《A new world a new Chance(DROPPED)》Chapter 2: The Hunt


As I walk in the forest waiting to find some animal or any beast and at the same time being wary for any dangerous monsters or some sort, if there are any,well the forest was filled with wildlife and life,

while walking I saw my first prey a rabbit with some kind of single horn , and used my skill Identify

Horned Rabbit ( Level 5)

Level: E rank

A Herbivorous creature it is known in this land as the tastiest meat and one of the most hunted creature In the land, theymay immidiately run or attack depends how powerful their enemy are if threatened

Oh…. a cute little one, sorry but you’re out of luck, cause I shall feast on you

I started to ran as fast as I could using all of my strength towards my prey, my body started to be covered in aura, and while I was running it seems everything slowed down and I can see the birds flap their wings, the rabbit chewing and also my movement to slow down like I was submerged under water and everything seems to slow down, but my mind was clear as before and I just need to apply force to my movement to move faster and then when I manage to draw a momentum, I threw my sword so fast with all the strenght I can gather and like a spear it flew through the air and stabbed the rabbit and died instantly and almost half of the sword sank into the ground and when I calmed down everything seemed so return to normal and the rabbit dead into the ground with a sword in its stomach And then I took the sword out of the ground and the rabbit

In the process I only got 2 exp well you can say the loot are the meat and the fur, then stored it all into my storage went continued to go back to the cave


I continued hunting until I arrived at the cave I got 10 rabbits and I also got some kind of Wild bore five of them the total exp 55 exp and a lot of meat that could last for 2 weeks, well I tried to put a horned rabbit alive in my storage and it worked It seems I can even store even a living thing but Ill not yet try this thing to people because I don’t know how my storage really works but my theory is that in my storage time is constant.

while on the road, back to the cave I cut a few trees for the fire wood and stored it into the storage, I thought to myself while walking about my skills specially the Dungeon Creator [Monster spawning installations] and what kinds of monsters I can summon, as I looked up the screen it seems not only different kinds of monsters are available but also some animals and so I tried the skill and chose one of the animals the horned rabbit, It seems I can also modify some settings like how much can It can but I spawned a single rabbit once, it seemed to work and when I tried to command it and followed my command like bow down or jump twice, it followed like a good dog , They seems to have little intelligence and follows my orders perfectly

I need to try something, sorry little bunny I tried to kill it, for research purposes, it died without the body vanishing and so now I can also use my skill as my source of food or for commanding as well, I will say this again, that’s neat I did not gain any exp of my own monster

So my problem with food and water is solved the next one is making some shelter well since my skill Dungeon creator can not only create caves or such but also a house so I chose a house with a room for a kitchen , comfort room, and a normal room where I can install a bed and a magic item that can emit heat, when I finished the installation of the other things, It felt like home and then since I’m done I took the rabbit out of the space and cleaned it with my water magic then skinned it and then stored the skin in the storage and cooked the meat using the fire wood and when the meat is cooked, I had my first meal of the meat in this world, the meat of the rabbit when I took my first bite it tasted like a chicken and finished my meal,


Well since I don’t know the exact time, I can only judge the time by the sun it seems like it was about 3 pm of the afternoon maybe well since there is still a sun, I tried to practice my sword and combine it with some magic and it was a success it seems that I can adjust the speed, agility, strength and my defense if I just concentrate and the magic will do it’s job and when I tried to practice the sword with magic it seems I can also conjure some electricity even if it took me a day just trying to think I knew that Electricity is created when electrons move from atom to atom. So even though I know this it’s still hard but it was a success in the end It seems that my magic is not only limited to manipulating elements, example I learned how to create force field, to scanning the surroundings by mana and even fly by levitating

And every time I learned these things the screen suddenly shows up and adds it up to my skills

I then took a bath because I already stink and cleaned my armor which stinks as well, I need to find some kind of town or village and buy some normal clothes or at least not a bulky heavy, cold Ademantium armor that also hard to clean, and of course to gather some information regarding this world

As I finished cleaning my body and my armor I went to check the doors and windows if they are locked, even if I surrounded the place with walls and 6 monsters I summoned called Golem and they are all level 35 just for protection and everything that was summoned the wall, the house, the furniture, and lastly the golem and currently located in front of the cave

and since all of this costs a lot of mana almost all of my mana was gone so I was more tired and exhausted than Before so I went to my room and went to bed, well Since I only have armor and no normal clothes and my skill cannot create clothes I just slept buck naked but thank god there is an extra bedding so it’s not that cold, so I got some rest for the day, since i am in no hurry I stayed for 5 more days in the forest


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