《A new world a new Chance(DROPPED)》chapter: 3 (updated)


[Chapter 3]

Day 2

When the morning arrived, John awoke and got out of his bed with only a single thing on his mind, the damn coldness of the morning breeze being felt as he had currently no clothes on, only the blanket wrapped around him. So the first thing he did was to take a hot bath until the cold numbness was gone.

When he was done taking a bath, he activated his transformation ability and transformed into a demon, since he only had armour for clothes and only fit comfortably in his demon form. In this; was the only reason he changed form.

He then took something out of his storage, this being a piece of leftover meat and since he noticed the meat was not rotting, concluded, that organic materials do not deteriorate. Is it possible that metals don’t rust either? He would have to investigate later and then just ate the leftover meat.

[Back to John’s POV]

Well; what should I do today well since I practiced some of my skills yesterday, I’ll go find some herbs today by using ‘identify’ so I would know all of the different kinds of herbs in this forest in for future reference and I am also very intrigued. This is so I can use them as seasoning and also create some potions, but currently its more for learning about different kinds of plants. As I finished my preparations, I summoned some monsters to gather various different kinds of plants.

Monster Options:

Higher Level Monsters:

[Goblin Lvl: 10 | Golem Lvl: 35 | Orc Lvl: 20 | Wolf Lvl 22, Slime Lvl: 25]

[Troll Lvl 30, Kobold Lvl: 25 | Core Creator Lvl: 50, … ]

Lesser monsters:

[Horned Rabbit - Lvl 5, Deer - Lvl 5, Wild Boar - Lvl 10, … ]

It seems that the ‘Wild Boar’ was added to my options, so that probably means that every monster I kill, it will update depending on what kind of monster I can kill and what is this ‘Core Creator’…?

I'll need to try this out someday to prove my conclusions, so I summoned a number of wolves since their sense of smell is the best among my monsters. Therefore I created 20 of them and a fourth of my mana was now gone, after I finished summoning them, I commanded them to find me any herbs that they can sense in the forest, even if its poisonous, deliver them to me, and as they heard my command they went out and started to run into the forest.

About 2 hours later, the wolves, started to return with a lot of different kinds of herbs and also with different kinds of coloured plants. When all of them had returned; I commanded them to separate the poisonous one’s to one side so I can be safe in not accidentally touching them and when they were finished separating them, I took three boars and then threw them at the kobolds and they rushed in eating the boars instantly.

As I started to identify the plants; I learned of the different kinds of medicinal plants and the plants that can help to regenerate health and mana, but not that effective, but probably with some exact combinations of these plants would be more effective. Once I identified and learned how they worked, I stored them in my storage. This continued for around four hours and when everything was finished I actually found some plants that can be substituted for some of the seasoning herbs such as:-



Cilantro / Coriander


Lemon Balm





Lemon Grass


And… if you’re asking how I knew which herbs were which..? I had been a farmer. I indeed did not plant or cultivate these kinds of herbs, but my Mother’s garden was filled with these types of herbs.

I knew these herbs can be a substitute for the seasonings on my original world. I once again commanded the Wolves to gather more of these plants/herbs, but said for them not to take the roots, so those plants can grow once more and the wolves nodded and went off following my instructions.

Since I missed lunch, I cooked a horned rabbit with a little Rosemary and Lemon-Grass with the rabbit, giving an illusion of smell. Once the meat was cooked I ate it with happiness and satisfaction.

So the day ended with a lot of ‘seasoning’ and ‘medicinal’ herbs, as when the wolves finished their job, I commanded the wolves to help the golems guard the perimeter together. With the wolves assisting the golems, they could take ‘watches’ with the golems, so then when the wolves needed to eat, in which I commanded them to only hunt ‘Horned Rabbits’ as the rabbits would re-spawn quickly.

[End day 2]


[Day 3 & 4]

I plan today to create a mini-dungeon, but this will take at least a day or two since construction costs a lot of mana.

The plan was to create a 5-floor dungeon, so the first floor should be easy as it is a floor filled with slimes. Since there are naturally formed rooms in the cave on the first floor, I allocated some gold coins automatically, but then I thought to myself; how do I constantly spawn and allocate the loot. So I looked up the options in the dungeon creation menu, in the skills sub-options and if there was something that can help me and then I remembered the ‘core creator’ being a level 50 monster and tried to summon it. Suddenly a blue screen popped up displaying:

Notice: (!)Danger - Mana Exhaustion imminent.


Do you still wish to imbue the core into this cave?

Yes No

I selected, Yes. Suddenly a bright light blinded me and at the same time also immediately drained my mana, until my mana was empty , I instantly felt weak and exhausted and when I saw that my health was also being drained, I was confused and felt fear, but I have no strength to fight back and promptly fell asleep.

[End of Day 3] (well that went by fast…)

I awoke and was greeted by a glowing bright humanoid figure, which said; “Hello Master, thank you for creating me, do you wish to create your own dungeon now?”

I use ‘Identify’ on the humanoid figure…

Dungeon Number: 0001

Dungeon Name:

Dungeon Core: Core

Mana Available: 160,000

Dungeon Level : 1

Floor(s): 1

Dungeon Master: Demon Lord John

Current Level of Threat: 0%

Defence Capability: 0%

Monster Population: none


This is an under-developed dungeon created by the ‘Demon Lord’, John. It has not been discovered as of yet.

