We'll see.” Dad pouts. I smile. This is fun.
“By the way, is it just me or the carriages are smaller here?”
“Narrow, yes. We'll be going through the woods. It easier to maneuver.” Dad answers.
“Shouldn't there be a road there by now?”
“No. We made sure to never go through the same path more than three-four times.” Mom says.
“When Laira moved in, she used her mana to touch up the paths for us. It's not like the cabin's a big secret but random is random. Better not to have direct paths connecting still.”
“Gotchya.” It's Summer here. How Strange. It's Winter now back home. That's why we packed quite light. It'll be Spring time when we return... The carriage stops.
“We're here.” Dad says, stepping out first and helping Mom down the steps. I follow them. Quite the open area. I look around. The cabin's shape resembles a diamond. There are huge stables on the left. It's two floors tall. So this is it. I walk over to my siblings.
“Thoughts?” I ask.
“Getting there.” Ro answers. Rei keeps it to herself. The doors open and a geezer with our Aunty step out.
“Welcome back!” They greet our Parents first.
“It's strange to be back.” Mom says, hugging Aunty.
“Yo, Ether, who's the old man?” I lean in. He glares at me.
“That's Uncle Marcus you moronoid.” Rei hisses at me.
“No way! Uncle Marcus IS WAY BETTER LOOKING!” Laughter surrounds me. “What? What I say?”
“Why thank you, Xander.” The geezer comes over to me. I take a good look at the man. No way.
“What happened?” I ask and get a slap on the back of my head. Uncle Marcus laughs at me.
“Old age. It happens.” He gives me his hand. I shake it.
“This is gonna take me a bit.” I mumble. Uncle laughs again.
“Take your time.” He smiles at me. “Guess it's been sometime since we stopped with our regular visits.”
“Yeah, ever since Ether took over.” Tyro agrees.
Mom sighs loudly. “Pardon the idiot.”
“No offense taken.” Uncle answers. I keep staring at his white hair and wrinkled face. The glasses too. He seems so different... Yet I feel the familiar vibe the man gives off...
“Well then? Shall we go in?” Aunty Laira's voice snaps me out of it, leading the way.
“Go on without us.” Zaltem stops Rixa by the shoulder. "We'll see you later." He gives us a look. So do the other pair of adults. Our Parents seem different somehow too. Ok...
“Percival hasn't returned yet, so we'll wait for our reunion later.” Zaltem adds to the staring silence.
“Oh come on! For real!” Rixa throws a fit.
“Appreciate it.” Dad grins with pleasure.
“Alright then. See you later.” Aunty agrees too. Mom nods and they leave on a pair of Celodians, as we go inside the cabin.
“I'll show you to your rooms.” Ether points upstairs. I quickly scan the room. Two giant couches. A couple of high chairs and a short couch with a giant table in the middle. The kitchen's huge too with food everywhere. A long hallway toward the stable end. Ether points to a few open doors.
“These ones are taken.” He says, gesturing to the left.
“We'll take this one then.” Ty walks into one of the rooms on the right. Nice. A giant window. Two giant beds. A nightstand each, with a basin.
“Just as a Dad described it.” Ro agrees. We leave our bags on the beds and walk back out. I stop and stare at the door at the end of the hall.
“Hey, Ether, that wouldn't happen to be the...” I look at our cousin, pointing to the room.
“The War room? Same one.” He says. “Wanna check it out?”
“Hell yeah!” I answer and catch the gazes of my siblings. “Tomorrow?” I add.
“Wise choice.” Rei says and we get back down. Ty and I take our Parents bags and haul them upstairs too.
“Third door on the right!” Dad calls out.
“Gotchya!” Ty answers going straight for it. We toss the bags in and get back down again. The rest of them are getting comfy on the couches. I take a high chair, at the far corner of the table. Rei and Ether sit down on the short couch by the other end. Ty takes the other chair next to me and the two pairs of Parents take a couch each. Everyone is busy catching up. This is a nice change of scenery. We're used to them coming to us, so this feels somewhat freeing. The cabin feels cozy. Despite its size. I wonder if this is how it felt like back in the day for them?
It clicks to me. “Oh yeah, where the dragons at?”
“Hunting. They should be back tomorrow or so.” Uncle answers.
“Oh, by the way, how are they?” Aunty asks. Our Parents immediately freeze up. The gloom creeps into the air. Somethings off.
“Wait. You mean.” It dawns on me. “You can't be serious.” I snarl. The silence is my answer. “For real?” My voice gets louder, angrier. “You HAVEN'T TOLD THEM!” My blood begins to boil.
“Tell us what?” Uncle looks all of us over. Our Parents turn to stone.
“Guys, you're scaring me.” Aunty puts her glass down. Mom goes over to them and sits down next to her.
“This will be hard to hear.” Mom takes Aunty's hands into hers.
“No kidding.” I mumble.
“Alright, enough. Come on.” Ty gets up and drags me by the elbow. “Out. Let them handle this.”
“I did and they didn't.” I get up still and leave the cabin with my brother. We stand outside the front door. I keep pacing.
“I can't believe them.”
“It's not exactly easy breaking the news like that.” Ty answers.
“Yeah well. Argh!” My body trembles.
“Don't hate them.”
