《Existara: the RRD. Book two》The Grave and the Truth
“Where are the kids?” Laira asks us stepping out of the carriage.
“Inside. Waiting.” I answer. Glen and the others take care of their bags.
“We missed you.” Breeze tells the three with a smile.
“That's rich, coming from you.” Laira throws Zarri "a look" that has me dying with laughter.
“How long you waited to use that one?” Breeze asks her with a look of her own.
“A lifetime.” Laira hugs her.
“Good to see you again.” I give Marcus my left. He stares at it and comes in for a hug.
“You have no idea just how much.” He says letting go. Laira switches with him and hugs me too. Marcus goes in for an embrace into Breeze's arms and gets slapped in the face instead. Everyone freezes in their tracks.
“THAT'S for getting yourself almost killed!” Zarri finally lets it out in one breath. The Mage stares at nothing for a long moment. Slowly, his head begins to turn back to the front. Breeze breaks and hugs the fool.
“Is this what's it like having her?” He asks me snapping out of it and placing his hands on my wife’s back.
“Pretty much.” I grin.
“Really? You’re gonna give him grief about it?” Laira stares at Zarri too.
“Oh, bite me.” She answers in the same voice she always did back when we were teens. I smile again.
“With pleasure.” I answer instead. The look on the women’s faces has me chuckling again.
“Feel better now?” Marcus asks Breeze.
“A little yes.” She nods. “Now then. Sorry for the wait.” She looks down. Ether takes a step forward and bows.
“Thank you for taking care of me the last time! I apologize for causing you to worry last time I was here! I will be in your care again now for our visit! I promise to do my best to be on my best behavior!” He boy straightens out and quickly bows again. “Thank you!” He stands tall again.
“My, what a great little speech.” Zarri kneels in front of the child. “I am happy to see you are doing well, Ether. Please, feel free to be at home here.” The boy blushes and nods. Breeze extends her hand to him.
“I'm Zarri. Pleased to meet you.” Oh? The three of us steal quick glances at each other.
“Ether Tallen Evergreen. Pleased to meet you.” He shakes Zarri's hand and lunges in for a hug. “I missed you, aunty.” Well now.
“We missed you too.” Zarri answers and gets up. I give him my hand as well.
“The name's Crile.”
He takes my hand and shakes it firmly. “Ether.” He says staring right at me. I smile.
“Welcome back, Ether.” I lean in for a hug too.
“Thank you, uncle.” He tells me, putting his hands around my neck. Sweet child. I pat him on the head and we finally make our way back to our room.
“It's a shame Percival couldn't make it.” Zarri says.
“I was wondering how long you'll manage.” I tease her.
“We waited a week before leaving. We hoped he'd join us.” Marcus answers.
“He takes his role at the base very seriously.” Laira seconds.
“Knowing him, I'm not surprised.” I tell her. Breeze and I stand by our door and open them both at the same time. We let the three of them enter the room first.
“Aunty! Uncle!” A voice greets them. We close the doors behind us. Our boy runs over to the three of them with a widest and goofiest smile on his little face.
“I'm Xander! Nice to meet ya!” He says arms stretched just as wide.
“Hello, Xander. I'm Laira.” She kneels to get a closer look.
“He looks even more like Breeze now than before...” Marcus whispers to us over his shoulder.
“Just wait.” I wink at him. He throws me a confused look but his attention gets quickly redirected.
“Is it my turn now?” He says looking down. The Mage clears his throat and gives our son a hand. “I'm Marcus, nice to meet ya, Xander.” They shake hands. Ether has made himself invisible behind Marcus, just like the last time. Xander won't go down so easily. He slides around the Mage.
“Hi, Ether!” Xan's enthusiasm startles the boy.
“Hi...” He whispers.
“Xander, personal space? Remember that?” Breeze tries to diffuse the situation. Xander quickly takes two steps back but his face gives his eagerness away.
“Why don't you go help Rei?” I nod to the bed. Xan quickly runs back over to our bed.
“Did something happen to Reina?” Laira asks all worried.
“No, she's fine.” I tell her.
“What in the world...” The Mage's reaction captures the Ravo's attention. She turns back and gasps, covering her mouth.
“That child looks at least two years old!” She finally snaps out of it.
“Surprise!” I tell her trying my best to hold back the laughter. We watch Rei and Xan help their little brother come over. The three of them stop a step away from Laira and Marcus.
“This is Tyro.” Reina announces.
“He's squishy!” Xan adds, making me lose it completely.
“Wow.” Finally, Marcus says something.
“Tyro...” Laira whispers. She shakes her head and looks at Rei.
“Hi, Reina. I'm glad to finally meet you all.”
“Me too!” Xan answers first.
“Me three.” Rei adds.
“Me four.” The Mages joins in. “I'm Marcus. This is Ether.” He reintroduces them to the kids.
“Think I can hold your brother for a moment?” Laira asks the kids.
“Sure!” Xan's first again. Laira picks our Youngest up. She stands up and walks a few steps closer to the windows.
“Hi, Ether.” Rei waves to the boy. The little Cornutese blushes but manages to wave back.
“I hope we can be friends.” She says.
“Mh.” Ether nods again.
“Soooo, should I do it or?” Marcus asks Laira.
“Before you say anything.” Breeze beats them to it. “We weren't sure about Tyro. I insisted that we keep it a secret.” She says sitting down on our usual couch. Xan takes me by the hand and drags me next to mom. Rei waits for Ether a moment longer but decides not to pressure the guy.
“Weren't sure how?” Laira asks.
“If he or I will make it.” Zarri answers bluntly.
“After the twins, we were told she wouldn't be able to get pregnant again.” I tell them as Marcus sits down in front of us, with Ether still shy, again.
“And if I were to, they weren't sure I'd survive. Let alone the baby.” Breeze says. “We weren't planning on it. It happened.”
“Clearly.” The Mage gives me a "manly" look. I grin. Zarri pretends not to notice.
“Laira, I realize this won't change the fact but I didn't want to worry you. I wanted to make sure it went smoothly...”
“You were afraid. I get it. You didn't want to give me false hope or needless worry. I get it.” Laira finishes the thought.
“The pregnancy wasn't easy, nor did it get better after child birth.” I add. I watch Ether finally sit down next to Marcus. Rei has made herself comfortable next to her mother, with Xander squirming in my lap.
“The first year was extremely difficult for us. At that point we figured that meeting with you directly will be better. Regardless of what happens.” I explain.
“Everything's been fine now.” Zarri adds quickly. Xan waves at Ether. The boy responds. Laira finally passes Tyro over to her husband and sits down.”
“There's so much I wanna say to that.” She pauses. “I'm glad the two of you made it. He seems to be in good health too, I'm happy.”
“Thank you.” I tell her.
“Is it just me or his eyes are different?” The Mage asks staring at Tyro.
“One of each!” Xan beats us to it. Marcus takes a hard look at us four.
“And the white hair?” He asks.
“Just like Granma's.” Rei pitches in.
“Oh right.” The Mage nods.
“How are they, by the way?” Laira asks, patting Ether on the head now too.
“Enjoying themselves.” I answer.
“And spoiling the kids rotten.” Breeze adds.
“Good to hear.” Marcus hands Tyro back to us. Zarri takes him in her arms. Rei scootches over closer to Xan and me.
“How about you two take Tyro into your room to play? You can show Ether around too.” I tell our Eldest.
“Sure! Come on!” Xan jumps off me and takes Ether by the hand. Rei gets off the couch and waits for Tyro to be handed to her. Zarri sets our Youngest down. Xan takes Tyro's hand too and the four off them slowly walk away from us. Ether looks back over his shoulder to his parents.
