《An Empire Divided》9 Staggering
“I understand uncle, but honestly, what do you think about the contestants, Sir Remy, Sir Lois?” Percy said as he massaged the back of his head. He asked the senior knights as he would not dare ask his uncle directly. The ladies all turned expectantly at the knights.
“I do not know the abilities of the Feydans, I would not dare judge them” Sir Lois was the younger of the two knights “Kreso Cerny on the other hand, him I know, but I don’t think he has what it takes to take on Dubois or Belmont” Luka, lord Damian and Sir Remy agreed with that assessment.
“Could Captain Dubois take on Sir Belmont?” Danielle asked curious.
“On a real match, I think he could, but as a friendly duel, I am not sure, I think Belmont has the upper hand in this case” it was Sir Remy who answered Danielle, he was older than lord Damian, and a very respected knight on his own right in Loire.
“Why is that Sir Remy?” Noelle asked curious about the answer “Why would it be different in a real match?”
“Pardon my language my lady, but Dubois is a crafty bastard. I have seen him lower his guard on purpose, he lets the enemy graze him in order to create an opportunity, he would gladly take a shallow cut for a chance of piercing his opponent” as he explained, Frey felt a chill on her back.
“You mean, he deliberately allows the enemy to hurt him, isn’t that a bit masochist” Noelle replied distressed by the knight explanation.
“It is a trade Noelle, it happens in any fight, and sometimes that is what is needed to best your opponent, the important thing is to always have the better end of it, Dubois is a very complete combatant, however, he is not young, Sir Belmont has an edge because of this, I agree with Remy, in a real match Dubois is more dangerous” as lord Damian finished his explanation, the crow was starting to get nervous, at the arena the first fight was about to begin.
The matches had been decided in advance, to win the event any contestant would need three victories. All the weapons were dulled, and no magical gear had been allowed. It would be a display of pure skill and prowess.
“Frey, what did Aedrik said to princess Loraine yesterday?” Danielle asked in a lower voice so just Frey, Noelle and Lea who were sitting together could hear it “I have never seen her so distressed” Frey remembered the few words Aedrik had spoken to the princess, and for once she welcomed Danielle’s conversation, she was getting anxious to watch the matches.
“I am sorry Danielle; I cannot tell you, they were meant for the princess alone” Frey apologized to Danielle.
“Fine, but at least tell me about the prince, proposition to you, you told me yesterday you would when we had a chance” Frey could not help but blush as she recalled what had happened yesterday, now Noelle, Lea and Cecile had come closer to listen to their conversation.
“Percy said Aedrik had asked for everyone to leave the room, except for aunt, uncle and you” Darn Percy and his big mouth, she turned to look for help, but all the ladies were expectant, even Noelle. She had told her sister part of what had happened, she had even told her sister about how Aedrik’s eyes were his fey trait, but she had not gone into detail, she wanted to talk with Aedrik about it, but they had so much to talked about, she had forgotten.
“He apologized for introducing himself as Nord Stern at the library” Frey began, and she noticed, the rest of the ladies in their group had forgotten about the event “He presented himself, as Aedrik Lachdanan le Fay, the fourth prince of the Fey Danan Empire”
“I liked that, he also apologized when he greeted me at the ball yesterday” Noelle intervened.
“And then?” Danielle would not let Frey get away from this.
“He apologized once more” the young ladies all were frowning, and Frey could not help but smile.
“He said he would have liked to have had more time, that way he could ask for father’s permission to court me” as she spoke, she could feel the rush of blood coming to her cheeks.
“Wait, then why did he ask for your hand in marriage?” Danielle blurted out “Ouch, that hurts aunt Liliane” Aunt Liliane was pinching Danielle as discreetly as possible.
“You are a lady Danielle, your question is rude, especially to ask to your cousin” Lady Liliane reprimanded.
“It is fine, aunt, I know Danielle it’s just curious” Frey continued but she talked more quietly “I’ll tell you Danielle, but somewhere more private” Frey had no problem explaining the condition the King had asked for Aedrik, the people around her were those she really cared about, her family, but she noticed other lords and ladies, interested in their conversation, and the royal family were sitting, just a few meters from them.
“Thank you, Frey, and I’m sorry” Danielle apologized “Can you share something else?” Aunt Liliane sighed loudly; Frey smiled at her cousin.
