《An Empire Divided》10 The Rose and the Star
Sir Claude Belmont entered the arena dressed in his emblematic black plate and imposing sight, behind him Aedrik, entered the arena with his half armor, his impressive physique however made him look as big as Belmont, even though he was just a bit shorter.
Belmont had entered the arena armed only with his longsword, his mace and shield had been left behind. Aedrik on the other hand had once more chosen the great sword as his only weapon, for the match.
"Smart move by Belmont" Percy said "The longsword is faster than Aedrik's great sword, Belmont has seen how fast Aedrik is, without his mace and shield, he hopes to match Aedrik’s speed"
"He also has a natural longer reach, making the greatsword size irrelevant" Luka added to Percy’s comment.
As Aedrik had done on the last matches, he stopped to smile and wave to Frey before heading for the center of the arena, where Sir Belmont was waiting for him.
"Thank you, Sir Claude" Aedrik told the man in black armor “I appreciate your concern with Siv”
"Lord Allard is a fine man, I only returned the favor" a rough voice came as a reply. Belmont was wearing a chain mail hood. The knight had a pleasant face with delicate features, but his gaze was fierce. As both combatants stood at the center of the arena, the crowd went silent. The Black Rose of Loire against the North Star of the Fey Danan Empire.
If Aedrik lost the match, Loire would look magnificent. One of their knights would have bested not only one of the Empire’s best, but an heir of the imperial family, even though this was meant to be a friendly match, the Kingdom would celebrate the victory. However, if Aedrik won, the King’s decision of forming an alliance with the Empire will have been proven correctly, giving more power to his faction at the council of nobles.
Frey knew Aedrik was aware of this. The King had nothing to lose, he would win either way, was this the way to treat and ally? and yet Aedrik had smiled when he talked with her about it. The trumpet announced the start of the match, taking Frey away from her thoughts.
The two men in the arena had not moved an inch. Aedrik had the same wide stance, his greatsword resting on his right shoulder, Belmont had taken a high guard as a response. Both men were looking at their opponent, searching for an opening or mistake on their stances.
"Belmont made the right choice with a high defense, though I have not seen him taken it before " Percy began commenting
"That is because his opponents usually wore a shield, and he is wary of Aedrik's speed" Luka responded.
Belmont was the first to move, he slowly advanced a step, but Aedrik made no response, keeping his stance at the ready, where he stood.
"That's ballsy" Percy added "He should be trying to keep enough distance for his greats word, and yet, he is letting Belmont get closer"
Belmont once more took a step closer, both men were in range for a swing, but Aedrik remained still, that made Belmont hesitate for a moment, and the knight started circling around Aedrik.
The lords and knights of Loire had a complicated feeling with the scene. Belmont would make anyone one of them stand on edge, and now, he was hesitant. The knight changed his stance, dropping his high guard for one similar to Aedrik’s, if the prince would forfeit the offensive, the knight would not pass the opportunity.
Belmont was about to make a sidestep, but instead he sprinted forward, bringing his longsword full might over Aedrik, who in turned responded with a lighting fast strike, retaliating with power. Steel met steel, but Aedrik’s sword was heavier, Belmont had to take a step back from the exchanged, and yet Aedrik had not followed behind his parry, he was instead, waiting for Belmont.
"How old is the prince?" Sir Remy asked to no one in particular
"22" Frey replied without taking her eyes from the pair at the arena, as Belmont was once more circling around Aedrik.
"Your prince is patient, Frey, so much, it creeps me out, especially considering how young he is" Sir Remy commented.
After a few quick exchanges, Belmont stopped, he changed his posture completely, he was going to charge Aedrik, the crowd who had been quiet for a while, felt the change in Belmont and began roaring “BLACK ROSE, BLACK ROSE, BLACK ROSE, BLACK ROSE” and as if he had been fire up by the crowd chanting his name, Belmont became a flurry.
The knight took a step closer towards Aedrik before he began his onslaught with fury. As the longsword fell, Aedrik parried the attack, but this time Belmont had not been sent backwards, the knight pushed his offensive, his longsword rained on Aedrik, who kept parrying each one of the knight attacks. Belmont advanced a little with each swing, closing the distance between them, Aedrik kept parrying not moving from where he had started the fight, a masterful display of defense.
Belmont longsword was trying to pummel down Aedrik, as he had done to Siv, on their fight, but Aedrik was relentless, the problem was, Belmont was accelerating, each swing came faster and fiercer than the one before, and he continued closing their distance, yet Aedrik only kept trading blows, as Belmont attacks speed increased, it seemed as if Aedrik would not be able to parry, but he did, not backing up from where he stood, unmoving.
