《Void Emperor》Profession Trial Dungeon


Maria went on to tell him about the current Business affairs of the Noir family.

“The moment the dungeons appeared your uncle decided to sell most businesses,he only kept 1 bar 5 restaurants,2 shops and the big central casino”

His uncle wasn’t that stupid after all,the moment “cosmic currency” became a thing he knew that the money before would one day lose value .

“Its an order,take the earthly money that we have and use it to buy food or high explosives like rpg-s and bombs...

They still work against below level 20 monsters so lets use them to train our family forces”

When he saw the confusion on her face he added

“Dollar will lose value sooner or later,especially now that the cosmic market issues a “holocard”(hologram credit card) the moment you reach level 20.....In the future everybody will use cosmic coins anyway”

When finished,he told Maria to get the job done fast and meet him at the trial.

After having reached level 20,except for the holocard he also unlocked a new feature called “mini-map” which showed him non hidden dungeon locations around the area.

This mini map only covered 50 metres so he first needed to get to central and look around before finding the trial location.

After getting on Terry’s back he arrived at his destination within minutes,he then opened the mini map and found the trial’s location.

At first he imagined the trial to be a kind of court where he would just use his skills and be judged by an “NPC” but when he arrived there he found the trial to be a dungeon portal.

“Change profession trial”

Select difficulty: easy medium hard

It was common sense to Dante that if he cleared it on high difficulty he might get a better profession/rewards,but he still decided to check out his stats before proceeding any further.


Name:Dante Noir

Inner spirit:Void Fiend(Hydra)

Health:200 Mana:130

Strength: 30 Stamina:50

Skills:Dark FireBall , Flame Javelin,Acid attack ,Binding Whip,Haki(level 1),Double Switch,Vitality absorption,Spirit possession

Passive skills:Immune to poisons,

Fear effect(when using certain skills you can intimidate your opponent)

Basic Swordsmanship

Enhanced senses and evasion

Absorb physical and magical attacks

Spirit Transformation 1(Hydra) 2(blank) 3(blank) 4(blank) 5(blank) 6(blank)

1(Hydra) 3 stages:

Stage 1 - Void Fiend (unlocked)

Stage 2 - Void Fiend Hydra (locked)

Stage 3 - Void Juggernaut (locked)

Skills that can be used during Void Fiend Hydra transformation .

Summon lesser snakes(locked)

Body clone(unlocked)

Spirit swallowing (locked)

Void Corpse Reanimation (locked)

Fate: 10 (reach 100 fate in order to get granted passage to the other world.

The faster you gain your fate the better world options you will have)

He selected the hard difficulty and entered the trial dungeon fully confident .

He trusted his new skills and his S rank inner spirit,there is no way he is going to fall to a mere trial dungeon.

He had already set his eyes on the other world,he had no time to waste in here.

He needed to gather 100 fate fast....

The dungeon portal transported his body inside and he found himself in front of a ruined temple whose statues were destroyed and crumbled.

The temple buildings did not look to be sturdy,not to mention the corrosive air that surrounded the entire area....

“Something here doesn’t feel right”

He tried inspecting the destroyed statue of a girl who was covering her eyes and face with a veil,but no information popped out on his window screen..

“Well,no choice but to check this place out”

He pushed the 5 metres tall temple doors and went inside the building.

The scenery in front of him changed,the temple looked completely untouched in the inside with lights covering the place.


The tables inside were filled with fresh food and a soothing melody could be heard.

“This is creepy,is this the part where a zombie woman comes out and tells me about her evil plans to enslave humanity”

He decided to joke about his situation and sit,but the moment he touched the food the music melody changed into that of a little girl’s crying....

Then the crying turned to wailing and the wailing turned to screaming.

Doors from every side of the hall were opened and giant round eyeballs started entering the hall while crying loudly.

This sight was too weird,these giant eyeballs had small hands and legs and could perfectly walk,their eyelashes looked like their hair which made this whole view even weirder

“Why do you guys have to be crying anyway,it just makes this whole thing annoying “

He took out his sword quickly and tried thrusting his long blade inside an eyeball monster nearby.

A minus -30 appeared over their heads along with their health bar.

Eyeball Hybrid lvl 8 health (50/80)

“Ice shards”

His large mana pool allowed him to burst-hit the monster for a huge amount of time and in high speed however the eyeball monster only seemed to be losing 1 health each time it was hit by ice.

“Is it immune to magic?Or just ice magic in particular “

He summoned a dark fire ball this time and hit the giant eyeball without giving it any time to evade.

The dark fire ball hit it and within less than a second the eyeball was engulfed in fire.

“So your weakness is dark magic huh,you weirdos are so unlucky to have met me”

Dante decided to go on a rampage which would also serve as practice for his new skills,he had to adapt fast and stop relying on Adam and Maria’s help all the time.

Inside the temple hall were around 16 eyeball hybrids,but it took less than 5

Minutes for Dante to take care of them all by using his acid attack,whip binding and dark fireball skills.

Each time their corpses dissipated,they would drop blue gemstones or a chemic bottle filled with colourless liquid,which he decided to inspect after drinking a few lesser health potions.

During the fight just now he was careless and was hit by eyeball hybrids who used water magic,they could basically use their tears as bullets and hit you in high speed.

“Using your tears as an SMG,if i tell anybody about this they will definitely think that i have gone mad”

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