“I don't! I'm just mad as Hell!”
Ty sits down on the steps and pats a place next to him. I stop for a moment and come over. We wait. We listen.
“Should we?”
“Better not.” Ty shakes his head. I look up into the evening sky. A chill runs down my spine. Something ain’t right. Ro and I stare at each other. A weird noise comes from the inside. We go back in and freeze.
We watch Ty and Xan leave the room.
“What's going?” Dad asks Uncle Crile.
“Laira, listen.” Aunty begins. Her face looks grim. Rei squeezes my hand harder. Something's up. “Remember when Noxanda was attacked?” Mom nods.
“Well. Things happened after that. Now, we didn't say anything because they were our problems to deal with...”
“That's half of it.” Rei says.
“Yes. The other half is...” Wait. What? My mind is not able to register the words Aunty Zarri speaks.. What's happening? I watch pain and grief shackle my Mother's face. Dad holds her as Aunty and Uncle explain what happened to our grandparents. Mom weeps quietly. Those are the longest five minutes of my life... Last time I saw Mom so distraught was when Dad almost died...
“Why didn't you tell me?” I look at Rei.
“It wasn't my place to say anything.”
“I see why Xan's pissed with you.” Dad glares at Uncle.
“We're not exactly pleased with ourselves either.”
“How long...” Mom mumbles through her fingers. “HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN!!!” She screams out.
“About three years.” Uncle answers flat out.
“HOW COULD YOU!!” Mom shrieks again, pushing Aunty away from herself. She gets up and paces around the living room. Dad takes a back seat.
“Laira, please...” Aunty chases after Mom.
“Oh NO! NOT THIS TIME, SIS!” Mom's pissed. “How could you lie to me! AGAIN! ALL YOU EVER DO IS LIE TO ME!”
“Laira, I... We promised... We didn't...” Aunty struggles with words. I kinda understand the situation they were in but I understand why Mom's upset too...
“THEY WERE MY PARENTS TOO!” Mom snaps again.
“I couldn't get the timing right! I'm sorry! It's not something I can just bring up so easily!”
“GODS I HATE YOU RIGHT NOW MORE THAN EVER!!” Mom yells and Vines crawl out of the floor, wrapping themselves around Aunty, strangling her body. Uncle has his blade against Mom's throat. Dad shoots Air spikes around Uncle's neck too. The door opens and Tyro and Xander burst in on the scene.
“The Hell's going on?” Xan puts his hand on the Vines.
“Stay out of it!” Rei's Vines plaster Xan to the wall. Tyro remains in place.
“Rei! What the!” She shuts her brother up with the Vines.
“Laira. Let. Go.” Uncle spits the words out.
“You first.” Dad tightens the spike collar around Uncle's neck. Tiny blood drops appear on his grey skin. Xan struggles, pinned against the wall. Rei doesn't let go either. Ro's thinking. His darting eyes give him away. The Vines continue to squeeze the life out of Aunty.
“Go on. Do it.” She whispers staring right at Mom. The pain is taking her sanity away. I get up and walk over to her. I put my arms around her shoulders. Her body's so tense... I feel her tremble. She cries out and lets go. Mom cries out over and over again as I hold her to me. Rei lets Xan go and the two brothers check on their Mother. Uncle puts his knife away. Dad scatters his casting.
“Nice reaction time there.” Uncle says.
“Thank you.” Dad nods. “Don't ever make me do that again.”
“Same here.” Uncle crouches down next to Aunty. “You good?”
“I'll live.” She looks over at us. Xan continues to glare at me. Mom cries hysterically. Dad comes over to us and takes her over from me. Reina has her gaze down and away from me. Tyro begins tiding up the table. Rei follows his lead. Aunty waves Xan off. Dad nods to me too. The four of us migrate between the kitchen and the living room while the four of them remain huddled up on the floor. Nobody says anything for a long while.
“The Hell just happened.” Xander's patience breaks first.
“Nothing.” Rei answers.
“Didn't look like it...” Ty whispers too.
“Leave them be.” I say.
“Easy for you to say.” Xan throws me a nasty look.
“As if.”
“Don't start.” Reina cuts us off. “Say anything stupid more and I'll end you.” She glares at Xan, washing the dishes.
“I heard that one before.” He rolls his eyes at her, drying the plates.
“Enough.” Tyro finishes it, putting them away on the table, leaving me to organize them back to their places. The two Dads walk into the kitchen.
“How about you guys call it a night.” Dad says.
“We'll be up a bit.” Uncle Crile seconds him, going downstairs.
“Ok.” I nod. We finish up and go upstairs.
“Good night.” We each say the two Mothers on the opposite couches. A nod is all we get. Rei and I settle in together in one room. Ty and Xan take the room opposite from us.
“Think they'll be ok?” I ask Rei.
“From what I know - there's no telling. Aunty has forgiven Mom plenty before but this might take some time...” She tells me undressing. “Are you mad at me?”
“I'm not sure. A part of me is. But right now, I'm more shocked, really. That was a first for me.”
“For us too. Hope it's the last too.”
“Same here...” I answer looking at Reina’s naked body in front of me.
