《Existara: the RRD. Book two》Life after Death
It has been weeks since I started my rigorous training. Well. As much as Percy allows it. I work with the Palace instructors but one of the three always supervise it. Depending who has time. Today, apparently, is Zaltem's turn. Not that I don't appreciate their concern but there doesn't seem to be any reason for him to stand guard over me. All I ever do are simple stretches to strengthen the muscles around the Vines as much as possible... In other words, I am bored out of my mind! I put my arm down and glare at Zaltem.
“Can't I do something more? This is getting me nowhere.”
“Like what?” He asks.
“I don't know? Walking?” I move my neck to the sides. “All this is doing is giving me stiff shoulders.” I pout. The kid stands up.
“Alright.” He picks me up and carries me out of the room like a child.
“Just so you know, I'm not into men.” I tell him, feeling ridiculous.
“Don't worry, neither am I.” He assures me. He puts me down next to one of those walking rails.
“Go on. Walk.” He tells me. I put my left hand on one rail and pull myself closer to grab the right one. Zaltem hasn't let go yet. I stare at my feet for an agonizing moment. Ok. I can do this. I take one step forward with my left foot. So far so good. I move my right foot forward too. Ok. Nice and easy. I shift my weight to the left leg and quickly grab the rail with the left hand again. I can do this. I grip the rail again with my right hand. I move the left foot up front, shift the weight to it and take my right foot of the ground too. I try to shift the weight over to it and almost crash to my knees, with both hands on the rails still too... Zaltem catches me by the collar.
“Congrats. You managed two steps.” He says. I feel the mockery in his voice. “You're not ready for walking yet. If it were your leg only or even both legs, this would be easier. You need arm strength to hold out. Your right arm, as it is, is simply too weak right now. It's the same if you were trying to balance on one foot with only one arm out too.”
“Damn it. I hate you right now.” I look up at him as much as my current dangling position allows me.
“Hey, take it up with Percival.” He helps me straighten out.
“Ok then when will I have the strength to do this?” I ask.
Zaltem shrugs his shoulders. “No clue. You might not ever be able to. Or you might just do it next week. It's all up to you.”
“There you are!” I hear a sweet seduction... I glance over the Ravo and see my girl walking up to us with our boy next to her.
“Hey, sweetness.” I wave.
“Is he ready for this?” She stares at us with a face full of concern.
“Not you too...” I pout again...
“Not yet but he is eager.” Zaltem rats on me.
“Traitor.” I murmur. “Hey kiddo, what's up?” I quickly change the subject. Ether comes in closer but changes his mind at the last second. I let out a disappointed sigh.
“Can we go back to my cell now, please?” I ask shutting my eyes.
“Sure. Let me.” Laira hands the bag to Zaltem and comes over from my left to support me. Why does walking back feel like forever? Oh right! Cause he carried me! I hate myself so much right now... Just when I discovered I can be a Shaman Mage mix, I get smashed to bits... Pathetic...
“Something bothering you?” Laira whispers to me.
“What makes you think that?”
“Your face.” I see her staring at me. I crack my best sad smile and lie.
“I'm lonely here by myself. I miss you. It's no fun sleeping alone.” I haven't been sleeping for days now, ever since Percy took me off the painkillers.
“I miss you too.” She answers with a sad smile of her own. We finally enter my room and Laira carefully sets me down on the bed. Ether climbs on next to me and hugs me. Only from my left...
“Zaltem? Would you mind helping me with these?” Laira asks the Ravo taking the bag.
“Zaltem? Would you mind helping me with these?” I ask the boy, taking the bag and pointing to the bathroom with my eyes only. He hesitates a little but catches on.
“Ah yeah, sure.” He follows me in. I take some fruit out and wash them.
“Grab that plate and knife for me, please.”
He quickly brings them in. “Here you go.”
“Tell me, what's wrong? Is the rehab not working?” I go straight to the point.
“Well, one, it's too soon to tell. Two. He is getting impatient and I can understand why. Three. I think he's lacking motivation.”
“Is there anything we can do to help him?”
He shrugs his shoulders. “I wouldn't know. It's best not to over nag him. He needs to want to do this by himself. Injuries like that, even surviving them, discourage a person often, as dying might seem a better option than...” He doesn't finish the sentence.
“Than having to live the rest of your life depending on other's kindness?” I glare at the Ravo. His face tells me he's feeling uncomfortable. I take the plate with the fruit pieces that Zaltem arranged and step outside. I bring it over and set it down on the night stand, a bit further from the bed. Ether climbs down, takes two pieces and brings them over to Marcus. He offers one to him, while holding the other to his own mouth. Marcus reaches for it with his right but then quickly switches out for the left. Ether smiles at him and eats his piece too.
“Thank you, Ether. That tastes delicious.” The stupid Mage says. Motivation huh?
“Ether, baby, would you like to help dad?” The boy quickly turns around.
I smile. “Marcus, why don't you show Ether the exercises you do? Maybe you can do them together? It would help Ether get stronger too.” Marcus lifts his half-dead eyes to me. I see the glare. What for? It says. Come on, you stupid Mage, do it. He hesitates.
“If Ether can follow the routine without fail I can show him something cool after!” Zaltem jumps in. Our boy looks at Zaltem then back at Marcus with a begging look.
“Alright already. Watch me.” My Mage begins showing our son the stretches. Ether tries his best to follow, throwing all of his focus into the task.
“Ah wait, here.” Zaltem kneels down and adjusts Ether's posture. “Hold it tight now. Right here. No, a bit more. Yes. That's the way.” Marcus holds the position while the other two catch up. I sit down and watch them. They finish the arms routine and move on to the legs. Zaltem pulls up a chair for Ether. His bright smile warms my face. Marcus seems to be catching the bug too.
“Very good, Ether!” Zaltem praises our boy. “You too, sir.” He says nonchalantly.
“Oh, gee thanks.” Marcus rolls his eyes. It makes me giggle.
“Ok, now as promised.” Zaltem takes off his Vine pouch and puts it on the floor.
“Watch closely.” He winks at Ether. I lean over too. The Vines shoot out and form a rose.
“Oh. That's cute.” I say.
“Thank you.” Zaltem nods and continues making shapes with the Vines. A ship. A person. A dog. A cat. A bird... Somehow that feels nostalgic... The smile on Ether's face brightens up with each new figure.
“I wanna try it too!” Ether looks at me and then at Marcus. Oh shoot.
“Um, sorry, but you need to be born a Noxian and a Druid too, to be able to use Vines...” Zaltem looks at me with a sorry face. Our son immediately loses his happy grin. I grab a pouch and put the jug of water closer to Marcus.
“Go on. Do the same.” I tell him.
“Now?” He stares at me tired and confused.
