《An Empire Divided》7 Duel
The Royal Family had come to congratulate the newly engaged couple, lord, and lady Lunebleau were standing next to their daughter as well as Luka and René, Pan was standing to the right of Aedrik.
"Let me congratulate and wish you both, health and happiness" The King said to Frey and Aedrik, as he approached them with his wife.
"Thank you, your majesty, we are grateful for your heartfelt words, and I assure you, and alliance forged with the benefit of our people first and foremost, will surely bring our nations together, until Loirians and Feydans, feel like brothers” The King nodded at Aedrik response.
"I had to admit, I felt some reservations when our René decided to marry young Luka, but it seems house Lunebleau offspring's shine with light of their own, congratulations on the engagement" the queen said, mostly towards lady Lunebleau, and Frey. Lord Damian frowned at the queen’s comment.
"Aunt Catherine!" René who was always calmed responded, upset. Her father was the queen’s brother, Luka just smiled, clearly a better poker player than his father.
"Mother makes complicated compliments René, please excuse her" the Royal Duke intervened "You and Luka are a sight to behold anywhere you go, and I believe you chose well dear René" the Royal Duke and his wife came closer and saluted René and Luka, in a more casual manner.
"Prince Aedrik, lady Frey, allow me to congratulate you as well, a wedding between our nations will give our people something to find common ground between us, and for the ladies of Loire and unique opportunity for a grand event" the Royal Duke extended his hand to Aedrik.
Aedrik took it and gave a courteous bow to the royal duke’s wife "Thank you for your kind words, Duke, let us hope it will only be the beginning of many things we find in common" The Royal Duke, nodded and came close to Frey and gave her a bow as well. Both ladies gave each other the respective salute.
"Have you decided on a date and place for the wedding?" the duke’s wife asked Frey much more interested in that idea, as Frey’s mother had considered.
"There will be two weddings, one in Loire and one in the Empire. We chose the passing of the burning silver star, for the wedding here" Frey answered a bit embarrassed, she had never talked with the duke’s wife, lady Fleur.
"What an excellent date, and so soon, you will make the young ladies go wild" lady Fleur replied exited.
"Congratulations Damian, house Lunebleau is growing splendidly" the King and Queen were with lord and lady Lunebleau.
"Thank you, your majesty" lord Damian gave him a small bow. That is all they needed to say, they had already spoken.
"My lord and lady Lunebleau, please let me congratulate you as well" The royal Duke and his wife got closer, making the moment seem less tense. Frey now viewed the King with different eyes, and the royal Duke as well. Frey noted how the King had deliberately avoided Pan, the royal Duke however, greeted the fey with cordiality.
"Thank your majesty" lord Damian, answered more at ease with the young man.
"You are the ones who make every young lady want to pursue marriage" lady Lunebleau said to lady Fleur, making her blush.
The last one to come was the young princess, Loiraine. She was beautiful and elegant, but before the princess could congratulate them, Aedrik while holding Frey's hand moved closer to princess, moving apart from the rest, what he would say, only Frey and the princess would hear.
"I know what it is to bear a duty that may take from you the ability to choose what you like" Aedrik said in a low tone, surprising the princess and Frey "I also know, that once, one has decided to fulfill that duty, not being able to perform it, leaves a strange feeling" The princess eyes opened wide with surprise.
Frey was at a loss on what to say, she could only look at Aedrik and the princess, but she felt Aedrik’s firm and gentle hold on her hand reassuring her "I had the fortune of being able to fulfill my duty as well as follow my heart" the princess looked at Frey with a complicated face, to which Frey returned an embarrassed smile "I wish for you to be able to have as much. I have a debt with you princess, should you ever need it, do not hesitate to call on me" Aedrik made a bow to the princess "Thank you, princess" The princess face turned red and after a moment, responded with a simple bow. Frey looked at Aedrik who returned the gesture, she knew, not because of his eyes, but because she could feel it. He loved her, as simple as that.
"Congratulation’s lady Frey, I wish you happiness and health" the princess managed to say to Frey, she was embarrassed by Aedrik’s words, and by the closeness the young couple showed in front of her.