“It's ok. Go have fun.” Laira smiles at her son. He nods but with a face full of concern still.
“Well? How has he been doing?” I ask.
“Ether? He's great. He's smart and catches on quick. Percy teaches him all kinds of things when he comes over for a visit.” Marcus answers me.
“And how's he doing?” Breeze asks with a motherly suspicion.
“He tries his best to come visit once every six-eight months or so.” Laira tells us.
“He has been against us going over there since day one.” Marcus adds.
“So he does try to keep up appearances.” Laira rolls her eyes.
Breeze and I giggle. “Least he tries. How's the RRD?” She asks.
“Nothing major on our end.” The Mage answers. “We've been mostly monitoring traffic between the City and the Base.”
“Percival has been in deep research. On top of that, it seems he has been declared the mayor of the Site.” Laira gives us a coy smile.
“The what now?” I stare at them.
“Oh, the kid is truly SOMETHING else.” The Mage adds to Laira's smile. “Get this. He's growing produce in "greenhouses" made from earth.”
“I don't follow?” Zarri admits.
“Me either.” I confess too.
“He has these shelters? Built like a bunch of cellars, inside the ground, that only has the glass roofs and they grow grains and Combat Vines and everything there.” Marcus tries to explain it.
“Or so we've heard. I'm curious to see it in person. Zaltem has been filing us in more than Percival, either way, apparently whatever it is that he's doing - is working.” Laira seconds.
“Buried greenhouses? Really?” I question the information provided.
“Pretty much, yes.” The Mage nods.
“Wow.” Zarri exhales with a confused smile. “He just doesn't stop surprising us.”
“His reasoning was to reduce attention from the Rebellion's side. He said that a settlement might attract attention, even as close to the Rebirth as it is. So, for safety purposes he made bunkers instead of building houses.” Laira explains some more.
“Like the ones in Cornutora?” I ask.
“Exactly like the ones.” The Mage snaps his fingers and points at me.
“He even thought about that too?” Breeze smiles proudly. I can't help but feel the same way.
“That's our boy wonder alright.” I smile too. “By the way, how long will you be here?” I quickly jump in before I forget again.
“We'll try to stretch it out as much as possible but not longer than a week now. We made sure to get all of the right paperwork directly from the King this time.” Marcus says.
“Oh, which reminds me”. Laira clearly ignores the Mages effort to reopen a sore topic. “We come bearing gifts this time. King's orders.”
“Oh?” Zarri leans back to me.
“Show of good faith. Or something.” Marcus adds, shrugging his shoulders. "By the way, the kid's not the only one making changes."
"How so?" Zarri asks. The Mage grins proudly.
"Laira has made it mandatory for everyone within the Army and the Navy to know healing. Not first aid only but some of the advanced techniques too. On top of that. Everyone with mana needs to learn basic Cleanser spells. Without these you can't apply." He explains.
"Is it something like a starting course?" Zarri looks at Laira.
"More like an exam." Marcus whispers. Laira doesn't say anything still.
"What brought this on?" I ask and realize the next instant. "Oh."
"The reason's sitting right in front us, huh?" Breeze smiles.
"See! I'm helping too." The Mage strikes a pose.
"Yes yes, relax now before you hurt yourself." Laira lowers his arm.
"What took you to make it happen?" I ask out of morbid curiosity.
"Surprisingly not much. I made the appeal directly to the King, instead of the Council. He did not argue. Especially since I said it would help with the RRD..." Laira hides behind her glass.
"Ha! Guess his foolish ambitions can pay off." Zarri says giggling.
"It was easier to make the appeal later with the Congress too." Marcus adds.
"Yes, well. Tahon's obsession has been working in our favor, so far." The Druid takes over. Wait.
"Tahon?" Breeze reads my mind.
Laira does not comment on that. She continues, instead. "Anyways, not everyone was happy about the new conditions at first, especially the recruits. Healing isn't for everyone, but it worked out. Somehow. So I'm happy."
"I think it's a great idea."
"Me too." I nod.
"Me three, of course." The Mage adds. The door opens and food walks in.
“Kids! Food's here!” Breeze calls out.
“Coming!” Rei answers from the other room. The table in front of us gets rearranged into a colorful and mouthwatering painting.
“Enjoy.” Glen tells us as everyone leaves.
“Thank you.” Zarri nods.
“Appreciate the trouble.” I nod too. The kid smiles at us and closes the doors.
“That reminds me. Did you really had to send Glen and the others to come get us all the way to Ravenna?” Laira asks making a plate for Ether.
“Yes.” Breeze and I answer at the same time.
“We figured Araneum's VIPs deserve the special escort.” I smile.
“I'm beginning to see the bright side of being a Royal Hound.” Marcus gazes dreamily into the distance. Kids finally make it back to us. I pick Tyro up and set him down in my lap. The rest of them go wash their hands first. We wait for them to come back. Ether takes his place between his parents. Rei and Xan make themselves comfortable at one of their favorite spots - on the step by our feet. The adults get their glasses.
“Well. Here's to us.” Marcus says.
“To us!” We cheer and clank.
We watch the kids play around in the yard the next day, while Laira tends to some business. Ether is showing off his water magic. He's been conjuring all sorts of shapes out of the colored water. Sometimes he'll make something explode or put on a smoke screen.
“He's good.” I tell the Mage.
“Yeah. Very. He learns healings from Percival, Shamanic casting from me and he experiments a ton on his own too.” Marcus answers proudly. “He puts on these little shows at the City's orphanage too. He goes there every day after class.”
“That's noble of him.” Zarri says. “And school? Has he settled?”
“You mean after all the trouble he had?” Marcus looks to his boy. “Well. We managed. Somehow. He's not too invested in it though and I can't blame him. With Laira, Percy, Zaltem, Aodynna and me around, he learns plenty. We simply have him enlisted there because it's safer and we hoped he'd make friends...”
“When do they have the time?” Zarri asks.
“Oh, he got most of the basics before they left and they make sure to visit us when they make their reports. He practices diligently to nail each challenge so he gets a new one to work on. It's fun to watch him struggle. In a good way that is.” The Mage watches over his boy with a warm fatherly expression.
“Wait, what does Aodynna teach him? I figured that Earth Shamans need an affinity for it just like the Mages?” I quickly throw a confused gaze at the man.
“Yes, you are right about that but the girl has some mad combat skills. That poker face of hers is impossible to deal with, you never know what she's thinking, plus, with her casting, it's a fun combo.” Marcus grins at the thought of something. “Oh, Rixa helps him with weapons too. He tries to learn as much as he can. He practices the spear now.”
“He stayed behind?” Zarri poses the question.
“Said he had nothing better to do anyways.” The Mage shrugs his shoulders.
“And Zaltem? He's a Ravo like Laira.” I circle back again.
“Yes, he was quite disappointed when we explained to him that he could never be a Druid. But as a Ravo, Zaltem comes in handy for human anatomy and other healing things. As a matter of fact, Ether was inspired by Zaltem's tricks with the Vines, hence the shapes.”
“Oh well, that's nice.” Zarri says.
“Yeah.” Marcus agrees. “I mean, Percy's tries to stay in touch but...”
“I see. With our Cleanser being as busy as he is.” I agree.
“What about Laira?” Zarri asks.
“Oh, she's been up to something too. Won't tell me what it is, though but I guess her focus is more on being a mom rather than teaching him spells and tricks. I'm just happy I can at least spar with a nine-year-old now.” Marcus laughs nervously and we can't help but join him.
