《Existara: the RRD. Book two》The Hand and the Girl
“Stand down!” We rush out the Palace. Our loyal guards are too diligent. They already have them surrounded.
“Make way!” I yell. The guards give us a quick glance and retreat, slowly.
“Show some respect!” Breeze runs over to the two of them. “I’m so sorry about this.”
“It’s fine. No big deal.”
“Been a while.” I extend my left hand.
“Thirteen years.” Jack shakes it.
“Welcome to Astri.” Breeze gives the Ram her hand as well. “Who might you be?” She asks the Cornutese girl next to our old friend.
“Anthona.” She answers ruffly. Jack gives her a strong pat on the back.
“And.” He suggests.
“Pleased to meet you…” She bows her head slightly, mumbling the words out.
“I see she’s picked up on a few things from you.” I mock Jack.
“More than a few.” He grins. I don’t think I have ever seen him smile before. And yet that grin is full of pride.
“Please, let us show you to your room.” Breeze gestures toward the inside. Our trio has gathered below the arch as well.
“Those yours?” Our Ram asks bluntly.
“All three.” Now I grin proudly.
“Xander Shadowkill.” Pleased to meet ya. Our Eldest steps forward extending his left hand as well.
“Jack.” The Ram shakes it.
“Reina Shadowkill. Welcome.” Jack takes her hand.
"Thank you."
“Tyro Shadowkill. It’s an honor to meet you, sir.”
“Likewise.” Jack nods.
“Can I get that for you?” Xan asks Anthona, pointing to her bag. “I’m Xander, by the way.” He grins again.
“I heard you the first time.” She scowls, tossing him the bag.
“Behave.” The Ram doesn’t even look at the girl.
“Ain’t you something.” Rei stares the child down.
“Tony!” Jack turns his head just a bit with that one. The girl quickly shuts up but the displeased face remains in place.
“May we call you Tony too?” Tyro tries to approach the child. She opens her mouth and shuts it again.
“Whatever.” She says after a long break.
“Lovely child.” Breeze whispers.
“She’s a handful.” Jack admits.
“That’s evident.” I second.
“Kiddos.” Breeze turns around. “How about you show Tony around while the three of us catch up, for old times’ sake?”
“No problem.” Rei nods.
“Meet you guys at dinner. Don’t go too crazy.” I tell them.
“No promises." Xan winks at us.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Jack warns his kid. Tony seals her lips inside her mouth, only a straight line remains on her face. We continue walking onto the terrace.
“Please;” Zarri points to a chair; “is there anything you’d like?”
“Liquor.” He says and I roar with laughter. I take a glass and fill it up.
“Hope this works.” I hand the Ram his drink.
“So then, how long has it been like this?” Breeze points to the stub that is the Ram’s right hand.
“Some time now…” He confesses, taking a sip. “That’s actually why I’m here. Evergreen reached out to me. Said there’s someone here that can fix it up for me?”
“That’s Drew.” Zarri answers. “They told us the procedure may take some time, can you wait till morning? It’s best for you to be well rested.”
“Sure. No problem.” He nods. “How are you? Did you regain your powers?” He looks at Breeze.
She gives him a smile. “Nope. I’m done. Percival was right. I only have enough mana to sustain my life. If I try anything – I cough up blood again.”
“That’s all you’re telling him?” I look at her for a quick second.
“That’s the main point, isn’t?”
“Shame. I wanted to fight you.” He says and we laugh.
“Sorry to disappoint. Once your hand is fixed again, I can offer a friendly sparring match, would that be acceptable?” Zarri makes the pitch.
“Sure. I’ll need to test the hand out anyway.”
“Great, that’ll be fun to watch.” I grin at Zarri for another quick moment and turn back to the Ram. “I gotta admit. It’s surprising to see you as a parent.”
“She ain’t mine.” Say what? We stare at the Warr. He catches our glares. “Her mother was my friend. She died, so I took the girl in…” He stares at his glass. “It was her dying wish. I couldn’t say no.”
“I’m sorry.” Breeze says. “How long ago was this?”
“Thirteen years.”
“She doesn’t look any older than that.” I say.
“She’s thirteen.” He nods. “I barely made it back home to see my friend die a week later.”
“What happened? If it’s ok to ask?” Zarri carefully questions our Ram.
“She got sick soon after the kid was born. By the time I got to her, the illness had spread too much. Even with the gold I brought back with me, I wasn’t able to get her the meds she needed. The local healers said it was too late. Not even a Cleanser would have been able to save her.” He takes a gulp of his drink. “Her dying wish was for me to take care of her kid. So, I have been…”
“What about the girl’s father?”
“I killed him.” Jack answers me. “She was raped. I split the guy’s skull in half.”
“You must have loved the woman dearly.” Zarri smiles.
“She was a childhood friend of mine. I never really planned on having kids myself.”
“How so?” I ask pouring him another glass.
“I’m gay.” SAY WHAT? I stare at the Ram. Breeze’s sudden burst of laughter shakes me out of it.
“Now it makes sense!” She says.
“What does?” I look at her confused.
“Back the Castle he said I wasn’t his type. It kind hurt my feelings a bit.” She laughs again.
“Seriously? That’s your reaction.” It dawns on me. “Wait, were you and Rixa?” I ask hopefully.
“No. He knew but it didn’t bother him. So, we hung out together. That was all. He was dead set on her.” Jack points to my Zarri with his glass.
“Oh well, no worries, this is a judgement free zone.” Breeze finally gets herself back together.
“We married Glen with his boyfriend couple of years ago. As surprising as it is to hear it from you – can’t say I’m shocked.” I lean back in my chair again.
“How has it been for you? Raising her, I mean?” Zarri asks me for a refill. I gladly pour it for her.
“A major headache.” I can’t help but laugh again.
“I missed those short answers.” I tell him.
“Percival’s teachings really came in handy at first. After she got older it got worse…”
“Tells us about it…” I agree, sipping my drink.
“Is there anything we can help you with?” Breeze express her genuine concern.
“Get me my damn hand.”
“Will do.” Zarri answers.
“This is Drew.” I introduce our Ravo. “He’ll take it over from here.”
“Good morning.” The kid nods. “Hope you are well rested. This will be a lengthy procedure. It will probably take us a few days if not longer.”