“He said he wanted to talk with me, to earn my smile and laughter” Frey knew she was blushing as she remembered, yet she would not say anything about his eyes “he wanted to share his duties and responsibilities with me, if I would have him” Frey was completely embarrassed and red, next to her the other ladies were all smiles.
“And then you began interrogating him, just after he had asked for your hand in marriage as he was on his knees waiting for your response” lady Lunebleau added, and Frey felt her stomach turn.
“She did what?” Noelle asked curious.
“She thoroughly and ruthlessly questioned his reasons, for liking her” Frey’s mother said delighted, Frey began considering volunteering for the joust was not a bad choice.
“That sounds exactly like something you’ll do, Frey” Lea said grinning.
“We had just met, I needed to hear his reasons” Frey tried to defend herself.
“A man likes you Frey, a prince, fancies you. Why would you ask his reasons?” Danielle was flabbergasted “Even if you’ve just met a day before, you don’t ask for his reasons”
“Well, it was important for me”
“And then she asked him to take out a truth checker” Lady Lunebleau continued the story, Frey felt the blood leaving her body at her mother’s words.
“You did WHAT?” Noelle eyes were wide open and looking at Frey with incredulity, it was incredible rude to use a truth checker in matters of love, Frey wanted to defend herself, but everyone was now into the conversation.
“You do not do that Frey, that is just wrong” Percy also said frowning, even René and Luka were paying attention.
“Then she had him ask again” Lady Lunebleau said as she look to her daughter with a mix of pride and tenderness.
“I can’t believe this… to a foreign prince” Danielle took her hands to her face.
“Talk about having some nerve, you are my hero Frey” Anne added impressed much to Frey dismay.
“Shut up you two, what happened next, Aunt Margaux?” the usually quiet Cecile, asked very invested in the conversation.
“They took a promise together, Frey’s ring was the result of the promise” Lady Lunebleau said smiling.
“What about the truth checker?” Lea asked and Frey went pale.
“Well, neither of them bothered to even look at it” Frey had not for a moment needed to look at the coin Aedrik had taken out. She was certain of his and her words, last night, but perhaps…
“Did you?” Frey asked her mother and everyone’s eyes turned to lady Lunebleau.
“Do you want to know?” Lady Lunebleau asked her daughter with a loving but serious tone, Frey just smiled in response.
“No, I know already” Frey felt it, she knew it. How strange, how wonderful, how quickly love took over one’s heart. She saw her mother smiling tenderly at her.
“Well, I do, where their words true?” Percy asked to his aunt, and Frey had never wanted to punch her cousin in the face, as much as she was right now.
“It is not your right to know, if Frey does not care, then that is that” Danielle responded to her brother, surprising everyone but Frey. For all Danielle loved gossips and dreamed of courtships, she truly valued the idea of falling in love.
“Danielle is right, Percy, and even if I wanted to tell you, I was holding my tears at that moment, so I could not see” Lady Lunebleau said with a mischievous smile “Damian on the other hand…” Everyone’s eyes now fell on lord Lunebleau, who was looking at the event on the arena.
The first two fights have already ended, Captain Dubois had bested Kreso Cerny. The captain of the royal guard had proven resourceful; he had forced Kreso on the retreat, managed to find a space on his defense and connected a direct hit. Kreso conceited the match after that.
The second fight had been between, Lieutenant Gerard and Siv Svenson. The Feydan woman, had danced around the lieutenant, she managed to pass his defense and stroke him several times avoiding his flail, until he admitted defeat. The lieutenant looked hurt at the end of the combat, but he had been too stubborn to conceit the match.
“Pay attention to this match Percy” lord Damian told his nephew. At the arena Sir Belmont and Skafeld Urn, were having an intense fight.
The Feydan had managed to withstand Belmont’s explosive strength and speed, but he could not pass on the offensive. On the stands, many lords and knights were surprised the Feydan had been managing to put a decent fight against Belmont.
The knight of Loire, moved around the Feydan looking for an opening with little success, suddenly Belmont tossed his shield and began an even more aggressive offensive, he moved at a speed that a man his size should not possess.
Skafeld blocked and dodged, but there was little else he could do. After a series of consecutive hits, his shield broke, Belmont stopped his onslaught and the Feydan admitted his defeat.
