《Red Moon (Arcana of the Crimson Era – Book 1)》Chapter 1 – Raven’s Cry, Journey Begins
A Raven perched calm and smug atop an outcropping of rocks before letting out a loud caw and taking flight. In the backdrop, a magnificent city could be seen.
Children were playing in the streets, some in the fields on the outskirts. They ran down the stone steps and even threw some of the rubble at each other, unaware of the history behind its foundations.
Lady Elizabeth Raven watched them from the edge of a cliff with her blue eyes. Her golden hair flew over her shoulders as the wind grazed her red qipao.
“What are you looking at, Elizabeth?”
Elizabeth Raven turned around to see Jenny Raven, her younger cousin beside her. “Nothing,” Elizabeth replied.
“Oh?” Jenny stared at Elizabeth with eyes that always reminded her of the ancient Aster flower.
Elizabeth’s lips curled into a smile as a group of young men, passing by, took a peek at Jenny. At five foot seven inches, Jenny was slightly taller than Elizabeth and the half-sleeved white shirt and black pants she wore, showed off her shapely long legs well.
Seeing Elizabeth, the men bowed and scampered away.
Jenny walked up to Elizabeth and pointed at the kids. “They look very happy, don’t they?”
Elizabeth crossed her arms. “Yes, they do. The pleasure of not being adults.”
The kids were playing hide and seek. The seeker found a boy and was taking him into the pretend jail in a wooden box. The boy pouted when he was left in it.
Jenny and Elizabeth laughed at this and started walking downhill in the opposite direction of the city. As they walked, a small clump of cottages came to sight. The houses all looked very old but comfy with their patio doors leading to rose gardens and apple trees in their backyard. Birds chirped away on the rooftops as smoke poured out of a few chimneys, a sign that it was nearing lunchtime.
Elizabeth beamed at her surroundings. The scenery was beautiful. The City was located in the hilly regions of the Raven territory, South of the Deidirious Empire.
Both nature and the buildings melded nicely with the beautiful hilly lands, which acted as an oasis for the houses against the scorching sun. The cottages gave off a homely atmosphere. She loved this place, her homeland. It was where she was born and raised.
“So is the mission still on?” Jenny asked Elizabeth as they walked through the streets past the houses.
Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. “Yes, of course. Why? What’s the matter?”
“Well, I thought maybe the City Council decided to cancel it.”
Elizabeth stared at Jenny. “I think if you check the official history of this town you will find that the Council can only advise the Leader of the Clan, and whether to follow that advice is up to the Leader, in other words, me.”
“Okay. Don’t rip out my face! You do realize I’m on your side, right?”
Elizabeth sighed. “Sorry Jenny, but you’re right. They’re at me to abandon it. I’m pretty sure if I wasn’t the best fighter in the region,” she glanced at Jenny, “and if I didn’t have the support of the second-best, they would have put my head on a spike and been done with it.”
People bowed to Elizabeth Raven as they ambled by, going about their duties.
Jenny peeped around. “Yep, I guess you’re right. But you can understand their distress. If we get caught without anything to show for it, we’re dead. Not just us. The entire Raven region will be destroyed.”
Two boys ran out of a narrow street in between the houses and accidentally bumped into Jenny. They looked up with trembling lips.
She ruffled their hairs gently. “Be careful. You shouldn’t run around in crowded streets.”
They nodded and immediately started running again. Elizabeth chuckled as Jenny shook her head with a wry smile.
A farmer strolled by counting the money in his hand. He was frowning and muttering something.
Elizabeth’s eyes followed him. “Even if we don’t do anything, it’s not like the future will be a safe one. This is the City of the Raven; it’s supposed to be the Capital to all the members of the once-mighty Raven Clan.”
Jenny’s eyes dropped. “You’re right. It’s bad enough that most of our people are on the brink of starvation. Add to that...”
Elizabeth raised a finger to her lips. “Shush, don’t say anything else. No telling who’s listening.”
“Okay, as you wish, My Lady. I apologize.”