“Don’t worry. After dealing with her – nothing can rattle me anymore.” Jack points to Tony. She sticks her tongue out to him.
“Mind clueing us in as you work?” Breeze asks the Druid.
“Not at all.” He shows Jack to his seat. A bunch of bones are laid out on the desk, forming a right hand. Some potions, tools and a pouch of Vines. Drew takes the longest bone and measures it against the healthy arm. He takes a file and adjusts the end a little.
“First, I will have to make an incision to expose the bone, as well as cut into it. That will be our starting point. I will use the bones here to reconstruct sir Jack’s hand. That’s step one. Once the bones are linked together and aren’t rejected, I will have to build the hand itself, layer by layer using Vines. The nerves, the muscles, and the skin.” The boy takes a scalpel. “Ready?” He asks our Ram.
“Evergreen train you?” He asks.
“Yes.” The Ravo answers.
“Then get to it.” Jack sets his stub on the desk. The kid nods and carefully slices open the arm. A vague light engulfs the blade. The Druid mumbles something quietly. No signs of pain on the Warr’s face.
“What's that light?” Xan asks.
“Some sort of a reinforcement spell, I'm guessing. It's not easy to cut into the bone so delicately.” Zarri answers.
“Doesn't it hurt?” He asks again.
“I'm assuming Drew has already cast a numbing spell.” I answer for the Ravo.
“Uh-huh.” Xan lets out. “Wouldn’t it be easier to attach a real hand?” Xander persists, looming over to see better.
“Honey, please be mindful. Drew needs to concentrate.” Zarri speaks to our Eldest.
“It’s alright. Reattaching the bone is quite simple.” The Ravo speaks to us without looking. “Lady Evergreen did consider that possibility. However, there are a few issues with that.”
“Like?” Rei asks.
“One. The specimen needs to be fresh. Yes, freezing it is an option but it has proved to be challenging nonetheless. Especially when finding the right fit to match the new limb to the rest of the body in regards to size, age and even color. Not to mention the right race." Drew explains.
“Make sense.” Ro agrees. “What else?”
“Attachment. If done wrong the new limb may eventually simply fall off. Of course, there is also the risk of rejection for a bunch of other issues. Wrong blood type, inherent traits, illness and such. Scanning through these and treating them would take too long. Bones, however, are simpler in that regard.”
“How so?” I ask too.
“Well in general the bone structure differs very little between the four races. Making it easier to acquire fitting samples. It’s kinda like a universal canvas.”
“Question.” Xan raises his hand up but Drew doesn’t see it, so I nudge him instead to continue. “Where did you get the bones?” Ooh. Good one.
“Donors.” The Ravo answers blunt. “Lady Evergreen has been working toward a system that would allow us to reuse organs, in cases where magic is not able to help. Bones included.”
“That the reason why it took her thirteen damned years to make this work?” Jack’s been uncharacteristically chatty.
“More or less.” Drew answers quietly.
“Where she get the idea from?” The Ram asks.
“Cornutese Forbidden Magic, I’m told.”
“Appreciate not turning me into a complete freak of nature.” The Warr mumbles. I giggle. Now it begins to make sense and why all of the secrecy.
“So who’s this?” The Ram gestures to the skeleton lay out with his eyes.
“Male. Cornutese. Died tragically young.” Drew keeps his focus even with the questions flowing in.
“Sooo, how do you get the bones all clean like that?” Xander's curiosity tops the rest of ours.
“Do you ever shut up?” Rei's had enough. I giggle.
“Whaa?” Our Eldest lets out a single sound.
“Master Percival is to credit for this.” Drew answers calmly, without losing the focus on Jack's arm. “He used his research of the RRD to adapt the Malice to be friendlier.” He takes a moment. “We are now able to use it in our Medical practice. With caution, of course.” The Ravo adds real quick, hearing Zarri take in a breath.
“Kid's working hard still?” The Ram says.
“More than ever.” Breeze sighs.
“Why use bones at all? Can’t you use the Vines only?” Ty asks, ignoring us. I smile.
“Been there, done that.” Jack answers.
“Meaning?” Xan questions the Ram’s response.
“Unfortunately, the Vines are not almighty. They are more of a supporting nature. They can replace a bone in a limb, for instance, and will be quite effective, as long as the muscle stays strong. But.” The Ravo takes another bone fragment. “We are talking about an entire structure, even if it is only part of the limb. Vines are simply too weak to sustain themselves. Bones are sturdier, so, using them as base should provide stronger ground to build the rest of the limb on.”
“Should?” Jack lowers his voice, giving the boy a suspicious look.
“We have only been able to run tests with animals.” The kid backs up a bit. “Didn’t the Lady inform you?” His face is losing color fast.
“She did mention something. I didn’t quite bother understanding at the time. All I cared about is that there’s a chance to have a hand again.”
“Well, provided all goes well, you will be the first human to have a successful limb replacement done to you.”
“Wait, is this your first time doing this?” Xan walks over closer.
“On a person – yes.” Drew does not avert his gaze of Jack’s stub not even once.
“Then how do you know if it will work?” Rei steps in too.
“I don’t.” The Ravo doesn’t even blink. “I hope it will. The last tests seemed promising. Considering we were using a rabbit.”
“Are you serious?” Xander’s tone is not impressed.
“Unfortunately, yes. To my understanding sir Jack already had a complete Vine hand attached to him. Which, sadly, proved to be only partly effective. Now, we are able to conjure, say, a complete replica of an organ…” The kid pauses as he focuses on repairing the Ram.
“But?” I ask after a few moments.
“But it cannot perform the functions of the part in question, because it is not designed for it. All it is and can ever be is merely a replica made of wood.” Drew explains.
“Meaning that you can conjure a heart that will be made completely out of Vines but it won’t be able to pump blood.” Tyro voices his thoughts. “Is that right?”
“Correct.” Drew nods. “That is exactly the main problem with Vines. They need something to be able to merge with. Because, as I mentioned before, they are of supporting nature. If there is nothing to lean on – they fall.”
“So then how did Evergreen manage pull off making me a hand the last time around.” Jack asks.
“A hand is not a vital organ. What Lady Evergreen did was attach strings to the nervous system and provided coating for them in a shape of a hand.”