“Yes. Now.” I urge him. He sighs, takes a handful of dust and throws it in the jug. He starts mumbling his chants. His face gives him away. It's hard to cast for him. Nonetheless, Marcus doesn't lose focus and a blob of water emerges from the jug. A moment more and it rearranges itself into a blurred out rose. It holds for a moment longer and collapses with a splash.
“That's as much as I can right now.” I knew it. He's bothered by his weakened state.
“That was great. Thank you.” I smile at him.
“Can I do that then?” Ether asks Marcus now.
“Sure. Shamanic casting is similar to Cleanser chants and spells. If you know the spell, you can make the Water move. Fire and Air too.” He flashes a quick grin.
“We just need to wait for your magic to kick in.” I add. Ether looks at me. “Some people have magic, some don't.” I tell him.
“Magic takes about five years to kick in.” Zaltem takes over. “You'll know if you have it in you before you turn ten.”
“It varies from person to person, that's why it takes so long.” I add again.
“Do you know how old are you?” Zaltem asks our boy carefully.
He shakes his head. “Four? Ish?” We had a feeling that might be the case.
“Please, be patient.” I pat our son on the head.
“You can learn about the different types of magic while you wait.” Zaltem tries to cheer the boy up too. Ether nods.
“You know what else helps?” I crouch down and Zaltem moves away, to make me space next to Ether's chair. He shakes his head to me.
“Exercise.” I tell him.
“How?” He asks in his tiny voice now. So much different from the enthusiastic cheer a few minutes ago.
“The stronger the body, the stronger the magic.” I tell him. His eyes change, picking up life again.
“Then, if I do the same thing dad does, I will be able to do magic too?”
“Yes, dear. if your magic awakens. Don’t worry if it doesn’t. There are plenty of people who don’t use magic.”
“Like who?” For the first time ever, I see a suspicious look in him. I fight the grin, trying to emerge on my lips.
“Guess it's time to introduce you to Rixa.” I ruff his hair a bit. “He can teach you lots about it.”
“Oh, now there’s a scary thought.” Marcus mumbles. I throw a quick glare at him.
“I have an idea.” Zaltem raises his hand.
“Go on.” I nod.
“Why don't I take Ether for a stroll along the training grounds? He can see all kinds of magic and combatants. Hunter's and Warriors too.”
“That's a great idea! Would you like that?” I ask our son. He nods.
“I have time now, since Percival took over for the day. We can go now?” Zaltem adds.
“Great! Stay close to Zaltem, ok?” Ether nods again. “Good boy. Give a hug to dad.” He climbs off the chair and into Marcus's arms.
“Be good now.” He tells our boy. Ether nods again and climbs down. Zaltem holds his hand out for Ether. He takes it and looks at us one last time.
“I'll wait here till you guys come back, so take your time.” I reassure the little one and they leave.
“Wanna tell me what's on your mind?” I ask Marcus after a few terrible minutes of silence.
“It's nothing.”
“Liar.” I keep my eyes on him.
“I'm tired.” He tries to lay down. I go over to help him...
“Don't. Just. Please.” He stops me. I back off and watch him struggle. Carefully, slowly, he manages to lay back down.
“Can I come over now?” I ask quietly. He nods slightly. I squeeze in next to him on my side. He has his eyes closed. I gently press my face to his, closing my eyes too. He doesn't fight it. I carefully place my hand on his chest. No rejection. A brush after brush, I begin to fondle his neck, the jaw...
“It tickles...” I let out a breath, as my fingers move through the silly spikes for a beard... I move my hand back down to his chest and slide under the shirt.
“You're not the only one who's been lonely...” I keep my voice low.
“I can't...”
“You don't have to do anything...” I kiss his neck. I feel him hold his breath... “Is it wrong for me to miss you?” No answer. I kiss his skin again...and again...
“Marcus...” I exhale his name into his ear. He turns to me with eyes full of pain, and agony written all over his face. My heart skips a beat. I put my hand on his neck and pull him to me. We lock lips. Slow and gentle. Long and soft. I break away and gaze at him with all of the love that I have for him.
“If I marry you today, will that be enough to prove it to you that I will love you no matter what?” I ask, nuzzling him.
“It's a yes or no question.” I don't let him take in another breath and steal his lips again.
“Yes...” He answers... I smile, tears of joy roll down my face and I roll on top of Marcus, kissing him again... I take the covers off him and the robe off myself. My hands search for his pants. They slide in and down his inner thighs. I take them out again and pull the fabric off. I undo his shirt, kissing my way down his chest. I get to his shaft and brush my lips across it. Smearing the saliva all over it. I tease the tip with my tongue. I put my mouth over it and fondle it. Gorging on the shaft, sucking it in deeper into the wet mouth. I squeeze and play with his balls, covering them with the liquid too. I moan. I look up and see the tormented with pleasure expression on his face. I break off the shaft and suck in the balls inside my mouth again. I lick and tease them.
“Laira...” A moan. I smile and move over Marcus with the legs spread. I straddle his face. A harsh grip and a rough pull, lands me straight on him. I feel the eager tongue thrust inside of me. His teeth gently chewing on me. Mmm... I lean back and search for his hard shaft, wet still. I stroke it. Moan after moan escapes my lips. I lose the grip on the dick. I pry myself off Marcus, turn around and place myself back down. I hunch over his cock and take it inside my mouth again. I hear the slurping sounds from behind me. I feel the heat rising inside me. I suck the shaft. Faster. Harder. Rougher. I hear the painful moans. We're in sync. One more pull... One more lick and... My body trembles in ecstasy. Marcus explodes inside my mouth. I finish him off, to the last drop and move back up.
“Feel better now?” I tease him.
“Maybe a little.” He finally smiles at me again. For real this time…
“Glad to be of service.” We kiss again. “You can't shut down on me.”
“But just look what happened a moment ago!”
“Ugh! Smartass! I mean it!” I tell him. “Or I'll bite it next time.” I threaten.
“Please don't.”
“I'll think about it.” I take the robe off the floor and make myself decent again. As well as pull his pants and the covers back in place.
“Aw.” Marcus pouts.
“Oh? Have you made a miraculous recovery?”
“I might! After a few more rounds!”
“Let's take it easy for now. We'll do more, once you improve.”
“Deal! Come here.” He shows to a place next to him. I roll over and lay down on his good side.
“I'd rather not damage you anymore, for now.” I say and kiss him.
“Fine...” He pouts for a short breath and we kiss again. I put my hand on his chest again and we lace our fingers together.
“You're sly and clever, aren't you.” Marcus whispers to me.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.”
“Don't play dumb with me.” He bites my ear. Ouch. "You played me right into your hands...”
“You got what your gloomy mood deserved!” I answer.
“See, now I run the risk of having less of THAT if I keep my spirits up.”
“Or, OR, this is only the beginning.” I grin at him.
“It better be!” He glares at me playfully and we laugh quietly.
“Percival?” I hear a voice.
“Who is it?”