“If Belmont gains any more space, Aedrik’s great sword would soon have no space to be able to respond, why has he not backing up” Sir Remy said out loud, but he did not expect a response, everyone was lost on the combat.
Frey hands were covered in sweat, her heart was beating hard with each strike of metal against metal. Many knights and lords were standing marveled at the duel that was happening in the arena, Belmont was moving at an inconceivable speed, no one had ever seen him fight like this.
A storm of metal and fury was falling on Aedrik, and yet he stood there. Belmont was roaring as he unleashed his might on his opponent. He was too close; each swing he made was just shy of passing Aedrik’s defense. Belmont was now swinging in the same direction, he would not waste any more energy with a feint, or change of direction, he was trying to power trough, with might, speed, and fury.
The longsword came down on Aedrik a fourth time, only to be parried at the last moment, then came the fifth, the longsword was going pass Aedrik’s defense, Frey stood up. Just as Belmont swing seemed certain, Aedrik’s greatsword moved impossibly fast. The parry retaliated with such force, that the blow made a thundering sound as metal collided, such was the force of the blow that Belmont was sent backwards.
A testament to Belmont’s might, he was able to keep his sword in hand, he was sent staggering back, but somehow managed to keep his balance. The parry had sent him farther than where he had been at the start of the combat, Aedrik had not follow up on his parry, he had not once moved from where he had been since the combat had started.
Some knights who had been standing, went back to their seats at that. Belmont could just not pass the defense of the prince; he had forced his last two opponents to a state where they could do nothing else, the prince however, had welcomed him, he had stood to whatever Belmont threw at him, and broken his offensive.
Belmont looked at the prince, he felt his hands trembling, and he was breathing heavily. His arms were numb. He lifted his hand conceding the match. The courtyard was dead silent. Aedrik and Belmont met at the center to shake hands, it a took a moment before people accepted what had happened, but the result was deafening.
"NORTH STAR, NORTH STAR, NORTH STAR" the crowd was losing their minds "NORTH STAR, NORTH STAR" at the noble stands, many lords and knights were confused, they could not assimilate what had happened.
Noelle was hugging Frey, who finally managed to breathe again.
"AND YOU HAD THE BALLS TO THREATEN HIM, LUKA" Percy laughed whole heartedly, Luka went red at his cousin comment. René, Noelle, and Frey all looked at him, surprised. Luka never acted like that, when had that happened?
"You were the one who did that Percy" Luka replied embarrassed, erasing the smile from Percy "I just, supported you"
"Well, good thing, he is so into Frey, no?" most of the group laughed at Percy’s response.
At the center of the Arena, Belmont and Aedrik were talking lively "For once, rumors are true" Aedrik told Belmont "There were many ways for this match to go, but you chose a head on clash, a full display of might and power, and the safest way to reach a victor, without risking hurting your opponent. You are and exemplary knight and terrifying adversary, Sir Claude" Aedrik admitted smiling.
"Thank you, prince" the man in black had a rough voice "It was a delight to find someone whom I can finally spar with" the knight replied grinning.
"I would love to, Sir Claude, but can we try to keep it like this. You see there" Aedrik signaled at the stand where Frey and the other where "That is my fiancée, I just managed to convince her to marry me. You would not like to make her a widow before the wedding, it could sadden her for life"
Belmont turned to look at Aedrik who kept staring at his fiancée and smiled like a kid "Fine, I'll wait until your wedding" he then gave Aedrik a big pat on the back "Congratulations on your engagement prince, we cherish our ladies, be good to her"
Aedrik turned at once and say dead serious "I will, Sir Claude, I swear it" the knight who was joking was surprised by the change in Aedrik and patted him on the back but this time harder.
"Had I known you before, I would have liked to present you my little sister, a shame" he said and went out of the arena.
Aedrik was still at the center of the arena, he saluted both sides of spectators, and one last time, looked at Frey, waved and smiled, before heading back to his companions. Frey blushed as everyone turned to look at her.
"I have to admit, I was kind of mad at you for getting engaged before I did” Danielle said in a low voice, Frey turned to her "But I do not think I could handle someone like him" Danielle confessed and Frey gave her a quick hug.
"This is great, I used to intimidate people with Luka, but now, after Aedrik won against Belmont, I can try so many things with this newfound power" Percy said happy to his uncle, lord Damian gave his nephew a long look and sighed.
"A magnificent display of power, congratulations lady Frey" the royal duke had come to congratulate Frey "It is wonderful to know that we have such a reassuring ally"
"Thank you, your majesty," Frey replied "I will convey your commendations to Aedrik"
"There is no need, I will do so myself" the royal duke smiled "But as my wife so often reminds me, a couple shares every accomplishment" he bowed and returned to his seat.
