《An Empire Divided》6 Family
Everyone in the great hall had their eyes on the young man, dashing through the hall, the fourth prince of the Fey Danan Empire, the North Star. Many had mistaken, the handsome fey man who had been standing next to the young man, as the prince. His exotic looks and refined clothes certainly looked the part, contrasting the simple clothes Aedrik wore, but as the real prince crossed the great hall, he looked dull no more.
Many young ladies had been looking with curiosity towards the fey companion, but they now marveled at the North Star prince, dashing, determined, moving with passion, or so they felt.
The Fey Danan prince was enroute to house Lunebleau, whose members were still saluting and chatting with their friends and peers, all but one young lady. Lady Frey Lunebleau was locked in a gaze with the North Star prince, for them, there was no one else on the great hall.
The members of the Fey Danan delegation who had noted what was happening were, startled and confused. Only the fey who had been with the prince, seemed delighted after his initial confusion had passed.
As the prince advance towards his destination, lady Lunebleau took her husband by the elbow, and in an elegant and natural movement, had him move just a step to the left, as they greeted another lord, with that, the young lady and the prince had a clear path between them. The prince did not stop until he found himself in front of the young lady, completely lost in her eyes.
"Good evening, lady Frey" as Aedrik spoke, he gave her his strange bow, and then offered his open palm, as he had done the first time they met. Many members from the Fey Danan delegation were surprised by the bow prince had done for the lady, likewise some knights who had noted the exchange, were startled, the prince gesture was and old courtesy of Loire’s Knights. The young lady placed her hand on the prince’s and bowed slightly.
"Good evening, prince Aedrik" both could feel the other one nervousness disappear the moment they touched. Frey smiled like a little girl, Aedrik, was clearly mesmerized.
For a moment, the great hall froze, every eye, was on the young couple, the lords who were next to lord and lady Lunebleau were aghast at what had happened beside them. Lady Lunebleau coughed lightly, and the prince quickly turned towards them.
"Lord Damian, lady Margaux, good evening to you as well" Aedrik finally moved, and slowly released Frey’s hand, it did not went unnoticed that he had referred the Lunebleaus by name "Lady Noelle, I could not apologize to you before, but I hope you can forgive the way I introduced myself before" Aedrik gave house Lunebleau a cordial bow, the lord and lady responded, Noelle, was lost for words "I hoped, I would get the chance to see you, and your enchanting sister tonight at the ball, but at that time, I presented myself differently, so please, allow me to apologize and correct my mistake" Aedrik offered Noelle his palm, but made no bow "Aedrik Lachdanan le Fay, at your service".
"There is nothing to forgive, prince, if you kindly forget our peer’s silly curiosity" Frey was delighted to see her sister at a loss for words for a moment, but she had recovered quickly. Aedrik gave Noelle a nod. Noelle was looking at the prince eyes and turned towards her sister amazed.
"Allow me to apologize to you as well, lord Bellerose" Aedrik talked to the man, next to lord Damian “I am sorry for not being upfront on who I was, when we first met” Lord Bellerose composed himself before replying.
"We understand, prince, I for one felt relieved when I heard you were the prince, I liked your participation in the conference earlier today" lord Bellerose had finally passed his initial surprise.
"You flatter me lord Bellerose, but most of the ideas I shared, were actually lady Frey’s, I only presented them to you" Aedrik said looking enamored to Frey, and surprising everyone who in turned looked at the young lady. Lord Damian nodded, and Noelle looked amazed at her sister.
"Let me congratulate you then, lady Frey" lord Bellerose quickly gave Frey a small bow. Making Frey blush. Frey felt a gentle touch and found Lea, Anne and Sir Remy and Lois behind her.
"Aedrik, you've already met, Sir Remy and Sir Lois” The knights and Aedrik exchange a quick nod “but let me introduce to you lady Anne and Lea, they are my dearest friends since childhood" that Frey had referred to Aedrik by name, did not go unnoticed either. Lord Bellerose even turned to look if the foreign prince cared about it, but the young man did not.
"A pleasure to meet you, prince" Lea said, and she and Anne gave him a small bow.
"The pleasure is all mine, I cannot help but feel jealous of you knowing Frey, since you were all younger" Aedrik answered very naturally, making lord Bellerose, really question what was going on "I would like to talk with you about how Frey fared when she was a kid, did she always hide inside libraries?" Frey who had been happy she could present Aedrik to Lea and Anne, suddenly regret her thought, and felt an urge to give Aedrik a little kick to the shin. Noelle snorted, and Lea and Anne giggled.
"She started hiding recently, but she has always loved reading" Lea answered as she laughed with Aedrik "She is the one who thought Anne and me, to read, even though we are all almost the same age” Frey blushed at her friend remark. Lord Bellerose was completely at a loss, he could officially say, he did not know what was happening.
"I would like to hear more of these stories, lady Lea, however I wanted to steal Frey from you for a moment. My cousin made me promise I would present lady Frey to him, and I left him behind on my… rush to greet you all” Aedrik said in an apologetic tone and made a nod towards Pan.
Everyone turned towards the lonely fey man, who was eying them for afar, and turned when they all looked at him. Lord Damian was about to answer but his wife held his husband arm.