Last night’s tension doesn't go anywhere the next morning. It's every man and woman for themselves. Aunty has shut herself inside the bedroom. Dad spends time talking with Uncle. Rei and Ether are off somewhere. Leaving me and Ty wondering around the cabin and its grounds. I hole up in the War room after breakfast. The items here... Weapons. Armor. Trinkets. Potions. Herbs. Books. I stop by the two armor sets in a wardrobe, hanging side by side to each other. Those must be... The heavy leather one is Mom’s. The half leather, half chain-mail is Dad's. The cuts and the holes on Mom's armor send sends chills through my body... Dad’s chest piece has its own scars too. Some chains are missing. Some are crooked and twisted all up from the stabs and the jabs... We aren't even close to their level...
“There you are.” Ty stands in the door way. “Come out, you don't wanna miss this.”
“Hey, Ro, check this out.” He walks over to me.
He leans in closer. “Damn...”
“Yeah...” We stand a little bit longer admiring our Parents' past. The noise downstairs recaptures our attention. We leave the room. The sounds lead us outside, to the front yard. Four dragons appear before us.
“You weren't kidding.” I whisper.
“Yeah.” Ro lets out a breath too. Rei and Ether come out of the woods too.
“Nice of you to join us!” I call out to them. A patchy blue-ish dragon walks over to Ether. That must be Sky.
“Come here you two.” Dad waves to me and bro. A white with black markings and a black with red lines dragons are nuzzling with our Parents like a pair of puppies. That must be Storm and Meteor... Another black dragon holds its distance from everything. I stand next to Mom while Rei parks herself next to Dad, with Tyro in the middle of us. Storm stares at me for a long moment...
“She not like me?” I whisper to Mom.
“Wait for it.” So, I wait. Storm takes a good long whiff of Mom and then of me. She sneezes and sniffs me again. Then looks back at Mom.
“It's ok.” Mom pets her dragon. She takes my hand and puts on the dragon's nose. Oh. The scales feel so rough and edgy... I trace my hand upward only.
“There we go. Ty.” Mom looks around. “Stand here please.” She moves away from me and Ro takes her place. Storm does the same staring contest with him too. Meanwhile Meteor seems to be having a hard time deciding between Dad and Rei. Dad seems to be having fun, though.
“He's seeing double. He can't take it.” Dad laughs at his confused dragon. Storm has finally decided that Ty's all good too. We watch Rei get in closer to Meteor. He finally gives in and lays down in front of Sis. Dad loses it completely.
“Ro!” He waves to bro. Ty nods to Storm and goes over to Meteor. The dragon looks at Ty, then at Dad, at Mom and back at Ro. He takes a whiff of bro and lets out a growl.
“Is he angry?” I ask someone, taking a step back.
“No. That's a low growl, it means he’s fine but ain’t too sure about it, when they roar they sound different.” Mom goes over to say hello to Sky. She stops a few steps away and bows. The dragon nods. Rei leaves Ro and Meteor alone and comes over to Ether and Sky. The dragon backs up a little but cousin stops him.
“It's ok. Easy. She's with me. Don't worry.” He talks to the dragon nice and calm. Rei waits a few steps away and lets Ether bring the dragon to her instead. It takes a few tries but he gives up and submits to his master. Rei gets a quick nose boop and the dragon retreats.
“Now then. What about you?” Mom looks at the last dragon. A total copy of Meteor.
“What's this one again?” I ask cuz.
“No official name. I call him Shrimp. He only listens cause his parents are bound to us.”
“That's a shrimp to you?” I stare at cuz. Storm nudges her kid over to Mom. Shrimp moves hesitantly. Mom waits with her hand out. She lets the dragon take the lead. Storm puts her head next to Mom's feet. The ultimate sign of loyalty, or so we heard. Shrimp thinks it over and follows his momma-dragon. Dad comes next and same happens with papa-dragon.
“I see all of you have made your acquaintances.” Uncle Marcus comes over to us.
“They are fascinating creatures.” Tyro says.
“I'll say.” I agree.
“How's Aunty?” Reina comes over too. Uncle shakes his head.
“She needs some time...”
“We can stay in the city, if that would help?” Mom says.
“Don't insult her. The least you can do is stay here and suffer alongside her.” Wow. Uncle's tough.
“Anything we can help with in the mean time?” Dad steps in.
“We'll see. I'll be going back now.” Uncle says and walks away from us again. I kinda feel like saying something here but I don't. This is punishment enough. We spend the next couple of days learning how to fly a dragon. Storm lets us know quite clearly when we mess up. Meteor too. Only Rei is allowed near Sky and only with Ether. It's a fun way to pass the time while Mom patches things up with Aunty. Whenever that will happen... We'll see her come down sometimes but she clearly puts on a face for our sake... After a few tries, we learned not to force her.
“Xan!! Hurry up! Uncle's here!” Rei knocks on the bathroom door. Already? Damn.
“Coming!” They said they'd be here in a few days. I quickly get dressed and run out to meet them.
“Lazy ass.” Reina hisses at me.
“Gimme a break.” I hiss back.
“And this must be?” Mom address the Primerian teenager.
“Burla Skyrider, honor to meet you.” The girl curtsies.
“She cute.” I whisper.
“Hands off.” Rei growls at me.
“Oh, so you're allowed to but not me?” I pout. She jabs me in the ribs. A groan pushes against the inside of my lips but I manage to swallow it.