Elizabeth rested a hand on her hip. “How many times have I told you not to call me that in private?”
Jenny covered her mouth. “Aw, is My Lady blushing?”
Elizabeth laughed. “If it was anyone but you, I would’ve pushed them down and sat on their back.”
Jenny folded her hands behind her. “How is your mother dealing with this?”
Elizabeth shook her head. “It’s not great. This, coming on top of Michael’s appointment orders, has made the atmosphere at home very tense.”
Jenny cupped her chin. “Ah, that’s right. He made the selection for the Royal Army, didn’t he? How time flies. I still see him as that midget who follows you around. How old is he now?”
Jenny tilted back her head. “Little Michael’s nineteen? And the twins?”
“Oh my, in two years they’ll be grownups.”
“I hope things improve by then.”
They kept walking in silence until someone shouted Elizabeth’s name. She spun around to see Gonazamius Raven, the Head of her Personal Guards, waving her down from across the street. He ran up to them and saluted.
Elizabeth saluted him back. “Yes, Gona. How may I help you?”
“Lady Elizabeth and Lady Jenny. I’m pleased to have caught you. I’m in charge of training the new recruits today.”
“New recruits? Is this how the Head of my Personal Guards takes his time off, with more work? Shouldn’t Messadorma be handling this?”
Gonazamius bowed. “She’s been overworking so I’m helping out a little. And it rests my mind to train the younger generation when I’m free. No telling what might happen at any moment. Best to prepare them for all contingencies.” He raised his head. “We were just about to spar. Would you like to join us?”
Elizabeth grinned at Jenny. “Well? It’ll help take our minds of ‘other things.’”
Jenny shrugged. “Fine, I don’t mind. But don’t you dare use your sword.”
“Alright, we’ll just use the wooden swords.”
They crossed the street with Gonazamius and navigated through the back alleys to the training grounds behind the village. Ten young recruits immediately stood to attention as Elizabeth and Jenny approached.
Gonazamius unlocked a crate near the training ring, a ten-meter circular mount of sand. He fished out two bamboo swords and handed one each to Elizabeth and Jenny.
Elizabeth slapped her sword lightly on her free palm. “Why don’t all of you start sparring? Let me see what the future looks like.”
All ten paired up and started training. Elizabeth glided from pair to pair, giving out useful comments about their postures and sword handling. She stood in the middle watching each of them until Gonazamius blew the break time whistle. As the recruits drank water and wiped off their sweat with the towels given by the training staff, Elizabeth signaled Jenny over.
“They’re pretty good, right?” Elizabeth asked.
“Ya, Messadorma is doing a fine job as their instructor. We weren’t even half as good.”
“I think I’ll give them an advanced class.” Elizabeth stepped forward. “Why don’t you all sit down?”
The recruits exchanged looks and sat down.
Elizabeth studied their young faces. “Now then, tell me. How many of you know about the secret of our Demon Arts?”
The recruits gawked at each other.
Elizabeth covered her face. “Don’t tell me you joined the City Guards without even learning about that?” She didn’t receive a response. Some of them were staring at the ground. Oh well, we were the same. I guess some things never change.
“The secret is that we can’t use the Demon Arts quickly like the other clans.” Jenny’s voice rang out clear over the field. “If we have the proper weapons to act as conductors and the right amount of Aura, then we can use magic. In case we lose our weapons, we can’t immediately fall back to our Demon Arts. We need time to cast them. Hence preparation is always the key. Now while you’re preparing, it doesn’t mean your opponent will just sit back and wait for you to finish. Most often than not, they will attack you, go for the kill so to speak.” She patted her calf. “Hence, it’s important to always be on your feet.”
Elizabeth lowered herself to one knee. She drew back her left hand carrying the sword. “Watch closely.” She clasped her sword’s handle using her right hand. With one step forward, she disappeared and reappeared behind Jenny. The recruits gasped.
“How did she do that?” Elizabeth heard one of them murmuring.