“What about the twins?” He looks at us now.
“No magic yet. Because of the time frame for it, there's no telling when and if it will appear.” Breeze answers. “Oh, but they do have their classes picked out.” She adds with a chuckle.
“Really? I'm curious to know.” Marcus flashes a smile at us yet from time to time I notice a grim shadow creep in and out of his face. He only ever seems to truly smile when talking about Ether.
“Rei wants to be a Beast Druid.” Zarri tells him. “That's all because someone keeps telling our kids silly stories about their mom...” She glares at me. Marcus laughs. I pretend to be clueless and give her a quick kiss instead.
“What about Xander then?”
“Assassin. He thinks it would be fun to scare Reina with his powers, ya know, the way Glen pops up? He thinks it's the coolest thing ever.” I take over.
“Ha! Such a boy he is.” Marcus keeps giggling.
“Oh for sure.” I agree.
“Wait, back up, what do you mean by if?” The Mage suddenly gets serious again.
“Well. Considering my condition... I'm not sure...” Zarri doesn't wanna answer...
“You had your powers at conception, right?”
“Yes well... For one of them, at least...” We trace her gaze to our Youngest one, cheering the pretty water dog...
“The colored water and the smoke? He come up with those?” I try to lighten the mood.
“Yup. Since I always get my share of the Enchanted Herbs, I always give him some. Perks of being with the RRD.” The Mage winks at us. “Speaking of, where is she?” He quickly stands up and walks back a few steps. It happened again...
“Something seems to be bothering him.” I whisper.
“Seems so.” Breeze lets out a worried sigh... Marcus comes back to us with a worried expression. Zarri and I steal quick glances at each other.
“Breeze? Can I talk to you for a moment?” He asks.
“Breeze? Can I talk to you for a moment?” Marcus asks me. The look on his face worries me.
“Sure.” I leave the kids with their father.
“Something on your mind?” I ask our Mage as we walk to the side a bit.
“Is this what it feels like? Life after death?”
I smile. “You mean the dream like feeling? The constant paranoia that any moment all of this;” I motion my arms in a wide circle to the sight in front of us; “will shatter into darkness?” I gaze at him. He has eyes pointed to the ground.
“I was right to ask a pro like you about it.” He gives me a clumsy grin and I push him lightly on the shoulder. Even his laughter is forced...
“Has it been bothering you all this time?” I ask. A nod.
“I didn't sleep for weeks. Every time I would close my eyes...”
“You'd snap awake as if from a nightmare.”
“Did you talk to Laira about it?” I look our Mage over. A shake.
“Why not?”
“Isn't it obvious? I don't want her to worry.”
“You honestly think she hasn't caught on in five years?” I give him a disapproving look. Marcus finally looks at me.
“What? You didn’t consider that this affects her too? Do you not know that those around you have the same paranoia? The same fear that any minute they will turn around and you'll be nothing but a memory? That the you here and now is nothing more than an illusion?”
“I...honestly didn't...”
“Silly boy...” I hug Marcus to me. “She's putting on a brave face for you because she knows how afraid you are...” I let him go. “After I woke up from the coma, I was so afraid to fall back asleep that it made my chest and lungs ache. You know what helped?” I ask our Mage again. He shakes his head.
“Crile. Falling asleep next to him and waking up with him still next to me the next morning. That makes every day seem more normal. Even in the middle of the night. I know that I'm not alone. Most importantly I know I am alive, because he's next to me.” I smile at our Mage again. “Why do you think Laira made camp with you when Percy discharged you?” His look finally changes.
“Dad!” Ether runs over to us and tackles Marcus.
“Hey there! What's up?” The man snaps out of his sudden gloom.
“Where's mom?”
“She'll be out in a bit.” I tell the boy. “Don't think your mood doesn't affect him either.” Marcus looks up at me and back at his son.
“Thank you.”
“Don't mention it. I am a pro at this after all.” I wink at him.
“Let's go back to the others, shall we?” I ask Ether.
“Sure!” He lets go and runs off first. We come back and Crile wraps himself around my waist.
“Everything ok?” He asks.
“Everything ok?” I ask them.
“Yeah. We're ok now.” Marcus tells me.
“Ok then. Who's hungry?” I ask the bunch and four hands wave to us. A light laughter rolls over us. We walk back inside and clash with Laira in the doorway.
“Oh? Did I miss all of the fun?” She staggers for a moment.
“Yes. Well, kind of.” Breeze answers. “How was your meeting with Drew?”
“Fine fine.” She's clearly avoiding the subject. We pretend not to notice and carry on back inside. She always had this habit of not sharing something when she wasn't sure of it. I guess whatever the side project she is working on, is important enough that she'll keep it a secret until she gets the results desired. Complete opposite of our little Cleanser. He can ramble on and on about theories and ideas. I smile at the sound of that image. Even inside my mind, I can clearly hear his excited mumbling. Everyone sits down for our late lunch. The kids seem to have bonded well. Ether has joined the twins on the "lower level" aka the floor. Hence the reason why we had double decker tables made. Can't help but question this calm and cheery mood... My wife and the kids. Marcus and Laira with their boy. Seems unreal still... I reach for my glass when the door to our bedroom opens slightly. I freeze mid reach. A man walks in.
“Room for one more?” That voice!
“Percival!” Breeze beats me to it and rushes over to greet our Cleanser. I put my plate down and get up too.
“So wonderful to see you!” Zarri gives the kid a warm embrace. I wait for my turn on the side.
“Welcome back.” She tells Percy.
“It's good to be back.” The kid nods.
“So, the prodigal son returns.” I give him a tight hug too. “You look like hell by the way.” I glare at him.
“You've been neglecting your health again. There's barely any meat on those bones!” Zarri pitches in.
“The robe hangs off your shoulders like a laundry pole”. I hammer it in. Percy chuckles.
“I missed this. I feel right at home listening to the two of you.” He gives us an exhausted smile.
“Well come on. Sit and eat already.” Breeze pushes our Cleanser. I make room on the couch for him and we surround the kid.
“Hello you two.” Percy smiles at Laira and Marcus.
“Glad to see you made it.” The Mage smiles.
“I thought you said you were swamped?” Laira hands the kid a glass.
“I am but I wanted to see everyone.” Percy confesses.” The kids too. He looks down. Hi, Reina, Xander. I'm Percival. It's nice to meet you.”
“Uncle!” Xan jumps into Percy's arms.
“I figured he'd be younger...” Rei stares at our Cleanser. We laugh it off.
“Sorry to disappoint.” Percy smiles at her. “How you been, Ether?”
“I'm well, thank you. Happy to see you, teacher.” The boy smiles.
“Teacher?” I look at Laira.
“I've been teaching him some things whenever I visit.” Percy explains.
“So we hear. I figured he calls you uncle too, though.” I look over at the boy and catch him blush lightly.
“He calls us "teacher" now more.” Percy adds. Right...
“Ether finds school to be somewhat boring, he doesn’t really care much for the real teachers. Marcus admits. Ha!
“That's a good sign.” I laugh.
“So? Where's Tyro?” Our Cleanser looks around.
“Wait. You KNEW!” Laira glares at the kid.
“Yes. I looked over the pregnancy, well, somewhat, anyways.”
Laira puts her hand over her face, shaking her head. “I swear. So. it's us only you lied to?”
“Technically we didn't lie.” I try to smooth it over. “We just didn't tell you.”
“Same thing!” Laira's mad again.
“Ro-ro is sleeping over there.” Rei takes Percy by the hand and takes him to the bed. Our Cleanser takes a long look at our Youngest.