“In the honor of your fallen comrade.” The woman says. Mom freezes up. What gives? We already knew the name...
“Commander? I mean, Lady?”
“Percy, please, you're old enough to call me simply Breeze.” Mom snaps out if it and walks over to Uncle. She hugs him to her for a moment. He's gotten older too...
“Pardon me. I may not look it but I am ancient, old age is getting to me.” Mom wipes her face quickly and bows to the women. “It's a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“The honor is ours.” Aunty Ocana bows too.
“You're early!” Aunty Laira runs out of the cabin.
“We lied.” Uncle Percy says. “We wanted to help prepare.”
“Prepare for what?” Uncle Marcus shows himself too.
“For the Party. Everyone's coming.” Uncle Percy answers.
“Everyone who?” Dad asks.
“Zaltem and Aodynna. Levi too. Rixa, of course, and your elite guard. Well, the half that you brought with you, at least. We met with everyone before coming over.”
“They will provide the food, as long as we can provide the place.” Aunty Ocana finishes for Uncle Percy.
“Then we better get to work.” Aunty Laira quickly snaps out of it. “We can set everything up in the back yard. Rei, you go with the men, I'll help too. Ladies - to the kitchen.” Aunty's quick to give out orders. Everyone quickly rustles around. Chairs and tables are being either brought out or made by Rei and Aunty. Kegs of ale, beer, wine and liquor quickly find their way out of the cellar. A couple at a time, the rest of the party show themselves. This is so much different from our usual family gatherings... I kinda feel sorry for Glen and the other's that can't join us. With Drew, Arra, Pyro and Odri here, it makes almost twenty people present. This will be epic. I can't stop smiling throughout the whole thing. We make sure to lay out enough bedding out in the living room too. Nobody will be going anywhere tonight.
“So this is the statue of the First King?” I look upon the Balli shaped stone creation.
“You mean the first War Chieftain.” Rei corrects me.
“Yeah sure, whichever.”
“You're both right. After Old Man Bell the royal snobs here changed all of the previous chieftains into kings real quick.”
“Giving the perfect excuse to point my failure out...” Mom mumbles.
“Now now.” Dad glosses over her mood.
“Remind me again why are we part of this charade?” I ask, looking out the window as we go along in a snail’s pace with carriages lined up one after another.
“It's a political move of the Queen, in an attempt to unify the nations under the pretext of the RRD and the Rebirth, is it not the main reason for the gathering?” Tyro answers.
“Possibly so.” Mom agrees.
“Ok, by why the slow-motion parade?”
“To show off. I'm guessing.” Rei's not too thrilled with this either. “Something like this hasn't happened in a long and boring while... Apparently...” Right. Araneum has steadily become an autonomous ground. The four nations have basically no voice any more in anything that goes on here.
“This is such a pain...”
“Quit complaining.”
“Oh like you’re happy stuck with us instead of Ether's lap.”
“Xander.” Mom shuts me down.
“Sorry.” I mutter. We stop and the doors open.
“Show time.” Pyro grins at us. Ugh. Mom and Dad get out first. We let Tyro out next, with Rei and I guarding the rear. It feels weird seeing Reina in a dress. I almost trip over nothing a few times.
“Would you quit it.” She snaps at me.
“Can't help it! You’re too distracting!”
“One ass beating today was not enough?” She throws a quick glare at me.
“You like fine. The dress suits you. I'm just not used to seeing you this way... It ain’t your fault I’m a moron. Relax. You look fine.” The noise around us is giving me a headache.
“Rei?” I look over at my sis. She blushing?
“Heads up.” Ty reaches for us. I straighten out. We enter a giant hall with a dark red carpet dividing it right down the middle. Only now the effect has lessened. A bunch of tables. A bunch of people. A bunch of problems. A pretty little thing shows us to our designated seating area.
“It's nice of them to arrange a bunch of smaller tables, rather than line us up by rank.” Mom speaks.
“Guess they couldn't decide on that.” Dad seconds her as we sit down and look around.
“They didn't even bother dividing us by land either. Look.” I nod across from us, to the other side of the red river...
“Also part of her plan?” Rei says staring down the Cornutese delegates.
“I'd assume so.” Ty says. I keep scanning the crowd. There's plenty of time before the whole thing is supposed to begin.
“Is mingling supposed to be part of her grand, master plan too?” I ask.
“If it wasn't, I wouldn't be able to tell you how beautiful you look.” I quickly turn around in my seat. Ether stands near Rei's chair. “I'm supposed to be formally greeting everyone before we start. So, please. Play along.” He bows to us and we nod. “We'll catch you guys later.” He leaves us. Gotchya...
“There's Percy and Ocana.” Dad nods to the side.
“Besides Cobalus and Venatus, we kinda know every major player, huh?”
“Sadly, yes.” Mom says.
“Why sadly?” I turn back to her.
“It's nothing.” She shakes her head. I notice Uncle Marcus and Aunty Laira take their places next to the Queen's table...
“So where's the main attraction?” I ask.
“Fashionably late?” Rei mumbles. Wait.
“Is it just me or does the stupid rug vanishes there in the middle?”
Dad casually stands up to get a better view. “Seems so.”