Elizabeth aimed her sword at Jenny’s lower spine. Jenny swirled around and hit the blade from its right side diverting the thrust’s direction. Then Jenny circled back her sword hand to the sky and brought it down on Elizabeth’s wrist. Elizabeth leaned to her front foot before jumping back, distancing herself from the attack at least six yards away.
“How did you do that?” queried a young girl. After Gonazamius grunted, she cleared her throat. “I’m sorry for my casual tone, My Lady. My name is Ashlyn Racontis, aged eighteen, first year recruit and I was merely excited by that display of swordsmanship. Could you tell me how you covered the distance between you and Lady Jenny?”
Elizabeth held up her hand. “No need to worry, I can understand. I remember my first time seeing the Zeor when my father and Lord Freedo sparred with each other. I couldn’t sleep that night as I kept replaying the fight.”
The girl blinked. “The Zeor? That’s what it was? But isn’t that a Demon Art as well? I didn’t see you cast it.”
Elizabeth and Jenny smiled at each other.
Jenny stood with her sword planted in front of her. “All the Demon Clans have their own Demon Arts. You know that, right?”
The recruits bobbed their heads up and down.
“Each one is unique and special. But…”–Jenny lifted up one finger–“there is one Demon Art that is common for us all, even for the lower level Hellbrids, if they have an Aura. And that’s the Zeor. It allows one to speed dash and cover great distances with single steps. Do you know how we do it?”
A young man shot up his hand. “Ciel Ries, aged eighteen, third year recruit. I’ve heard that we do this by using the ‘Paths.’ But I do not know how.”
A third year at just eighteen? Hmm, he’ll be graduating soon. “Very good, Ciel. That’s right.” Elizabeth raised her voice. “There are many ‘Paths’ in this world. The Paths of Aither, Death and Nyx. There are also other higher paths which I won’t name now. You can research them yourself. We mortals can only use Aither and Nyx. Aither during the day and Nyx at night.” Elizabeth crouched down to her knees. “The Path of Aither contains sound and light waves which we can use to Zeor. Now while sound waves are everywhere, they do not move in the same speeds, hence you need to be careful which one you choose.” Elizabeth jumped and landed at the halfway point between her and Jenny.
Jenny pointed at Elizabeth. “See that, she chose poorly and is dead by now.”
Ciel nodded.
“My name is Obéron Raven, aged twenty, first year recruit,” announced a brown-skinned recruit standing up.
Ah finally, a Raven. I hope he’s just a late starter. Not bad looking though. Elizabeth leaned on her sword. “Hello, Obéron. Do you have a question?”
“Yes, my Lady. You still haven’t explained how we can see the ‘Paths.’ I mean, you talked as if the sounds are visible to us.”
“Yes, they are, Obéron.”
“But I don’t see them.”
She smirked and ambled over to him. “Let me show you.” Grasping his hand, she circled behind him and pulled the young man into her arms.
“My Lady!”
“What? Don’t you want to learn?”
Jenny rolled her eyes at Elizabeth while Gonazamius gazed elsewhere. The other recruits started talking in hushed voices.
Elizabeth whispered into Obéron’s ear. “Now then, can you hear your heart beating?”
“Yes, my Lady.” Sweat trickled down his temple when Elizabeth pulled him closer.
“Good, focus on it. Block everything else out including my voice.”
As Obéron breathed in and out, Elizabeth kept whispering. “More, focus more. Focus…Focus…”
As time passed, his jaw dropped. “No, what’s this?”
“Do you see the waves?”
“Yes, but this has never happened before. Did you do something, My Lady?”
“No, I didn’t. When I let go of you, pick out the clearest wave near you and step on its exact center.”
“Yes, my Lady.”
Elizabeth released Obéron and stepped back. Like the wind, he jumped several yards in front of him.
The others all shouted.
“Did you see that? He jumped,” Ashlyn snapped her fingers, “like that.”
“Oh, great Leviathan! How did you do that Obé?” asked Ciel.
Obéron gesticulated with his hands. “They’re everywhere. I saw them. The waves…the sound waves, they’re all around us. But…”–his eyes went to Elizabeth–“How come I’ve never seen it before. And why doesn’t it happen every time we walk?”