It seems that the whole dungeon, overall, was also identified as well, so that means that this humanoid figure representing the ‘core’, is just a part of the dungeon.


*hmmm... and I’m its master*.

I asked the figure; “how does this dungeon work and what should I do for it to be called a real ‘dungeon’?”

The core replied; “The Dungeon’s known purpose is to consume the mana of the being(s) who enter it, together with the exchange in the form of a ‘challenge’ and loot that may benefit these being(s) with desires such as; gold, weapons, magical tools and sometimes just to train themselves.”

The core continued; “The dungeon must have monsters and different kinds of traps, as to challenge those beings who enter, and must be defeated to gain power and unique riches. Dungeon Monsters must also protect their ‘dungeon core’ for it to fulfil its purpose of collecting mana to give them life and generate loot.”

“This is the process of ‘give and take’ inside the dungeon. However if the ‘Core’, being myself, is destroyed then the dungeon will cease to exist. That is all I know Master.” the Core concluded.

[hmmm.... it’s still early to create a dungeon in a big scale ,so I’ll try experimenting on a small scale]

Therefore I gave commands to the dungeon core in to create 6 floors and each floor will have traps installed and together with various monsters.

The first floor will contain Slimes and on it the second will have Goblins and a single Troll as a floor ‘Boss’. The third floor will have Wolves and the boss will be a Kobold with the 4th floor having a group of Kobolds and a single Golem as the floor boss. The fifth will be filled by numerous different kinds of monsters and instead will have no floor boss and each floor should have different kinds of loot, so I asked the Core, was there any silver or any minerals underground?

The core replied, “Yes Master, I can obtain those minerals. Currently I can only obtain hold of Copper and Silver. However it seems I can’t sense any Gold or any other kind of minerals of the land within my jurisdiction, but if you want I can manipulate their molecular structure to be like the shapes of the coins of this world, do you wish to use this as a loot substitute?”

After hearing this, I replied; “Yes, I would like it that could you put it into every floor boss and allocate it as loot when the boss is defeated or the floor is conquered. The first floor should have 100 silver coins, the second floor 300, the third being 500 silvers and fourth will be 1500 coins and the firth will be 5000 silver coins respectively.

The Core responded with: “as you wish Master.”

I then instructed the core with: “The Sixth floor will be sealed, where your core will be housed and your core will be protected and guarded by 10 golems just to be safe.”. The core complied and agreed with my design for final floor.

When I was done creating the dungeon I was contented, I gave the dungeon all of my available mana so it can have some reserved mana for emergencies. At the same time I named the ‘Core’; Alice and the dungeon; Genesis. I also asked was the dungeon self-sufficient and the dungeon core replied: “Master should not be worried. I can manage this small-scale dungeon by myself. If you wish to update or change anything, just say the word and I shall follow your instructions.”

I gave my goodbyes to Alice and she also reminded me that if the core/she was in danger I will feel it. The day then ended without a hitch and slept the rest of the day with a contented face.

[End of day 4…]

[Day 5…]

As the past days were full of experiments and discoveries, today, I tried creating an intelligent Golem by using a core, which in V.R. terms was an AI construct to instruct the construct (golem, non-intelligent construct unlike a wolf)

Since I have a lot of golems remaining, to protect the house I took 4 of the Golems and told them to reshape themselves into specific figures and change their colours the first two became medieval knight wearing black colour full-suit armour with a cape. The last two I made into full armoured samurai. Then I installed a core on their bodies and gave them swords specific with their looks, a long sword for the knights and a katana for the samurais.

After that, they knelt and greeted me at the same time, in unison saying: “Greetings Master”

I used ‘identify’ to look at the first two, which I designed to be knights, and revealed their statistics;


Name: One | Two

Level: 60

Race: Golem (Core Installed)

Class: Knight

Health: 1,000 (1,000) - Regen: 100/s

Mana: 5,000 (5,000) - Regen: .001/s


Strength: 200 (+50)

Agility: 150 (+20)

Defence: 500 (+35)


Slash, Parry, Hard Skin (racial skill), Body Manipulation,

Regeneration (racial skill)

Looking to the other two, designated to be Samurai and used ‘Indentify’…


Name: Three | Four

Level: 50

Race: Golem (Core Installed)

Class: Samurai

Health: 1,000 (1,000) - Regen: 100/s

Mana: 5,000 (5,000) - Regen: .001/s


Strength: 200 (+40)

Agility: 200 (+25)

Defence: 500 (+35)


Slash, Parry, Hard Skin (racial skill), Body Manipulation,

Regeneration (racial skill)

I just named them; One, Two, Three, and Four so I can identify them easily.

Then I instructed them to practice their swordsmanship, which at first they were like children playing with toy swords, and as time passed and with half a day of practice they came experts at swordsmanship and then told them to stop and rest then finally instructing them to stand-by.

I currently only created 4 of them since that number is all I can currently create with my current mana capacity. It took me an hour to just create 1 of them, and then the day ended.

That night I was ready to travel and gather information tomorrow together with my golems and wolves. Like this night, just like the other nights, I just went to sleep.

[End of chapter 3]

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