《An Empire Divided》8 Friendly Fire
The banquet lasted well into the night, the dance floor was still filled with couples waltzing across the hall, on the tables people chatted happily. Some lords, ladies and knights had to be taken away by their companions or friends, they had far surpassed the amount of alcohol they could consume, still the event carried on.
“Your wife is and incredible dancer, general” Aedrik told, Sir Donovan Ferlin, much to the librarian enjoyment.
“She truly is, prince, I am ashamed to say, I had neglected my duties as her dance partner for a while” the old knight, a once famed general of Loire replied to Aedrik. He was shorter than his wife, but he still had a solid built. He looked at his wife with a mix of awe and tenderness “I am glad she found someone who could match her pace”
“May I join you for a moment?”
“Certainly prince” Mrs. Ferlin replied before her husband could, she had already gone to his side “I am still surprised by how things turned out” the librarian said smiling as they went chat at their table.
At the same time Frey and Pan, were going back to their seats, but before they reached them, lady Ariel had come and asked Pan for a dance. She was a very young widow, who had no children and still a much sought-after lady.
It was Loire etiquette for a lord or knight to invite a lady to dance, it was frowned upon for a lady to make the first move. Frey had seen many ladies eyeing at Pan with curiosity, seen on how lady Ariel had acted, they must have seen how she had been the one to invite him, they probably assumed that it was part of fey etiquette, an assumption Danielle had encouraged. From that moment, Pan was never allowed to sit, he spent the rest of the night dancing with the most impulsive ladies of Loire.
Frey joined Noelle, who was happily chatting with Fleur, the royal duke’s wife, and soon they were joined by René as well. Frey had seldom talked with lady Fleur but she was very easy to talk too, much like René, the problem was the topic they were discussing.
“I can’t believe both of you asked if he drank virgin maidens’ blood to his face” Lady Fleur said “I would not be able to look him in the eyes, after that”
“Is that why you accepted his proposal Frey? You felt compelled after your remark?” Noelle continued the teasing, not caring she had done the same.
“Frey is very sweet, but she would not just accept a marriage proposal just because she was embarrassed” René intervened “If said proposal came from someone who loved to read, and visited libraries early in the morning, well, that was a different matter” Frey sighed, as the other three ladies joked lightly, after Noelle had told Fleur about how Frey and Aedrik had met.
“I am sorry to interrupt ladies, but would you like to dance with me Frey?” Percy was standing next to them, his invitation surprised Frey and Noelle, for he seldom danced, but a moment later Frey saw a very embarrassed and quiet Danielle, heading to the dance floor with Aedrik, who gave Frey a small wink, as she looked at him.
“Yes, please” Frey grabbed her cousin arm before the other ladies continued their teasing on her.
“I think he is good Frey” Percy said as they reached the dance floor. The Beaumonts and Lunebleaus were very close, and since lady Margaux had married, lord Damian their bond had only grow closer. Percy and Danielle were much like Pan and Aedrik, Frey’s cousins, but they had been raised very close, they were closer to siblings than cousins.
“Thank you, Percy” that was all they said. Percy was very easy going and Frey often joked with him, but they almost never had serious talks, so for them, this was enough. They reached the dance floor and started waltzing.
Frey quickly knew Percy was a better dancer than her brother Luka, and she felt it did not suit his personality, still he was the heir of house Beaumont, Aunt Gabrielle must have made Percy take lessons. Close to them, Danielle and Aedrik danced slowly, the lady had already surpassed her initial embarrassment and now chatted happily with Aedrik as they danced.
After a couple of pieces, Percy, and Frey, stopped dancing, and were soon followed by Aedrik and Danielle, as they returned to the main table, the music also stopped. Everyone’s attention turned to the grand table, where the King had stood up, and silence spread quickly.