“Brilliant.” Our Youngest proclaims in the background.
“Quite so, yes.” The Ravo agrees. Now I understand why Laira conjured the outer shells only…
“So then am I correct to assume that what you are doing now, is connecting the bones together with Vines, like strings for a puppet?” Ty asks.
“Indeed, young master, you are correct. To be on the safe side we shall give the bones a few days to adjust, if there won’t be any rejection, we will proceed onto the next step.”
“There’s something I don’t get.” Xan starts. “How are you able to attach the bone to, well, the rest of uncle Jack?”
“Uncle?” The Ram looks up at our son.
“No?” Xan asks. Jack thinks about it.
“It doesn’t bother me.”
“Thanks.” Our Eldest grins proudly.
“The bones I have here, have already been prepared in advance. I made holes in them where the Vines will need to go through. Bones don’t really move on their own. It is the muscle that moves the bone. However, since the two are intertwined, one does not work without the other.” Drew explains. “As for the attachment directly to the rest of the body – a simple matter of sewing the bones together with Vines.” He points to the tiny stitches.
“Vines are wood still. You can make a skeleton but it won’t produce any bone marrow. How are you able to deal with that? The bone has been technically dead.” Tyro’s right on target.
“It makes me so proud watching them.” I tell Zarri.
“They are quick to pick up on things.”
“That will be for Illa to do. For the time being I am simply biting of pieces of the live marrow from inside the living bone and dragging it into the other bones with Vines. The pieces are microscopic right now. I’ll kick start it after I finish but Illa will be the one to really be able to tell how’s the situation.”
“Is this because you weren’t able to extract the marrow before the procedure?” Zarri beats our Youngest this time.
“Yes. In theory we should be extracting and implanting the marrow before reattaching the bones. You see, it appears that bone marrow is similar to blood. We are unable to use different marrow.” Drew’s concentration and ability to multitask is astonishing.
“Wouldn’t it been safer to get the marrow now and wait a few days?” Rei makes a good point.
“We could have done that, yes, however, we’ve reached the conclusion that once connected to a body, even through Vines, the marrow multiplies faster, rather than growing them separately.”
“Interesting.” Ro mumbles in the back.
“Tell me, did you experiment on yourself till you made it work?” Zarri enters Queen mode.
“Fortunately, no. The rabbit helped.” Drew answers with a smile.
“Lucky you.” Breeze lets up. “I don't want my people risking their wellbeing carelessly.”
“Tell that to Rixa.” Jack glares at Breeze.
“I apologize…”
“I don’t need your sorry. Nor does he.” Jack adds.
“I am amazed how Drew is able to concentrate so well with all of us being here.” Rei cuts into the sudden tension.
“After the Rebirth – nothing really fazes me…” The Druid says. “ I cannot even begin to comprehend who you were able to go in twice.”
“Neither do we.” Breeze answers.
“Is it really that bad?” Xan asks.
“No. It’s worse.” Jack tells him. “Tony?”
“I’m here.” The girl answers from way over at the back.
“You’ve been too quiet.”
“I didn’t have what to say.” She answers.
“There. That’s it for now. It will be weird for the time being but it’s only for a few days, tops. Try to bear it but please, do remember to handle with care. If there won’t be any signs of failure by tomorrow – we’ll continue.”
“Thank you, Drew. Take the rest of the day off.” I see the boy trying to say something. “We’ll let you know if there will be any complications, of course.” I tell him. He nods.
“Does that mean that uncle Marcus has been through this too?” Xander asks, staring at the skeleton hand, dangling from Jacks arm, just below the elbow.
“Tallen? Something happen?” The Ram stares at me and Zarri.
“Oh, I suppose you wouldn’t know. Marcus was in an accident, a year after we left? Give or take. His right side got crushed. The arm and the leg and some ribs too.” Breeze explains.
“Percival and the others put him back together with the help of Vines. It was rough but he got used to his condition.” I add.
“I see. So why'd he pass up?” Jack holds his gaze.
“Apparently the Sir's condition is too delicate. He'd need to be cut open through the entire length of his arm and leg. He said he'll be fine as long he has Lady Evergreen watching over him.” Drew takes over. “Your situation is more convenient for the procedure and is not life threatening.”
“Fair's fair.” The Ram shrugs his shoulders. “Then? What am I supposed to do with this till tomorrow?” He jangles the bones.
“Creepy...” Xan breaks and gets elbowed in the ribs by Rei. “Sorry.” He lets out a sigh. I smile.
“Try not to break it.” Drew answers.
“Alright then, well, how about we let Drew rest already.” Zarri gets up first.
“Wait, you don’t know about Ether then either?” It finally dawns on me.
“Who's that?” Jack asks walking out.
“Marcus and Laira adopted a Cornutese boy. He's about what? Seventeen now?” Breeze says.
“How'd that happen?” The Ram looks at us again.
“It's a long story.” I tell him.
“What should we do for now then?” Xander asks us.
“Go train, maybe?” I suggest.
“Only if you guys gonna watch it!” He answers.
“Why not.” Jack agrees. “Can't do anything else, apparently.” He waves the bones again.
“Where he gets that from?” The Ram questions us.
“Beats me.” Zarri plays dumb. We get out in the court yard.
“Who's first?” Our Eldest hasn't learned how to restrain himself yet.
“Pair up and then switch later. Don't go too crazy.” I tell him.
“I'll take the knuckle head.” Rei stretches her arms to warm up.
“Why do I get the shrimp?” Tony pouts.
Jack hammers in a soft punch into the top of her head. “Watch it.” The girl doesn't seem too pleased but doesn't argue.
“I'm unpowered.” Tyro tells her straight out. “I'll try my best not to disappoint you.” Well now. The Warr gives us another look. Tony's attitude changes on the spot. She takes up a fighting stance. So does Tyro. The other two seem to be curious too, so they step aside and give them space. Neither one moves. Tony breaks the stalemate with a series of kicks and punches. Tyro dodges them all but doesn't counter. Yet. Tony goes in for another round house and follows it up with a swing of her axe. Tyro dodges the kick and blocks the axe with his daggers. Tony jumps back. Tyro charges, blades swinging.