“Don't tell me.” Mom has a weird face on her.
“What?” I stare at them. Dad's grin is weird too.
“It's a dance floor.” Ro answers my questions for me.
“A what now?” Reina stares at our bro with sheer horror.
“Lemme guess. Also, a political move?” I mock Ty a little.
“What the hell dancing has to do with anything related to politics?” That's new. Rei freaking out.
“Plenty. It lets people to discuss important matters in a less formal and more direct kind of a way.” Tyro passes down judgment on us all.
“Great. We can't dance for shi...” I bite the last letter off.
“Relax. Nobody said anything about you needing to dance. It's optional.” Dad eases the pressure on us.
“Says you. Just look at all the hotties around...” I pout.
“Shut it. It's starting.” Rei kicks me under the table. A Primerian woman in her later 30s shows herself to us.
“Nicely done. They really focused on the casual-yet-powerful look.” Dad comments on the red and gold colored dress. Red for the eyes. Gold for the hair. Eh. She's pretty. I'll give her that. Hold up.
“Yo, who's the dweeb next to her?” I whisper.
“The next War Chieftain. Apparently.” Ty says. “Or at least he’s supposed to be…”
“You're kidding. He looks like he was born yesterday. Literally!”
“Everyone looks like that to us.” Mom answers.
“Dear honored guests and fellow Aranenians. It is a pleasure and an honor to be the one to greet you all on this millennial day. It is with great privilege that I stand here before you, as the Queen of the fortunate generation.”
“Bold.” I mumble. Another jab to the leg. A tiny squeak slips through me.
“It grieves me with immense sorrow that my Father, late King Tahon, was not able to witness this glorious day. It was his greatest wish to see all of us come together. United, under one sky. Under one goal. Fighting for one future. Our future.”
“She's milking this...” Dad says. I wait.
“What? No kick for Dad?” I glare at sis.
“Please, if you would, do me, us, the honor of offering a moment of silence to my Father, who passed away before realizing his dream...” Ruby bows her head. Everyone does the same.
“I thank you.” That was one long ass moment there... She continues. “As the child of my Father. As his successor, I feel it is my sworn responsibility to see to it that his dying wish comes true. It is because of it that I have asked you all here today. It fills my heart with deepest gratitude, having all of you, agree to my selfish wishes.”
“Oh lords, really...” Mom cracks too.
“Please, allow me to thank you all for coming here today, by making a pledge before you that we will see to it that this world is eradicated of the curse, that has plagued this land for centuries. Along with the Rebirth Research Division and the help from the Land of Race, we shall continue going strong toward victory!” Ruby raises her golden glass into the air. A roar rumbles across the hall.
“Well now.” Dad smiles, raising his glass.
“Impressive.” Mom agrees.
“She didn't leave anyone any options.” Tyro joins in too. The cheers don't stop for a few minutes.
“Is that why the whole thing is an open stage?” I watch the people by the entrance. If it weren't for the line of warriors, the hall would be overrun by now. Oh. Rixa's there too. So is Arra. Serving as a link between the shadows. That eases my mind a little.
“Now then. A few words from the head of the RRD, Percival Skyrider.” Ruby says and sits down.
“She works fast.” Rei whispers.
“She's gotta.” Ro says. We watch Uncle get up from his seat.
“It is with great honor that I address you all today. It is with even greater pleasure that I thank the Original Nations for their cooperation and aid to our cause.”
“He makes it sound like this is charity we’re talking about!” It kinda pisses me off.
“All part of the plan.” Mom smiles.
“The RRD has been able to contribute to many things along the way, toward its main goal. None of which would have been possible if it weren't for the Great Archives of Primerias.” He says and pauses. Aunty Ocana stands up next to him and nods. Uncle continues.
“The Greenhouses of Ballista.” A pair of Balli men stand up from the crowd and nod.
“The Vine-yards of Noxanda.” The new Headmaster Sarrim stands up and bows.
“And of course, The Stables of Cornutora.” A single Cornutese male stands up half-bent and sits back down. Uncle Percy keeps going.
“Each and every one of these nations have been a tremendous influence on our path toward success. As well as Grand Master Emalavi of Araneum and her team. Without the cooperation of these five key figures, our research division would not have been able to go to such lengths or achieve such greatness. It is all thanks to you that we are able to do our best. I thank you all.” Uncle Percy bows and holds it for a moment.
“Please, a few words from the current, Chief of Staff of the RRD, Ether Tallen Evergreen.” Uncle sits down and cuz stands up next.
“Thank you. I feel honored to be part of this joyous occasion. It is high privilege to be the one to inform you that thanks to the mutual efforts of the RRD and all of you here, we have been able to improve not only, going forward and uncovering the secrets of Rebirth and the Castle of Despair, but also contributing greatly to everyday life of warriors and non-combatants alike. For that, you have my deepest gratitude.” Ether bows and holds it for a moment too. He straightens out and continues.
“It fills me with immense pride to be the one to say this. The RRD's Chief of Medical Research, my Mother, Lady Laira Evergreen.” Cuz sits down grinning and Aunty stands tall, with Uncle Marcus joining Ether and his grin, sitting tall and proud in the middle of his wife and son.
“Can we cheer now?” I ask quietly.
