《Red Moon (Arcana of the Crimson Era – Book 1)》2 – Farewell
Evening arrived as Elizabeth sat in her room signing the forms for next month’s import of drugs. The batches delivered were getting smaller according to the customs officers. She wondered what was going on.
She was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Enter,” she said without looking up.
Lady Helen stepped in. “Your clothes and supplies have been packed. Are you staying for dinner?”
“Yes, but have the maids sent me my food. I won’t have time to eat with everyone. Need to get rid of some paperwork before I leave. Oh! And have them pack my Mytallide armor, mamma.”
Lady Helen’s lips slanted down. “Oh child, can’t you eat with us? It’ll be quiet here for a while.”
Elizabeth lifted her head. “I’m sorry, mamma.” She gestured to the papers on her desk. “But if I don’t finish this before leaving, there’ll be chaos.”
Lady Helen’s shoulders dropped. “I see.” She opened the door.
“Oh, I just remembered. There is something I want to ask you, mamma.”
Lady Helen shut the door again. “Yes dear, what is it?”
Elizabeth hesitated for a few seconds, then spoke. “It’s about Michael going to the Capital to serve in the Royal Army.”
Lady Helen’s lips parted. “Has he decided not to go?”
Elizabeth shook her head. “He has already received his papers. He can’t back out now.”
“Of course he can. All we need to do is send a paper with your signature saying so.”
Elizabeth rose and glided to her mother, encircling her arms around the older woman gently. “Mamma, come on. We can’t do that. This is what he wants.”
Lady Helen stuck up her chin. “This is what he thinks he wants. He doesn’t know anything; he’s just a lad of nineteen.”
Elizabeth realized introducing the topic of her sisters would be impossible if she allowed this critique of her brother’s wants and needs to continue.
Oh come on, Helen Raven, this is his dream. It has always been his dream. And what did father say about dreams?” Elizabeth chided.
Lady Helen let out a sigh. “That they were there to be accomplished. A man without dreams is a dead man!”
“There you go.” Elizabeth put both arms on Lady Helen’s shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “Mamma, please be happy for him. It would mean the world to that silly brother of mine.”
Lady Helen rubbed her eyes and sniffed. Finally, she smiled. “Alright. No need to brainwash me. You had me at ‘what would father say.’”
Elizabeth regretted that she had to ruin her mother’s good mood again so soon. “And that brings me to the thing I was about to ask you. Since he’s starting out for the Capital tomorrow and since Micasa and Naomi have never been there before, I thought it would be a good opportunity for them to see the place and enjoy the sights. They could learn a lot about its history.”
The smile disappeared from Lady Helen’s face. “Enjoy the sights you say?”
Elizabeth strolled back to her chair and grabbed the first document she saw on her desk. “Yes.”
“And since when did you start developing an interest in their schooling?”
“Well, they are my sisters, and as I mentioned, I believe they can benefit greatly from the visit, the history of our people for example...”
“Can be found in the books here,” said Lady Helen as she snatched the paper away from Elizabeth and turned it right side up. “Don’t lie to the hand that rocked your cradle love. It won’t work. History my foot. They put you up to this, didn’t they?”
Elizabeth’s jaw dropped. “Yes, they did. But come on, mamma, the more I think of it, the more I think it will do them good for once not being cooped up in our town all the time.”
Lady Helen frowned. “Well, I’ve been cooped up here for thirty years since your father married me from my home town in Tenkaido, and I don’t have any problem.”
Elizabeth warmed up to her cause. “Yes, but you had already seen most of the Empire by then, if I remember your words correctly. Come on, mamma. This is probably the last time they will get to be with him. It will be years before he is allowed to return home, and by then those two would be married off to some other household. Plus, it may be the only time the girls ever get to see the outside world.” She stopped and waited for her mother to respond.
Lady Helen closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. After a few minutes, she slumped down onto a chair with a groan. “I don’t believe this. In a single night, all my children are going away. How will I know if you are all safe? How? Do you know how nerve-wracking it is being the single mother of three daughters? Especially in this world of ours. Yes, yes, you are strong Elizabeth, but those two have lived in the safety of our home ever since they were born. Now they want to go to the Capital? Do they even realize how many wicked people there are in this world?”
This torrent of motherly worry disconcerted Elizabeth. She reached across and squeezed Lady Helen’s hand. “Mamma, calm down.”
Lady Helen took a few deep breaths. After a while, she regained her composure. “I’m sorry, Elizabeth.” She patted Elizabeth’s worried hand. “I’m okay now.”
Elizabeth leaned back in her chair. “Mamma, I never realized you worried this much about us. You always look so strong. I mean…you’re…m-my inspiration.” There was a catch in her voice.