"My lords, ladies, allies and guests " the great hall erupted in a cheer as the King words reached everywhere "It has been a great evening, and a historical event for our nations. There are still many things that need to be addressed if we are to make the most of our alliance, so, for the next days, we will continue discussing in conference with our new allies, about what is needed. Lord Belmont has also reminded me, we will have a rough road ahead with our belligerent orc neighbors to the east, but with our new found allies the future looks promising" another round of applause "Hence I would like to propose a friendly joust, for our allies to witness some of our knights might, and for them to display the Empire's strength" the great hall was suddenly in a uproar "What say you, Prince?" everyone turned to were Aedrik was.
Aedrik had taken Frey from Percy, who in turned had his sister by the arm. They had just left the dance floor when the King made the announcement. Aedrik turned to watch some of the members of the Fey Danan delegation dispersed around the hall, he noticed many were nodding at him "It would be and honor your majesty" he said and made a bow. The hall once more erupted in cheers and applause.
"Then I invite you all to the castle courtyard tomorrow at noon, for a friendly joust" having said that the King returned to his seat, and the hall went lively again. The music continued, but with had just been said, many of the knights and lords now happily discussed about the joust.
"Are jousts common after a party in Loire?" Aedrik asked Frey confused "This is expected in Ashran or Leven, but I did not expect it from Loire"
"It is not, jousts are conducted often, but they are not made after a ball" Frey was frowning as she answered, trying to remember if something like this had happened before "Will you be competing?" she turned to look at him, and felt her chest contract, was she worried?
"The King has, in an elegant way, left me no choice; don't you think?" Aedrik smiled at her "I am ashamed to admit however, I like seeing you worry for me” Frey rolled her eyes “be at ease Frey, is a friendly joust. You will not get read off me that easily my lady" Aedrik took her gently by the waits, and slowly got closer to Frey "You are beautiful my lady" he kissed her cheek, and they decided to keep on dancing.
A few songs later, the King and Queen left the great hall, after their departure, most lords and ladies started leaving as well, only the youths still danced and laughed in the great hall. As Frey and Aedrik returned to the table, they saw lord and lady Lunebleau exchanging goodbyes with their peers’, lady Lunebleau signed Frey, it was time to leave.
Percy had to go to the dance floor to bring Danielle back, the royal duke and his wife were one of the few people still left on the main table, and they were talking with Luka and René.
Frey and Aedrik walked behind, lord and lady Lunebleau as they headed for the main entrance "I loved tonight, Frey. Forgive me, if I asked to much about you, I know, we will have time but I want to know everything I can about you" Frey could not help but smile, she had loved to talk while dancing with him "I would like to go to the Lunebleau state, so I can accompany you to the joust, if that is acceptable for you" he slowed to let the others pass, and give them a little privacy.
"I would love that" Frey replied instantly, and saw his smile grow large. Aedrik leaned on Frey and gave her a small and sweet kiss. They looked at each other and moved to catch up on the others, Noelle had joined with Frey’s parents, Lea and Anne, had likewise joined them, they had been seated on another table at the ball. Behind them came Percy, Danielle, and lady Liliane and her daughters.
"May I come by your state so I can accompany Frey for the joust tomorrow, if it is alright with you, my lord" Aedrik told lord Damian, as he and Frey caught up with the rest.
"You are more than welcome Aedrik" lady Lunebleau responded before her husband could. The group had reached the courtyard, the escorts and carriage were waiting.
"I guess, I will have to wait until tomorrow to see you again my lady" he said to Frey as they stood next to the carriage.
"I hated that as well" René said "Having to part, from each other, once you are engaged" René gave a longing look at her husband, Aedrik smiled at the comment.
"My lord and lady Lunebleau, lady Noelle, lord Luka and lady René, until tomorrow" Aedrik said, as the ladies got in the carriage, and the lords were mounting. Behind them, another carriage was taking the rest of the group. Frey gave one last look at Aedrik, and as the carriage began moving, he remained there, looking at the carriage until I had disappeared from his sight.