“Unpowered?” The Ram asks watching the kids go at it.
“My fault. He's almost eleven. The power never kicked in.” Zarri answers.
“The others then?”
“Rei's a Ravo Hunter and Xan's a Fire Mage Assassin.” I answer that one.
“Your influence?” Jack looks at Breeze. She shakes her head.
“Glen's and the other's.”
“So yours.” Jack decides better. I chuckle.
“Technically he's right.” I tell Breeze. Tyro evades another axe swing from above and presses the tip of his blade straight into Tony's throat.
“Enough!" I call out. She's pissed.
“She has a temper. That's her one weakness.” Jack explains. “Your kid, on the other hand. Impressive.”
“Thank you, sir.” Tyro bows in front of Jack. “I'd love to learn more from you.”
“He trains with different weapons. Perhaps once your arm is fixed?” Zarri suggests.
“We'll see.” The Ram answers. “Well?” He addresses our twins. Those two step inside the circle now. Reina doesn't waste a moment more. She casts Vines from the ground, whipping through the air with them, going straight for Xan. Our Eldest dances with the Vines a little before slashing at them. Rei tries to keep him away from the bigger shadows. So far she has the upper hand. Xander flashes a fire wall between himself and Rei, obstructing her vision and keeping the Vines away from him.
“Interesting.” Jack watches our twins closely. Tony too, apparently. Xan shots out a firebolt barrage at Reina. She moves away, to get out of range. Xan's wall drops and he's nowhere to be seen. Rei circles back, with the Vines covering for her. A dagger clangs on the ground. She blocked it.
“Draw!” Breeze calls out with Xan's blade by Rei's throat and her Vines by his neck.
“Damn it! I thought I had her this time!” Xander pouts.
“Dream on.” Reina waves him off.
“Next time! Next time for sure!” Xan promises Rei. More like himself.
“Not bad for pups like yours.” Jack says.
“Is that a compliment?” I stare at the Warr.
“More or less.”
“Seems to be going well.” Illa examines Jack's skeleton arm. “You can proceed with the restoration.” Drew takes over from the Cleanser.
“This is the boring part now.” The Ravo tells the Ram.
“Less talking, more casting.” Jack answers and Drew gets to work. We watch the Vines shoot out from Jack's flesh, slither over the bones, weaving themselves around and right through them, as if piercing the bone… That’s what he meant by “preparation.” The Vines crawl out from every nook and cranny of the bones. The Druid keeps the casting and chanting. I watch his lips move without a sound.
“Vines do not require chants?” Rei breaks the tension.
“Correct, mistress.” Illa answers. “Drew is chanting enforcement spells. Similar to Shamanic casting.”
“Is that why you need a few days to completely reconstruct the limb?” Ty pitches in too.
“Exactly.” The girl nods.
“I thought you need Enchanted Herbs for that?” Xan joins in as well.
“Lady Evergreen's and Master Skyrider's research found that it is possible to reinforce the Vines with Shamanic chants, without the herbs, because mana is already used to manipulate the Vines, making the Herbs unnecessary. However.” Illa takes a moment.
“I had a feeling there was a downside to this.” I crack.
“Yes. We are only able to use simple orders. Similar to Vile and Stone enchantments.” The Cleanser explains.
“Even so. That alone is enough to compensate for the fragile nature of the Vines.” Tyro disagrees.
“Huh.” Jack exhales.
“Something you'd like to share with us?” Breeze asks the Ram carefully.
“This the result of your nonsense or the kid's effort?” Jack says and a burst of laughter comes out of my throat.
“Sorry. Couldn't help it. Both, I'd say.” I quickly shut up.
“Guess so.” The Warr's face remains indifferent.
“I expect him or Laira, but you too?” Zarri averts her gaze.
“Brought this on yourself, Druid.” Jack answers.
“Ok, what the heck are you people talking about.” Xan's patience finally ran out.
“Nothing you need to worry about.” Breeze waves him off.
“Like Hell.” Xander mumbles.
“Uncle Jack wouldn't happen to refer to the same "suicide mission", would he?” Rei's voice speaks from the back. I grin again and quickly cover my face up with my hand.
“Ugh.” Zarri looks away again.
“You ever gonna tells us what's it about?”
“Not you too!” Breeze turns around to Tyro. The three of them persist to stare at their mother.
“Ask your father.” She turns back to watch Drew work.
“Oh, I'm allowed to now?” I tease my wife.
“Do as you please.” She murmurs.
“Get a room.” Jack tells us and I laugh again.
“That will do for the day.” Drew says in a strained voice. “Try moving it.” He points to the arm. It takes Jack a long moment to move the fingers.
“Huh.” He says. Slowly he moves the wrist too. “I see. It'll take a little getting used to. So? Now what?” He stares at the Ravo.
“We'll continue tomorrow.” Illa says. “Try not to use it much till the procedure's over.”
“Roger that.” Jack nods.
“Does that mean uncle Jack has free time now?” Xan jumps in.
“Probably?” The Ram looks at him. Our Eldest smiles.
“He he. Great! Then you can teach us some tips and tricks.” Xan takes the Ram's hand and drags him towards the inner yard.
"Oh this oughta be good, mind if we join you?" I tease the Warr.
"Suit yourselves." He answers. Breeze and I smile at each other and follow them out. They line out with the Warrior in the middle of their little half circle.
"So? What do you want to know then?" Jack stares the kids down.
"Scary." Xan mumbles and gets elbowed in the ribs by Rei, as per their usual comic duo. Tyro raises his hand.
"Question. What does it mean to be unpowered for you? Why did you chose to fight?" Hoo. Breeze and I steal quick glances at each other.
"First. That was two questions. If you gonna ask something - ask." Jack says annoyed. Tyro nods. "Two. I don't really give a damn about powers. There are those who have them and those who don't. Powers don't make you any better of a person. There are people out there who have their powers and chose not to use them. It's up to you to decide what it means to you. To me;" Ram shrugs his shoulders; "ain't no difference."
"Doesn't it make it hard on you in a fight, though?" Xan asks too.
"You ask as if I'm the first one you've seen manaless."
"Well no, but, we wanna know how different people feel about it." Xan says.
"We make it a point to ask these things anyone we meet." Rei seconds. Jack looks at us for a moment and sighs.