The crowd was going wild. The Feydan approached Belmont and congratulate him, the knight did likewise, and they left the arena.
“Belmont has improved, he was not that fast” Percy said with a sour tone.
Frey stood up, as she saw Aedrik entering the arena, he smiled and waved at her, when he noticed her standing. His rival, lord Allard entered the arena behind him. As both challengers reached the center, they greeted each other. Aedrik, easy going face, now turned calm as he sized his opponent. Aedrik carried only his great sword, lord Allard was armed with a warmace and shield.
"May this be a good fight" Aedrik said to lord Allard, as they took their positions. Lord Allard was almost 40, he was as tall as Aedrik but, the Feydan wide shoulders make him appear bigger. The lord readied his warmace and shield. Aedrik had his greatsword resting on his right shoulder and held a two-handed grip on it. Both opponents were waiting for the trumpet to start the fight.
"Aedrik has a wide defense" lord Damian explained, he and Percy had been discussing every match for the ladies, with the other men sharing their opinions from time to time "Lord Allard is a sly fox, he will want to take the initiative, I would not like to test if the rumors about Aedrik's strength are true"
Frey had been marveled with Siv Svenson participation and liked how Captain Dubois bested Cerny. She could not help but root for Loire, but Siv had won her, and she felt the Feydan had won every noble lady present, and even some lords had praised her.
Now she could not deny it, she wanted Aedrik to win, and yet there was that knot on her stomach, she was worried. How could her mother managed to look so calm, whenever her father or Luka have entered any other joust or have gone to a fight.
The trumpet rang, and as lord Damian predicted, lord Allard pounced on Aedrik, his mace however, met only air. Aedrik moved swiftly, a quick step forward, let the lord pass by him, and in a natural movement, Aedrik’s great sword fell on the unprotected back of the lord, but the sword edge just grazed his armor, with Aedrik backing away from him.
Everyone was dumbfounded, had Aedrik wanted, he could have hurt lord Allard, instead he just grazed him, in a terrifying display of speed and control. Frey's heart stopped, her father had once explained her, that between fighters, there were those who reached a different level of skill. They were superior combatants; their physical abilities were different and their abilities terrifying. That humans had managed to stand to natural stronger races, was in no small manner thanks to magic and these superior individuals.
Those who have fought with lord Allard before, felt goosebumps at what had just happened. Lord Allard himself, was drenched in cold sweat after he felt the sword graze his back. He turned and conceded the match.
"I am sorry my lord, it was not my intention to make you look bad, but your pounce left me few choices that could avoid hurting you" Aedrik said sincerely.
"I am just glad we are allies, your majesty" the lord extended his hand towards the prince, Aedrik took it smiling back at lord Allard “Thank you, for your concern and I wish you luck on your next fight"
As both men shook hands, the crowd began applauding, they were not certain the fight had ended until they saw the exchanged. Lord Allard, bowed as to apologize to the crowd, and the applause grew louder.
"Prince Aedrik, bested lord Hubert Allard, with a fabulous display of speed" the announcer commented "The winners of the first round are, Royal Guard Captain Dubois" cheers and applause "Siv Svenson", this time the Feydan was applauded and cheered, many women were yelling "Sir Belmont" the cheers and applause exploded "and as you just witnessed, Prince Aedrik" the crow roared as well, Frey was cheering, and so was everyone around her.
"He has solid footwork, that step and turn was impeccable" lord Damian told Percy.
"He is faster than you uncle, lord Allard had no chance" said Percy "Your fiancé is scary Frey" Frey saw her father made no more comments.
"That man is dangerous" Sir Remy said to Sir Lois "The way he stopped his swing at the last second, that amount of control is terrifying" Sir Lois nodded at his friend opinion.
"The next combat will be between Siv Svenson and Sir Belmont" the applause increased, whistles and cheers "BLACK ROSE, BLACK ROSE" the crowd roared as Sir Belmont entered the arena, followed by Siv Svenson.
"We have witnessed Siv strength and speed, and we all know Sir Belmont fierceness, this will be another fantastic match" the announcer kept the crowd ignited.
Sir Belmont had chosen the same weapons, a long sword and shield, and a mace at his waist. Siv had changed her short spear for a halberd and kept the short sword and shield.
