《Void Emperor》Spider Queen


“Eyeball spider hybrid rank E”

-Do you wish to absorb the spirit or posses it?

-Current possessions 1 (Hydra)

Remaining possession slots 6 (blank)

“So this is how my spirit transformed from void fiend to void fiend hydra....but with 6 spots available.....does this mean i can posses 6 more spirits and become unrivalled under the heavens?”

He started getting carried away and imagined himself on horseback leading millions of troops conquering countries and overthrowing dynasties,but the sound of a spider water magic attack brought him back to reality.

“Tchh you ugly weaklings woke me up from my inner thoughts,i would never posses such a trashy spirit like yours”

He chose to consume the spider spirit which added +2mana +2 strength +2 stamina

“Just one of you idiots was enough to make me so much stronger,ahhahahahaha now all of you will become my stat points”

He started laughing maniacally while fighting every single one of them,if anyone saw him they would definitely mark him as the neighbourhood’s sex offender .

“Vitality absorption”

The purple black sphere materialised in his palm again and he threw it in the direction of another spider.

-Skill failed,target above 20% of overall health

“Makes sense that it needs the target to be weakened first,it would be too overpowered if it could just swallow anyone regardless of level and stats“

The more he used his skills,the more he understood that his inner spirit is unrivalled.

“There is no way you guys wont be my stat points,i will absorb you today one way or another”

Since he just needed to leave them at below 20% of their overall health,he decided to hit them with dark lightning chain and then use vitality absorption on them......

The battle lasted for 2 hours since the spiders were restless,by the end of the battle his mana pool was totally depleted,his stamina bar was at 0 and he had lost half his health.


However he had gained a lot since the number of monsters that he used his skill on marked 78 .

The moment a monster dropped below 20% health his vitality absorption skill would swallow and refine it into a inner spirit fragment.

He could then choose to either absorb it or keep it for future uses.

“I will absorb 18 of them and keep the remaining 60 for the spirit beast arena”

He started laughing like a madman again,just the possibilities that he was imagining made him tremble from excitement!

What if he put 10 eyeball spider inner spirits in his spirit beast arena?

The surviving spider would probably evolve into a spider queen and he could do this 6 times.....

“The heavens truly seem to be favouring me,such is the fate of magnificent people like myself....6 spider queens hehehehe i will truly rule over everything “

The moment he mentioned the word spider queen,a giant spider web was shot from the dark part of the corridor and hit him on his chest crushing him to the wall on high speed.

Talk about a twist of fate!

That hit alone took 90 health from him,he was barely alive and was coughing blood .

“Guess i spoke too soon,khem...fuckkkk...”

He had no strength to stand up,even if he somehow managed to recover he still wasn’t sure if he would be able to free himself from the spider web.

He only had 10 health left and he feared that if he drank any potions this monster will use that opportunity to hit him again,he needed to remain vigilant.

Rumble noises started being heard from the darkness that reigned over the deepest part of the corridor,the whole ceiling soon started shaking.

A 2 metre tall head was the first thing that became visible to him,it had 6 giant eyeballs around it,then a giant 10 metre body followed which scared the living shit out of him,it really looked like he was going to die this time,how could he fight such monstrosity with only 10% of his overall health?!


“Talk about bad luck,i did not provoke this hideous thing...why did she come out of the boss room”

He had planned on slowly recovering for a couple of hours before entering the boss room and clearing the dungeon,but who would have thought that the boss would leave the room and come chase him for

No reason!

“Wait...haha....i guess i did kill about 80 of your children so it makes sense for you to come after me”

The spider queen’s eyes turned red,it looked like she could understand him.

She spit on each of her limbs and prepared herself to attack him.

“Adding poison to your attacks?

I have never seen such a coward bitch,i am already seriously wounded.....”

He smiled at her enraged look for a bit before adding

“Well i guess i have no choice but to eat your children”

He picked up all 18 of the soul fragments that he had left aside for absorption,and swallowed them as fast as he could.

3 small bars (+36 strength) (+36 stamina) +36 mana) appeared at the top of his head.

Now that he had a bit of mana,he used void acid to melt the spider web and tried running back to the temple’s hall.

The spider queen ,enraged from watching her “children” get eaten by Dante,had already decided to even chase him to the depths of hell in order to kill him.

If she could speak in human language she would have already yelled 50 different curses at him,right now she was the very definition of a beast’s berserk state.

“I am inside a temple,and i am running...

Talk about deja vus from that annoying game”

Ever five steps he would fire acid attacks right at the spider queen,but her being level 25 (health 300/300) meant that her durability was also super high....besides ,spiders were poisonous themselves to begin with so acidic poison was not the best way to counter them.

Once he reached the temple doors he decided to fight back,he knew there is no time for him to open those damned giant doors,the spider would probably kill him before he gets the chance.

“Well,time to try that new attack then.

Lets see if i am fated to live through this...

Flame Javelin”

A 100 centimetres tall javelin made of scorching dark flames appeared on his right hand,and he threw it in the direction of the chasing boss who was only 5 metres behind him.

He then quickly attacked the ceiling with his sword’s skill cherry crescent and used binding whip spirit skill in order to trap the spider queen under the soon-to-crumble ceiling.

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