“He seems healthy. I'm glad.”
“We are too.” Zarri says.
“Well? How long you’re staying for?” I ask the kid.
“I'll be going back with them. I know you have Cobalus and Venatus to go to.”
“Yes, unfortunately, we have yet to receive word from the Archives.” Laira tells him.
“That's actually why I'm here. I'll be going there instead. I have the pass anyway.” Percy says munching on some roasted duck.
“I figured that thing had like an expiration date or something?” My curiosity gets the better of me.
“Well, yes but really, they are too distracted over there to pay attention to it anyways, I figured I can use the same one to gain access and save you the trouble.” Percival glances over at the other two. “Since Repperi is farthest away, I'll leave a few days later and if all goes well, I should be back right around the time you'll get back from Venatus.”
“Right, we figured we'd go by boat this time, straight from Cobalus, if worse came to pass, we'd stop by Repperi on our way back.” Marcus adds.
“Well, this way, we can extend our visit a bit longer. The King isn't really monitoring my movements. But if anything, I'll use my pass as an excuse why I left.” Zarri refills the kid's glass and Percival downs it right away.
“Easy on the vine there, you'll pass out cold in your current condition.” I tease the Cleanser.
“Sorry, everything is so delicious I can't stop.”
“Take your time.” Breeze fills his glass up again.
“I have to say though, your way of thinking is truly terrifying as much as it is impressive.” I admit.
“I know, right?” Marcus agrees with me instantly. “He could take over the world if he wanted to.” A wave of laughter rolls over again.
“For the time being I'll be satisfied with saving it first. Then, if I'll be in the mood for it, I can try world domination later too.” The kid answers. Another wave follows. Strangely enough I missed this wholesome feeling.
“Well then, care to tell us when can we finally move in?” Marcus asks the Head of the RRD.
“I'd rather you didn't. Ever.” The kid says. “But if you want, you can come around for a visit once we return. We've been keeping a safe distance from the Site just in case, so far there haven't been any infections or changes. So, I would consider it to be safe enough.”
“Are we allowed to talk about it now?” I ask our Cleanser.
“I don't know? Should we?” He looks us over.
“We heard some of it.” Zarri tells him. “It got me plenty curious.”
“Me too.” I admit.
Percy gives us a heavy sigh and a smile. “What would you like to know?”
“How are the drugs development going? For one.” Breeze hits first.
“Well. That. Since we established that three different approaches are needed to deal with the Malice, we have been successful in that front. However.”
“However?” Marcus raises an eyebrow.
“So far we have been successful with small amounts of it. For instance: if we take a blade covered in the Malice and infect a living creature with it, we are able to save it by purifying the body and administering two types of drugs. One for the Disease, which does appear to be a flesh eating one and another a combination of the most "popular" poison antidote.”
“Sounds promising.” I say.
“Yes. Sadly, our main issue remains. Quantity. We have no idea how much of any of the three components we'll actually need. There's no way to calculate that. So far we can only say that the further away from the crater, the less potions are need. It also takes less time to cleanse and purify.” Percival explains in between his meal.
“Have you considered doing it in stages?” Breeze suggests.
He nods. “We have.”
“Somehow I feel there's a "but" coming in.” I jump in. He nods again.
“So far the Malice is so strong that the Vines wilt at first contact with it. Forcing the potions down into the ground takes too much mana and the ground absorbs more of them as it goes deeper, so the potions don’t even reach that deep. At the moment, we have no way of reaching the possible core directly. Which, to be honest, does not come as a surprise to me. I was expecting that much.” Percy takes a quick drink.
“How are you able to measure the depth?” Zarri asks.
“We conjure up a giant pillar from the ground upwards, it allows for closer study, there are risks involved but we’ve been careful. So far we know for a fact that stone is the most resilient against the Malice.”
“Interesting.” Breeze mumbles.
“You were saying?” I steer the kid back on track.
“Right, anyways, we could, probably form a net of Vines underneath the crater, to prevent the spreading. To an extent. In about four years, ish? The radius hasn't changed. Provided the current perimeter is its maximum limit - we could at least prepare for the main cleansing. I do believe we would need to work our way outward, going inward. Once the Cleansers to their part, we can have Ravos and Shamans moving in, gradually closing in on the core.”
“That's what you meant by preventing the spread?” Laira cuts in. Percy nods.
“We have already planted the trees for that. We have time for the trees to grow naturally, with little magical effort. Oh, did you know that the bigger the tree the more mana it takes to make it grow? Zaltem has been patient with me so far and has humored me with the experiments.” The kid side tracks a little.
“However. Problem #2;” Percy holds two fingers up; “we have no way of knowing if we'll have enough Ravos for at least a tree each. Worse case, we may be able to use them for the cleansing part only.”
“Right. It's not like Druids grow on trees.” Marcus makes a joke. His grin tells us the Mage is quite proud of it too. Laira rolls her eyes at her husband.
“Exactly.” Percy turns the comment into a serious matter in a second. “Anyways. The core is the main problem. The magic would be the strongest at the bottom of the crater. I believe that if we make a preemptive strike, we should be able to limit the damage as much as possible. We have been roaming around the crater, even going near it, the Castle has not shown any signs of activity. This solidifies the hibernation part of the theory.” He quiets down again.
“Another "but" here?” I break first again.
He nods. “I do think that the Castle senses danger and prepares for battle. The 200-Years-of-Darkness is proof of that. Now, because up until now we have been charging the Castle, it engaged us in battle accordingly. The one time where nothing was done, the Malice exploded, consuming most of the continent.”
“That's why you want to move in earlier? Even if it will be able to respond to the incoming threat, the Curse won’t be in full swing. Correct?” Breeze beats us to it this time.
Percy giggles. “No wonder they picked you. Yes, Commander, that's precisely the reason why.”
"Commander?" Xan looks at his mom and then at me.
“Long story kiddo. I'll tell ya later, ok?” I pat his head. He nods, hesitantly.
"Question. What happens if the plan fails? Not that I doubt your abilities." Marcus asks and his face reflects instant regret.
"Last time the Rebirth went unchecked it engulfed the entire Existara. Considering that the magic stored now is several times higher than before... It very well may destroy the entire Terra. This is the one thing we cannot afford to experiment with." Percival says, his face grim as ever. Nobody ever wants to ask these things, nor do they truly wish to know... This guy has been pondering over the idea of doom's day for about five years... His tired shoulder's cannot possibly keep up with the burdens...
"Sorry I asked..." Marcus feels uneasy. As do the rest of us. The Cleanser shakes his head.
"Don't be. It's a valid question."
"Basically nothing changes." Breeze cuts into the gloom. "Whether we like it or not, we don't have an option. Engaging the Rebirth is the better option still. The ground work is being laid out. If not this time, then the next."
"Agree." Laira joins in. "No reason for you take on the responsibility for this alone. Do what you can. Focus on that." She smiles at our exhausted Cleanser. Percy nods.
“If that is the case, then you need more Shields. I assume the Tree Dome would probably be too much to ask of the Ravos?” Laira continues back on track. Percy nods again.
“Perhaps this way is better. Stone appears to be the least affected material. We'll have an Earth Squad ready by the Tree Line in case worse comes to be. While Stone Mages will act as first line of defense within the inner circle of the Crater.”
“You're a natural Tactician.” I tell Our Cleanser.
“Of course, he is. Wouldn't have brought him on board otherwise. I have to say, I noticed his leadership potential long ago.” Zarri acts like a pompous-proud-ass within the short moment that the kid is left speechless.
“What makes you say that?” He finally snaps out of it.