Elizabeth grinned. “Easy there, I will explain.” She walked around the other recruits. “Just like Obéron says, the sound waves are all around us. You can’t see them because you aren’t using Íchyrayx right now.”
Ashlyn’s lips parted. “Íchyrayx?”
“Gona, can you show them the illustrations?” Jenny requested.
“Yes, Lady Jenny.” Gonazamius strode over to the crate from which he took the bamboo swords and pulled out a file. He handed it over to Obéron as the other recruits clustered around their friend.
“Aside from the other normal senses, we Hellbrids have two inner eyes known as Íchyrayx and Agni.” Elizabeth sauntered to Obéron and patted his shoulder. “Obéron tried to hear his heartbeat while blocking out everything else, this heightened concentration used up his Aura to awaken Íchyrayx of the First Eye. Now, just because you can see the sound waves, doesn’t mean you can Zeor walk. You need to step on their exact center because it’s the only part with enough force to carry you forward. Otherwise, if you touch the edges or anything just outside the center, you’ll be stuck in the same spot.”
One of the other students tapped the illustration. “On the right for both Agni and Íchyrayx of the Second Eye, by Greater Aura, does it mean the Aura of Noble or Royal Blood? Oh, my name is Salim Raven, aged nineteen, second year recruit, My Lady.”
“Hello, Salim. Yes, that’s right. Only the Hellbrids in the upper echelon can awaken those eyes.”
Ashlyn raised her hand. “What is this classified part for Agni’s awakening?”
Jenny wagged her finger. “Means, it’s on a need-to-know basis and you don’t need to know right now. Just remember, you use Íchyrayx’s First Eye so battles at night time will be a disadvantage for you.”
“Oh, I see. Thank you so much, my Lady Elizabeth and my Lady Jenny.” Obéron bowed.
“You’re a smart student, Obéron.” Elizabeth winked and gently slapped Obéron’s behind. “I hope you serve me well.”
Obéron straightened his back. “Yes, of course my Lady. I will fight for you to the death!” His cheeks were red.
Jenny pointed her blade at Elizabeth. “Now, Lady Elizabeth and I will demonstrate to you our skills.”
Elizabeth pursed her lips. “Okay, I guess. I thought we were done.”
Jenny smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Oh no, it’s important we give our cute ‘juniors,’ a show of our standard of swordsmanship if they want to be properly motivated. After all, these ‘young ones,’ look up to us for inspiration.”
Elizabeth narrowed her eyes. “Oh, I see. Fine, have it your way.”
Everybody else ran out of the ring. Gonazamius blew a whistle, signaling the bout’s start. Jenny leaned back and lunged at Elizabeth who Zeored to her right. Jenny threw her sword in the same direction. Elizabeth deflected it and noticed a flicker to her left. She grunted as Jenny kicked her left sheen. Elizabeth stomped her right foot on the ground and spun to the left in mid-air. Jenny’s hand shot out and grabbed Elizabeth’s right leg, throwing her to the ground face-first.
The recruits clapped in awe.
Elizabeth heard Jenny saying, “See that? You don’t need powerful spells to take down your opponent.”
Elizabeth clenched her fists and Zeored while lying down. She took hold of Jenny’s legs and flipped her. Then, Elizabeth fisted her right hand and launched herself toward Jenny. Right before her hand connected with Jenny’s chest, Gonazamius blew his whistle.
“Both of you were remarkable. Thank you so much for taking the time to teach them,” he said.
“Our pleasure,” replied Elizabeth.
The recruits also thanked them and begged for another lesson next time.
Jenny agreed. “But only if you do the proper homework from today’s lesson.” All of them bowed and said they would.
An hour later, after washing up, the two women strode back to the village in silence.
Jenny was the first to speak. “I know what you were trying there.”
“Yes, I saw your expression. I was just teasing him. Boys like that.” Elizabeth folded her hands behind her head. “Please don’t be so strict. After all, these might be the last few light-hearted moments we have after tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow might be our last.”