"Thank you" Frey bowed, that was all that was needed to say. The princess seemed distressed by what had been said, but she quickly composed herself, and went to greet the rest of the family.
"You look radiant Loiraine" René and Luka had come closer, René came to help the blushing princess, who was her cousin.
"Thank you, René" the princess answered recomposing herself "Mother is right, you always light every room, I must confess, I have always tried to copy your style" the princess and her cousin smiled.
As the compliments and formalities were happening, the center of the grant hall had been filled by lords, ladies, knights, and guests as they eargerly waited for the ball to commence. The center of the great hall was to be used as a dance floor; everyone’s attention was solely on the young couple for whom was the first dance of the night. The foreign prince and the young lady Lunebleau.
"If we don't go to that dance floor soon, a mutiny might happen" Aedrik told Frey "Shall we?" and he took her hand and gestured at the dance floor.
"I liked what you told the princess" Frey say as they walked to the edge of the dance floor. Aedrik stopped and looked at Frey's eyes.
"I came to Loire expecting many things, I even knew I might end up getting married" Aedrik placed his hand on Frey's waist, and they went close to each other "Falling in love, was not one of them" he leaned in and kissed her, a soft and gentle kiss "Dance with me Frey" he said as they parted.
The young ladies were already going wild, the Feydan prince, had kissed his betrothed in front of everyone in the great hall. Ever since she had entered the hall, he had not taken his eyes from her. Some ladies had even let out loud sighs, after the kiss. The music began as the young couple entered the dance floor.
The foreign prince for all he was dressed simply, look dashing as he smiled to his fiancée, he was taller than her and his broad shoulders and well-built arms covered the young lady, as if protecting her. Her white dress, silvery blue hair, and fair skin all look astonishing, she was blushing, but she remained straight and comfortable, they looked enchanting as they passed to the center of the dance floor.
They began moving together, and like her mother had said, after a moment, Frey felt they were waltzing, as if they were the only people in the great hall, for they only had eyes for each other. The music was a simple and slow waltz, and the newly engaged moved with rhythm. The couple danced slowly, and for those with an eye for dancing, it was obvious that with each turn, the prince was composing his moves, his steps matching the young lady’s, making her more comfortable.
"I am sorry for my poor dancing skills, I never cared much for it and had little time to practice" Aedrik said to Frey's ear. They were very close as they waltzed over the hall.
"You are doing fine, mother was adamant in making Noelle and me take classes, I can assure you, you are a fine dance partner" Frey said blushing "You are matching my steps incredibly for our first dance, especially considering you did not care for it before"
"That was until tonight, now, I understand why so many young ladies long for a ball" Frey's eyebrows almost met for a second at that remark, Aedrik laughed at his own comment "I feel like the luckiest man in the world" his eyes never parting from her, his smile from ear to ear. Frey went completely red; she could not hear the music, she felt floating more than waltzing.
"I think, I've managed to finally get the hold of it" Aedrik said to her when they were doing a turn. He was right, they were perfectly in sync, it was incredible to dance like that.
"How did you do it?" Frey said, as they began dancing faster, bolder, the ladies to the sides were raptured by their performance.
“Fey martial training focuses greatly on footwork" Aedrik said embarrassed "I'll have to thank my sister for insisting on learning it. I don’t think she had this in mind when she suggested it though” as he spoke, Aedrik steps became fast and more daring.
The musicians accepted the challenge, and increased the rhythm, the young couple delivered, and once more matched the pace. They were spinning and crossing, Frey's dress was swirling on each fast turn.
On the edge of the dance floor, Pan and Noelle were eyeing the couple dancing. “No one, in the entire Empire will believe me when I tell them Aedrik was waltzing and being good about it" Pan said to Noelle.
"That is the power of love I guess" Noelle said marveled, at how they dance. Her sister was smiling at her prince, and open smile as if they were all alone.
The music was reaching a final crescendo, but the young couple lasted until the end. When the music stopped, the great hall burst into applause and cheers, Frey and Aedrik held each other laughing hold heartedly, they were gasping.
