《Void Emperor》Scylla’s sacred altar


“Blue gemstones (50 pieces)”

Each piece can be used to strengthen weapons and armour .(+1 attack +1 durability)

“Scylla’s tear” (18 bottles of liquid)

Key ingredient needed to make berserk potion.

“I will use these gemstones when i have a better weapon and as for the tears....that alchemist geezer might want them”

He walked to the door behind the altar and prepared to to through,but the moment he touched the altar a notification window popped up.

Notification:You have discovered Scylla’s sacred altar.

Effect:Improves meditation drastically(can upgrade through sacrifice)

Do you wish to challenge the altar’s guardian?

Victory reward:Scylla’s altar

Losing penalty:Death?

“I wish to challenge the altar’s guardian”

A portal appeared behind him and a strange being materialised out of nothing.

The monster was 6 metres tall and had the build of a troll from folklore legends,his right hand was holding a 2 metres tall iron club while his left hand held a long chain covered in iron spikes.

At the top of the monster’s head was a giant eyeball just like the monsters he face before.

Eyeball Hybrid Cyclop lvl 15 (health 200:200)

Without a moments notice the monster attacked Dante with his club in an attempt to fully smash him into paste.

Dante jumped behind and released a cherry crescent attack from his sword’s edge which dealt the monster 40 dmg.

“Not much of a talker are you”

Dante was really pissed,he could barely evade his chain swings .

“I can do that too you know,acid whip”

He used his inner spirit to form a black long whip made of acid,but it didn’t look like the whip would stay in that form for long.

Even the orc lord had not fully adapted to his inner spirit and only used the black liquid to coat his body in defence, Dante could be considered a genius for being able to materialise a whip out of his spirit so soon .


He ducked to evade the spiky chain who was aiming for his neck and tied his acidic whip around the Cyclop’s feet.

The monster started screaming in agony and his eyes seemed to be looking at Dante with fear,however Dante did not plan on showing him any mercy.

He pulled over the whip which made the monster trip and fall down,then he coated his sword with acid and thrusted it deep inside the cyclop’s belly .


The screaming reached the heavens,Dante’s face was covered in purple blood which made him look like a god of war,he looked much scarier compared to the cyclop monster.

“Dark Fireball”

He threw a dark fireball at him which was enough to finish off the already low in health cyclop monster,it’s body dissipated and he received the system notifications .

Notification: Congratulations on defeating the altar’s guardian,you are now awarded the Eyeball Hybrid cyclop inner spirit rank E and the Scylla’s altar full ownership.

You will receive these rewards when the trial ends!

“No drops from him huh,he was quite tough so i was hoping to get that chain mastery skill book”

He opened the door and proceeded further inside,in front of him was now a dark corridor whose edges were filled with spider web traps..........

“Ever heard about cleaning you dirty fucks”

He yelled out of anger once he was stuck in one of the web traps.

The spider nets started vibrating slowly and wailing noises started being heard from deep inside the corridor.

After not being able to free himself from the web trap in quite some time,he decided to engulf himself with his inner spirit and de-materialise the entire trap structure.

Once he imagined himself coated with dark void,his spirit responded!

The void element started burning the spider web traps at a very fast rate but just when he was about to remove the last web string from his leg,3 metre tall one eyed spiders covered the ceiling.


Eyeball spider hybrid (level 12) health 120/120

The ugly eyeball stared down at him and countless spiders started shooting webs.

“Your web is tricky,but it burns quick”

When the web attacks were about to hit him,he started aiming dark fire balls at them.

Every time the spiders released web attacks he would release a dark fire ball which would counter their attacks mid air.

“So its a battle of mana then,lets see whose pool depletes faster”

They kept exchanging attacks until the spiders run out of mana,then he took advantage of this situation by going on the offensive.

“Vitality absorption”

He decided to try this new skill that he got from his inner spirit,it didn’t sound like much but since he had the upper hand he thought it would be no harm if he experimented a little....

A purple-black sphere formed on the palm on his hand and he threw it in the direction of a spider nearby.

The sphere got bigger every second that passed and by the time it reached the spider it totally swallowed the monster inside.

“This.....this is the same skill my spirit used in the arena to absorb the hydra!”

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