“Because of the way you think. It's not just your quick thinking.” Laira says.
“It's cause you're thorough and meticulous too.” Marcus adds.
“You dig to the bottom of every problem and find a way.” I take over.
“You don't just plan ahead, nor do you - "think of something" as you go along.” Laira picks up again.
“You have a backup plan ready too.” Marcus pitches in.
“Even your plans are adjustable within the calculated possibilities of what might be.” I continue.
“You have the kind of a potential that kings need to dream of.” Aaand Breeze finishes it.
“Surely you gest.” Percy blushes.
“Not at all.” I'm quick to disagree.
“I... I simply operate on three simple rules...” The kid looks down again. “Observe. Analyze. Adapt. So simple yet so overlooked...” Breeze bursts into laughter.
“Care to share?” I stare at her confused.
“Well that brings back memories...” She says giggling.
“Uh-huh.” I keep my look on her.
“Commander told me those three words during the battle.” The kid fesses up.
“Oh, well now you've done it, she'll be taking all of the credit for your brain...” The Mage exclaims with a sigh.
“We'll never hear the end of it...” Laira agrees.
“Ok ok, cool down you drama-mammas. I admit I am proud of Percival as a parent but I don't have that much audacity in me to claim monopoly over his achievements. It's all him.” Zarri goes into her half-Queen mode. Right. Sure.
“Whatever you say.” Marcus pushes it a bit more.
“Ugh.” Breeze sighs. “Next topic?”
“The troops are becoming quite versatile in their magic uses. Combat and Everyday alike.” Percy quickly jumps on the change of topic wagon.
“Oh, we already had our up-close demonstration of that.” I glance over to little Ether.
“Breeze?” Laira's tone captures my attention and redirects towards my wife again. Her face seems to be lost in thought, with a hint of regret but with a soft smile still... I lean over Percy and put my hand on her knee. Zarri's eyes shift to it out of reflex. Slowly, the life comes back to them. Her gaze traces my fingers, up the arm and our eyes meet.
“Something on your mind?” My lips ask with gentle smile.
“I understand now.” Breeze exhales softly. “I think I finally understand.” Her glance slides away from me and onto the young Cleanser. “I was doing it all wrong...” A hint of remorse flashes across her face and instantly turns into relief...
“Would you like to clue us in?” Marcus whispers.
“Commander?” The kid finally breaks from the pressure and his eyes begin to bounce around in his skull.
“I was doing it all wrong.” Breeze says again. “I tried to change the system by going after those at the top.” She speaks in a quiet voice. “I wanted to change the wrong thing. That's why I failed. That's why it never worked out... I never had the answers. Only questions...”
“Breeze? What are you talking about?” Laira's lost too. I think I have a feeling where this is coming from... I let my wife continue instead.
“Back when we first arrived at Araneum, when we got to be part of the Congress. Right before the Rebirth. I was appalled at how the old geezers were organizing the issue. They wanted different results, without implementing changes into the system. It made me furious. I couldn’t comprehend that.” She scowls for a quick moment at the memory.
“It was almost impossible to make them budge on anything. Especially when all I had were questions without answers. Nobody wants those.” She snickers again…
“Going up against a rigid system as that you need to have your answers before asking the questions. It was impossible for me to change it right from the start. Of course, back then, half of the reasons why, if not all, were due to my rebellious spirit.” Breeze says with a clearly dull expression in agreement with her stupid past self. I smile.
“Nonetheless. Now I understand my mistake. Changes are not supposed to be made within an existing structure. They need to be built from the ground up. It's not the old system who needs to be persuaded but the users of the next generation. They are the ones who will build the new system by themselves as they go along...” Zarri looks back at Percival again.
“Percival, that is why you will be the one to succeed where I failed. You don't just have questions alone. You find the answers too. Something I never managed...” Breeze finishes with a motherly look.
The kid's head begins to shake side to side before he even has the chance to realize it. “I wasn't the one to inspire them. It was you...”
“No. Inspiring isn't enough.” Zarri disagrees on the spot. “They need to know how to make their inspirations a reality. Without that kind of knowledge those inspirations or nothing more than pipe dreams. I admit that I had different ideas on the same things and how to use them but since I couldn't make it work with simply my words, that is, I was only able to paint the picture with my words. Nobody was interested in anything that could not be shown or touched.”
“I agree.” I finally join in on her monologue. “That's why we never got anywhere after the Rebirth. That and other reasons. We didn't have enough followers on our side to make our case against the Council. Especially not against the Congress. It's a shame really, people tend to pay more attention to the person who is speaking, rather than the words spoken.” I glance over at our Cleanser with a smile.
Breeze nods. “With your resourcefulness, Percy;” Zarri addresses the kid again; “you are able to achieve the impossible. All I did was take a chance on you. The same way old man Bellkehm did for me... Difference is, I disappointed his trust...” Breeze giggles nervously. “I owe him an apology...”
“No you don't. Trust me on this.” I lock my eyes on hers. She doesn’t fight it.
The Cleanser shakes his head again. “I...” The Mage puts his hand on the kid's shoulder.
“Don't fight it. She won.” He says and sits back down again.
“It is true, you know.” Laira agrees too.
“If anything, the proof is sitting right there.” I nod to Ether. “Our little Shaman Mage, Cleanser apprentice was kind enough to show us his skills earlier today.” I add and the boy blushes. Zarri picks up where I left off.
“I wonder what we could do in return for him?” She plays dumb. “If only we had any clue what he would like...”
“The trees...” Huh? “I'd like to see the place where the trees grow inside but also outside...” Ether carefully looks up at Breeze. “Aunty?”
“Oh, you mean the Star Garden. Of course.” Zarri agrees on the spot. The little one seems to be quite happy about it. Whereas the mother of the boy appears to be rather concerned, instead. Can't blame her.
“Would you mind if we...?” Laira asks carefully.
“We'll all go.” Zarri answers. I wonder. We finish up with our lunch-ish and go visit the grave.
“The flowers have been growing nicely.” Laira says, breaking the somewhat uncomfortable silence on our way there. "I have been supplying them with magic on a regular basis, it's more like a colored shrub-vine mix growing around the tree."
“Oh? Sounds lovely. I'd like to see it someday.” Breeze's voice somewhat contradicts itself. I feel uneasy. We reach the Garden. The kids run in head on with a game of tag. I pick our Youngest up and hold my wife by the hand. Out of sheer habit Zarri walks straight over to the tomb stone. The adults line up in a half circle in front of it, next to us too. A long minute passes by and the rest of the rascals settle down in between us. Rei's and Xander's faces tell me they are waiting for the same thing to happen as I am. Nobody says anything. No words are needed. Breeze breaks down the next moment. On her knees. Sobbing without a sound. I pass Tyro over to his siblings. Reina and Xan know the drill well. They take their brother and huddle up. I kneel next to my weeping wife and hold her. A sigh escapes out of me. I notice how Ether keeps darting his eyes between Breeze and his parents, wondering what happened.
“Don't worry about it, Ether. We're fine. This happens every time...” I tell the boy, but his face tells me he doesn't believe the "fine" part. We don't talk about Emerald not because we forgot all about her. It's because we simply cannot talk about it, yet... It has been about six years since she's gone. Yet to a Noxian that's almost the same as last month. The last time she managed to do it without breaking down was when we were discussing the RRD findings. A day doesn't go by when she doesn't miss her... Same goes for me. Sometimes I will catch myself wanting to show Emerald the kids and the life freezes for a painful moment. It's in those times that I have to remind myself of the sad reality. After our second Rebirth, Emerald's death felt nothing short of how it felt losing Starlight. If it weren't for Breeze and the kids - I probably would have lost it long ago. There's so much suffering that I can handle... Yet my pain fades in comparison to what she feels... Even if she doesn't show or admit it. The fact that each time we come here all she does is sob, tells me all I need to know. Seeing my reason for living in agony hurts more than anything before... Percival kneels next to us.