"Listen. Manaless warriors are part of history. We may be a dying breed but our roots are old enough. Magic did not spread like wild fire. Those who had it had no clue how to use it. Or it took them forever to figure out." Jack sits down cross-legged on the ground. Breeze and I take a seat on the bench next to them too.
"This should be good."
"Shush." Zarri squeezes my arm.
The Warr speaks again. "It's been a long standing tradition for Warriors or Knights to guard magic users."
"Casters, you mean, right?" Xan cuts in and Jack throws a pissed off glare. Our Eldest quickly shuts up again.
"Yes. Physical endurance wise, Casters were on equal terms with Warrs. But controlling mana does not come easy. In the beginning it took more effort so the Casters would tire themselves out too quickly." Jack's not much of a talker. He keeps taking breaks. It's fun watching him.
"That's why Casters needed Warrior protection." Tyro states loud and clear. The Ram nods.
"Nowadays the Casters aren't as fragile and some are able to take care of themselves just fine. But it's no reason why we should quit either." The Warr takes a moment. "Some of us don't have anything else besides fighting."
"Is that why you continue to stand on the front lines?" Ro goes for it again.
"He sounds different somehow." Zarri echoes inside my mind.
"He takes what's told to him quite seriously." I answer. Perhaps even too seriously, sometimes.
"More or less." Jack shrugs again. "It aint cause I wanna carry on with traditions and whatnot."
Xan raises his hand this time. "Yes?" Jack stares at the boy.
"Would it be rude to call you a punching bag? Like I understand how CCs and Rams are good sparing partners and great weapon experts, but..."
The Ram's face rearranges itself into a deranged grin. "I can count on one hand all of the people that actually managed to make a punching bag out of me." He holds his good hand up. Xander swallows hard.
"Noted." He nods.
"Any other questions?" Jack says, eager to end this.
"What's the crucial factor when fighting a long range Caster?" Tyro hammers in again.
"I like him this way. He doesn't hold back." I tell Breeze.
"He seems to be gaining confidence by the minute."
"I'm guessing Jack's attitude has something to do with it."
"Get in up close as soon as possible. If your body's faster than their casting - you can manage. Speed and agility are what you'd wanna focus on. That, or mow your way straight through. We done?" The Ram gets up, clearly not giving them another option. Our trio stands up too and bows.
"Thank you very much!" They say all together.
"You could learn from them." Jack tells Tony.
"Tch." She snaps her tongue instead.
Zarri gets up too. "Alright then, you guys are free till dinner. Run along now."
"Ok-ay!" Xan smiles and they scatter. Tyro stops and waits for Tony.
"Go on." Jack tells her. She stands up unrushed and drags her feet.
"Thank you for doing this." I say.
"With all the fighters here, don't they know it all by now?" He stares at us.
"You heard them. They make it a point to ask different people for their opinions." Breeze answers.
"Still." The Ram hesitates. "The Fire Assassin. He get his attitude from you?" He glares at my wife. I can't help but chuckle.
"More or less. I'd like to blame half of it on him too." She points her thumb back at me.
"Yeah, really, they all are a mixed breed." I get myself together again.
"I can tell." The Warr answers.
"How's Tony? Does she like it here?" Zarri steers the topic.
"Not really. It's too much for her to deal with. She ain't used to crowded places."
"Meaning she doesn't handle people or places?" I give the man a look.
"Have you been living isolated, then?" Breeze asks.
"Not isolated. Just less of everything."
"Is there anything we can help you with?" She says.
The Ram hesitates. "Actually. One thing."
"Are you blushing?" I stare at him. "Wait. You don't mean?"
"She's a girl, I got no clue about those things. The Cleanser Kid only covered infancy." He snaps at me and I lose it again. Breeze slaps my chest with the back of her hand.
"It's not like you handled it any better." She looks back at the Warr. "I'll ask Reina and Illa to take care of that for you. Perhaps that will help her warm up to us." Breeze says with a smile.
"Appreciate it." He says. "Would you quit it, already. You're pissing me off." Jack punches me in the shoulder.
"Sorry sorry." I cover my mouth.
"Pay no attention to the idiot." Zarri says, walking back inside.
"Hey, wait up." I tell her. "Come on, I'll pour ya a drink."
"Finally." Jack walks next to me.
“Done.” Drew says, exhausted as ever. Jack stretches out the new arm. It took our Ravo three days to finish the restoration. “I would, however, suggest a few days for adjustment and observation. I'd like to treat it, in case...” His strength slowly abandons him.
“Gotchya. Guess we're staying longer.” Jack says.
“How does it feel?” I ask.
“Feel free to test it out.” Drew says. The Ram waits a moment and smashes the Vine arm into the marble desk.
“Well?” Zarri waits.
“Doesn't hurt.” Jack looks the arm over again. “Doesn't look damaged either. Good work.” He tells the Ravo.
“You flatter me.” The Druid barely manages to smile.
“Can I touch it?” Xan leans in.
“Moron.” Rei hisses.
“What?” Xan looks back at her.
“Go on.” The Ram answers.
“Thank you.” Xander shakes his hand. “Huh. It doesn't feel like skin but it's not woody either? More like freshly torn off inside of the bark.”
“May I?” Zarri extends her hand too. Like mother, like son… I grin. The Warr doesn't even blink and they too shake hands.
“What's the potential of a Ravo using the arm against uncle Jack?” Tyro hammers in a crucial question. Piercing silence enters the room.
“50:50 I'd say.” Drew whispers. “With enough mana it's possible, however, Lady Evergreen foresaw the issue, so I cast a resistance spell on the Vines, as I conjured them. That should...”
“Mind if I?” Rei steps in.
“Try not to kill me.” Jack tells her. She smiles with a murderous look and tries taking control of the Vines. Her expression changes a few times. She let's go.
“I exhausted one third of my mana and not a single budge. It ain't worth the effort.”
“Glad to hear it.” The Ram grins. “I get it now why it took her thirteen years.”
“Indeed.” Drew agrees.
"Won't the Vines wilt over time? Even with the layers the bones inside will eventually detach?" Reina makes a decent point. Drew manages to pull off an exhausted grin.