As the first piece of the night finished, the musicians began a more traditional waltz, and suddenly the dance floor was filled in an instant. Aedrik and Frey left the floor, they needed to catch their breath, they saw Pan and Noelle at the edge of the dance floor and went for them.
"I am impressed Frey, you have managed to do, what every fey woman and northern lady could not" Pan said as the couple came near them "I have never seen Aedrik enjoy a dance before, I'll have to take back so many witty remarks, about Aedrik's dancing skills"
"Well, you should not, he was not dancing but fighting, it seems" Frey said amused "I suppose every fey soldier might make a wonderful dance partner if they footwork training allows them to dance like this"
"WHAT?" Pan was flabbergasted "No, Frey, few people can master what he calls fey martial footwork, however, most fey do know how to dance properly"
"To think most ladies saw your dance like something romantic, and you had taken my sister to a fight" Noelle said acting offended.
"In my defense, everything that has to do with your sister, IS romantic" Aedrik replied with a grin on his face, making Frey blush "and it was not a fight, but a duel, to which your sister came prepared for, I on the other hand, had to stand up to the challenge, and duels are romantic, are they not?"
“They sure are” Frey said with a smug to Pan and Noelle.
“Why don’t we sit for a moment” Aedrik suggested, and they all went to their seats at the grand table. The King and his wife were seated at the center of the main table. To their right were the royal duke and his wife, the next seats were meant for the foreign prince and his betrothed, followed by Pan, Noelle, Luka, and René. The sight of this young couples look promising, especially the closeness between the royal duke and the foreign prince.
At the left of the King were, lord and lady Lunebleau just pass the queen. Other important Loire nobles were sitting near them, as well as the Beaumonts. Danielle sat next to her brother Percy and chatted happily with a young lord to her side, who looked like mustering his courage to ask her for a dance.
Dinner was already served, the normal etiquette in Loire was for the dancing to continue, and at an appointed time a course dinner would be served, and at the end of it the dancing continues. Tonight's banquet was made with no complicated etiquette as the intend was for the Fey Delegation to mingle with the lords and ladies.
The Fey Danan Empire was made of different cultures and costumes, as such, Feydans had opted for events like this to be more open and inviting, the Kingdom had done the ball with the same idea in mind to appeal to its visitors, and the idea was working as intended.
Aedrik and Frey had been joking with Pan and Noelle, the royal duke, and his wife, quickly joined in as they all eat dinner. The conference had taken most of the day, and everyone in the great hall had something to converse about, or someone to dance with.
The ladies were being constantly invited to dance and the great hall dance floor was packed with dancing couples. The King chatted with his wife, the Lunebleaus and Belmonts. As the night advanced, some Feydans, had also joined the dancing, those who were for the former kingdom of Faerun, found no trouble with familiar faces and old acquaintances.
Those who came from other parts of the Empire were talking with the Loirian acquaintances they made earlier during the conference. Some Feydans had even started inviting ladies to dance whit them, at the beginning it was an awkward sight, but soon the dance floor was filled with Loirians and Feydans, dancing with each other.
Close to Frey and Aedrik, Noelle was constantly invited to dance by some young lords and valiant knights. She turned down many, but entertained some, of those, Frey knew, the only one who had her interest was a lord, Darius Mellar. The Loire Kingdom referred to its nobility as lords and ladies, for they all formed part of their ruling council, but they had aristocratic echelons. After the King, came the dukes, from which lord Damian was part of. Frey was part of the high nobility; hence why she could fulfill what the King demanded for Aedrik.
Darius Mellar was the son of Marquis Ron Mellar, a rank below, however Frey noticed that from all aspiring suitors, he always managed to entertain her sister, he was not a big chatter, but he truly paid her sister attention, or so Frey felt. Noelle had already dance with other lords and some knights, but Darius Mellar was the only one whom she had dance two pieces with.
The royal duke had been chatting with Aedrik about the occurrences of the conference, and to Frey's dismay, he was adamant in having Frey take part in their conversation. The duke’s wife, Fleur, was attentive as well. Luka and René entered the conversation after they danced a few pieces. While everyone chatted, Frey could tell Aedrik, could not keep his eyes of her, and every time there was an opportunity, they would head to the dance floor.