"I like that idea" Noelle said
"Well, it is true" René said with a grin "after all, you were the one who manage to catch him Frey" René winked at Frey, who could not help but blush with the comment. Behind them, Frey heard some commotion.
"Excuse me, is there any space where I can seat" Pan was asking behind Frey. He had weaseled and pushed his way to reach them, he had a pleading face much to Frey’s surprise.
"Yeah, I believe there is enough space" Noelle replied, she moved a little to the left, and had Danielle do the same, letting Pan sit between her and Frey.
"I like your jousting, these seats are very nice, in Leven there are these contests of strength and valor, though they are entertaining, they are not as fancy as this, I like this way better” Pan was all smiles and quickly exchanged greetings with the rest of the group.
"How is he?" Frey asked timidly
"Who?" Pan asked confused, Frey elbowed him "Ok, ok, you don't have to turn into him cousin Frey, he is fine, he came after every fight asking me what faces you were making during each combat, if you were worried, or happy, he even ordered me to watch you reactions, you know" Frey regretted asking, she went red in that instant "Well he did sent me to tell you, he is fine, and that even though he wanted to come, he has to accompany the other contestants, he might have said something about duty and whatnot but, the important part was conveyed" Frey sighed.
"Is everyone else alright" Noelle asked "Both Skafeld and Siv received some serious blows from Sir Belmont".
"Skafeld is fine, he is used to getting pummeled by orcs" Pan replied happily "Siv was sulking, she was embarrassed for being stubborn, Aedrik had to call on her"
"What did he told her" Noelle asked curious
"Ehre" Noelle made an 'O' face and nodded, Pan smiled as he saw Noelle understood.
"What does that mean" Danielle asked, Frey and René both were about to ask the same thing.
"Honor" said Pan "Siv is a norkrieger, a very respected one in the north, even before she became Aedrik’s meister” Frey curiosity piqued at the last remark.
"His meister?" René wondered
"His master, you could say Aedrik was Siv’s squire, she is the one who trained him to become a norkrieger" Pan explained, surprising everyone.
"She does not look that much older; how could she be his master?" Danielle said.
"Siv is 30, she was considered a full-fledged norkrieger when she turned 16, she was trained by her father, a very strict and traditional norkrieger" The group was listening to Pan’s explanation.
"Aedrik was sent to Leven when he was 10, it was the late Empress idea to have the heirs of the Empire grow up in a different region, that way they would understand their people better. Ever since Aedrik had heard of norkriegers, he had wanted to become one, he chose to be sent to the north. However, no one wanted to be his meister, many still resented the Empire at that time” the norther part of the Empire, was made up by the Strauss Kingdom and the Leven territory if Frey remembered correctly. The Strauss Kingdom joined the Empire willingly, that left the Leven territory surrounded, in the end it reluctantly joined the Empire as well.
"Siv was the one who accepted him" Frey asked.
"As Aedrik looked for someone to train him, he got word of an exemplary norkrieger who moved around the Boreal glades, he set out looking for her. When word came to Siv that the prince was looking for her, she went to meet him” Frey was listening attentively at Pan’s words and so were the rest of the group “When they finally met, Aedrik asked her to be his meister, but Siv refused. She told him that if he truly wanted to become a norkrieger, he would have to earn that right first” Pan smiled remembering
“What happened then” Lea asked beaming with curiosity
“Aedrik earned his right to be trained he was accepted as a streiter a squire, and Siv became his meister, but he loves telling that story, he gets sad whenever someone beats him to it. Just ask him and he will gladly tell you all about it” Lea nodded at Pan’s reply, Frey wanted to know, but she liked the idea of having Aedrik tell her about it “Siv and Aedrik have a…, I guess you could say complex opinion on what honor means, Siv was letting her passion for combat get the best of her, forgetting this joust was meant as a friendly gesture. That’s why Aedrik called on her”
Frey tried to look at Siv, but she could not see inside the Fey Danan tent. She had been marveled at the norkrieger display of skill. After what Pan had said, she wanted to get to know the norkrieger who had been Aedrik’s superior.
“I admit, I was bothered when Aedrik intervened, but it was the right decision” Percy added with a grandiose pose on his face.
“You were upset, not just bothered Percy” Noelle intervened “Luka had to explain it to you”
“Be that as it may, it was the right call” Percy replied undisturbed by Noelle.
“Pan, I have been wondering, why do you call Aedrik, north star?” Frey interrupted the conversation. She had been thinking about, the nicknames and things that she had hear about Aedrik, among them, North Star stood out, it was said proudly. Even Aedrik, had presented himself as Nord Stern, and from all Frey had seen, he was modest.