Lady Helen’s eyes softened. She got up and poured two glasses of wine from the jug on Elizabeth’s desk. “Of course, I worry. I’m your mamma.” She handed over a glass to Elizabeth. “I will always worry about the four of you. No matter, how old you are. No matter how great you become.” She patted Elizabeth’s head like she did when Elizabeth was a child.
Elizabeth grasped the glass tightly in her hands and whispered, “Thank you.”
Lady Helen kissed her daughter on the forehead. “I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to any of you.”
Elizabeth looked up at the woman who had raised her to be the person she is today. “Nothing will happen, mamma, I promise you. Michael and the girls will be safe. They are staying at Grandpa and Grandma’s remember? Grandpa will make sure the girls return safely. As for Michael, he’s smart. Self-preservation is one of his best qualities. He won’t go around looking for fights. And the Empire doesn’t have any major enemies. Just a few small kingdoms from the other races who won’t quieten down. Honestly, you’d think they would know better than to pick a fight with the Demon Race.”
“And what about you?” asked Lady Helen.
“Me? I’ll be fine. Jenny, Messadorma and Mizaki are coming with me after all.”
A slow smile spread across Lady Helen’s face. “Jenny? It has been a long time since she’s come here. Invite her for supper next time.”
Elizabeth took a sip out of her glass. “I did. She had to prepare some potions for the trip, so she left.”
“Oh?” Lady Helen laughed. “Still mixing stuff up, eh? I remember it like yesterday when she blew up our back garden. How many years has it been?”
“Eight years.” Elizabeth chuckled. “Don’t be too hard on her mamma. If she just stuck to the textbooks, she could produce some quality potions like Mizaki, but she wants to find something new and says this is the price for that.”
“Oh, I’m not being hard on her,” Lady Helen confessed with a grin. “I think it’s admirable that she started doing it at such a young age. Especially, considering a certain someone who fooled around with the local lads and wasted everyone’s time.”
Elizabeth almost choked on her drink. Lady Helen patted her head again.
“Mamma, you promised never to bring that up again.”
Lady Helen held up her hands and returned to her chair. “Fine, fine. Getting back to the topic at hand, I’m glad all the girls are there. But Mizaki? Are you sure? She cannot stay away from her daughter for long, right? Plus, there are her duties as Head priestess at the Shrine of Ravens.”
“It’ll only be for a few days, so it’s okay. And as for getting back to the topic at hand, do we have a deal?”
Lady Helen twirled the drink around in her hand. “Yes, yes, Naomi and Micasa can go. But Michael must make sure that they return to Tenkaido before the full moon reaches the top of the sky every night. Under no circumstance, must the girls stay within the Capital after dark. And they will only stay at Tenkaido until he finishes his final training and goes to the Capital Army Quarters. Then, they must return home.”
Elizabeth raised her glass in the air and bowed. “Agreed, my Countess.”
“Honestly, you are growing more and more like your father every day. The same compelling way of talking and the same pushy attitude,” Lady Helen grumbled.
Elizabeth laughed. “Try telling that to the City Council. They might start agreeing with me about important decisions instead of thinking I’m just another pretty face.”
Lady Helen shook her head. “Don’t mind those old fools. They are set in their ways. Honestly, they tried to make me leave town with you and the children on the night your father passed away.”
Elizabeth looked at her mother. “But you didn’t.”
Lady Helen sat up straight. “No, I didn’t. You are the direct descendants of the mighty Raven Leviathan. I told them that unless they wanted to end up with their heads on a spike, they should never even think of asking the Raven’s child to go away. So, they didn’t. In the end, they knew who the people would support if sides had to be chosen.”
“Sometimes I think they should’ve let you become the head of the clan. You certainly know how to play the game,” Elizabeth remarked.
Elizabeth remembered the power struggle that occurred after Adam Raven’s death. Before Elizabeth came of age to take over the vacant seat as Clan Leader, Helen Raven acted as Elizabeth’s representative. But Lady Helen wasn’t given the status of Leader or the same influence since she wasn’t a blood descendant of the clan. In that time, Freedo and many others tried to kick Elizabeth’s family out using underhanded tactics, but Helen Raven’s presence in the council prevented them from taking away Elizabeth’s rightful inheritance.
“Well, I needed to. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have survived here without your father.”
Elizabeth sighed. “I wish I did.”
Lady Helen spoke in a kinder voice. “Yes, I wish you did too, but I learned when you were a very young child that you aren’t that type of a person.”
“Oh really? What type is that?”