"You know cousin, this was by far the best trip I've taken with you" Pan had come and was standing beside Aedrik. Pan looked at how the star shaped ring on his cousin eyes, faded, with that carriage "Come cousin, you will have to toss about with burly knights tomorrow just to please the King, and more importantly, my feet are tormenting me, let us get some rest” Aedrik nodded, and they started walking to the east wing of the castle.
Château du Loire open courtyard had been filled with small tents; at the center the jousting area had already been assembled. The finest arena in Loire, would display the friendly joust between Loire and the Fey Danan Empire.
The arena had two stands to its sides, one was made for the lords, ladies, and knights. The other one, was open for the people of Loire, and it was being filled quickly, as the word about the joust had spread along the morning.
The Lunebleaus and Beaumonts were guided by the castle staff towards a small tent, so they could freshen up before going to the jousting grounds. They saw many other nobles and knights were being guided as well to the other tents.
"There will be three events, a small one-on-one tournament, an archery contest and the joust. We were asked for four participants for each event" Aedrik was explaining to everyone as they were guided inside the tent "The event should not last long”
"Are you taking part in any of them" Frey asked concerned, much to Aedrik's delight.
"The one-on-one tournament. I am honestly not that good at jousting, I like archery but I kind of suck after the two hundred mark, sad excuse of a knight I am" he said laughing "Norkrieger are in essence heavy infantry, still I can defend myself on a horse, but I am not confident enough in my skills for jousting"
"That sure will be a letdown" Percy intervened "Jousting is the top attraction in any tournament"
"That may be true Percy, but jousting does not translate as skill in combat, as much as dueling" lord Damian said, making Percy close his mouth.
"I take no offense, in lord Percy's comment, lord Damian. Any martial preparation is welcome, I am hoping to learn from your knights"
"Will Pan, take part in any event" Noelle asked curious
"No, he is a decent swordsman, but magic suits him best, he is a trickster all the way" Aedrik explained.
"Do you know, whom will be participating from Loire" Luka asked frowning.
"We were not told, but I can assume, your Belmont knight will have to appear" Everyone went stiff at that remark.
"He is arguably, one of the strongest knights in the Kingdom" Frey noticed, Luka gave Aedrik a worrying look with his remark, and she went a bit pale.
"I know, I have not had the pleasure to seem him fight, but from what I heard, he is someone not to trifled with" Aedrik was calm, Frey could feel it in her ring and that eased her "This is a friendly joust after all, but we have to reassure your people and to live up to your king expectations" Aedrik gently caressed Frey’s hand, noticing her nervousness.
"Please my lord and ladies the joust will begin shortly, allow me to take you to your seats, you are close to the royal family" a squire had come to take them to their seats.
"I have to go prepare for the joust" Aedrik said as everyone was about to follow the squire "Will you cheer for me?" he asked with a grin to Frey.
"I thought you care not for displays of prowess?" Frey replied.
"I care not for them, but I do for your affection" he leaned and kissed her on her cheek, he left smiling, and Frey blushing.
"You have to give it to him, he has a special charm" Noelle said next to Frey, as they watched Aedrik go to another tent were the Feydans were. Pan was there waving at them, and they both replied.
"Noelle, Frey, hurry up" Lea called them, as everyone else was already following the squire.
The gallery of stairs was packed, the same faces from las night banquet. At the center rested the highchairs for the King and Queen. The royal duke and his wife were sitting to a side, talking lively with their neighbors.
"Damian, you cheeky bastard, I nearly choked yesterday when they announced your daughter’s engagement” the plump lord Feris was shouting from a few seats bellow “My wife and daughter send their regards and hope to see you soon" the plump lord turned to face Frey, who responded with a small bow.
"I could not explain it to you there Feris, I apologize" lord Damian replied to his friend.