“It's Laira, are you busy?”
“Oh, Miss. What is it?”
“If you have time, would you please come around Marcus's room?”
“Is he alright?” I stand up from my chair.
“Yes yes. I'm fine. Nothing to worry about. We want you for something else.” His voice rings inside my mind too.
“Oh. Sure. I'm on my way.” I leave the office and lock it. I need to get a better lock installed. I put the key in my pocket. I wonder what happened? I take out my watch. It's way past visiting hours... Well, at least for regular patients... I rub my eyes. What did I have for lunch today? Right... What lunch? I never truly feel fatigue till I get pulled away from work. I stop by the room and knock.
“Come in, Percy.” I hear the Mage's voice. I step in. The Miss, the Sir, little Ether and Zaltem are all gathered here.
“Oh? What's this all about?” I ask, closing the door behind me.
“We're getting married. Now.” The Miss announces.
“Oh, I see. WAIT. WHAT!” I stare at them.
“That's what I said.” Zaltem gives me a look.
“Here?” I ask.
“Yes.” Sir Marcus nods.
“Now?” I question them again.
“Yes.” The Miss answers.
“Ok then. What do you need me to do?”
“Just be here with us.” The Miss says.
“We'll celebrate later, once you let me leave here.” The Sir adds.
“Sure. I'll be more than happy too.” I smile at the happy couple. Ether comes over to me and we stand in a slight curve, right next to the bed.
“Zaltem, if you would.” The Miss takes out the black ribbon from her hair, untying the low bun, letting the hair engulf her shoulders in lilac waves.
“It's an honor.” The Ravo takes the ribbon and kneels in front of them. He clears his throat and begins, wrapping the ribbon around their laced hands.
“Dearly beloved. We are gathered here tonight to witness two hearts become one. May the road ahead be full of feeling and emotion. Anger and affection. Silence and chatter. Passion and calm. Let them, be your guides, as you walk through life. Let each other, be your strength in times of need. Let the love you share, be your salvation from despair. May the stars shine upon you for the rest of eternity. You may now kiss each other.” Zaltem finishes, letting their hands go and the two of them kiss. I feel a tug on my heart. Two weddings in such a short time. I quickly get back to reality and clap my hands. Ether and Zaltem follow my lead. The newlyweds bow their heads to us.
“Allow me, to be the first to congratulate you.” The Ravo says and hugs them both. “May the stars shine upon you.”
“Thank you for doing this.” The Miss tells him.
“Make nothing of it.” Zaltem stands up and gives way to us. I nudge Ether to go first. He clears his throat too and recites the phrase.
“May the stars shine upon you!” He lunges in for his hug.
“Thank you, baby.” Miss Laira holds the child to them. I come in last. I kneel next to the bed too.
“May the stars shine upon you for the rest of eternity.” I embrace them both.
“Thank you, Percival.” Sir Marcus tells me. I pat him on the shoulder and let go.
“We better get some more bedding in here.” I say, standing up. “Would be rude to send you home on your first wedding night.” I take the chance to make a bit of fun out of the newlyweds. Zaltem barely keeps it together.
“Don't go too wild now or you'll break him.” I add quickly and the Ravo breaks down. The Miss blushes. The Sir too, to my surprise.
“Well, not that we would do anything, but I would feel hella sad if everyone left right away.” The Mage admits.
“I have some vine stashed away in my room. I'll go get it, if you guys can wait.” The Ravo suggests.
“Then I'll bring in something for little Ether to sleep on. I'm sure you two can manage?” I take a quick look.
“If it's not too much trouble.” The Miss smiles.
“Right then, be right back.” Zaltem and I leave the room and he dashes off. I step into the available room and take the covers and the pillows off it and haul it all back. I lay them out on the floor and we begin arranging the pile into a nest, big enough for the boy to sleep on. Ether seems to be enjoying himself, messing around.
“There. That should do it.” I announce. The boy climbs on and nods. “Good.” I pat him on the head and sit back down on the chair.
“Well. What brought this on so suddenly? Don't tell me you’re dying, cause I'll finish you off on the spot, after all the work we put into you.” I try my best mean glare.
“I'm the one to blame.” The Miss confesses. “I wanted this.”
I smile. “You don't have to feel guilty about it. I simply wasn't expecting this to happen in the medical wing, of all places. But since this is the VIP section - I don't see a problem with it.” I shrug my shoulders.
“It pays off to be a Royal Hound sometimes.” Sir Marcus grins silly.
“It sure does, sometimes.” I agree.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Zaltem returns with a bottle. I get off the chair and get the glasses out too. The Ravo pops the cork and fills the four of us a drink.
“What a delicious scent.” The Miss takes a whiff of the vine.
“This is the good stuff, isn't it?” The Sir asks. I take a look at the cork.
“You were saving it for something, weren't you?” I look at the Druid, passing the cork to Miss Laira.
“My! This is the expensive one too. Are you sure it's ok for us to have it?” She gives Zaltem a concerned expression.
“Yes. This counts as an extra special occasion. It's only vine. I can always get another bottle.”
“We will get you a replacement.” The Miss assures the Ravo.
“Consider it a wedding gift.” He smiles at them and raises his glass.
“Oh damn. I never got one for the Sir and the Lady!” It dawns on me.
“Don't worry. Neither did we.” Sir Marcus tells me.
“We can give them something next time we visit them.” Miss Laira suggests.
“When are you going next?” Zaltem asks.
“In about five years. All part of the RRD, of course.” The Miss gives a coy smile.
“Of course.” Zaltem nods in agreement. “Well then, would you give them something from me too? Think a bottle like that would take up much space?”
“Not at all.” The Mage agrees.
“Now then.” I raise my glass. The rest follow. “Cheers!” We clang the wooden glasses.
“Cheers!” Everyone exclaims. Even Ether with his water. The more time I spend among them, the more I begin to notice the slight facial differences between the Noxian women and men. Though at first glance all of them seem completely the same. If it weren't for the feminine curves, it’d be totally impossible to tell them apart. I'm finally able to notice that the jaw lines for the girls are less defined, the features are more polished, whereas the men’s' are rougher. I guess we look all the same to them, just as much as they to us. The other races must we feel the same too.
“Hey, Percy, when can I get out of here?” Sir Marcus suddenly asks me. I take a sip of the vine first.
“When you can manage to walk a straight line.”
He lets out a disappointed sigh. "That's what he said..." Zaltem glances at me from behind his glass, hinting at something here, clearly.
“Tell ya what.” I address the Mage again. “I'll give you another two weeks. If you can walk at least three steps without collapsing, I'll let you go.”
“Deal!” The Sir quickly brightens up. A soft laughter rolls over everyone.
“So then, next topic.” The Miss begins. “Anything going on between you and Aodynna?” Wow. She actually went for it.
The Ravo blushes but doesn’t say a word. “What makes you ask that?” He asks, eventually, eyes darting around.