“Sit tight.” Rei low key growls at me.
“Wait for it.” Dad says too.
“We, at the RRD take pride in our work not for the results achieved but for the grounds those achievements are built on.” Aunty speaks firm and calm. "Our greatest breakthrough, which took us years of extensive research to modify, has been based upon something that once was revered as the greatest sin and now it saves lives! One of which is my dear husband.” She places her hand on Uncle's left shoulder.
“Wait, he never...”
“They don't know that.” Ty cuts me off.
“A direct appeal to the frail hearts of the people?” Mom whispers.
“Everything so far has been going like clockwork.” Dad agrees.
“Only through working together can we move forward towards the better future. It is my deepest wish, as it was the late King's, that we make it happen. We look forward to working with you.” Aunty Laira bows and slowly sits down. Aunty Ocana stands up tall next.
“Fellow representatives of the Founding Nations.” She speaks loud and clear.
“Hoo, she isn't wasting any time with this, is she.”
“Definitely a scary opponent we have growing up here.” Mom seconds Dad.
“Allow Repperi, to be the first among you, to express its gratitude to the Queen of Araneum, to the RRD and to you all, for your hard work.” She bows. “We offer our services to you in the future as we have been to this day.” Aunty sits down. The same pair of Balli men stand up from their table next.
“Cobalus will continue providing its aid to the Concord and the Union.” The younger man bows clumsily.
“We're up.” Dad gets ready. He and mom stand up as soon as the Balli sit down.
“Astri will do everything in its power to help the Alliance.” Dad says and they nod. A rumble ripples away around us. What's their deal? Our Parents sit down. Two Cornutese stand up next.
“The Stables and Venatus shall continue our cooperation.” They bow real quick and sit down. Uncle Marcus stands up next.
“The RRD welcomes all of you, honored guests and citizens alike, to take an up-close look of the achievements and inventions of our fruitful research, for the next five days, right here in Araneum. Browse at your heart’s contents.” He smiles and sits down.
“Mmh. Nice touch.” Dad says.
“Indeed. Military connections have been the only thing that kept the RRD alive. This way they are appealing to the people more. If they learn to trust their methods, it would benefit not only the RRD but Araneum and the Nations as well.” Mom adds.
“What do you mean if?”
“People have been cautious, to say the least, of the Rebirth and everything related to it. Uncle's efforts haven't been able to convince them that their methods are safe.” Ty says.
“Even after what? 30 years?”
“Fraid so. This is a chance for them to really show off. They aren't doing this for themselves but rather for the people, so.” Ro finishes.
“Right. Gotchya. We should go then.” I smile.
“You're more than welcome to.” Mom nods. Ruby stands up next.
“With that said, I am pleased to announce that the official part of today has ended. Now, we feast!” Music roars quickly, with servants carrying trays and drinks.
“All of this circus was necessary solely to keep the RRD alive and get everyone to play nice.” Reina hammers it in.
“Precisely.” Tyro says.
“And she did it terrifyingly beautifully.” Dad agrees.
“As guests we weren't informed of the line up or the times for speeches. I can see now why.” Mom says. “She even accounted for drinks and the food to be purposely served after. Not during.”
“What ya mean?” I ask taking a sip of the vine.
“Remember how uncle Percy took his time naming every nation. He included the source and the nation on purpose. Allowing for either one to respond later.” Ro explains it. Oh yeah.
"That's why aunty Ocana was the first one to speak and they didn't introduce her as part of the RRD."
I think about it. “Clever.”
“Exactly.” Mom agrees.
“Without the food in front of everyone they didn’t have a choice but to focus on the speeches, allowing us to “pitch in”, as if it were the natural flow of things.” Dad adds.
“Was it wise for her to improvise so much? What if someone wanted to say something back?” I ask passing the plates over to the Parents.
“She didn’t give that option. All that gratitude and future cooperation that she and the RRD were putting it out there… She’s not a fan of this whole circus either… So to move this along fast she forced her way through...” Sis says. Right. Guess so. Wait.
“Quick question. What happens after the Rebirth is gone?” Ty and Rei throw me quick glances and stare at our Parents.
“There's always the Rebellion to deal with.” Dad's fast.
“True. I would hope they would find more peaceful ways to do it, though... Despite… Waging war against them is always an option but, perhaps if it's her then...” Mom says quietly. I know why she said it this way. But… I can’t bring myself to forgive the Rebellion just yet… If ever… We save the talks for after dinner and try to enjoy the festivities. Rather difficult to do, I'd say. With all of that pent up tension in the air. The noise outside picks up.
“Something going on?” I try to see.
“Just another party roaring.” Ether comes over with his Parents.
“Oh? More mingling?” Mom says.
“Something like it.” Uncle Marcus winks. “We're to make sure everything is to your liking.” He nods dramatically.
“Percy and Ocana are busy elsewhere.” Aunty Laira adds. “They'll come around later.”
“An outstanding performance, if I may.” Mom says sipping the vine.
“Why thank you.” Uncle grins. “It was my best work!” We laugh.
“Ty's missing.” Rei says. I look around and freeze.
“Weee might have a problem...” I point forward. “Should we stop him?”
“Leave him be.” Mom doesn't even look.
“He's an improvement over the geezer Harrenis.” Aunty says.