A flock of Ravens flew over the clouds above them. Elizabeth stared at the crows as they disappeared in to the distant sky. “Which is why you can give yourself a break.”
“What do you mean?”
Elizabeth glanced at Jenny. “Whatever happened with Nicholas?”
Jenny froze. “Nothing, I haven’t seen him since that summer ten years ago.”
“You two used to be so close.”
Jenny didn’t say anything.
Elizabeth sighed. “I’m sorry. I overstepped.”
“No, I’m not angry.” Jenny’s shoulders dropped. “I’m the one who stopped talking to him.”
Elizabeth circled her arms around her best friend. “Once again, I’m sorry. He was a good boy.”
“He was.”
“Probably married now and has five daughters named Jenny I expect,” said Elizabeth with a straight face.
Jenny chuckled.
“Aren’t we a sight for sore eyes? One hopeless virgin and one hopeless romantic.”
“Thank you, Lizzie,” Jenny whispered. “But you’re not a romantic.”
“Of course not, that’s you. I’m the hopeless virgin.”
“Really? Is that the story you’re sticking with?”
Elizabeth smirked. “Until the day I die.”
Jenny shook her head. “And you complain about Messadorma and Michael.”
“That’s different. I’m just teasing the ‘young ones’ as you call them. She’s actually sleeping with Michael. Oh, that reminds me, I hope you signed her vacation forms.”
“Yes, I approved it yesterday. It’s a nice idea. I could deal with a vacation myself. Especially with such a frivolous boss.”
Elizabeth pouted. “And I thought you liked the responsibility.”
Jenny grinned. “Well, I’m parting with you here.”
They stopped in front of a pair of steel gates that opened up to a trail. The trail meandered up a hill filled with wild trees and creepers on each side. At the end of the path stood a sprawling mansion that overlooked the entire city.
“Stay for lunch, won’t you?” Elizabeth requested.
“No, I’d better be off. Have a bit of packing to do. There are some potions I plan on bringing.”
Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “Not another of your ‘great discoveries,’ I hope? I am not carrying you back if something happens like the last time.”
Jenny waved aside her warning. “It’ll be fine. Trial and error, Lizzie. Trial and error.”
Elizabeth puckered her lips. “Very well dear, bye.” Elizabeth sauntered past the gates. Hmm, these creepers will need to be trimmed soon. As she entered the mansion, she found herself greeted with huge roars of laughter and arguments coming from the living room. In the room, she witnessed her little sisters, tickling their elder brother.
He was laughing and saying, “I give up. I give up.”
“Naomi, Micasa, what are you doing to your brother?” exclaimed Elizabeth.
Both the girls looked up with laughter in their eyes.
“Hello, big sister!” They shouted as they ran toward her.
She hugged them both tightly and kissed their cheeks.
“We were trying to make him take us to the Capital when he goes to join the Royal Army,” answered Naomi, a golden little beauty just like Elizabeth.
“Yes, yes, and he was saying no. So we tickled him until he agreed,” explained Micasa who looked just like Naomi except for her hair and eyes, which were as black as a Raven’s.
Elizabeth regarded Michael. “Really? And mamma agreed?”
Michael grinned sheepishly and brushed back his raven black hair. Elizabeth always made fun of his appearance because though he was the son of the main family, if it were not for his noble attire, he would have been confused for a peasant with severe malnutrition. Despite this physical weakness in his appearance, he was still short-listed for the Royal Army due to his acumen and intelligence in the written exams.
“Actually, she doesn’t know. These two little devils had just finished defeating me, and now I’m wondering if you would ask mamma for me.”
Elizabeth furrowed her brows. “Oh come on, Michael.”
He begged with his palms against each other. “She’s already upset with me for joining the Royal Army. She won’t let me take them if I ask.”
“Oh?” Elizabeth asked sarcastically. “So, she will if I do it?”
He whispered so the children didn’t hear. “Yes, she will. You are the apple of her eye. Plus, you are going tonight on a secret mission, right? A very dangerous one.”