“The vine.” She winks at him. Makes sense. I smile. We wait.
“I..we.. no.” He admits sadly.
“Why not?” I ask him. “You clearly have a thing for her.”
“Even if. I don't want to impose my feelings onto her.” He confesses.
“At this rate, she'll be gone before you'll even have a chance to say anything.” Sir Marcus says in a slightly grim-ish tone... The Druid raises his eyes to the Mage and then at the Miss. His expression tells us that it finally clicked to him. Zaltem downs his vine and gets off his ass.
“Excuse me.” He leaves the room.
“You didn't have to scare him into it.” Miss Laira says softly.
“He's better off this way.” Sir Marcus answers. I have nothing else to add and keep my gaze to the floor. My eyes catch the corner of a horn. I shift in my chair a little and notice Ether sleeping in his pillow nest.
“Perhaps I should get going too.” I nod to the boy on the floor.
“Thank you for doing this.” The Miss nods to me.
“Of course. Goodnight you two.” I tell the happy couple, leaving the room.
“Rest well.” Sir Marcus answers, as I close the door behind me.
“Alright. I can tell you've been taking your rehab seriously.” I tell Sir Marcus after his checkup. “Your stance has improved too. Although, I do not recommend walking on your own, I feel confident in your determination to send you home.”
“YES! FINALLY!” The Mage cheers for a quick moment and immediately clears his throat. “I mean, thanks, doc.”
I roll my eyes at the man. “Right. Well. You guys can go on ahead and I'll join you at the cabin, once I finish packing his meds.” I yawn again.
“Great! You haven't been around ever since we returned. Storm misses you.” The Miss tells me.
“Oh well, she has come to see me a few times now. She's persistent. Just like her master.”
“Why haven't you told us any of this?” Miss Laira gives me a disappointed look.
“It honestly slipped my mind.” I look away. “Anyhow. Congrats, you're officially discharged.” I pat the Sir on the shoulder.
“Yay!” Ether cheers. It's thanks to him that Sir Marcus was able to stick to his routine so diligently. I'm sure the Miss had also something to do with it. Guess that's one way to live again. If not for yourself than for others. I watch the three of them get ready.
“Ok then, we're off.” The Miss helps Sir Marcus walk, while Ether valiantly carries the Mage's bag. I lean in to offer help but he just shakes his head. Ok then. I let the boy handle it.
“You're coming. Right?” The Miss glares at me one last time, over her shoulder.
I nod. “Promise. Be there in a bit.”
Percy nods at me. “Promise. Be there in a bit.” Right. I help Marcus walk, with Ether following us.
“I'm so anxious.” Marcus says to me.
“About what?”
“Going home with you. It feels like forever since I was back there.”
“Maybe because it has.” I tell him. “Since before the trip.” His shoulders laugh for him.
“Right...” He steps outside and Meteor greets us.
“GENTLY NOW!” I quickly call out before the dragon can tackle us. He stops at a halt and paces in place.
“Guess I'm not the only one who's anxious. Hi boy. Sorry for the trouble.” Marcus pets the beast. Meteor tries his best to purr and ends up lowkey growling.
“Happy now?” I ask the dragon. Walking toward the carrier.
“What’s this?” Marcus asks me.
“I got one just in case. The woods are too thick to use a land carriage. It's a bit ragged but it was cheap and I figured we can fix it up ourselves. Of course, if you prefer, I can just wrap you up in Vines, like the last time?” I tease my husband.
“No thank you.” He smiles at me. I open the door and help Marcus climb inside. Next comes Ether with the bag. Once the guys are settled in, I go strap our restless dragon in and we take flight. Meteor flies slower than usual. He's not used to baggage. But it doesn't take us long to come back anyways.
“Brace yourselves.” I warn Marcus and Meteor lands, as carefully as he can manage. The carrier hits the ground with a small thud. I quickly jump off and go to check on the guys.
“Everyone ok?”
“Peachy.” Marcus smiles, with Ether next to him.
“I hope so. We practiced the landing, you know.” Ether leaves first and I hand him the bag again. He doesn't wait for us and goes inside.
“Sorry to trouble you so much.”
“Keep apologizing like that and I'll smack your lights out.” I warn my husband.
“Roger that.” We enter the cabin. “What's all this?”
“What does it look like?” I ask helping him sit down on the couch.
“Looks like banishment!” He pouts.
“Looks like banishment!” I pout.
“Idiot. We'll be staying with you.” Laira tells me and walks back out to unhook my dragon from the cab. I take a look around the living room. One of the couches has been moved to the side and instead of the usual giant table, two smaller ones stand nicely, to accompany the new arrangement. A makeshift bed sits in the middle of the room now. Two poles stick out of the wall too. Right where one of the tree trunks is. Is that supposed to be meant for my training? Ether brings me some tea and sits next to me on the couch.
“You guys worked hard too, huh?” I hug him to me. He nods.
“Damn right.” Laira walks back inside. “Wanna move to the kitchen? We'll get dinner ready?”
“Sure.” I try to get up by myself. I try twice and freeze. “A little help please.” I finally confess.
“Took ya long enough.” My wife leans in and picks me up. She guides me to the kitchen and places me on a chair. Ether stands on a stepping stool, to reach the countertop and I watch the two of them get to work. They seem to be perfectly in sync. Even barely speaking to each other, they know what to do and when. I feel a strange feeling wash over me. We really are a family now, huh? I gaze at their backs with loving eyes. A sudden chill runs through me. What is this? My vision darkens for a quick second. I put my hand over my face. Sweat. I stare at my wife and son through the gaps. My body trembles. What is this? I try to pull myself together but all I get is my insides turning... I know this feeling. Fear. That's what this is. This is all a dream, isn't it? It can't be that I get to sit here and enjoy life with my loved ones. I died, didn't I? I grip the end of the table. Then why does this feel real? The rough feeling of the wood. The delicious scent in the air? The cold feeling at the pit of my stomach... A loud noise reaches us from the outside. Laira grabs a towel and dries her hands.
“I wonder what's the commotion outside? Ether, baby, keep an eye on the pan, for me please. I'll go see what that was all... Marcus? Are you ok?” Laira leans in from across the table.
“Fine. Just got emotional for a bit seeing the both of you like that.” I try to smile. Her eyes tell me she doesn't buy that, or at least she knows that I'm holding back.
“Uh-huh. Ok, well don't go anywhere now, I'll be right back.” She mocks me a bit and walks out. I try one more time to pull myself together. I focus on Ether. He stands there, stirring something in the pan. He tries to reach for something but can't. He steps off the stool, picks it up, walks a few steps, places it back down, gets on it and takes the spice jar that he needed, and repeats the whole thing again. He gets on the stool again, takes the jar out of his pocket and stares at me for a bit. I flash him a quick smile and get one in return.