“Scheming, conniving, lying,” Lady Helen responded. “No, you’re nothing like that. You’re just like your father. Noble, honest, true, a great warrior, a little too free-spirited perhaps, but still a great warrior. So don’t sink down to the level of those council scum. They would win as they’ve been like that for a long time. Beat them using your strengths. Now, I know you can’t tell me where you’re going tonight or when you’ll be back, and I’m not asking you to tell me. However, just don’t do this because you want to prove something to them. Do it if you believe it’s the right thing to do.”
“Yes, I believe it is the right thing to do,” Elizabeth replied honestly.
Lady Helen nodded. “Well said.” She raised her glass and Elizabeth did the same.
“We are the First of the Clans,” began Lady Helen.
“We are the Keepers of the Skies,” chimed in Elizabeth.
“We are the Ravens!” they shouted together and drank their glasses empty.
Lady Helen kissed Elizabeth’s cheek. “I will see you later love,” and exited the room.
Elizabeth smiled at her mother’s retreating back. Then, started reading her Regional Patrol Captain’s report as the door closed. An hour later, she poured herself another glass of wine.
Sauntering over to the balcony, she observed Raven City. She saw some of her citizens in the nearby streets: children playing in the backyards, mothers cooking dinners, men and women feeding horses and going to bars with friends after a long day. It was such a peaceful night. She wished it could stay that way.
Elizabeth thought back to all the incidents that led her to take this action. She bit her lips and gazed at the sky. A beautiful red full moon was hovering above the clouds.
Hmm, a red moon. That’s strange. A rare sight indeed.
Hours later, the cottages shrouded into the night as the residents slumbered. The front door to Elizabeth’s home opened and she shuffled out with her mother and brother.
“Are you sure I shouldn’t wake the girls?” asked Michael. “It’s bad enough that they couldn’t eat dinner with you.”
“Yes, I’m sure; them not knowing is better. Just say I’m at a council meeting, and that I’ll meet them when they return home.”
Lady Helen kissed Elizabeth on the cheeks, saying, “Safe journey love.”
Elizabeth’s lips curled up. She hugged Lady Helen tightly. “I’ll be back in a few days, mamma. I’m a big girl now. You don’t need to be afraid anymore.”
Lady Helen sniffed. “No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my little one.” Her voice broke a little. “The…d-day…you were born was the happiest moment of my life. You’re my first pride and joy, Lizzie. Always remember that. Mamma will be waiting.” She held on a little longer after Elizabeth let go.
Elizabeth wanted to keep hugging her. Even now, she felt safest in her mother’s arms. And something, deep within, was telling her not to go. But she couldn’t stop now. No, she shouldn’t stop now.
“I will return, mamma. I promise.” After Lady Helen let go, Elizabeth hugged her brother. “Go make us proud, brother. Let the name of the Raven sing loud into the Capital hearts again. I love you.”
“Yes, sister. I won’t bring disgrace to our family. And thank you, for supporting me.”
She smiled. “You will always have my support. Come back as many times as you can. This will forever be your home.”
He bowed.
She gave him a letter with her seal. “Give this to grandpa. Don’t let anyone else see it.”
“Okay, I promise.”
Elizabeth started walking downhill.
“Aren’t you taking your horse?” he questioned.
“No, it’s at the rendezvous point. I don’t want anyone to see me galloping down from here.”
She walked into the mist that had crept in from the north.
Oh, great Leviathan. I can’t see anything. Better be careful.
As she walked past the many houses still slumbering, Elizabeth wondered why she had to go while all these people were allowed to sleep, blissfully unaware of what was about to happen. Then she shook off this thought.
Father would’ve been disappointed if he heard me say that.
She viewed the red moon again. Please be a good omen, please. She reached the first meeting point. Only Jenny was there; they had decided to meet not in large parties but in bands of two, gathering near the outskirts of town where the city lights and full moon wouldn’t reveal their rendezvous. Most of the other members of the expedition were already outside.
“You ready?” asked Jenny.
Elizabeth answered in a steely voice. “As ready as I’ll ever be. We’re walking into a snake’s pit. If we get caught...”
“The snake will eat the raven,” Jenny finished her sentence.
They reached the outside of the city now. Everything was quiet. Elizabeth took one last look at her home as she walked away.
She touched the insignia of the clan on her left chest armor and closed her eyes for a second. The moonlight made her necklace transparent, a fact which only the main family women who wore the necklace knew. Legend foretold that Raven Leviathan made that necklace from the fragments of the moon itself before giving it to his bride-to-be. Hence, when it was touched by the moon’s rays, the necklace blended in with the immediate surroundings. It was said that Prince Raven made it like this so that no thief of the night could ever steal it from his beloved wife.
Jenny and Elizabeth met up with the other members of their party on the outskirts of the main territory. After greeting their comrades, the two women saddled up on their horses and rode out into the night together.
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