Frey noticed Pan expression changed, the Feydan was smug, and he seemed to have a perpetual grin on his face, yet his expression became completely serious.
“I usually avoid this conversation” Pan admitted, the Feydan eyed Frey and sighed “But you should know about it, Frey. Yes, perhaps it’s a good idea you heard it from me first”
“Once Siv accepted to become Aedrik’s master, there was an uproar, many norkriegers were against it, they insulted and belittled Siv, they would not recognize Aedrik as one of their own. Siv Svenson did not care, she was adamant in making Aedrik into a norkrieger, so, they went to a small and remote settlement at the fringes of the Boreal glades. There, Siv trained him, in the most traditional and severe training norkriegers have. It is important to note that, Siv did not treated Aedrik with any deference to his status, if anything, she was stricter than she would with any other trainee, she would not give the other norkriegers an excuse to dismiss his efforts” Frey was completely absorbed in Pan’s anecdote, but most of their group were also listening to him attentively.
“While Aedrik trained he would have to forfeit his rights as a prince. Empress Morgana was reluctant about it, but Emperor Vran permitted it, Danan has a very martial formation, and so, his training continued. By the time he was 15, Siv believed Aedrik to be ready, but he would have to prove himself for the other norkriegers to accept him. Fate presented an ominous chance; an orc hunting party attacked the small settlement where they had been training” Frey felt distressed, she noted how low and serious Pan’s voice was.
“The settlement was made up of hunters, shepherds and fishermen, it was too far north and too cold to have dedicated farmers, or any full-fledged warriors, much less any other norkriegers. The hunting party even had the numbers advantage, Siv and Aedrik were training when they heard the first screams, I have never wanted to know the details of how things happened, so pardon me for being a little vague in some parts” Frey nodded she was focused on Pan’s tale, she did not notice everyone else around her were invested as well.
“Aedrik had a teleport scroll, a contingency measure by the Empress, Siv knew about it. She told Aedrik to use the scroll, and bring help, but he refused. You see, norkriegers are important and respected in the north because they have the duty to defend the common folk, a Norkrieg Ehre, they are warriors bound by honor” Pan explained with a twisted smile on his face “I told you Aedrik and Siv had a complicated view on honor”
Frey knew these things had already happened, but she could not help but feel a knot on stomach as Pan told what had happened. Most of the ladies had worried look on their faces, even the men were serious.
“Siv and Aedrik rallied the settlement and managed to organize a defense. The children were kept inside a tent, Aedrik have the oldest of them used the teleportation scroll. The spell sent the kid to the Londen Woods, Aedrik had given him, his imperial seal, and ordered him to get help, but it would take some time before any could come” Pan stopped for a moment, he was clearly distressed.
“The defense fought with tooth and nails, but the casualties kept piling up. They had managed somehow to keep the children safe, but by then there was only Aedrik and Siv standing, and Siv was badly hurt, almost all the other adults had been killed or were just to injured. The orc hunting party, had them surrounded, their leader and orc warlord named Rurk, had been impressed by Siv’s fierceness and Aedrik skill. He offered them a deal, if Siv became his, he would let Aedrik leave, and give the children a swift death” Frey’s hands were clenching, she knew things like these happened everywhere and she could not stop them, but neither would she accept them.
“Before Siv could reply, Aedrik offered himself as hostage. He explained he was a prince of the Empire; he would surrender if they let the settlement alone. The warlord laughed and mocked him, he had no need to listen to him, they would capture him, and kill everyone else, Aedrik asked for Einvingil, an unarmed combat, and ancient orc tradition” Frey remembered Percy’s words, ‘They said he had a fist fight with an orc’, and felt her hairs stand on end.
“The orc warlord was surprised by Aedrik’s resolve. Rurk was massive, even by the northern orc standards. He knew Aedrik had skill, that he was the only one still standing was a testament of it, but to have had the guts to ask for a duel with him, Rurk laughed amused, but the warlord accept the challenge, nonetheless. He meant to make an example of the duel, the Empire would learn what the cold north had in store for them” Pan paused and looked straight at Frey, his eyes were red, and Frey felt a knot on her throat.
“I have never asked Aedrik, or Siv, about what happened next, you’ll have to ask them if you ever want to know. What I am certain, is that the warlord laughter did not last long. Meanwhile the kid that had used the teleportation scroll, was being questioned at the Londen Woods, he was desperately pleading for help, he was still in shock and made little sense, but he had the imperial seal with him, he had remembered that at least. As luck would have it, the Empress happened to be at the Londen Woods at that time, she was quickly informed about the situation, and a response was organized” Pan had to stop for a moment, no one dared to say anything, Frey felt her mouth dry.