“Lady;” he whispers gently, something in his voice worries me; “there's something you should know...”
“Percival, don't.” Laira hisses. Now I'm seriously worried.
“She has the right to know too.” Percival whispers again.
“What is it?” I ask.
“Remember when I said that the Castle has probably a magic core that is able to preserve human consciousness?”
“Yes.” I speak for Zarri.
“Your dragon, Sky, was all the proof we ever needed... His blood seal never faded... Lady Starlight was alive all this time...” Say what now? Zarri stops her crying. I feel her breathe. Please, don't... Don't...
“We can determine that a consciousness preserved with the accumulated magic can be frozen in time for at least one full cycle of the Rebirth...” Percival continues...
“Chances are that Lady Emerald, or at least her soul, is alive too...” Don't... Breeze shows her face. She holds her breath and stares at the Cleanser. The kid persists to have a staring contest with the ground instead.
“Are you... telling me...” Breeze gurgles the words out, slips out of my arms and grabs Percival by the shoulders. I take a back seat... For now.
“Are you... telling me... That Emerald, MY Emerald IS ALIVE!!” She shrieks the words out now.
“Tell me I can save her!! TELL ME!” Breeze shakes the Cleanser violently. The kid does not make a beep.
“You have a way to do it!! Don't you! You do know how to bring her back!! DON’T YOU!!” Breeze shrieks hysterically.
“Hun.” I put my hand on her shoulder. She shrugs it off.
“TELL ME YOU CAN SAVE HER!!” She's losing it. Breeze continues to shake Percival, trying to force the answers out of him... I try to get her off him. She clings harder.
“TELL ME!!!!” She screams in the kid's face again.
“I CAN’T!! THERE IS NO WAY!! I TRIED!! I WANTED TO!! I DID!! I TRIED!! BUT THERE ISN’T!! ANYTHING!!” Percival snaps and yells back, toping Breeze's hysterics with his own. Tears fall down in tiny rivers on the kid's face... The hope, the disappointment, the despair... It's written all over him...
“There's nothing that can be done...” He takes in silent gulps of air. “Nothing like this has ever happened before... Possessions are Primal Magic. Same as your Druid powers. I believe that the only reason why Noxians and only Noxians can become Beast Druids, Hell, ANY Druids in the first place, is because of your origin. The cosmic power. It's the only reason you can enter the Spirit Realm. But a spirit is a spirit. It has no shape. It needs a vessel. A body...” Percival keeps his eyes locked with Breeze's deranged glare.
“Even if we could recover the lives lost. Chances are, we would need living sacrifices for the souls saved. Beast Druid's share a body with an animal. It works, because it is an animal. But two humans cannot live in one body...” His voice might have calmed but his tears haven't.
“Same with the Shamanic Overtake. The four elements. They are the only four that are constantly around us. Nothing is more primal than Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Magic. Plants need all four to grow. Enchanted Herbs need the fifth element to work. That's why we are able to use them... Only Shamans with affinities can even begin to attempt the Overtake challenge. One must connect to the Spirit of the Element to be able to fuse with it. Getting buried or burned alive is the only way... Your spirit must clash with that of the Element. If the Element deems you worthy - they let you borrow its power... That's what the records say...” What records? Our Cleanser slowly regains his composure.
“I had someone look into every bit of information about Possessions as much as possible, yet... The only ones recorded are Druid and Shaman ones, and even those were because some deluded Primerian went to interrogate a bunch of Shamans and Druids. The Shamans had a more difficult time admitting the strange feeling experienced during the challenge. I suspect that not even the Shamans of today talk out loud about it... That was the most real research that anyone has attempted into Possessions...” Leave it to the kid to uncover the truth...
He continues. “Everything else related to Possessions are mostly folk tales... That is why it was classified as Primal Magic. Everything that cannot be explained falls under the category... There are no spells for it... Such Magic does not exist outside its Natural Phenomenon. Possessions are also called visions, illusions, poison, hypnosis, delusions, hallucinations, illness... It is virtually impossible to project one human consciousness into another body...” We wait... This clearly isn't over yet.
“Even if we could bring everyone back... Most of them have been dead for centuries... The world is not as they remember... They have no families to return to any more... Everyone they ever loved is long dead too... Why would you want to bring them back into such suffering? What life would that be?” The kid makes a solid case... Too bad my stupid wife doesn't feel that way. Her hand resembles a claw now and she swipes down in an instant.
“Breeze!” I jump after her and freeze. Zarri hugs Percival to her.
“Enough. You've done enough. You don’t have to suffer anymore...” Huh? My wife's voice is calm and soothing once again. Then who's crying? I lean over her shoulder. Percival is bawling his eyes out. Can't imagine what he must have endured trying to figure this one out, on top of trying to run the Base... Poor kid...
“You've done enough...” Breeze holds our little Cleanser in her embrace. Percy keeps on weeping, louder with each breath till his strength abandons him and he passes out.
“I'm sorry, I didn't think he'd say anything since...” Laira tries something.
“It's fine. I'm glad he told me.” Breeze strokes Percy's back.
“Poor kid. He tries so hard...” Marcus says.
“Least he was able to take the load of his chest...” I add.
“Give him a week to recover. You can leave for your official business once he rests a bit.” Zarri suggests.
“No problem. We were planning on it anyways.” Marcus agrees with a smile.
“I'm sorry for scaring everyone...” Breeze looks over her shoulder at the kids. None of the little ones say anything.
“Right, then, allow me.” I pick the boy up and off my wife.
“Who do you think it was that helped him this time?” Marcus beats me to it.
“Zaltem never mentioned anything.” Laira answers.
“I have a pretty good guess.” I gesture to the part of the kid's "tattoo" peeking out from under the sleeve.
“Oooh. Think so?” Marcus flashes a quick coy-ish smile.
“Know any other place overflowing with information like that?” I wink at the Mage.
“Good point.” He answers and we chuckle.
“Ugh, such boys, leave the poor kid alone.” Laira disciplines us.
“Sorry!” Marcus and I answer together.
“You alright?” Laira asks Breeze as she picks up our Youngest again.
“I'll try to be.” Points for honesty. Xan and Rei join hands and follow us out, with Ether by Laira's side.
I walk up the stairs. A figure awaits by the entrance to the Archives.
“Long time no see.” It speaks to me. Ah.
“Is this supposed to be a promotion or a demotion for you, Miss Ocana?” I bow my head. The woman reveals herself from under her hood.
“Neither. I understand you're here on behalf of the RRD?”
“Yes. It has been decided to visit the Original Nations once every five years to report on the progress and to solidify the relations between Existara and the Land of Race.”
“So I recall. Unfortunately for you, nobody pays attention here to anything, ever. I'm afraid your trip has been a waste of time.”
“Oh, that's fine. I was prepared for something like this.” I take the scroll out and hand it to her. “This is the full report, should anyone find interest in it and a Letter of Gratitude for the Headmaster from the King himself.” I give the letter with the seal up on purpose. She takes them from me.
“I shall pass them along. Don't get your hopes up, though.” Ocana warns me. I chuckle.
“So? How is the RRD?”