"Yeah, sure. I hope you make some time soon, for your old friends, now go find your new seats" he made a gesture with his hand to dismiss lord Damian, and smiled again at Frey "We are really happy for you dear"
"Thank you, my lord" was all Frey managed to say, as the plump lord returned to his seat.
They were taken close to the royal duke and his wife. After the obligatory greetings, everyone had taken theirs seats.
"Will you share with us, whom will be competing for Loire, my lord" Percy asked the royal duke.
"I am guessing, the prince already told you there will be 3 events" everyone nodded at the duke, some other nobles and knights who were sitting nearby quieted down, to hear him out "For the one-on-one matches, we’ll have Captain Dubois, lord Allard, Lieutenant Gerard and Sir Belmont" many who heard those names nodded in approval, some knights were surprised, Loire was really placing some of their best for the friendly joust.
"For archery, the logical choice would be you, lord Luka, but we felt it could be perceived as an insult since you are to become family with the prince " Lord Damian and Luka nodded, most people regarded Luka as one of the best archers in the Kingdom "So, we chose scout master Magnier, Sir Aubert, Sir Ebrard and lord Lalande" again the names were received with approval for those who could listen.
"Lastly for the joust we have Sir Larousse, Master Lafrombise, lord Vernier and Sir Belmont again. Jousting is always the most expected part of any event, but I am guessing, having the North Star prince, participate in the one-on-one matches has changed everyone’s expectations" as he finished speaking, the nobles and knights began whispering and looked expectant about the events.
"Is Sir Belmont really that good, father" Frey asked in a quiet tone to her father, he looked at her daughter’s worried face.
"He might be the best fighter the Kingdom has, and he is probably better that those in Faerun" his father was never one to mince his words "He has experience in combat and is at his peak physically. He has reach and speed. I don't think, I would fare well with him as my opponent" with every word, Frey grew paler, Noelle and lady Lunebleau both looked at the lord disapprovingly.
"Don’t worry Frey " Luka intervened "Aedrik’s nickname North Star, was given by the hardy people that live near the Boreal Glades, the Imperial family of Fey Danan, is renowned for its battle prowess, be it emperor Vran's might or the late empress Morgana magic ability, they are a force to be reckoned in battle. And if just half the things they say about Aedrik are true, I believe Sir Belmont may have just found his match" the words calmed Frey down a little, but something concerned her, she had heard many things different things about Aedrik, but she had not dare ask her father or brother, the things they have heard about him.
"What do they say about Aedrik" Danielle had asked before Frey could.
"They say he challenged and orc warlord to a fist fight" Percy cut in quickly.
"Did he win?" Danielle asked mortified.
"They call him orcbane, you tell me” Percy continued “They say he moves swiftly and that thunder comes with each strike he makes. They say he fights with no armor and that he leads every charge into battle. I even heard a rumor that orcs retreated whenever he took the field" Noelle, Danielle and Frey were all entranced by Percy's words, yet the ladies turned to Luka to confirm if what Percy had said was true, he had a tendency of exaggerating the facts.
"They also say he has a keen mind for battle” Luka continued not denying anything that Percy had said "and that he uses his horns to impale his enemies, but we can dismiss the last one"
Frey remembered Pan saying, Aedrik had made orcs run from him. Was the courteous man she found at the library, the same person they were talking about? Orcbane, they called him, yet she remembered him talking with pride about an orb tribe becoming part of the empire. As Frey was lost in thought the arena had filled completely, trumpets were announcing the start of the joust, as the King and Queen had reached their seats.
"My Lords, ladies and good people of Loire" at the center of the arena, the royal speaker was using and enchantment, as his voice resounded everywhere in the courtyard "we are here today, by the grace of his majesty to celebrate our alliance with the Fey Danan Empire" the common folk exploded in applause "This joust is a s a sign of friendship and might, from this moment on, you all will become witnesses of history” The side were the common folk was sitting was larger than the side were Loire nobility was, and yet it was not enough. People who had not managed to get a seat, were crowding around the arena and they were all applauding and cheering as the royal speaker talked.
