《A new world a new Chance(DROPPED)》Chapter: 4


As I woke up and got out of bed I took a bath put my clothes in this case an Armour, ate my breakfast and also making sure I am in human form before I go out to the world I’ll keep my demon form as a last resort or secret weapon or other reasons, and then I prepared everything I need in my travels actually I don’t even need to prepare anything i am already prepared, with my storage and a bunch of body guards [4 Golem warriors and a bunch of wolves ], and of course my skills were beyond ready

i covered the house with a dome made with earth and dragged the house under ground, so i could use it next time I return here, Since the wolves where were as big as a car i rode one of the wolves but since the golems don’t tire they just walked, I mean even they want to ride a wolf they cannot because they are too heavy the wolves will just whine while carrying them

so since everything is ready we started to walk in a sunny day filled with excitement and expectations, and also to find some road in this dense forest[ well why not use fly], so i used fly and when i was already in the air I started to look for any roads then I saw a single road i descended down and went to that direction, why did i not justfly that’s because I need to at least keep to myself my capabilities,

so we used that road to travel and I assigned the rest of the wolves to travel through the forest, I mean they are huge as Hell, if the people who will see this in my world would run fast and will make big men scream like little girls ,well ill try storing them into the storage next time

as we walk to god knows where this roads leads us, I saw a group of people, at first I thought they were just practicing that image was changed when i saw some blood every where, screams and shouting they were really killing each other i was not that shocked but I was disgusted when someone slashed the other soldier with a big axe and was cut in half [ohhhhh ... daamnnnn this is not what I agreed on], but he did not stop he was still slashing other soldiers in half like a butter with a hot knife and with precision and he was even smiling,even the axe wielding dude looks like a bandit and brutal he indeed a skillful warrior


I looked up his status


Name: Freddie

Race: Human

level: 42

Class: Bandit

Title: Killer Axe


Strenght: 102

Agility: 122

Endurance: 142

Defence: 55

It was indeed high for a non cheat person,

As the axe dude was enjoying its killing spree, it was stopped by an old armored knight equiped with a broad sword, as they crossed swords many times and at first they seems to be at the same level but the battle is comming at end because their endurance were different and so is their age, the battle ended when the axe dude used some kind of skill that made his strike faster and the old knight which is breathing as fast as he could drew his last breath and was beheaded

and I heard the scream of a girl at the same time I immediately commanded my golems and my wolves to kill the bandits at the same time i also started my advance

all the men fighting looked at us wondering if we are the enemies reinforcement or friendlies

commander of the solders shouted ,protect the princess ,and all of the soldiers made hast and ran to were the grand carriage is,

and the bandits faced on our direction and ran towards us ,and so is the axe dude, among all the bandits he was the most powerful and faster

If I am right the axe dude seems to be their leader, so why not remove their morale first, so I ran faster than my minions and doubled the mana flowing trough my body to become faster and stronger

as we crossed swords into the battle field, indeed he is fast when he saw me use mana he also used his mana did the same thing i can feel the mana flow through his arms and legs, but not his whole body, so he was much slower and weaker

He suddenly showed a shocked face, then fear then repentance at the same time [i got no really idea how that can happen but think of it as a face full of regret] then death, as i cut his body verticaly into two without resistance

the other bandits stopped their advance and their prideful face changed into disbelieve and fear then they all screamed and tried to escape to the forest but I did not give them that chance, well my minions did not let them.

Since my four golem knights are more power full than the axe dude // [may he find peace even he does not deserve it probably]


and my wolves more powerful than these ordinary bandits

Screams and Death filled the battle field, it was not even called a battle anymore but it is more than a massacre, I shall pray for all of the souls lost today

and the blue screen suddenly popped up

Notice: Congratulation New Multiple Achievement

The God of War Blessed you!!!!

[ The Death of the Murderer Killer axe and an army of bandits, the God of war Blessed you]

Bonus: Gods Skill [Battle Craze]

[Battle Craze ]

Activation of skill is automatic, If your health reaches below 5% all stats will double

God of Peace has Blessed you!!!

[Saving the next queen of Cera has, the God of peace has blessed you ]

Bonus: God Skill [World Knowladge of Language]

[Universal language]

Applcation of skill permanent you will now understand the language of all beings in this universe

System Calculating . . .

You have killed 72 Bandits and 1 boss level Bandit

Bonus Calculating . . .


Congratulation you have gained 1, 552 exp

New Title Acquired: God’s Favorite, Bandit Slayer,

stat point bonus: 20

Update: New Race Added[ dungeon Creator]: Human lvl 42

Notice: God of peace has a Request

Make prncess Elizabeth the Next Ruler of Cera

Reward:[Ring of the Reincarnation]

[Ring of Reincarnation]

upon Death the wearer will be Revived anywhere the wearer desired location

3 uses available


Do you Accept the Request?


Yes No

While reading these notices, I was trembling with excitement because of these different kinds of skills and bonuses on such a right time I mean that’s neat and also the exp i have gained and when i was done reading the request i picked yes, there is something i want to tryuse that.

after that my minions came towards me, and It seems the skill Universal Language is working because I am hearing the wolves talking to each other , and then they said, Master every bandit is dead and then they lowered their head

and I replied good, and added, and also I can now understand you guys, then they made an interesting face and one of the wolves said, As expected of our master.

I walk were the people who where attacked a little while ago by the bandits, the soldiers swords were drawn and ready to strike anytime to protecting the carriage where a little girl was crying

but a voice suddenly caught my attention it is the voice of their of their commander

commander: halt!!! good sir thank you for your assistance in killing those bandits,but may i inquire what is your name and why did you saved us

I replied, I am john Just a Traveler, I saw your group in trouble and since i have the power to help you i helped you as easy as that

and the commander sheathed his sword and he also commanded the soldiers to sheath their swords, and followed the command.

the commander spoke, oh great warrior forgive us if we cannot give you any reward at a moment, we lost too many soldiers, friends and also the princess’s head knight guard and at the same time also her mentor, just died in battle

as the door of the carriage opened the princess came out and ran towards her dead mentors body on the ground, she started to cry louder

the commander suddenly spoke, Forgive her highness for her manners, she loved her mentor like a second father, because her father has many children he became a father figure to her when the current King of Cera died a year ago different factions of heirs fought for the crown and the kingdom was drived into chaos,

betrayal and assassination of each others faction was a happening , currently there are only two left, the princess and one more heir a prince of a noble family, they are the last surviving heirs, but the princes did not pursue the crown anymore and gave up on it but still the prince's faction is still trying to kill her. so we escaped outside the kingdom but they still find ways to try kill us, beccause they still find her a threat.

well since i wanted to try the God’s relic, this might be a best chance to try it, I walked near and I bend my body at the level of the princes and asked her a question

Do you want him to live once more?, she lifted her head and said

ye....sh....., while nodding [damn how cute and of course sad definitely a sad moment]

and I said to her at the same time stood up straight , Then distance your self with his body and I shall bring him back to life.

End of chap

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