"The halberd is a smart choice; she needs to keep Belmont at a distance” Luka commented this time.
"Her speed won’t be enough, Belmont its sturdy, even if she manages to keep him at bay, how much damage can she do" Percy argued and his comment made Noelle angry.
"Can she do anything, then?" Noelle asked her father. He saw that every woman nearby was waiting for his response.
"If she can keep her distance, she could try to hinder him, that is what I would do" lord Damian answered saving some face with his daughter.
As friendly duels, the combats were expected to happen fast to keep everyone entertained. The sound of the trumpet announced the beginning of the match. Belmont leap towards Siv, but as expected, the Feydan, kept him away skillfully using the halberd to halt Belmont’s advance.
It looked easy but you had to be adept with a halberd for being able to keep Belmont at bay. Siv was trying to flank him, or hinder him, but the halberd always met his shield. The fight went on like for a while, until Siv saw and opening, she swung the halberd to Belmont's exposed face.
Before the halberd could reach him however, he brought his shield to the body of the halberd, breaking it in half. He had baited her attack and was ready with a counter for it. As the halberd broke, Belmont leaned in for a strike, Siv managed to slip past it, she wanted to retaliate but Belmont had gone out her reach, trading their places.
Now Belmont had the range vantage with his long sword and size. He went full offensive on Siv. She was holding her ground, dodging, and parrying, but there was little else she could do, she was fierce, and kept looking for an opportunity, but the man was a mass of steel descending on her.
That exchanged lasted for half a minute, Belmont was dominating the fight, but he lacked the punch to finish it. They stopped for a moment to look at each other. Belmont was unfazed but Siv was breathing heavily.
In that moment, Aedrik, came near the arena and said something to Siv. She turned towards her prince, nodded, and then lifted her hand, conceding the match.
"WHAT WAS THAT" Percy was angry "She was holding her ground against Belmont, what is wrong with your fiancé Frey"
As much as she did not like it, Frey felt angry at Aedrik as well. Noelle was also displeased. Here was a warrior woman, putting everything on the line, and then she was asked to drop it.
"This is a friendly match Percy, what part of it did you not understand" Luka reprimanded Percy "as much as I dislike the man, he is a knight to the bone, he had every advantage, but he was withholding his strength. Siv was fast and crafty, he would have needed to pummel her down to end the fight, and she knew it. I applaud her skill and courage, but she would end up hurt, Aedrik did the right thing stopping the fight"
Frey saw her father as well as Sir Remy nodding at Luka. She calmed down, this was a friendly match, she had been carried away by Siv incredible display of skill and determination, but there was no need for someone to end up hurt, she felt a bit ashamed jumping on conclusions.
The crowd was still confused with the result, some people were booing, but Belmont had come and offered his hand to Siv, a knight’s salute, she took it and grinned.
Many knights and lords began applauding, which in turn managed to convince the crowd, and the cheer "BLACK ROSE, BLACK ROSE" rose once more, for all the distasteful end of the fight, their knight had still won.
"Excellent display of skill with a halberd by Siv Svenson, she held for some time against Sir Belmont, but was outmatched in the end” Sir Belmont and Siv left the arena promptly, there was little time between combats, to keep the event interesting.
"The next match will be between Royal Guard Captain Dubois and the Fey Danan prince" once more the crowd erupted in applause.
The captain entered the arena armed with just a longsword and shield, Aedrik carried the same greatsword resting on his shoulders. Like he did before, he stopped to smile and wave at Frey before he went to the center of the arena.
"This match should tell us what Aedrik can do" Sir Remy said "Dubois is in a better physical condition than lord Allard, and has an enormous amount of experience"
"Crafty, he is devious and crafty" Sir Lois replied "Dubois is fast and strong as well, that is why he made it to captain of the royal guard"
Frey looked at both men, Aedrik was taller, and looked intimidating with his broad figure and the greatsword resting on his shoulder, his eyes focused on his opponent. The captain had taken a defensive stance with his shield in front and his longsword leaning on it.
"Dubois is serious" lord Damian intervened "he thinks Aedrik might be faster than him, he is going to look for a pierce attack" as the lord finished explaining the trumpet signaled the start of the combat.
Neither Aedrik or the captain jumped on each other, Aedrik advanced a step and the captain retreated one. They were moving slowly, in circles, Aedrik would from time-to-time step towards the captain, and in response the captain retreated, respecting the reach of Aedrik’s greatsword.