"Correct, mistress. The Vines are too tiny, and so are the holes in the bones that we used to stitch them together. I used a Cleanser spell that mends bone fractures..."
"Right. Cleansers can fix those but are not able to grow a bone from thin air. So wait, you used that spell to blend the bones together were Vines were used to connect them?" Tyro takes over. Drew nods.
"Doesn't that threaten the Cleansers? If Ravo's gonna start using their spells?" Xan steps in too. Our Druid shakes his head, more like sways with it.
"We work in collaborations with the Cleansers. That's the main idea." He takes a second. "Vines require extreme focus. The tinier they are..."
"The more concentration the casting requires. Ravo's are unable to divide their concentration between Vines and higher level spells." Rei hits the nail on the head.
"Precisely. I am only able to use minor spells and enough focus to sustain them while working with Vines as well."
"That's nothing short of impressive." Zarri praises the kid again.
"Thank you." He nods. Illa walks into the room.
"We better get going then." I get up.
“I wanna fight uncle first!” Xan raises his hand.
“You've got to be...” Reina facepalms herself.
“I've been itching for this.” Xander grins.
“Might as well.” Jack stands up. “Try and be a good warm up for me.” His eyes shift from Xan to Breeze.
“If you would, please, three days...” Drew cuts in. “Then...”
“Aww.” Xan pouts.
“He gets that from you too.” I whisper to Zarri. She throws a glare at me.
“Can I at least work out?” Jack looks back at the Ravo. He nods.
“Thank you.” The Ram returns the nod.
“How about we celebrate first?” I suggest.
“Won't mind that.” The Warr agrees.
“Alright, kiddos, step aside.” Breeze walks inside the circle. Jack follows her. Tony stares at my wife completely lost.
“You have to be kidding me. She'll be snapped in two.” The girl declares.
“Watch it!” Xan puffs his chest out. “Our mom kicks ass!” He announces.
“Tell me about it.” The Ram grins. As do I.
“Just shut up and watch.” Rei tells the girl.
“Move already.” The Warr pushes Tony with his foot to her ass. She walks over to us and lines up.
“She's not as weak as you think.” Tyro whispers to the girl. I grin wider.
“Go get 'im, hun!” I cheer Breeze on.
“Go mom!” Xan follows my lead.
“Now now.” Zarri takes up her third favorite fighting stance, with the staff in hand and right behind her. Jack readies himself with his axes in place. I see where Tony picked the style from. I'm well aware the Ram isn't limited to axes alone, but I guess everyone has their favorites.
“Ladies first.” Jack breaks the staring contest.
“Well then, don't mind if I do.” Breeze charges in with a whirlwind. The Ram easily evades it. He swings at her but she blocks each strike. He goes for the legs and gets blocked. Breeze jumps back but the Warr charges in without stopping. He lands a kick right in the gut.
“You never go easy, do you?” She says, standing up.
“I'm not Rixa.” He waits. “Besides. I know what a monster you really are.” Ha! He's right about that. I notice Xander holding onto his left shoulder. Well now.
“Damn, guess you leave me no choice.” Breeze picks up speed and goes in for a frontal attack with kicks and swings, backing the Ram, a step at a time. He hammers down with both axes, towering over her. Breeze kneels and blocks them with the staff but the reinforced wood snaps still. She quickly stands back up and uses the Ram's leg as a stepping stone. Jack staggers in place, almost falling face first, while Breeze jumps over him, ramming the broken staff into the thick shoulders. She lands right behind the Warr, back-to-back. Breeze picks the Ram up by the newly installed handles on his back, using herself as a leaver, she kneels down and throws Jack, flat on his back.
“HELL YEAH!!” Xander shouts out. I grin with desire. Damn I love her.
“Nicely done.” I tell my wife.
“No way...” Tony exhales. Breeze walks over to the Ram and helps him sit up. Illa and Drew rush over to treat him.
“Well?” I ask Jack walking over to them.
“I fell for the oldest trick in the book.” He says. “You used my strength against me. You went with the wooden stick on purpose.”
“Perhaps.” Breeze smiles. “Disappointed?”
“Not with you.” He stares at the hand.
“Is it not working right?” Drew takes a look.
“The hand's fine. Better than before for sure.”
“Glad to hear it.” The Ravo nods.
“You went easy on her!” Tony's pissed. “No way she beat you!!” Well well.
“I did not.” Jack admits.
“He really did not.” Breeze stumbles to her knees and blood drops come out through her fingers.
“Mom!” The kids surround us. Illa comes over too. Zarri waves her off.
“It's fine. I expected as much.”
Illa casts a few spells still. “Just to be on the safe side.”
Jack stares at Breeze without saying anything.
“Once a monster, always a monster.” She winks at him.
“Right. Are you done back there?”
“Almost.” Illa finishes patching the Ram up. “There.”
He moves his arms. “Thanks.”
“Told you.” Tyro says quietly to Anthona.
The girl's pissed still. “Tch.” She turns around and runs off.
“We'll get her.” Rei volunteers and runs after her. Tyro and Xan follower their sister.
“No fighting now!” Breeze calls out.
“Oook-ay!!” Xander waves back.
“She has a lot of respect for you.” I help Jack stand up.
“Or she's just pissed that a girl kicked my ass since she hasn't managed, yet.”
“So she's prideful. Not necessarily a bad quality to have.” Breeze says.
“If only.” Jack says. “It'll get her killed one day.”
“Really now.” Zarri disagrees with the Ram's attitude.
“Like you're one to talk.” He throws a look her way. I laugh.
“Anyway. Think we'll be leaving tomorrow morning.” Jack says.
“Sure about it?” I ask.
“It's day five now. Seems to be all good. I can always come back if anything happens.” The Warr looks the arm over.
“Very well. Feel free to take whatever you need for your trip back.” Breeze says.
“Don't mind if we do.” Jack smiles.
All five of us see the two of them off the next morning.
“It may sound presumptuous of me but, if you ever need anything.” Zarri says without finishing the thought.
“We'll come back.” Jack gives her his right hand.
“Take care.” She shakes it.
“Jack.” I shake the Ram's hand too.
“Assassin.” He nods to me.
“Safe travels.” Tyro wishes them. Tony squirms a little without saying a word.