“Ain’t that the previous headmaster of the Greenhouses?” I keep my eyes locked on bro.
“Sure is;” Uncle Marcus agrees; “and by the looks of things he's on his lasts legs. Dancing with the Queen must be his dying wish.”
I look up at uncle. “You don't really hold back, do you?”
“Not at all.” He winks at me.
“We'll be going now then.” Aunty curtsies. We nod. I watch my little brother. The sneaky devil.
“May I have this dance?” Dad asks for Rei's hand. I stare at Mom with a stupid grin. She has a warm smile on her.
“You're kidding.” Sis stares at him.
“Trust your old man.” He grabs her hand and pulls her after him. They end up on the dance floor and I kick back in my chair to witness the, probably, one and only time when Reina freaks out in public.
“You're enjoying this too much.” Mom says.
“Oh come on, how can I not? She never loses her cool, except that one time, maybe, but this is like totally new... Wait. She's actually good! How!” I pout.
“Of course, she is. You’re our kids, after all. How do you think Tyro's doing it for the first time?”
“Wait, you’re telling me I can do it too?”
“All they are doing is swaying and side stepping.” Mom explains.
“Like dodging during sparring?”
“Exactly.” She nods. I watch Dad and Rei dance. I feel anxious. When did Ether get there? Who's that he's dancing with? Why is he so good at it too! Grr. I stand up and hold my hand out.
“Oh?” Mom takes it and we go too.
“Swaying and dodging, right?” I whisper.
“Take it a step at a time. My dress will cover the rough movements, and don't step on my feet.” She smiles at me and we turn. Oooh. I get it.
“This is fun. Oh, shoot. Almost lost my footing there.”
“Think of it as evading in a tight spot. Step where the other one steps.” Mom keeps giving me quick advice. I grin silly.
“Look over there.” Dad asked Aunty Ocana for a dance too, with Ether taking over Rei now. “Is everyone here a noble?”
“More or less. Technically, no. They are more or less decorated family names with descendants of war heroes from ancient past. Either against the Rebellion or the Rebirth.”
“Like you and Dad?” I look at Mom. She gives me a sad gaze with a smile.
The next day the five of us, Burla and Ether included, head into the City for the RRD exposition. Nothing we didn't know yet. Considering how close our families are, the three of us have always known the RRD's secrets. Nonetheless, I find it fun to look around up-close like that.
“There are way more people here than we expected.” Burla says.
“Perhaps last night’s performance made its impact.” Ty answers.
“I don’t see any bigshots around.” Reina points it out.
“We have a separate exposition set up for them. For safety purposes.” Ether answers. Of course.
“Then how come we're here?” I let it slip.
“Cause we can handle ourselves.” Rei answers. “Besides, I had enough of the pompous royalty...” Good point.
“What's that?” I point to a contraption and go over before anyone answers me. I stand at the back of the crowd. I can see just fine anyways. A Balli male, a Cornutese female and a boy Noxian stand next to a mini version of a Water Wheel.
“Now we know, this is not exactly a heart but please, bear with us.” The girl says. “So, for our demonstration, try to imagine that this;” she gestures to the entire set up; “is a heart.”
“Couldn't you have used a real one?” I whisper to Ether. “I'm sure it would leave a bigger impact.”
“If you wanna volunteer, I'd be more than happy to help.” I feel Reina's Vines slithering on my skin.
The chill shakes my head for me. “I'm good, thanks. Was just a joke...” I keep my eyes forward.
“Now, the water - is the blood.” The girl dies it red. “The wheel is the heart and together they make up a body. But what happens when the blood stops?” The Balli hammers the dam in and it breaks. The "blood" spills and the wheel stops. The girl starts chanting and a gust of air starts moving the wheel again. A wave of oohhs rolls over the people. The Noxian boy begins fixing the wood. A Ravo. Ok. The Balli chants something too, holding the water in its tracks, to prevent spiling. Less scarier than a Leto... They are trying really hard to make this as friendly to the people as possible... The Cornutese continues.
“See. The body would die without the blood for the heart to pump. However. Our research has led us to this.” She keeps moving her hands in and out in waves, to keep the wheel spinning slowly, while her partners fix the whole thing up.
“Shamanic casting allows us to keep the heart going, keeping the person alive, allowing the medical staff to operate on the person, saving their life.” The water flow is restored and the girl stops her casting.
“Clever.” I whisper. “I’m guessing there were enforcement spells involved?”
“Good call.” Ether nods.
“The Ravo's a nice addition. Saving the trouble of several models?”
“More or less.” Burla says. “Keep watching.” The Ravo takes a hammer and smashes into the same spot as the Balli before. The dam holds. Another wave of oohhs. The Ravo smashes a different place and it cracks. He quickly reinforces the crack with his Vines.
“Working together like this, we can save more lives than ever before.” The Cornutese girl says. “Does anyone have any questions?” Hoho. I smile and we slowly retreat.
“Ether, was it Uncle Percival who came up with everything?” Tyro asks.
“Everything from last night and what you see here.” He confirms.
“Had a feeling that might be the case.” Rei agrees.
“It wasn't Father alone, everyone helped.” Burla adds.
“No need to be modest.” Ether puts his hand on her shoulder.