“And from where did you get this information?”
“From Messadorma.”
Elizabeth raised her eyes. “You and Messadorma spend an awful lot of time together these days.”
Michael’s cheeks reddened. “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”
Elizabeth grinned and dropped the subject. Oh well, Boys will be boys, she thought. But thank the stars, they won’t be seeing each other for a while. The girls tugged at her hands and peered up with puppy dog eyes. “Oh no, don’t look at me like that. That’s not fair.”
“Please big sister! Our birthday is next month, so think of it as a birthday present. We promise we won’t ask for anything else this year,” Naomi pleaded.
Micasa also nodded with trembling lips.
Elizabeth groaned. “Okay, I’ll talk with mamma after supper.”
The girls screamed happily and jumped on Elizabeth, making her fall to the ground.
Just then, a woman’s voice came from within the house. “Girls, what’s all that ruckus about? Stop being so loud, you’ll wake the dead.”
“It’s just me mamma. I’m back,” yelled Elizabeth.
A woman appeared. “Oh hello dear, welcome back. Lunch will be ready in a few minutes.”
Elizabeth smiled at her mother, Helen Raven, the Dowager Countess of the House of Ravens. Her mother still had her blonde hair from when her father, Adam Raven, had been the Clan Leader, although it was mixed with a light shade of yellow now.
Lady Helen glowered at Micasa and Naomi. “After lunch, finish tidying up your rooms. If they are not spotlessly clean when I come to inspect them this evening then it’s off to bed with no supper.”
Naomi and Micasa protested loudly.
“No whining now. Do as you are told!”
The girls turned to Elizabeth but she could only shrug to show she was just as powerless against their mother. Glancing outside, Elizabeth said, “Let’s have lunch in the gardens. The sun is bright, but not too hot.”
Lady Helen clasped her hands together. “Of course! I was thinking exactly the same thing.”
They all went outside together, the girls chirping on both sides of Elizabeth and Michael up front with Lady Helen. The sun shined down on them as Elizabeth prayed. Please, protect my family, dear ancestors. Let them always remain happy like this…Please!
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Magus Zero
Announcement(s): A sudden family emergency happened...so the next chapters may take some time. I'll try my best to release a chapter tomorrow, but I'm not too sure I can. I'll try my best to make up for it. Sorry for the delay and thanks for understanding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey! The light novel reached more than 100 views! Thank you for the support! It means a lot to me who's just starting out! Special thanks to my girlfriend who supports me right now (she's gonna be my illustrator soon too!)Special thanks as well to Deathkiddoom, who made the first ever comments on my works! You guys may not know how much these things mean. They might be little in your sight but for us authors it encourages us to keep going! Once again you have my thanks! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Five magic nations have been created out of the land of Rasec. Gloseren, Loche, Veile, Lieza, Meharea. Each nation with their own unique setting, and thus have their own unique understanding of magic. One thing was common though: they rank their magi according to their capabilities, and the one with the highest capabilities become the ruler of the nation. This story is about a boy from one of the nations. He stood out more than his peers not because he has something unique, but because he has nothing. He has zero. Watch the story unfold as the boy who has zero becomes the Magus Zero. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's blab:Hello everyone! This is my second light novel project! This particular project will be updated daily except Saturdays PST until further notice.Anyways, I hope you guys have fun! Here are my other work(s): Strife Howl of the Deities (Discontinued)Title TBD, Either a romance or another adventure (Novel to be published)Title TBD, A romance or a smut (Short story to be published) Cheers! -Halcyon.Bahamut ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This author's works are officially available only here at Royal Road. Announcements will be made on this site regarding any changes.
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Hundreds of years in the future, a government-backed black ops group clones people who died in the past to form a group of deniable assets to perform missions. Stripped of names, these people are granted codes to live by instead. Agent Zeus leads this group of dead people to survive in a universe they do not understand. But as time goes on, they must make difficult decisions just to get to the next peril.Sometimes death is preferred.
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