“Oh screw this!” She says, walks over to Ty and hands him an axe. “Here.” Tony blushes, staring away from our boy.
“I can't...” Ro finally speaks.
“Just take it already!” The girl pushes the axe to him. He takes it and continues to stand there.
“Why?” Tyro manages to say.
“Payment! For everything.” Tony flares up bright red and turns around. Maybe if she had grown her hair out, instead of getting a boy cut, she could hide her embarrassment a little bit better.
“Whatchya standing there for! Let's go!” She kicks Jack in the leg and jumps on her horse.
“Watch it, or I'll break something of yours.” He tells her, nodding to us one last time.
“Allow us to escort you.” Glen comes over with Odri and Erin.
“Sure.” Jack agrees and they leave. Tyro remains standing, lost in thought. Xan's grin couldn't possibly get any goofier.
“Quit it. It's creepy.” Rei elbows Xan.
“What's your deal.” He brushes her off.
“She said she made them herself...” Ty whispers. “Why'd she give me one?”
“Think of it as thanks. If it helps.” Zarri pats our Youngest on the head.
“If she made them, then she can always make new ones.” I add, trying to ease the pressure.
“You should take good care of it.” Rei tells him. “It's well made, after all.”
“Yeah, bro, you should take good care of it. It's a precious gift from your short-term girlfriend, after all.” Xander does not have the will power to resist teasing Tyro. Our Youngest quickly snaps out of his daze.
“That's not it.” He hooks the axe under his belt, glaring at his idiot brother.
“Oh come on! She wouldn't have given it to ya if she didn't like ya.”
“It ain't none of your business, either way.” Reina smacks Xan again. He dodges and grins again.
“The Hell it ain't!”
“Drop it, Xan.” Tyro puts his foot down.
Xander wants to argue but shuts up instead. “K.” He mumbles, slightly disappointed.
“If you all are done. May we please go back inside now?” Zarri asks, waiting for them.
“Sure sure.” Xan nods.
“Ugh.” Rei rolls her eyes at him. Breeze and I steal looks at each other and exchange smiles.
“Oh! Crile! You startled me.” I quickly grab a wash cloth and soak up the spilled water.
“Sorry. We can talk later then?”
“No no. It's fine. I'm just getting dinner ready. Talk to me.”
“Jack and his girl left earlier this morning. Drew and Illa did great work. He seemed quite pleased with the upgrade.”
“Happy to hear it.” I smile to myself. Wait. “HIS GIRL?” I hear him laughing through the Stone.
“He adopted a child. She's quite the character.”
“Oh. That's... Quite the surprise...” I feel like I'm being rude.
“Yeah, it sure was. But considering the circumstances.”
“What happened?”
“It was a last wish of a dying mother. He couldn't refuse.”
“How tragic...”
“Yeah... Anyways, good job. Drew explained your plan to us. We wish you best of luck!” Crile tells me.
“Thank you... It's not like I worked on this alone... Percy...”
“Percy helped. We know. Breeze will talk to him later.”
I giggle. “That the mother in her talking?”
“Possibly. How are you guys?”
“All's good here. You?”
“Glad to hear it.”
“Well then. See you in two years?”
“See you in two years. Keep in touch!”
“You too.” Crile's voice dies down again.
“What's with the smile? Thinking of me?” Marcus wraps his arms around me from behind.
“Crile, actually.” I tell him.
“Crile!?" He jumps off me. I laugh.
“I just spoke to him. Jack's arm was a success. He and his daughter left Astri earlier today.”
“Of course, it was a success! You came up with the whole thin– his DAUGHTER??”
“MHM. He adopted a girl. Tragic story, apparently.”
“How tragic?” He asks, sitting down.
“Last wish of a dying mother, tragic.”
“Oh.” Marcus doesn't say anything for another minute. “Soooo the procedure went well, huh?”
“Yes. Drew and Illa really came through for me. I wish I could have been there but if Jack's happy then so am I.” I turn around to my husband. “You sure you don't want to?”
“Yes. I'm not about to pass up on a beautiful and sexy private nurse.” He winks at me.
“DAA-AD!” Ether walks in from the living room.
“What? What I say?”
“Grow up, already...” Our son, age seventeen, and still gets embarrassed easily.
“Hey, you should be happy that your dad can still make your mom plenty happy at his age!” Marcus declares proudly. Oh brother... I roll my eyes.
“Ugh... Don't you get embarrassed saying those things out loud?” Ether mumbles.
“Why should I!” Marcus disagrees. Your mom's hella hot and that's a fact. Nothing to be ashamed off!” Right.
“How was the training?” I ask quickly to change the subject.
“I went easy on him.” Ether says. “Considering his age and condition, I mean, between combat and you, well, can't win 'em all...” I have difficulty containing my laughter. I throw a quick glance at our smartass son. He sits there, grinning proudly. Hold up.
“What is that?” I put the knife down and walk over to him.
“I fell.” Ether lies to me on the spot. I take a look at his ripped shoulder.
“Fell my ass!” I give him a head chop. “Honestly, must you two be so reckless.” I start casting.
“It's no big deal! I get worse injuries during training!” Ether pouts. “Ouch.” He twitches.
“Hold still then!” I resume casting. “What do you mean "worse?” I glare at the side of his face.
“It's called the Army, mom...”
“I've never seen you with anything more than a few bruises.”
“That's because I take care of everything before you see them...” He confesses to me quietly.
“And this?” I finish fixing the gash up. Ether mutters something. “Speak up.”
“I ran out of mana before I could fix it...” He admits. I sigh.
“I don't want you getting hurt. That's all.” I hug him to me. He's gotten so big...
“I know.” He whispers, tapping me on the arm.
“Ok, go wash up, dinner's on its way.” I ruff his hair up.
“Roger that.” Ether dashes out of the kitchen. I turn around and smack my husband on the back of the head.
“What was that for?” He stares at me. I don't answer.
“Oh, Laira please. Really. He's seventeen. Almost to be eighteen. In the old times he's old enough to be married with kids by now! He's a man! And a soldier in training. That scratch is nothing to him.”
“Ugh! "He's a man!" Must be nice to have a universal excuse for every stupid thing that you MEN do!” I crash the knife down through the meat with a loud chop. “THESE aren't the "old times" either! He's just a boy... Our boy...”