"Three different events will be celebrated, eight contestants will participate in each one, four of those participants were chosen among the men and woman of Loire the other four come from our ally the Fey Danan Empire" the applause was thunderous.
"The first event will be a one-on-one tournament; each match will end when a participant chose to surrender or is knocked out in combat. The combatants can choose any two weapons they prefer”
“A direct confrontation, Loire against the Empire, no surprises in that” Percy said to the group, they had excellent seats. Luka and René were at the right of the Royal Duke and his wife, from there they had spread over the stairs so they could talk among them, trying to keep the ladies at the center, and the men on the edges.
“I don’t think they will place Aedrik against Belmont on the first round, they have to create the right mood” Frey had seen joust before, but she had never been this nervous, she touched the ring on her hand, and calmed as she felt the steady beat coming from the ring. The other men on the group nodded at Percy’s comment.
"Let me announce the participants of the first event” the announcer continued, and his enchanted voice reigned over the arena “From Loire, Royal Guard Captain Dubois" cheers and applause, came from everywhere around the arena, the captain was dressed in chain mail, he was carrying a longsword on his waist, his shield and spear at the ready, as he marched to the center of the arena, the crowd applauded and cheered, he was one of the most respected knights in Loire.
"From the Fey Danan Empire, Skafeld Urn" the crowd gave the Feydan a cordial applause. A man wearing half plate, shield an axe, followed the captain to the center of the arena, he seemed relaxed and was rather young.
"From Loire, lord Hubert Allard" roaring applause and cheers filled the arena to receive the middle-aged lord, he was carrying a war mace and shield, he was dressed in plate armor, he was a bit older than captain Dubois, but he looked fierce.
"From the Fey Danan Empire, Siv Svenson" there was little applause as a woman took to the arena, she had a lance, short sword, and shield. She was dressed in lamellar plate armor. Frey was amazed by the fierce look of Siv, there were women in the army, but Loire and his knight culture was predominantly male.
"From Loire, Lieutenant Clovis Gerard" another round of big applause, the man entered carrying a large flail and shield. He was covered in chainmail, he was also part of the royal guard, yet he was the youngest of the contestants.
"From the Fey Danan Empire, Sir Kreso Cerny" he was the first Feydan to be receive with loud applause, Kreso was a renowned knight of the former kingdom of Faerun, he had participated in jousting tournaments in Loire before. He donned chainmail, a war mace, shield, and an axe resting on his waist.
"From Loire, Sir Claude Belmont, the Knight of the Black Rose" the crowd grew completely wild, even from the nobles and knights, the cheers were deafening. The man entered the arena amongst the cheers of the crowd, he was dressed in a black plate. He was very tall and looked massive with his plate armor. He carried a longsword and shield and had a mace on his waist. The cheers did not stop, until he had reached the other participants.
"And last, a rare opportunity for anyone to witness, from the Fey Danan Empire, the North Star prince, Aedrik Lachdanan le Fay" the crowd roared again, many nobles had stood up to watch the prince enter the arena, Frey was standing as well, her heart racing.
Aedrik entered the arena, with a small breastplate, a single pauldron, gauntlets, and greaves, but anything else, he was carrying a great sword, it was longer and broader than the longsword accustomed in Loire.
As he entered the arena, he was looking to where the nobility was sitting, he moved slowly, and stopped once he found what he was looking for. Frey could feel his eyes on him, he could not help but smile as he noticed Frey standing, she blushed as many people noticed who he was looking for, yet she remained standing. He made his curious bow, and waved at her, before going for the center of the arena with the rest.
"He has some balls; I have to give him that" Percy said as Aedrik reached the center all smiles “Who do you reckon will win?” a quick slap on Percy’s head came from lord Damian “THAT HURT UNCLE DAMIAN”
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