“You two got married and didn't even bother to invite me?” That sounds like... Sure enough. Rixa steps into the view.
“Hey there, little man.” He ruffs up Ether's hair and glares at me. “I am shocked! Shocked I say! Does battling the horrors of this world mean nothing anymore?”
“Were you always this much of a drama queen?” I throw him a look of my own.
He shrugs his shoulders. “Gotta entertain myself somehow.”
“Right.” I chuckle. “Well. How ya been?”
“Better than you.” He doesn't hold back.
“Glad to hear it.” I laugh nervously. The chill hasn't completely left my body yet.
“What are the other two up to?” I ask staring at the doorway.
“It's a surprise.” Rixa winks at me. I turn back to him and see Ether take the pan of the fire and place it on the giant stone next to the stove.
“Can you get him out here for us please?” Laira's voice shouts to us.
“Right. Come here.” The CC stands up and walks over to me. He helps me up and leads me into the living room. Laira and Percy meet us with strange smiles.
“Now, before you throw a fit, let me just say that this is just to help you out. While you fully recover, ok?” Laira tells me.
“Uh-huh.” I stare at her for a moment and then shift my gaze between her and our Cleanser and then down. What the?
“What is that?” I stare at some sort of a contraption.
“Take a seat, please.” Percival gestures to a seat? I think? Rixa doesn't wait for me to make a move first. He lifts me off the ground and brings me closer. Laira and Percy take over from him and place me down in the chair. I stare at the round things on the sides.
“Are these wheels?”
“Yup. It's something to help you move around. Percival came up with it.” My wife crouches down.
“I, don't know whether to be honored or insulted.”
The Warr laughs. “How about ya say thank you and shut up. It wasn't easy bringing this thing over through the thick woods without breaking it.”
“Thank you.” The words leave my mouth without me registering them. “Why are there two sets of them?” I look up at our Cleanser.
“You can use the inner ones to push yourself, without getting your hands dirty.” He explains. I feel a laughter escape me.
“Leave it up to you to come up with something like this.”
“Think nothing of it. Give it a try.” He moves aside. “It might take a bit to get used to it.”
“Here, we can go outside.” Laira points to the open door. “I made some adjustments.” She steps outside. I try to turn around but hit the table instead.
“Let me.” Percy takes the handles and helps me turn. He pushes me down the newly installed ramp and lets go. I put my hands back on the rings and push. Huh. I go a bit forward, then backwards in a straight line.
“Ok, I can see how this could be useful.” I admit and push the rings a bit harder and faster. I make a giant turn.
“This is kinda fun even.” I say looking up. “Ether! Come here!” I wave to our son. Laira catches on too and follows him. She helps our boy get up in my lap. He holds to the sides of the chair and we roll. I feel like a kid myself this way. A roar from above thunders down on us. Storm and Sky are back. Meteor comes out to greet them too. Storm tackles Percy. The kid quickly ends up flat on the ground, making everyone laugh. Sky comes over to us. Ether reaches for the dragon without any hesitation. Sky leans in and closes his eyes. My boy gladly gives the scaled nose a hug. The dragon opens his eyes again. I see. The look has changed. I pat him on the nose too, without a word. Storm finally manages to let our Cleanser go. The Warr helps the kid back to his feet. I wave to them. Percy's face turns from a smile to a grimace full of sullen confusion. Laira notices it too.
“Is something the matter?”
“Tell me. When we did the ritual? Was the blood seal on Sky's chest still there?” He walks over to Sky but the dragon picks up on his dark vibe and backs away. The Cleanser stops. I look back at Laira. She now has the same look on her as Percival. I begin to worry and roll up to her.
She closes her eyes and covers her face. “How did I not notice sooner? Yes. The letter's AS were there...” She takes her hands off her face. Her eyes are dead. AS?
“You mean?”
“Amana Starlight.” Percival answers. Oh shit... “The whole proof we ever needed was right in front of us.” He stares at the dragon.
“So, she didn't die? Not the first time, nor the second?” It finally clicks to me too.
“It's possible?” Percy calms a bit and returns to us.
“Care to clue me in?” Rixa holds his hand up.
“The Castle. It is saturated with Magic so strong that it is able to preserve a person's consciousness.” Our Cleanser explains.
“Right, yeah, I remember that.” The CC nods.
“Well. The fact that Starlight's blood seal did not vanish from Sky's chest, means she didn't die. Or rather that she was in suspended animation. Something like a magic limbo.” Laira joins the explanation.
“Emerald as well...” Percy mumbles. “The Lady did say she saw Lady Emerald's memories?”
“Yes. Emerald was able to use the Lector stone she had inside of her body, to communicate with Breeze, since there ever were two stones of a kind. Emerald was able to put images inside Breeze's head. Though, to be honest I never really understood how?” Laira quiets down, slightly discouraged.
“Perhaps of the Stone? They are fused with magic when made, however, they do not require magic to be used. All they need is direct contact with a living body. That's how people without mana are able to use them as well. What if Lady Emerald used the Celestian power she had in her to achieve that? By pouring more magic into the Stone, she was able to transmit not thoughts alone but turn those thoughts into images, like when someone tells you to image a red circle and then you see a red circle inside your mind?” Percival picks up his explanation fever. Ether looks at me confused. That's right. We haven't given him any Stones yet. I need to talk to Laira about that later. I pat his head.
“Don't worry about it. This is grown up talk.” I smile at our boy.
“I can see how that could be a possibility?” Laira finally breaks the short silence. “Wait. Does that mean...?” She looks up at our Cleanser.
“That we can save them?” He answers with his eyes to the ground still.
“Save who?” Rixa finally cracks too.
“Emerald. Perhaps even Starlight. Or everyone!” Somehow Laira's sudden burst of optimism sends chills down my spine.
“Or not.” Percival graces us with a sharp answer and a cold look to boot. “We don't know if the bodies are preserved any longer than one cycle. So far, we can prove for a fact that a body or a consciousness is maintained within a 50-year time frame, roughly. We have no way of knowing if they do not dissipate after more time has passed. Which is probably the case. Rather, I am inclined to think so.”
“We won't know unless we try!” Laira pushes the kid.
“Even if we could tackle the Rebirth now, which we obviously can't, there is no telling what Hell might break loose!” Wow. Our Cleanser has grown a backbone or two. His tone is rather, superior sounding. I continue to observe the conversation. Percival takes a moment to pull himself back together.
He carries on. “There is no way to know if any of the parts of the previous fighters survived this long but for the sake of the argument, let’s say everyone who ever fought the Rebirth is alive. Now. Since we can't know if they would regain their physical forms when restored back to life, we would need to operate on the assumption that anyone who has been dead for more than 50-years would be nothing more than a consciousness at best. Which brings us to our next problem.” The kid takes a quick breather.
