《Void Emperor》Imperial Capital


“S rank should be the highest rank....this thing is strong even though its evil so i am going to merge with it,wish me luck”

He swallowed the little sphere without thinking too much about it,he thought that if he does it while feeling confident the integration will be smoother.

The void fiend spirit entered his conciseness and spread its power on his very core,the mana pool was being filled with a black and purple liquid and his own blood was being mixed with a dark substance.


The pain was almost unbearable but he had to withstand it.

“Young master here drink this”

Maria rushed near him holding health potions but she was stopped from Harley who wouldn’t let her go any further.

“Whats the meaning of this,are you hoping he will die so you can be free”

Harley started taking off her clothes slowly,when she saw Maria’s confused look she decided to explain her intentions.

“Masters body is currently fighting 2 evil energies that might corrode with his own and take control of his conciseness.

I will burden myself with helping him release those evil energies through sexual intercourse”

Maria’s face was weirded out.

“I knew you were a slut from how you seduced the young master,but dont you think this is going a bit too far,even for you?”

Maria’s remarks did not stop Harley in the slightest,she removed all her clothes and embraced Dante in front of everybody.

“There is no need for you to look at me like that,the only one who is allowed to have this body of mine is master,besides this is really to help him out.My inner spirit is a demon fox,dual cultivation is an old technique used by the 9 tailed fox goddess herself”


Maria dismissed her words as utter bullshit and tried protesting but Dante was not paying any attention to her so she decided to give up.

“What is this scent” he felt Harley’s embrace “what do you think you’re doing?

Feeling that she was trying to seduce him through her power,Dante tried resisting which led to Harley explaining everything to him. “There is no need for you to hold back,i am yours master you can do anything you want to me “ she started whispering in his ear

Dante did not buy her dual cultivation bullshit at all but all he needed was a reason not to refuse,so he let himself go and embraced his lust and desire.

The violent energies inside his body started calming down,and pink coloured flames started engulfing both of their bodies,however it did not hurt and it wasn’t hot,it just calmed down their inner spirits.

When their ‘business’ was over,Dante’s inner spirit and energies had become stabile,the spirit integration was successful.

He now had full control of his spirit and could do all sorts of new things that he couldn’t before,and in front of all the prying eyes he put some clothes on and started testing his new powers.

“Since it doesn’t have a meditation technique it’s safe to assume that you can grow your strength by absorbing other’s vitality,this is sinister but i wont mind it as long as i can get stronger and survive”

He imagined covering himself with the dark liquid that the orc lord used before and his inner spirit reacted by coming out and coating his body .

He could send it to coat every limb to make it strong or even cover every inch of his body and make it serve as a strong layer of defence,he could also attack with it by using it to strangle opponents or burn them with it’s acid like substance.


He imagined himself holding a sphere of dark smoke and liquid and the sphere formed in his hand,acidic particles started dripping from the spheral ball which melted the entire floor within seconds.

“Acidic attack”

He threw the sphere in the already damaged front wall, a splattering noise was heard and the wall disappeared from their eyes,completely melted.

It looked as if the acid was made out of super small living organisms that could consume the wall in super speed,thats how ridiculous its power us.

He practiced a few more attacks and combos,than he used the new skill books to learn new skills ,he had now gotten much stronger and could even solo the orc lord.

“Sorry if i made you wait long,i was a bit excited “

He started justifying his actions to them even though he did not need to,only Maria was the one that tried scolding him and calling his actions vulgar but she was only jealous of not being the one to embrace him

“If my actions were such an ugly sight,why didn’t you guys leave the room then”

“We needed to stay and protect the master until he managed to fully merge his spirit with the void fiend”

Adam held a firm resolve while saying something so stupid,he really was the weirdest of the bunch.

It was tough arguing with that anyway.....so he just decided to pretend like nothing happened

“Did you get any information,what’s the army doing?”

“We saw military forces the second we got out of the orc’s dungeon,they asked us if we knew anything about the museum’s missing relics,they said they were symbolic treasures of the people”

Symbolic treasures my ass,they just wanted the artifacts for themselves.

“They have already cleared the imperial capital without much losses,they have now stated to make a move on the surrounding cities,they should be able to clean up the monsters within a week”

Dante reached level 20 within a day,even though it would now be much harder to level up since the xp bar had become much longer and harder to fill,it was still within prediction that the government’s top officers might reach level 40 or 50 if they constantly kill monsters for a week.

“We need to make a move before them,I received my class change token and i assume so has Maria.We need to go and do the class changing trial in the imperial capital.......”

His eyes darkened and his jaws tightened

“Wait for me uncle,i am coming to settle our debt,you will pay for stealing all my assets that I inherited from my parents”

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