《Void Emperor》Orc Lord


By the time he killed the high orcs,his entire mana pool was depleted.

“I dont know if i will be of much use against the boss monster,you might have to go all out this time ”

The drops from the high orcs were a lot but they were also a bit weird.

“Orc Flesh 28x”

What were they going to do with 28 chunks of orc meat?

“Could it be that it tastes like pork?But its all bloody and it feels weird eating a humanoid creature”

Other then flesh,they also dropped iron armour,battle axes and high tiered orc leather that could be useful to someone with a tailor skill,unfortunately,they didn’t know anyone with that profession.

“Orcish Armour”

Rough piece of work made by a non experienced blacksmith suffering under extreme conditions.

Defence +30 durability (100/100)

Skill:Impregnable Wall

His mana had barely regenerated at 8,so he decided to put all the stat points he had gained from this fight in mana.

Their levels had increased a lot after this fight,Dante and Maria were level 18 while Adam was 15.

As the last one to join the team,Zecharis was still only level 5,Harley on the other hand was still level 12 but it was justified since she had not joined the fight yet.

He told them to distribute the stat points in a way that would benefit them in the upcoming fight against the orc lord,he himself put all 9 points on mana.

His total mana was now 70 which also increased his mana regeneration by 20%,so after buying a few mana potions from the cosmic market and after a few minutes rest he managed to recover more than half his mana.

“We can have a go at it again,the fire is almost reaching the second floor but this guy still hasn’t come out”


With the fire climbing higher and higher,it even made Zecharis who was sitting on the rooftop feel uncomfortable.


He unleashed another dark fireball and set the second floor on fire,this was his last try,if the boss still did not come out of the building he would burn him alive with no regards for the prisoners and the riches inside.


Galloping sounds were heard and the second floor front wall was blasted away by a big foot,the orc lord finally made his appearance.

He was much different from the orcs that they faced before,his skin was dark, not light brown and his muscles were much thicker.

His stature looked quite majestic for a monster,not to mention the fact that he was riding a big red wolf who for some reason,had horns .

Orc Lord:Bertland (Evolved)

Health (250/250) level 25

Inner spirit:Void Fiend(not awakened)


“Wait,monsters can talk??!”

Maria was not the first one to be surprised by this fact,Dante was too however,now that he thought about it monsters talking was not such a strange thing.

“He seems to be speaking in another language,but because of the system’s help we can understand him..wait a second”

They had not noticed before but even the slaves that he bought spoke foreign,they kind of are monsters so it makes sense for dungeon monsters to be able to communicate too.They paid no attention to the orcs that they killed before and goblins dont have a high enough intelligence so communication is impossible to them,thats why they did not notice them speaking before.



At the Orc’s order,the red wolf opened his mouth and released a giant red fireball towards them.

“Ice wall”

Maria tried stopping it with her Ice wall spell but the wall melted before the fire even made contact with it,it looked like a high level spell.

“Disperse “

They moved quickly and each in different directions so the red fire ball did not manage to hit anyone.... however,the fire particles started surrounding them after blasting the wall.

Nobody knew how such a thing happened but they decided to think that natural wind had a role in it,they just did not like the possibility of it being a calculated attack.

“Attack him,now”

Even though he was coughing from all the smoke,he still managed to give the order.

Zecharis started hitting the Orc lord with poisoned arrows while Terry and Harley fell down in high speed and attacked him.

The orc lord had not predicted such a possibility,he was completely caught by surprise.

“Keep at it ,go for the kill”

Terry fell from the sky looking like a giant arrow while Harley aimed for the orcs eyes with her claws.

After feeling the danger coming to his master,the Firewolf shot another big fireball in Maria’s direction.

“No this time you wont”

Adam jumped forward and tanked it by using his skill “aegis” which could defend against attack for 5 seconds.

A loud explosion was heard!

“My fireball spell looks like a child’s play compared to this,i feel ashamed of using it”

Terry’s giant beak had managed to pierce through the orc lord’s tough skull while Harley’s claw took his left eye.

The orc’s head was covered in blood which made his appearance even more scary.

“AGGRRGHHHH” enraged by their tricks

He wielded his giant Cub and smashed both Terry and Harley away....that attack alone managed to leave both of them with 2 health.

After seeing that he had finally recovered his full mana,Dante hit him with dark lightning 3 times in a row dealing him a total of 100 dmg.

“He has high defence to still be standing after all that”

The only thing left for him to do was to use the skill from his new ring artifact “Helmsing’s ring”

Skill: Red Cage

Trap any enemy inside a red cage .

Duration: 5 seconds

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