“Say that there even is a spell capable of separating magic from magic. Or rather consciousness from magic. That consciousness would be equal to a soul. That soul would need a living vessel to possess to be able to "live" again.” His frustration dies down along with his voice.
“We would need living sacrifices...” Laira looks up into the sky as she says it. I have to admit, this is rather disappointing.
“At best, there's a chance we might be able to save the fighters from this Rebirth...” Percival adds quietly. “But.”
“But there is no magic that can do that?” I join in. “And even if there were, we'd need to sacrifice others for that?” Our Cleanser nods to me. A veil of silence falls over us.
“Sooo what you’re telling me here is that the crazy theory of yours;” Rixa points to Percy; “is actually true?”
The Cleanser nods again.
“You gotta be kidding me...” The Warr exhales heavy.
“What's all the commotion about?” A voice reaches us from the trees. Zaltem's Celodian comes into view.
“Hey there!” The CC waves quickly.
“Do we need to leave?” Aodynna's horse comes up from behind the Tiger-horse.
“No. Everything is fine.” Laira's the first to snap back to reality. “Please, come in. Thanks for joining us.” She approaches the kids.
“Thank you for having us!” Levi shows herself too.
“Looks like everyone is here now.” Rixa shakes off the sudden gloom too.
“Nice wheels.” Zaltem winks at me.
“You noticed?” I wink back. Percy helps Ether get off my lap and helps me with the ramp again. I get parked at the far end of the table so that my ride and I don't get in the way. Rixa brings over a chair closer to my left for Ether and Laira sits down on the other high chair to my right. Everyone settles in. Bit by bit, the two tables get full with food and drinks. Dessert too, apparently.
“Now then. Let us celebrate getting this major Idiot discharged;” Rixa mocks me, everyone agrees but nobody says it out loud. Oh ha ha... “And wish him a speedy recovery!”
“Your toasts suck.” I mumble into my glass. Now everyone laughs but the Warr doesn't seem to be too distraught about it.
“Ok then, how about drinking to your marriage instead?” Percy quickly tries to smooth over the last toast.
“Cheers to that too!” Zaltem raises his glass. The rest of us follow and the wood clangs with a bunch of soft thuds.
I rummage through my papers. Books and scrolls everywhere. As much as I hate to admit it but Sir Marcus almost dying bought me time to prepare for departure. I made it a point to prioritize his rehab. Having a Reflector with Shamanic abilities makes this a big enough issue to postpone our trip to the Site over. At least for a year. Sure, we have lodging to prepare and livestock and everything but still. There are a few other things that I need to wrap my head around.
“Where is it!” I look for the damn feather. “Finally!” I stick it in my mouth. Now I gotta look for the damn list again.
“Ugh!” I growl. I restack the papers one and a half times again.
“There. Now then.” I look over the check list.
Cleansers for the Curse.
Enchanted Water-Antidote for the Poison.
Newly (hopefully) develop drugs for the Disease.
Trees and pipes for the poison. Plus, a defensive shield as back up?
Radius - unknown.
Depth - unknow.
Cleanser count - unknown.
Ravo count - unknown.
Water Shamans - unknown.
Combatants for the Caster protection - unknown.
I stare at the piece of paper...
“We sure have our work cut out for us...” I lean back in the chair. “Is there anything I can do now?” I glance over at the list again.
“Most of it will need to be done at the Site...” I stare at the note on the corner of the list... It has been bothering me since that day... Look into possessions... I would need to access the Archives for that again... That would take forever... I really don't want to go anywhere before we get Sir Marcus back on his feet... I redirect myself again.
“Why did I say that we need a cure against a flesh-eating disease?” I ask myself out loud. Because of how the curse brings them back? The Undead aren't just rotten bodies that come back to life... But some are... The skeletons! The ones that the Lady and the Sir fought at their first Rebirth! I look for the notes from three Rebirths back.
“Right there.” Before the skeletons, a bunch of Necromancers were gathered. They were supposed to be the Commando unit of sorts to deliver the final blow... The records stated that some even came over from the Rebellion's side... Those skeletons were the same Mancers. They are the only ones that have magic, literally, coursing through their bones. If we base this on the grounds of muscle memory, then... It is possible that for the Mancer skeletons to perform the spells only the bones are needed... Wait. The disease is not airborne. It relies on physical contact to be transmitted. Mostly from the cuts or other damage sustained from the fighting. An Undead does not require an internal system to function, the disease eats the body from the inside, leaving a shell, full of the malice...
“That's why when we cut them down only ooze seeped out of the bodies.” I chuckle silently at my own brain.
“Guess I realized it before I even realized it... That's why I said it...” Ok. Well. It makes sense. Of course, I'll have to run some tests to make sure but the point remains. If we can manage to find a way to stop the spreading, then it might buy us enough time till we can cure it. Chances are, if we succeed in cleansing the Rebirth then the Disease might cure itself too but that's highly unlikely... Anyways. I'll have to trust Master Emalavi and her team for this. I have no business mingling with something I have little to no experience in.
“What else? The Poison?” Well... I guess the most effective combo would need to be determined at the Site. If what the Lady said is correct then we'll have plenty of data to gather on that... The Disease too... Oh damn... There's really not much I can do to prepare for this besides gather people...
“Trees...” Wait. We have less than 50 years for them to grow... If we use magic, we might not have to wait that long... Question is, what kind is best? Leaner ones grow faster but they might not provide the best protection... Sturdier ones will take more mana and time... I wonder if Zaltem has given this any thought yet? Maybe we'll need to try a few types?
"Wait. Ravos." These are innate abilities we are talking about... The Ravos we have now are struggling to perform intricate tasks...
“Zaltem said so himself on the ship...” On the other hand... Considering that Noxians reach their full potential later in their lives, then perhaps... If they can manage to master Constant Meditation then... We'll have to make it mandatory, doesn't need to be perfect but every bit helps.
“We don't even know yet how many of them we have or how many we'll even need." For the time being I'll ask Zaltem to make a list of the current Ravos. I'll know more once we figure out the radius and at what density we'll even need to plant the damn trees in the first place... Then we'll know for sure. Worst case we'll need two Ravos for one tree...
“That might complicate things.” The distance between the caster and the tree too... We might not even be able to use Ravos for combat...
“This is giving me a headache...” I lean back in the chair. The pocket watch on the night stand by my bed catches my eye. 3 o'clock in the morning...
“Damn my Primerian nature...” I curse myself and stretch out. Might as well call it a night... I blow out the candles and strip. I lay across the bed with eyes wide open, staring into nothingness. My thoughts keep buzzing, turning my mind into a hive...
“Where the hell have I gotten myself into?” I ask nobody and try to practice Meditation. I close my eyes.
