《Void Emperor》Nobles,imperials and the mafias


The situation on the imperial capital was calm,after the monster outbreak the rich families mobilised their underground forces while the government moved their army in order to get rid of the monster threat,by the time Dante and the others got there everything looked fine....

As if dungeons and monsters had never appeared.

The capital was ruled by many different forces,with the strongest being the imperial family which had total control over government’s military affairs,4 noble families which owned different territories and the 10 mafia families who ruled different parts of the capital.

All 4 noble families had the same last name as the imperial family since they were just branches of it,while the 10 mafia families all had different names and had no relations to each other,they were in fact enemies who restlessly fought for territory.

The last name of the noble and imperials was “Blanc” while the Mafia families last names were “Bleu,Gris,Jaune,Marron,Oran,Roze,Rouge,Vert,Violette and Noir”

Dante himself was called Dante Noir,he was the heir to the Noir mafia family before being plotted and sent to prison by his treacherous uncle.

Each prestigious family had a significant emblem,The imperial’s flag was white and had a crowned lion drawn in it,while the noble family flags had 4 white tigers.

The Bleu Family’s emblem was a Blue wolf,the Gris family’s emblem was a grey snake,the Jaune’s family emblem was a yellow panther,the Marrowne’s family emblem was a brown bear,The Oran’s family emblem was an orange eagle,The Roze’s family emblem was a thorny pink rose covered in blood and the Rouge’s family emblem was a red dragon.

As for the Vert(green) and Violette (purple) families,their emblems were only different in colour with both flags having a winged tiger drawn in them.


The Noir’s family emblem was a black tiger which Dante changed it to a Black 9 headed Hydra the moment he took back control of the family .

Together with Maria and the rest of his servants,he took a trip to the capital in order to enter the profession change trial that you had access to once you reached level 20,but first he had to go and pay a visit to his dearest uncle.

The capital forces still relied on guns so they did not have any near death experience resulting to only a few of them awakening,so many top organisation leaders were usurped by their servants who experienced awakening first.

They thought that their family names would be enough to give orders to people in this new era,but in the era of strength nobody wanted to be someone’s slave.

His uncle was the same,he moved family forces to clear out certain dungeons which resulted to many people awakening powers and buying skill books and slaves,with the new strength they now had they dreamt of becoming a new mafia family who would rule territories in the capital.

Once awakened they gathered forces within the Noir family and left in order to conquer neighbouring territories.

By the time Dante and the others reached the old villa,his uncle was only being protected by 50 men holding pistols and Ak,which was not enough to even pierce through Maria’s basic skill “ice wall”

Dante ordered Zecharis to murder all the people who betrayed him without sparing their wives or children as to not let future problems arise,he did not care about morals just like his uncle’s wife and children did not mind taking everything from him,and even locking him up!

“What goes around comes around,now die and stop wasting my time.


I got a trial to attend”

These were the last words heard by his cousin who was laying next to his siblings and parents corpses,he then felt his body slowly melt from an acid attack.

Thankfully,he died so fast that he had no time to experience any pain,it could be considered Dante’s mercy.

“Young master,many of the armed family forces have returned to pledge loyalty to you,it appears that they got over their heads when they awakened but they did not think that other people had awakened too,seems like their leader died in attempt to take control of a few bars and restaurants in the Oran family’s area”

Such result was expected by Dante,so he told Maria to kill their second in command and all those who had enough wit to potentially betray him,he only spared those who only followed orders and did not ask any question.

At first he thought of building his force by just buying slaves however he did not want to waste all his money so he could just nurture his already existing family forces.

“Build the smithy in the villa’s back yard,we will also plant the seeds there.

My paps old office will turn into a laboratory for the old man to do his alchemy thingy,and also find out what has become of my family’s business “

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