Suddenly Aedrik leaned in with a fast strike, the captain did not react in time, he could not retreat, his shield blocked the greatsword, but the force of the blow pushed the captain backwards.
This gave Aedrik a chance for a consecutive strike, he swung again, Dubois once more blocked the attack, and as it had happened the first time, he was sent back by the force of Aedrik’s strike. Aedrik was gaining distance between them with each swing.
"Aedrik is making space for a big swing" Percy noted "He will nail Dubois if he can get enough space"
"Dubois is baiting it" Sir Remy cut in "He will strike Aedrik when he changes his grip"
"Crafty bastard" Sir Lois added.
As they said, Aedrik last attack had made enough space for a broader swing. He spread his legs, and changed the grip on his greatsword, as he prepared to attack.
Dubois who had been pushed back by Aedrik, made a quick step and pounced at the change of position; he was aiming for the Aedrik’s chest. Frey's heart stopped, Dubois sword however, was met midair by Aedrik’s gauntlet.
Aedrik deflected the incoming sword with the back of his gauntlet, he followed the natural movement of his posture and kicked the captain in the chest with his right leg. Dubois was sent backwards like a rag doll, tumbling about on the dirt, the crowed exploded.
"I say it again, that man is dangerous" Sir Remy said as he pointed at Aedrik
"He was the one who baited Dubois, ha ha" Sir Lois laughed "Bested at his own game"
The captain lost his sword and shield as he tumbled on the ground. The fight was over, Aedrik went and offered his hand to help the captain stand up.
"Dubois made a stupid call there" Lord Damian said in a low voice.
"He could’ve hurt Aedrik" Luka responded to his father.
They both gave a discreet look to the King, who was applauding like many others. Frey felt a rush of anger. Aedrik had stopped before hurting lord Allard and had made Siv conceit her fight to avoid injury, and the captain of the royal guard had tried to hurt him? that was not friendly at all.
The captain was confused on the ground still, he saw the prince offering a hand, hesitate for a second then took it. "This is just a friendly match captain" Aedrik said in a cold and low voice, the captain said nothing in response. After he helped him stand up, he left the arena without saying anything else, the captain staggering, picked his weapons and left the arena.
“A magnificent display of ability, the attack from Royal Guard Captain Dubois, was dismantled by the Fey Danan prince" the crowd began cheering "NORTH STAR, NORTH STAR" much to Frey's surprise the crowd was applauding, from the Fey Danan tent, came roars and cheers.
"His broad shoulders are not just for show" Noelle commented fascinated as the applause carried across the arena.
“Captain Dubois was sent flying even though he had plate armor” Danielle added impressed as well “How hard did Aedrik hit him”
"Norkrieger infantry learn to fight with everything available" Sir Lois was explaining to his daughter Lea "What the prince did requires incredible reflexes. His kick used his natural stance, hence why it had strength and speed"
"Can our knights do that?" Lea asked amazed by Aedrik’s display.
"What the prince did, is not something anyone can do” Sir Remy intervened, and his response still left Lea confused. She turned to her father, who laughed at her confusion.
"We have finally reached the end of the first event” the announcer began once more “For the final round, we have the match everyone has been waiting for, a combat between the Black Rose of Loire” The crowd roared “BLACK ROSE, BLACK ROSE, BLACK ROSE” even nobles and knights had joined the cheers.
"And the North Star, of the Fey Danan Empire" the crowd applauded, but they did not continue cheering, at the noble stands only the Lunebleaus and Beumonts applauded and cheered, Lea, Noelle, Anne, and Danielle were screaming. Frey also noticed, the royal duke and his wife cheered as well. From the Fey Danan delegation tent, came whistling and the sound of metal, as they banged anything they had at hand.
Frey heart was racing, she touched the ring on her hand, and was surprised to find Aedrik’s heartbeat was very calm, easing the nervousness she was feeling. She did not care about the result of the combat, all she wanted was for Aedrik to come out of the combat unharmed.
“A lady must trust and support their partner” Lady Lunebleau told her daughter in the ear “Yet, I am sure, he might like seeing you worry about him, either way, don’t over think it Frey” Frey looked at her mother, and nodded.
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