“Breathe.” I imagine a pond inside my head. A storm is raging above it. Dark clouds, thunder, lightning, restless water. Quite an accurate representation of what is going on inside my mind. I smile briefly. Breathe. Calm the storm. Scatter the clouds. Easier said than done... With my mind as busy as it is right now... Don't force it... Let it rage for a bit... Think, what is making it act this way? Worry. Probably. What am I worried about? The RRD. Of course. What exactly? Can we succeed? Ok. What's the issue here, exactly? If we can gather enough fighters? We have time... The clouds begin to lighten in color... The rumbling and crackling quiet down... I'm on the right track... I keep going... Do I have enough faith? Not yet... But we have time. We barely begun anything. We'll know more as we go along. The more we know the better the chances become... The clouds slowly fade... Do I have to do all of it alone? No. I have help. Do I trust them? Some? The clouds darken again. Wrong answer. Truthful, but wrong. What grounds do I have not to trust the people working on this? What do we gain by letting the Rebirth fester? Nothing. There are no pros. Only cons. No reason to think any of them wants this to fail, right? The clouds lose their color again. I'm onto something. Ok. Moving on. Do they know what they are doing? Of course. They are professionals. Is there any reason to think they will act recklessly? Why would they? If it were possible to stop the Rebirth without joining forces then someone would have done it by now... Going solo is clearly not the answer here... Then. Taking all of that into account. Is there any reason to not believe in their skills and hopes for mutual success? Not really. So what am I worried about here again? The clouds disappear and the water stands still. I take a step into the water. Calmness flushes over me as I slowly lower myself into it... I let it consume all of me and drift off into the peaceful abyss...
“Pardon the intrusion!” I call out, opening the front door.
“In here!” A voice answers. I go into the kitchen. I find Sir Marcus sitting by his lonesome.
“Where's the rest of them?” I ask putting the bags down.
“Downstairs. What's all this?” The Mage checks the goods.
“Dessert. Something new and popular, apparently. I figured the little one might enjoy some?” I sit down too.
“Ah! Percival!” Miss Laira steps into the view.
“Hi, uncle!” Ether greets me from behind a basket with potatoes.
“Hello. Need any help?” I ask them.
“No no, we got this. You two go on.” The Miss waves us of.
“Right then. Can you stand?” I turn to the Mage. He gives me a stink eye.
“It's been weeks now, yes I can manage to stand, thank you.” Sir Marcus gets off his chair. Not as quickly yet but the improvement is obvious. I wait for him in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room. He walks firm but slow.
“I see you have been exercising properly.” I try to praise his efforts.
“Did you think I was gonna use this as an excuse for an early retirement?” He stares at me. I giggle.
“I'm glad to see you're willing to fight.”
“Damn right!” He tries to strike a pose and almost loses his balance. I jump in but he cuts me off with a single hand sign. I back away again to the couch and let him sit down again. I start at the foot and work my way up the leg. I stop at the Vine knee. The Miss should have a better grip on this part but I can tell the Vines haven't dissipated yet. Good.
“So far so good. I can tell you’re working hard. Just try not to overdo it, please.” I warn him.
“I hear ya.” Sir Marcus nods. “Laira’s Cleansing has been improving too.”
“Happy to hear.” I take his arm next. Same thing. Miss Laira walks in with the drinks.
“When was the last time you strengthened the Vines?”
“I don't take any risks so I retouch them every five days or so. Depending on his activity level, they hold out for longer but...”
“But if you move too much then the Vines wear down faster. I figured.” I finish the thought for her.
“Unfortunately, yes. Because the spots they replace are so limber...” I feel the regret in her voice.
“We'll come up with something eventually.” I try my best to comfort her.
“Please don't. Least now she pays more attention to me." The Sir grins like an idiot. I barely manage to keep a straight face.
“Oh ha ha. Dinner will be ready soon.” She tells us going back into the kitchen.
“How are you managing with the stairs?” I ask the Mage again.
“As you can see, I’m not.” He points to the makeshift bed behind me with the wheelchair parked next to it, just in case. “I’m camping down here still.”
“Well, considering how well you've been doing, I think we can afford to kick your rehab up a notch.”
“Oh?” Sir Marcus has acquired a curious look now.
“I think you can get back to lifting weights again. Just. One condition. Start light. Do the same exercises you have been for the next two weeks. If all goes well, we'll increase the weight a bit.” I explain.
“How light should I start?”
“Something like a book, more or less. Don't give me that look. I don't want to take any chances here. Start small and go smart, ok?” I glare at the Mage.
“Fine fine.” He nods. The Miss comes back again with some bowls. Ether helps with setting the table too. They make a few more trips to the kitchen before joining us in the living room.
“Now then, dig in!” The Miss says.
“Thank you for the food.” I nod. Ether puts his hands together and nods.
“He does that sometimes now.” The Sir explains.
“Usually when he doesn’t wanna say anything.” The Miss adds. I smile.
“Understood.” We enjoy our dinner with small talk and chatter about the Palace rumors and other silly things. I watch the three of them. They look nothing short of a real family. Do not be caged by the idea of what you think you are and what you think you need to be... Was it? I wonder who decided that family had to be of the same race? Or limited to blood relations to begin with? Just because people have a link between them does it mean we can never cut? What if the people who are supposed to be the closets to us end up hurting us the most? Do we still accept it and live each day with it because "it's family"? I've seen "family" do worse things to their own than strangers to each other... Can't family be something we make of it ourselves? If someone else hurts me then it's ok to cut them out... Yet if family is the source of my suffering, then I have to endure it? What nonsense. For whose sake am I giving my life up? Why must we sacrifice our happiness for someone who wants nothing more than to make us miserable, for the sake of their own satisfaction? I never understood that... Family to me is the picture in front of me. People going through each day with one thought in mind. How to make the other ones happy. Blood alone does not confine us. Only interests and different values. Those are the true enemies... These people share my interests and values about life. They welcomed me when I was lost and confused and gave my life new meaning. It's thanks to them that I realized the value of my own thoughts and voice. I found a place where I want to belong. These people are my family now. These people are the reason I push myself forward. I like this feeling. I don't want to lose it. Or them. Frankly, I don't care what I have to do to bring them back each time. I'll give my life up to save one of theirs in a heartbeat. The other four too... I found this new family of mine and I love them dearly... I will do whatever it takes to secure a future where bonds like ours can thrive...
“Something on your mind?” The Miss's voice reaches me.
“Was only thinking what a nice family the three of you make.”
“Do we really?” Sir Marcus stares at me proudly. I nod. Ether blushes.
“Thank you...” Miss Laira whispers and dashes out the room with a few plates in hand. Ether follows her.
“Can I ask?” I look at the Mage.
“What's up?” He nods to me and I freeze over with a smile. Ether comes back to take some more dishes away.
“Have you figured out what happened that day? Why he wondered off, I mean?”
“Oh. That. No. He's a child still and I don't expect him to justify all of his actions. It's been months now, I don't even care anymore. Besides. Considering how we ended up with him, I'd rather not push for answers.” The man answers me.