“The kid was not sure on how to explain where the settlement was, the Empress had a vague idea from what she had talked with Siv and Aedrik, aid was needed quickly but they were too far away. The empress summoned the court mages, they would use a teleport spell, but given the distance only a few people could be sent, and it would drain their mana, a gate spell was more efficient, but it needed time, and that was the one thing we didn’t have. The empress asked for the best healer and four rangers, they would accompany her and myself” Pan voice broke there, and Frey dare not look at the fey, his melodic voice broken.
“We were teleported a few hundred meters from the settlement, the smoke pointed us in the right direction. The rangers spread out, but by the time we arrived, the orcs were already gone. We had entered in a shattered place, the first thing we saw, were the children. They were all around the place, the oldest were carrying the dead away, others desperately tending to the few adults still breathing. They were not bothered by us; they just keep doing whatever it was they were doing. We were paralyzed, I certainly was, but not the empress, she ordered us to help them, she went to talk with a small girl who looked to be in charge” Pan eyes were red and swollen “The little girl did not paid the empress attention, but the empress have the kid look at her, and the little girl, took the empress hand and hurried her to the only tent still standing” Pan voice broke down once more, he cleared his throat loudly before he could continue, Frey eyes, had been welling up as well.
“In a corner inside the tent laid Siv, she was badly hurt, and losing consciousness. She was giving a group of small children, instructions, the kids were trying as best as they could to patch Aedrik. He was clawed and bitten all over, something had ripped a piece of his back and left side, he was bleeding everywhere” Pan stopped, Frey could feel her tears flowing slowly.
“The empress rushed to him, but the children stopped her, they were set on protecting him, their eyes bloodshot, that was until the little girl who had brought us to the tent pointed at the empress eyes, only then did the children moved aside, they were the same as Aedrik’s. Siv was just barely conscious, she kept repeating what needed to be done, and trying to calm down the children. The empress ordered me to put her to sleep and tend to her. As I tried to stabilize Siv, the empress sat next to Aedrik, somehow, he was still awake, but he could not speak. Aedrik was in a critical condition, his body was at its limit, it had already taken too many potions, any more would either be rejected, or he would bleed out” Pan once more stopped for a moment, Frey wiped at her tears, next to her Danielle cleared her eyes as well, Noelle was just horrified.
“The empress called the healer, after a moment of discussion they decided what needed to be done. The empress placed her son’s head on her lap, and explained him, that to heal him, he needed to conscious, and that it was going to be painful, a simple nod was his answer. His wounds needed to be burned in order to stop the bleeding, I can’t remember when I noticed Aedrik’s tears were washing the blood on his face, but I do remember mine, and the children’s, the empress however, she never wavered. It took over 11 hours to finally stabilize Aedrik. Siv had woken at some point during the healing process, and watched silently, the children had all gathered inside the tent, none of them wanted to sleep, they were waiting. It was almost dawn, when Aedrik was finally allowed to rest” Frey cleaned her face and saw most of the other ladies doing the same.
Pan took a deep breath, sighed and after a long moment smiled "It was the children who gave him the name, Nord Stern” Pan said smiling.
“North Star” Noelle said as she wiped a tear from her cheek, Pan nodded.
“Aedrik had guarded the children during the attack. For them, he was like the north star, unmoving, unwavering, unfaltering, and he gladly took the name they have given him, to his heart” Frey took a deep breath, slowly calming down. She had wondered why he was called Nord Stern, the North Star, because that is how he had present himself to her the first time, the name was his, he had paid with blood for it, and it seems he cherished.
“A few days later, word started spreading in the north. The northern orc tribes were calling the fall of warlord Rurk, he had fallen in Einvingil, a man, a prince had ended him. The orcs who had witnessed the duel, had given Aedrik another name, one that my cousin dislikes, Orkfend” Frey remembered Aedrik’s sour face, when the King had called him orcbane, he did not like the name, neither did she.
“Siv is important to Aedrik, cousin Frey, he wants to present her to you. The problem is that Siv is too nervous to meet you, the other northerners have been teasing her about it” Frey was surprised, and heard the change in Pan’s voice, as he talked about something more present.
"Why would she be nervous about meeting me?" She remembered the fierce combat between Siv and Sir Belmont, it did not made sense.
"Because you were able to do, what no one else has, Frey" Pan looked straight at Frey, with his mischievous grin now back again "You managed to make Aedrik kneel” Frey regretted asking instantly.
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