The music was loud, but it still let you talk with your dance partner. Every time Frey and Aedrik were dancing, they talked, they danced very close to each other, so they could listen better. They talked about everything, from music and dinner, to how was their childhood. Aedrik was devouring everything she said to him, and he managed to make her laugh constantly. They were to be wed, and somehow, they were still getting to know each other, but with each dance they grew closer, and Frey, had no problem with that.
As they finished a piece and returned to the table, Frey noticed that even though Pan was radiant and many ladies were taking obvious glances at him, none dare talk with him. He chatted earnestly at the table, especially with Noelle, they had kept teasing the new couple, but for everyone he was still fey. The Fey Danan delegation, had been made completely from humans, a smart move from the Empire, as Loirians seldom treated with other species. The orcs to the east, the Zelians at the south, and there was a bit of bad blood with the fey.
"Would you dance with me, Pan?" Frey said to Pan, across the table, when she and Aedrik returned "I would like to see if your mocking of Aedrik is backed, by your ability".
Pan looked at Frey and gave her a big grin "Had I not seen my cousin dance as he did, I would decline my lady, for fear of making you fall in love with me, with my fey enchanting feet" his response made Noelle and lady Fleur, the royal duke’s wife smile, Aedrik just sighed at his cousin "It would be my honor my lady" he got up in a second and came to offer his hand to Frey.
Frey turned towards Aedrik, who looked at her like a kid who was given a puppy "I won't let you dance with her all-night cousin, it seems as I have found a liking to dancing with my lady" Aedrik said before helping Frey reach Pan "I have one last person to apologize too, and I will use this chance to do so" he said enigmatically.
As Pan and Frey went to the dance floor, Frey knew many people were watching them with interest. Frey turned to look for Aedrik, and she saw he had gone for a table to the far right of the great hall, but she could not see whom he was looking for.
"Thank you, Frey" Pan said to her as they reached the dance floor "It has been a humbling experience being the ugly duckling in the room"
"A what?" Frey asked confused.
"It is a fey tale for children, have Aedrik tell you the story, I guess he can relate to it" Pan said with a grin, Frey knew he was mocking his cousin but still made a note of the comment. They entered the dance floor, curious eyes on them.
Pan had not lied, he was a wonderful dancer, while Aedrik had somehow managed to match her completely, Pan, led her on a fine pace. He made grand turns with her, and from time to time, he twirled where he stood. He was truly a marvelous dancer.
They had dance for some time, when Frey understood, to whom had Aedrik gone to apologize. He was entering the dance floor with a very embarrassed Mrs. Ferlin on his arm. The older lady had a elegant deep blue dress and even though the master librarian was embarrassed she moved elegantly, and as the new pair began dancing, they quickly found a comfortable pace, or as Frey now knew, Aedrik was matching Mrs. Ferlin’s.
“You are not only his kismet, Frey, you really made him like dancing, no one will believe me when I tell about this” Pan said surprised as he noticed Aedrik enter the dance floor “I presume, she is the master librarian?”
“She is, and I had never seen Mrs. Ferlin so red before” the old lady, looked really embarrassed as she danced with Aedrik. Many people were pointing at the two odd couples dancing. A fey with a young lady, a prince with a librarian.
Frey though about Aedrik’s definition of dancing being a duel, and she liked the idea. She felt Pan was winning theirs, Mrs. Ferlin was winning hers decisively. The librarian was dancing almost as fast as Frey and Aedrik had on the opening of the ball, and she was showing no signs of stopping, her embarrassment now gone.
“I do apologize for saying what my mother had asked me to, Frey” Pan said as they danced “Out of all my cousins, my mother has a special place for Aedrik” for once Frey saw Pan was serious.
“I know you barely know me Frey, but if there is something I can help you with, please let me know. He can be short sighted, but he does listen if you have any trouble” Frey noted a complicated look on Pan’s face, but it only lasted a moment, his mischievous expression returned in a second “How old is this librarian of yours?” Frey turned to found Mrs. Ferlin and Aedrik had people looking at them fascinated, the old librarian was spinning with the foreign prince.