“Gaining progress. I found out that some of my initial predictions and ideas were wrong. Goes to show how important our work is. For best results we need to be prepared as much as we can. I'm glad to see that everyone's effort is paying off.”
“And? Are you still working yourself to death? As naive as before?” She asks me with the same cold look.
I ponder for a moment and smile. “Yes.”
“What for? You know you won't live long enough to see the results.”
“Even so. I find meaning in trying. It helps to see that changes are happening already too. I've come to a realization that helps me move forward and it's not debt.”
“Then what? Last time you felt a responsibility to make it happen.”
“I feel the same way still. However. I've come to know another meaning of life as well. Not sure how I will incorporate the two but I might as well try.” I tell her.
“What that might be?” Ocana keeps the same cold tone.
“A relationship.” I answer bluntly.
“Oh? As I recall, you said that you can't enjoy the pleasures of the body if your mind is not in it?” She mocks me.
“I did. I don't deny it. But I also realize that is only true where there is no connection between me and the other person. I learned that by watching someone close to me.” I answer. “I realize that a truly intimate relationship is more intricate than one thinks. It's based on hard work getting to know each other. Lots of effort and even more communication. Of which not all may be pleasant yet is necessary still. I've come to believe that the better the bond between two people, the better the chances they have of overcoming difficulties in life.”
“Like what?” Her attitude has always been a bit standoff-ish, but today she's not pulling any of her punches...
“Like what?” She asks again, harsher.
“Adoption.” I answer quickly for no reason. Damn me...
“Well. Not everyone has the strength to raise a child that is not theirs. Heck, some parents don't even have the capacity to raise their own. If they did there wouldn't be any step-parents.”
“And what’s wrong with step-parents?”
I shrug my shoulders. “Nothing. Much. I mean, let’s take individuals who are well developed, have all their mental faculties in place and have no "social problems". The kind of ones that are not intelligent only but also emotionally intelligent.”
“I fail to see the difference.” Ocana glares at me with dull eyes.
“There is. This may not be the best example but I used to have a Master that was well versed in healings and had a decent reputation at the Palace. Now, I respect the person because of their knowledge. However. As a person they were lacking... I can't explain well what it feels like but. For now, I'll leave it at that. Then again, I know that my grandmother, for instance, lacked knowledge and skill but thinking back, she managed to sound more intelligent at times than the Palace Master.” I take a moment. I'd rather not turn this into one of my lectures...
“After meeting some people I realized the difference. Being smart is not the same as being a decent person. Rather, you can be a genius and still a total moron.”
“Impossible.” Ocana hisses. I smile.
“You'd think so, huh? Sadly, life has shown me otherwise. Intelligence and emotional intelligence are two different things. To be truly a "successful" person one must be well developed in both areas. The difference is, emotionally intelligent people are better people, even without high intelligence. Whereas high intelligence people lacking emotional intelligence will never be as great of people.” I take a moment.
“Do I make sense?” I ask the girl.
“No. Zero.” She tells me blunt and sharp. I chuckle.
“I figured. Well. As I said, I'm not able to explain it but that's the conclusion I've come to. Now, why do I think that emotional intelligence is important for a relationship? Because it determines the compatibility. Values and interests are crucial for a relationship. If they are too different than it doesn't work. Too similar and you lose the reason to improve. Anyways. I'm going of topic.” I take a moment again.
“I think that adopting a child for two people is more difficult to achieve rather than for one person.”
“Based on?” Ocana throws another snowball of a question.
“Based on values and interests. Both people need to share those in order to successfully adapt to the new situation. I think the reason why some people abandon their own children is because they are unable to agree on those values. Their priorities are different and their attention lies elsewhere. Sadly.”
“I still don't see how intimacy works here?”
“Right. Well. The deeper the connection between people, the better the chances of agreement. I mean, if you can't agree on anything than clearly it won't work out. In my example about adoption, or rather children in general, the real victims are the kids that get stuck in the middle of that incompatibility. It's way too easy to bring a life into this world. But I have to question. Is it really how it should be?”
“Meaning what?”
“How easy it is to walk away from a "failed project?" Should it really be that easy? How can one be a proud step-parent when they never really tried to be a proud parent in the first place? Honestly. This is a controversial topic but those are my thoughts on it.”
“How exactly does this apply to adoption then?” Ocana hammers in another freezing question.
“Because. Adopting can be compared to rehab. Adopting a person, you know nothing about and helping them adjust, raising them, the challenges and problems that arise from the entire situation. Finding a way to deal with them. In my eyes, that's almost the same as emotional rehabilitation. It's difficult to override existing problems. You need different kind of strength to resolve yourself to it. It's different when raising your own. That's like a clean slate. Well. To a point. Gaining trust and earning respect from a broken soul - difficult is an understatement.” I pause at the image of the three of them.
“Adopting as well as raising your own - takes a strong and deep relationship to make it happen successfully.”
“Basically, you believe that effort should be spent into getting to know someone else before "anything" happens?” Ocana’s tone shows zero sign of life.
“Yes.” I lower my gaze again. “That's what I mean by intimate. Of course, that only comes after a lot of soul-searching for yourself first, but that's a topic for another time." I say. "Or not." I add quickly too...
“Nonsense. You do realize that nobody wants to work that hard for someone else who they don't even know if they will be there tomorrow...” I wonder how long ago has the life faded from Ocana's eyes. I smile softly.
“I would. Least I could say I don't have any regrets. I tried. But if it's not meant to be then there's only so much I could do. I'm not talking about forcing anything onto anyone. I simply think that getting to know a person and how they are in reality, pays off in the long run. The sooner you figure your compatibility out the better. Besides...”
“Besides what?” She cuts in sharply into my one second of silence.
“There has to be some sort of balance. It's only natural.”
“Yes. If we're both super busy, working towards separate goals, then when exactly are we spending time with each other?” I ask her. Rather, nobody...
“Is that why you want a "pet" now? So. she could purr in your lap as you scroll through miles of parchments and papers?” Ocana mocks me again. I can't help but laugh.
“Part of me would love that... No, I lied. Given the right connection - I'd definitely love that.” I smile again. The girl stares at me disgusted.
“Isn't that mighty selfish of you?”
“It is. Is it wrong of me to be selfish? I want what I want.” I hold her gaze. She doesn't answer.
“My apologies. I've taken up more of your precious time than I should have.” I bow and leave.
“Oh right!” I quickly stir inside my bag and pull it out. I rush back over to Ocana and place the item in her hand.
“What's this?”
“A token of my appreciation. A gift. Not charity.” I tell her. She slowly unwraps the bow and the fabric.
“This is...”
“You're free to do with it as you please. Sell it even. It's yours. I pray I won't have to abuse your kindness like that ever again with my selfish affairs. Take care.” I bow again and quickly walk away before I humiliate myself any more.
“Well? How did it go?” I ask the three at the entrance.
“Oh? You've returned?” Miss Laira comes over first.
“It didn't take as long as I thought it would.”
“Lucky you.” Sir Marcus walks over from around the carriage.
“I take it you had some problems then?” I ask helping the guards with the bags.
“Hi, uncle!” Ether waves to me, carrying a bag too.
“Hey. Enjoy the trip?” I ask. He nods to me.
“Let’s just say I didn't get the feeling that they were happy to see us.” The Mage answers.
I smile. “I suppose. It's too soon to tell anything.”
“Yeah, I guess. So? Where's the rest of them?” Sir Marcus looks around, waiting.
“Inside. We have a change of venue today.”
“Meaning?” Miss Laira asks suspiciously.
“You'll see in a minute.” I walk them to their rooms first and continue to guide them through the place.