“Sweetness...” Marcus hugs me from behind again. “He knows how to take care of himself.”
“Doesn't mean I can stop worrying!”
“Of course, not... But you know what...” Marcus pauses. I shake my head. “It's really fun watch him grow and become stronger than yesterday... It fills me with such pride and joy...”
I smile. “Can't argue there...”
- In Serial20 Chapters
My heart was shattered that day. It was on that day that I realized that life had an end, and that mine was coming. It was on that day that I realized that I was going to die. Leukemia, they told me. It's almost over. I didn't know what to do after that. I thought that maybe it would be best to die right then, get it over with. I thought that I could push myself away from all my friends, all my family, stop them from missing me after I was gone. I thought that I could handle it on my own, that perhaps the world was better off without me. I was wrong. So please help me, I'm dying. Save me, I'm falling. They tell me I won't survive. Please catch me, because if you don't, I'll shatter. I can't grab on anymore, I can't keep fighting. It's going to swallow me up. My name is Alyssa Gray, and by the time you finish reading this, I'll be dead. ________________________________ A few warnings and things to note: -I've put up the tramatising content tag due to a lot of mentions on death, dying, illness, and a mother who tends to be rather cruel. I know that I take a perspective that many will strongly disagree with, and I'm okay with that. Just be warned that this isn't lighthearted stuff. This is real, and death is real, and this part streaches beyond the fiction into reality. -I'm going to say a minor spoiler, but I don't want it to take you unaware because it is something to be aware of. At one point, my MC attempts suicide and fails. It's a very violent scene and I will put up the gore tag after writing this, and it's also just really depressing. If this will be triggering, you need to be aware of this before you read it. -This is a christian book. It may go against some of your beliefs. I hope that you can read and comment anyway even if some of it does not sit well with you. Credits for the cover go to the user 'Media in Sanity'. Your help and assitance has meant so much to me, God bless you in your writing and your endevours. A proud member of WriTE. I've promised to finish this fiction and update it at least once a month. My schedule is very irregular, and I'm working on that, but I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that this book stays out there. I'm not ending it until it's done.
8 177 - In Serial37 Chapters
Nov, 09, 2020 : #1 in romanceMay, 14, 2021 : #1in respectMay, 14, 2021 : #4 in lovestory"Don't try and act all nice to me. I know girls like you. I don't know what spell you casted on my parents but I won't ever fall for it. And get one thing straight & clear, I don't want anyone to know about this marriage. We will act like a couple only infront of my parents. Don't expect anything more from me and neither do you knock at my door unless it's important." He spoke menacingly and turned to leave but the moment those words left his mouth, I felt as if someone dumped freezing water over my head.If he hates me so much, then why did he marry me and what does he mean by.. "What do you mean by 'girls like me' ?" I asked.He turned around and walked even closer, all my confidence began to fade. He leaned in, I could feel his breath on my ears. His closeness was doing things to me I have never felt before.I was on the verge of losing my senses, until he spoke.."A gold digging, desperate brat." His words pierced my heart, moreover his tone, his words reminded me of people I have been fighting all my life.ZACH KNIGHT FUTURE HIER OF THE KNIGHT'S CORPORATION.HOTSHOT BILLIONAIRE, A LOVING SON WORKAHOLIC, SLIGHTLY ARROGANT. CONFIDENT & ENTHUSIASTIC.CURRENTLY IN A RELATIONSHIP !! AVA ANDERSONCO-OWNER OF THE RAE CORPORATIONBEAUTIFUL, LOVING, CARING, INNOCENT, CONFIDENT, ALSO WORKAHOLIC AND ENTHUSIASTIC NEVER BEEN IN A RELATIONSHIP.WHAT HAPPENS WHEN ZACH IS FORCED TO MARRY AN OBLIVIOUS AVA.MOREOVER, WHAT HAPPENS WHEN HE REALISES THAT THERE IS MORE TO HER THAN SHE SHOWS.WILL THEY BE ABLE TO FIND LOVE OR FALL APART ? READ TO KNOW !!
8 180 - In Serial132 Chapters
Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door
You are a normal girl, with a good and amazing past, Well that's what everyone thinks... You live in a small apartment but with big dreams. The only thing stopping you is the boy next door. He makes too much noise and sometimes it affects you more than it should. But who is this... The boy next door?You went to Harvard and thought "I will be big!" In the end. You work in a store and your only friend... Is Paper Towns, the book.(Look, dude, I wrote this back in middle school. Stop catching my mistakes and just read it for fun or get out. Also please don't show this to Joji, I lost all my dignity writing this story anyway)
8 92 - In Serial21 Chapters
The Boy in the Woods (boyxboy)
Tragedy hits the pack. Damian and Galen, the twin Alpha heirs, suggest to put the past behind them and move the pack elsewhere. They leave America and move the pack to Canada, but as they settle in, rumours of a creature living in the area gets to them and causes curiosity to arise. The town's own little mystery makes everybody question the same thing. Who is The Boy in the Woods?
8 122 - In Serial55 Chapters
*Gay Panic*/Billie Eilish x Reader
You're the lesbian in town, and have a very interesting taste in things and is in love with music. You find this very popular girl that has the same tastes, She catches your eye and your sister happens to post a cover you sang to one of her songs, not realizing what you're getting into. Side note: writing will be revised from older chapters. So if you go back and something is missing or changed thats because I did that to make the story better for new readers.*No rewriting my stuff, any book on my page will stay on my page, same goes for chapters. Getting creative influence on it is one thing, copy and paste is another.*+High tags+#1 in billiexreader#2 in billieeilishxreader
8 194 - In Serial24 Chapters
Toothless. YOU'RE A GIRL?!
Drago Bludvist has obtained an item called a dragon stone. With this stone he can transform humans into dragons and vice versa. While trying to stop Drago from building his army of dragons toothless gets hit with its power and what he turns into no one expected. Now with the new turn of events will all toothless secrets be reviled? Will Hiccup abandon toothless or will their relationship grow? Will toothless ever get back to normal or will something happen to Hiccup? You will just have to wait and see.(this takes place during the events of the 2nd movie and contains info from dreamworks dragons may contain spoilers you have been warned)COMPLETED
8 83