“Why the gloomy looks?” The Miss comes back with the sweets I brought.
“I was just asking if Ether ever tell you why he wondered off that time?” I whisper.
She shakes her head. “No. I haven't really tried to talk to him about what happened. I can tell he feels responsible... He tries to help so much ever since. I'm afraid he might be trying to over compensate for it...”
“He'll tell us when he's good and ready or not. Doesn't matter.” The Mage adds.
“To look for food.” Huh? We turn to where the voice came from. Ether stands in the doorway with the cups.
“Say what now?” I stare at the boy. He carefully moves over with the tray and sets it down, before taking a few steps back again.
“Mom said there wasn't any food so I wanted to look for some... There are berries and veggies you can eat...” Wow... That's the most I heard him speak in one breath this entire time. Wait.
“Ether, how do you know what's edible in the woods? Did you live there?” I ask him carefully. He nods, clutching the edge of his shirt...
“I wanted to help...” He whispers in a tiny voice... I look over at the parents. The Miss hides her face with both of her hands, while the Sir has his left hand over his eyes. I turn back to the boy. His shirt has drops of tears soaked in it now. Oh Gods… Just what kind of a life did he have? My body moves on its own. I take the child into my arms. I feel him wrap his little hands around my neck. We sit down and I cradle the boy.
“You STUPID CHILD!” The Miss breaks the weeping silence. “You're just a boy!” She breaks down again.
“What your mom means to say is;” Sir Marcus hugs the Miss to him; “Thank you for your concern that was sweet of you. But we are the adults here. It's our job to worry about things like that. You don’t need to worry about anything, ever. Let us protect you, ok?” The boy nods.
“Good boy.” The Sir reaches out across the table and pats the little one on the head.
The Miss takes in a gulp of air, giving way to her hysteria. “It's ALL MY FAULT!! IF I HADN'T BLABBED ABOUT IT!!” This feels familiar...
“Yes yes, I know... It's alright now...” Sir Marcus tries to comfort the sobbing Druid.
“You'll have to show me sometime which ones you know. Maybe they're different from the ones I know.” I tell Ether, trying to change the subject. He looks at me a bit confused for a second but catches on and nods.
“Good, there.” I set him down and he goes over to the weeping mother. I see the question mark in the Mage's eyes.
“Growing up, I used to gather herbs, as part of my training and work. Anything edible I could pick up on the way helped us a lot too.” I explain. “We even ate bugs sometimes. Nasty but nutritious.”
“Bugs!? For real?” The man glares at me.
“Mhm.” I nod. “Manageable when prepared with spices and garnish but, yeah.” I shrug my shoulders.
“Oh, well, as someone who has been on the bug diet, I agree.” The Miss manages to calm a little. “They can keep you alive but not recommended...” She wipes her face clean.
“I don't know who I feel more sorry for now, you two or Ether.” The Mage shakes his head and a nervous giggle rolls over us.
We meet up with Zaltem by the same field, behind the training grounds. The same one we once set out off to the Rebirth. About three years ago, I sat on a beautiful black horse. Now. I am only able to stand up with the help of a cane... What humiliation... Better than the wheelchair but still. My pride has taken a severe hit this past year... What good is honor to a Deadman, huh? Laira comes back to me and Ether.
“They'll be leaving soon.” She tells us.
“Remind again why aren't we going with them?” I ask once more.
“Because Rebirth is no place for a child. Even the volunteer families will be staying behind in the city, till Percival deems it safe for non-combatants to join.” She explains again. “Besides–“
“Besides that, I am a liability.”
“You're recovering nicely. Faster than we expected too. That's why Percival feels confident to leave.” Zaltem's voice approaches us.
“True. Besides, I was going to say that because of the RRD, someone needs to stay behind too.” My wife gives me a disapproving glare. Sorry.
“You didn't have to come out all this way.” Percival jumps off his horse.
“Yeah, as if.” I answer.
“You look worried? Is something the matter?” Laira checks up on our Cleanser.
“This place... It feels different this time.” He says gazing over the troops.
“No kidding.” Zaltem agrees.
“Guess I'm not the only one feeling this way, huh?” I add. We take a moment of silence. Not sure whom it is for. Us from the past? The fallen ones? These guys now? All. Probably.
“Well. We're off.” Percy breaks the silence and gets back on his horse. Zaltem whistles for his Celodian. Both of them look at us one last time.
“Good luck.” I wish them. Our Cleanser nods and so does the Ravo. We stand watch over the little Army that Percival gathered, seeing them off into the distance.
“Think he'll be ok?” Laira whispers to me.
“No. But he did promise to stay in touch.”
“I hope he does.”
“I'll miss them.” Ether says.
“So will we.”
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[COMPLETED] "Why people would ever choose to sleep with someone as vexatious as you is beyond my imagination," I scoffed. "Careful." He smirked. "Its a fine line between love and hate." ~~~ When Rory Cooper takes part in the Inter-school Championship she thinks nothing more of it than a fun, school competition. Insufferable hot guys and prank wars only happen in books, right? Wrong. One chemistry disaster later, Rory has accidentally attracted the attention of Griffin Carter, the star athlete of rival school, Beckfall High, who's a known player on and off the field. ~~~The shy nerd and the cocky athlete, a tale told many times over. Yet what happens when the nerd isn't so shy, and the athlete has a brain?
8 123 - In Serial67 Chapters
Time didn't matter to her. She got up when the sun did and tried to sleep when the sun went down. because of this seemingly endlessness, she's forgotten her name, she's forgotten her family and she's forgotten everything she use to be.Now she was nothing. Living on the streets of a town begging for money and food from travellers that didn't know who she was, unlike the rest of the town that thought of her as something unnatural even though she doesn't know why.Constantly abused by the townspeople who don't understand her, she is left to die in an alleyway after a horrible run in with three drunk men. She was expecting to die and have her corpse eaten by rats and other vermin. What she didn't expect was to be saved by a woman that was everything but human."Do you want to live?" This woman asked and when she looked into herself she knew the answer, it came easy through her busted lips."Yes."From that day on she became something else, something not human, something extraordinary and from that day forth she will serve this woman who saved her life and maybe one day remember her name or be given one by her new Mistress. Maybe one day she'll remember who she was and maybe she'll even find the one person that completes her soul.From that day forth she became a Nightwalker.Completed.This is a lesbian story and contains mature actions between females. There will be warnings at the beginning of the chapter if you do not wish to read such content.
8 188 - In Serial10 Chapters
Everything I Broke
(First book of the trilogy: The Strangest of Love Stories) My lawyer assured me I can be honest in this book. Not that I trust that bastard, but that's beyond the point. Thankfully, I know a thing or two about the laws here, so if I am not mistaken, I can talk about my years in middle school and in high school without going to jail. I mean, I am not 100 percent sure, but what's life without a little risk?
8 139