“If I remember correctly...” The Miss begins.
“Welcome back!” The Sir greets the family.
“Welcome back!” Xander and Reina cheer too.
“What is all this?” Sir Marcus stares at the Lady by the marble stove.
“Your wedding gift. From us, to you.” She winks at them.
“Breeze... I...” The Miss tears up with a smile. I sit down and take Tyro into my lap again, letting Reina get back to cooking.
“Now now. No need for water works.” Sir Crile sets some trays down.
“It's the least we can do after receiving such lovely gifts.” Lady Breeze says and I finally remember what the nagging feeling was...
“I'm a moron...” The words slip out of me as I sit there, mortified by my own stupidity... Sir Crile slaps me on the back.
“Relax. Zaltem made sure to include one from you too.” He dangles the bottle.
“We helped!” The Eldest son waves again.
“Oh well in that case, it's bound to be delicious.” Sir Marcus sits down.
“Well? How did it go?” Sir Crile asks them the same.
“Ugh.” Miss Laira finally sits down as well, stretching out on the table.
“The Headmaster of the Stables gave us exactly ten minutes. I don't think he would have even bothered with five if it weren't for Ether.” The Mage answers.
“Oh?” The Lady finishes up and comes over to us. Everyone takes a seat.
“He insisted on being the one to deliver the Letter of Gratitude.” Miss Laira answers.
“How admirable of him.” The Lady smiles.
“I'm so proud of him.” The Mage grins silly again.
“What about Cobalus?” Sir Crile asks too.
“Must be fun to waste such precious Herbs for silly games... Was it?” Miss Laira quotes Headmaster Harrenis in a disappointed elderly tone...
“Games?” The Lady glances over at them. Even the Sir stops carving the boar.
“Word has gotten back, apparently, about some of the training and other things...”
“Word?” I ask carefully.
“Think there are spies at the Site?” Sir Crile sees right through me.
“I fail to see how that would benefit anyone. It's not that we're trying to keep our training and plan a secret. I mean, even the Palace recruits who join now already know some of our tricks. It's virtually impossible to completely contain the information. It's only natural.”
“Guess it depends on the source and their perception of the situation.” The Mage shrugs his shoulders.
“I can understand why they would be upset though.” The Miss passes a plate to the kids. They have started without us already. “They are probably experiencing some decline in their profits. Considering the deal made between the Greenhouses and the RRD.”
“I would dare to disagree.” I join in. “I believe the Enchanted Herbs should be becoming more and more popular. Their demand should have increased as well as production. Not in Existara alone. Here as well. I believe that in the past it was harder to obtain the Herbs because of the difference in price and earnings. Nowadays, the earnings are higher, so the Herbs should be more accessible?”
“I see. That would make sense.” Sir Marcus agrees.
“Wait. Didn't you say that Shamans need an affinity to try the Overtake in the first place?” Sir Crile looks at me.
I nod with a mouthful of juicy meat. “Yes. For Overtake. If you don't do it - you can still be a Shaman without it. It'll be the same as my Cleansing. A matter of reciting the spells. The trick to Shamanic casting is going back and forth between Elements. The more you wish to do the more herbs you use. We've discussed this before, I believe?”
“Yes. During someone's suicide mission.” Sir Crile answers bluntly. Lady Breeze sets her glass down with a look of her own. The children have died down too, a little.
“Right well. In the olden days, it was a strict rule to have mastered only one Element because of the spells and the Herbs needed. Mostly because of the speed and accuracy of the chants. Later it was changed to All Elements in an attempt for more diversity. Exception being that only those with Overtake would be classified as High-Level.“
“Meaning what?” The Lady cuts in.
“Higher pay. Nothing more.” I answer and see the rage wave in her eyes. “However. The difference now is that neither is required. Shamanic casting can be used as support spells, as minor or as major as the Caster needs them. Making it easier and simpler.”
“In other words, you're leaving it up to the Caster to decide how they want to use it.” Miss Laira summarizes my rant.
“Exactly.” I nod.
“Perhaps the old man didn't want to admit that it was working in their favor, after all. Wouldn't be the first time.” Sir Crile jokes.
“Tell me about it.” The Lady agrees.
“By the way, Miss Laira, how's the medical research going?”
“So THAT'S what you've been up to!” Sir Marcus jumps up. The Miss gives me a glare.
“Traitor.” She mutters.
“Now you know how I felt...” Lady Breeze mumbles too. I stare at everyone with my jaw wide open. Did I just mess up again?
“Ugh. For the record;” the Miss begins; “it wasn't a secret. I just...”
“Didn't wanna say anything till you had something solid.” Sir Crile finishes. The Miss nods.
“Well?” The Lady nudges Miss Laira.
“It ain't going well.” She admits.
“Anything we can help with?” Sir Marcus asks. The Miss shakes her head.
“This one's on me.”
We wait a moment longer. “Guess we have no need to worry about it then.” Sir Crile brushes the topic off.
“Well, since there's no more business left to discuss, shall we?” The Lady gestures to the feast in front of us.
“Looks like someone beat us to it.” Sir Marcus chuckles, pointing to half empty plates and four little ones long gone.
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You Light My World (COMPLETED)
Emily Carter, a 20-year old girl with a horrible life. She never knew anything about her parents but one thing she knows is that they are no longer alive. She was stuck with her pathetic jobless uncle who makes her life miserable. She drops a spoon, she wll be beaten, she cooks late, she will be beaten. Almost every single thing that she does is wrong in his eyes.She has scars almost everywhere on her body including her face.The only place she can escape from him is the Armandos' mansion, the place where she works.(as a maid). Meet Julian Sam Armando. A 24-year old prince charming. He got both wealth and good look. Despite his father's order to run his company, he insisted to become a doctor in his own hospital.He is too good that girls always dream of making him theirs.However, he never pay attention to any of them. His life vision: no girls, no party, no getting drunk. But the only thing that makes him scary is his over protectiveness.What is his will always be his. When their paths collide, what will happen? Will he look at the girl with scars? Will she escape her miserable life? Please read to find out.p.s. Its my second story. Please bear with the grammatical errors. Do vote if you like it.Thanks.
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Devil's Lake
A suicidal woman encounters a man with a supernatural cure to her mental illnesses, but the mystery of who and what he is challenges her to consider the consequences of relying on his powers. It started with Alison's attempt to drown herself in Devil's Lake and ended with a hasty farewell as storm clouds brewed. Philip had claimed to be a childhood friend, but she has no memory of him. All she knows is that an inner tug kept pulling her close until he dared her to look him in the eye. And then-Zap! Her anxiety was gone. As weeks draw on from their only encounter, Alison finds herself becoming increasingly obsessed with him. Maybe if she drove out to the lake again, she'd find him, or perhaps he'd find her. That's what the new voice in her head keeps saying. But perhaps she only narrowly escaped. Perhaps returning to Devil's Lake is the last thing she should do. Perhaps a man who can compel anxiety away can influence the mind in other ways. This book is also available in paperback and ebook formats on Amazon. If you wish to purchase, simply search for "Devil's Lake by Angela Merlo."
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Birdie Tomlinson, sister to Louis Tomlinson had just turned twenty-one. Her brother and his band mates have reunited in New York for few weeks to work on a new single. Louis has planned a party in honor of his sister and invited his friends and hers. While drinking and partying the night away, Birdie and Harry hit it off. After a drunken mistake and a one night stand, Birdie and Harry hide their secret from Louis. But with all of the time that the band and Birdie spend together only bring her and Harry closer. Will Harry and Birdie continue their romance or will family and friends drive them apart?
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