“Hey, is there a stand for the bone puppet thing?” I cut in, looking around.
“Vine-Limb Attachment. VLA, for short. Should be around here, somewhere.” Ether says. We start scanning the square. A bone rattle reaches me and I quickly run off. A Primerian male and a Noxian female work at the VLA stand. A rabbit with a wooden paw and a bird with a wooden wing sit in a cage in front of the people. With some bones laid out under the glass too. The others finally catch up.
“Would it kill you to gives us a heads up?” Rei's famous jab to the ribs crookeds me over, a little.
“Shh.” I let out and try to listen. Nothing we haven't heard before.
“The bird... You rip its wing off for this?”
“Rei...” Ether sighs. She ain't wrong though...
“No.” Burla answers. “I see your attitude is as every bit as Big Brother said it is.” I turn a little to see them.
“It was like that at first but Aunty Laira didn't like it. That's why the research went on and off.” Our youngest cousin says.
“What changed?” Sis, come on…
“Me. Probably. One day I brought home an injured mouse that I found near the cabin... That's when Mom got the idea to ask the local children in the city to bring any injured animals to us.” Ether says.
“Later on the RRD even asked the farmers to give up weaker, injured or sick livestock. That way we had plenty of test subjects, without having to make them...” Burla finishes.
“Is the Base doing the same then?” Tyro asks. Burla nods.
“That's a Mancer?” I watch the male conjure different bones, animal ones too... “I thought you can't mix marrow just like blood?”
“Yes. But we discovered that conjured bones are marrow-less.” Burla answers. “They are a little bit less sturdy and break easier, but we found their application in the medical field to be irreplaceable. During combat too. The only other major downside is that Mancer’s can’t conjure joints.
“How so?” Ro comes in closer.
“Apparently bones and joints differ from each other in their composition. Other than that, the cast time is almost equal to Vines.” Ether explains. “With enchantments we are able to reinforce them the same way we do Vines.”
“Then why use the Donor System?” Rei asks.
“To allow the people to be part of something greater. Something more.” Burla says. “It shows how regular people can be part of saving lives too. Magic or no magic.”
“That Aunty Laira's idea too? Ro says.
“Yes.” Ether nods.
“How are supposed to know that it will hold?” A voice from the crowd yells.
“My father has a hand made from this.” I know that voice. “Been using it for over a good decade. Works just fine.” I look around for the voice.
“Then why ain't he here?” The first voice is itching to start a fight.
“He's old and tired.” The second voice answers, forcing a quick chuckle from the people.
“Xan, over there.” Ro points.
“Tony! Long time no see!” I breach my way over to our long-lost cousin. “How's Uncle Jack?” I hug her.
“Get off me.” He growls into my ear. I let her go.
“How I have missed your cold attitude.” I tell her with a smile.
“Hi, Anthona, been well?” Reina comes over too.
“More or less.”
“Good to see you.” Tyro stands next to me too. The crowd begins their whispers. We ignore them.
“Sure.” Tony nods.
“I believe this is the first time we're meeting.” Ether offers his hand. “Ether Tallen Evergreen. Pleased to meet you.”
“Tallen? The Mage's kid?” Tony stares Ether down.
“One and only.” Ether keeps his hand out. Tony finally shakes it.
“I'm Burla Skyrider, it's nice to meet you, Anthona.” Burla too, offers her hand to Tony.
“Wasn't counting on a “family” reunion.” She shakes it all annoyed.
“Well, that's life for you. Is Uncle here, in the City?” I ask.
“No. He said it's a pain. He stayed behind.”
“Been here long?” Ro comes over closer to Tony.
“A while.”
“We'd love for you to join us for lunch, our Parents would love to see you too.” Burla adds. Tony mumbles something. I think I heard the word drag...
“Pardon the interruption.” Ether bows to the Mancer and the Ravo.
“Not at all!” The Ravo is quick to answer.
“Keep up the good work.” Reina adds and we slowly walk away.
“Of course, my lords!” The girl squeals and bows.
“Lords?” The Mancer asks.
“Those are the three heirs of Noxanda...” The Ravo answers loud enough for the crowd to hear.
“Is that why they insisted on us wearing the insignias?” Rei looks at her pendant. The inverted dark blue, almost black, triangle with a silver moon at the top, a blue star on the right and a red drop of blood on the left. With claw marks at the bottom. The entire thing is encrusted with tiny jewels. Never letting us forget our origins and the struggles... Even the claw marks go from the red tips, with the silver going to the ends... The symbol of the pain our people had to endure to secure a peaceful life here on Terra... I stare at my bracer...
“Don't tell me this was all according to Uncle's plan too?” I whisper to Burla. She flinches and does not answer me. I sigh. Oh well. The now six of us, with Tony tagging along, return to our Inn.
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Since high school, Elle has been in a toxic relationship with a psychologically damaging man, who belittles her every move from her weight to her interests. So even when she finally builds up the strength to leave him, his voice stays prominent in her mind. Every waking moment is spent at the gym, dieting and feeling hopeless. Then Mouse appears, teaching a self defence class at her gym. Immediately, his heart is drawn to the gaunt, quiet girl at the back who refuses to make eye contact. But getting Elle to open up and trust him is going to take every ounce of goodness in his heart.
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