“I think she is trying to steal your fiancé Frey” Pan said marveled at how they danced.
“Well, we should showcase, just how good fey dancers are, should we not?” as Frey replied, Pan’s grin went wild, and he began leading her faster.
Everyone had to give some space as two couples danced as fast as they could, a young lady and a fey, a prince and an old librarian. Frey laughed as she danced, yet she knew Aedrik was still looking at her, delighted. She had never called to much attention, and she knew she was blushing, she felt her face hot, she was nervous, but she was having fun, she was enjoying the night.
Suddenly more couples had increased their rhythm as well, for all Frey and Aedrik were the center of attention, there were other ladies, lords, and knights, whom were protagonist in their own stories, and they were enjoying the night as well. Frey had read many stories, but tonight, she was making hers.
The music stopped, and from the dance floor, and from those who were watching at the dancers, came applause. Many couples were gasping for air, and the musicians likewise had chosen a very slow piece, to continue their performance.
“It’s been ages since I have dance like this” Mrs. Ferlin smiling to Aedrik, they had come near Frey and Pan.
“I do not understand why, madame, you sure look like and incredible dancer, if I may add” Pan said completely serious for once, much to Frey surprise.
“This is my cousin Pan le Fay, master librarian Emeryn” Aedrik introduced Pan.
“A pleasure to meet you, master librarian Emeryn, and may I say, the Empire is in your debt for makings this union possible. My mother for all her efforts, had failed were you succeeded in just one day” Pan gave a courteous bow to Mrs. Ferlin, the librarian still gasping for air just smiled.
“Well, I do have my moments, though I must confess. I expected to create a friendship, it seems I underestimated the power of youth” Mrs. Ferlin managed to say.
“I believe you might become a very sought-after matchmaker Mrs. Ferlin; my cousin Danielle certainly has that idea in mind” Frey said smiling as she recalled Danielle’s idea.
“Oh, let’s hope that does not happen, I have a lot of work already” the old librarian replied smiling.
“May I take you back to your table, master librarian Emeryn?” Aedrik offered his arm for Mrs. Ferlin “I believe the general is eager for you to get back” everyone turned to see, the old knight general, eyeing them, from his table, who turned to talked with someone as he noticed being discovered by them.
“You are right, and my knees hurt” Mrs. Ferlin smiled at Aedrik “Please send my regards to your mother, Mr. le Fay, and congratulations to you my dear Frey”
“You know my mother?” Pan replied surprised losing his usual demeanor
“I had the opportunity to meet Grand Druid Alba, when I visited the Londen Arboretum, but it was a long time ago, still, I hope she remembers me”
“She does, master librarian Emeryn, she was the one who suggested me to seek you out” Aedrik interrupted “If you allow me, I’ll convey your regards to her promptly”
“Wait, WHAT? you have visited the Arboretum?” Pan was very confused, much too Aedrik’s delight “We have to talk about your visit, you have to tell me, what were your impressions master librarian Emeryn”
“Certainly, Mr. le Fay, you already know where you can find me, but for the moment I really need to sit down for a while”
“Certainly, master librarian Emeryn, and I’ll too will convey your regards to my mother promptly, and if you’ll permit it, I’ll come by later to steal a bit of your time” Pan, finally recomposed himself, Mrs. Ferlin gave him a cordial nod, and Pan returned his extravagant bow.
“I hope, I can get on that conversation as well, I never knew you had visited Londen Woods, Mrs. Ferlin” Frey was surprised but not as Pan had been, from time to time, Mrs. Ferlin let on pieces of her past, and Frey knew the old librarian had travelled far and wide.
“That would be lovely, just try to come just past midday, that is when everything is quiet at the library for the most part” with that said Mrs. Ferlin took on Aedrik’s arm and went to where her old knight was eagerly waiting for her.
“She has visited the arboretum, and Aedrik and my mother never occurred to tell me about it” Aedrik could hear, Pan loud complains as he took the master librarian to her seat.
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