"As long, as you promise the bring her back in one piece" lady Lunebleau said smiling at the prince "I think we were one of the last ones to arrive, the King will surely arrive shortly, go on" the lady smiled at her daughter. Aedrik nodded gratefully, and offered Frey his open palm, she placed her hand on his, and they went to meet the lonely fey.
"I didn’t have the chance to tell you before Frey, but you look mesmerizing” Aedrik told her as they walked, he didn’t seem to care everyone in the great hall was looking at them. Frey felt a rush to her face ‘Get it together Frey’.
"That is not fair you know; I have nothing to embarrass you with when you present me to your cousin" with each step they made, Frey relaxed, she was once more talking with him, like they had yesterday.
"Don’t worry about it, I am sure he will surely find something to share with you quickly, and allow me to apologize in advance for anything stupid my cousin might end up saying" Aedrik could not keep from staring at her "He is a pureblood fey, our mothers were sisters" his voice stopped for just a second "He may be my cousin, but I care for him as any of my siblings"
Frey new she would have to meet the entire Fey Danan Imperial family, Aedrik had 3 brothers, and 3 sisters, he was the fourth. She had thought about it when he left with her father to talk to the king. She thought on how well had René blended with the family, ‘Let’s worry about it, later’.
"Please allow me to apologize one last time for making you have to decide so suddenly" Aedrik pace slowed down a bit "I would have liked nothing more, than court you” he stopped and turned to look at her, and their eyes locked "You made me, the happiest I've ever been, with your answer Frey, please allow me to return the favor to you". They both stared at each other, Frey felt his eyes wanting to kiss her, but they could not, not yet. She nodded, and they resumed their steps.
The fey was already coming to them, he had a curious mauve hair, and his face had handsome but feminine features, he was as tall as Aedrik, but slender, and he moved deliberately.
"Frey, please allow me to present to you, my cousin, Pan le Fay" Frey, made a small bow to the fey, he had a mischievous smile, or so she thought.
"The pleasure is all mine, lady Frey, and permit me to express my apologies for the burden, my cousins eyes, may have caused you" Pan gave her another weird and elaborate bow "as the only family he has here for the moment, and as a fey, I beg of you, don’t ever betray the bond he has with you" Frey was speechless at that, Aedrik hand trembled, he was looking enraged at his cousin.
"If you ever tire of this oaf, all you need to do, is say so and I will gladly take him away, he might look though, but he is just a softy on the inside, and he looks like crap when he is sad. I am sorry for being so blunt about it but there is no other way to put it. I apologize for my first statement, but my mother made me promise I would say it” Frey was really surprised by Pan, yet she felt Aedrik had calm down.
"But please, cousin Frey, may I tell you cousin?" Frey was about to answer but Pan continued "You will have to show me the trick you did, I could not see what it was, but you had Aedrik marching to you like he was looking at the last cup of wine in the desert" Frey blushed. Aedrik cleared his throat.
"Aww come on, you are never into calling attention, and then you suddenly you sprint as if you were about to assault a fortress all the way to poor cousin Frey. I have seen men and orcs, ran from you when you move like that, a young lady near cousin Frey was about to pass out had you not stopped" Frey blushed once more, and Aedrik sighed "Once I saw that, I was sure, she was the one for you cousin, any other woman or fey for that matter would have ran for their lives" Aedrik just shook his head, Frey laughed, she liked Pan already.
"Are you also kismet, cousin?" Frey asked more relaxed
"No, Frey, being kismet, is extremely rare, to the point where we have thought the condition lost" Frey was surprised, and looked at Aedrik "You should have seen my cousin yesterday after meeting you, he was beaming with joy, like a kid who had devoured a chocolate cake all by himself, my god, he was even singing"
Frey choked when she heard that, Aedrik closed his eyes with visible strength, his skin was tanned, but he was blushing.
"You will have to sing for me sometime" Frey said smugly at Aedrik, and Pan joined grinning as well.
"Do not let his physique fool you, he has a surprisingly emotional voice" Pan was going on, but Aedrik, grabbed his arm and gently squeezed it, making the fey turn pale.
"Ok, cousin, that is enough tease" Aedrik released him.
"Hey, I believed, I got engaged with a honorable man, not with a bully" Frey joked but looked a bit worried at her fiancé display.
"No, Frey, please don't miss judge, him, otherwise he would have a real reason to be mad at me, he has never been upset about my teasing or jokes, but tonight is different" The fey quickly intervened, Aedrik was about to say something and stopped.
"Why, because of the ball? you do not wish for others to laugh because you are a prince?" Frey spoke quickly, flustered about Aedrik’s attitude with Pan, she really expected he did not care much about those things.
"No, Frey, no to any of those reasons" Aedrik and Frey hands were still together, and they both could feel each other’s pulse racing.
"What is it then Aedrik?" she asked directly, looking at his eyes. Aedrik look at her with guilt again, he was about to speak.
"Because of you Frey, please, understand, he is experiencing something incredible, he has just met his kismet, I don’t think he truly understands what is going on with him" Pan pleaded.
"I am sorry Frey, and to you Pan" Aedrik finally managed to speak "I care not for impressing you with prowess, status, or riches, Frey. I care for your happiness, your thoughts and laughs, but please understand Frey, I went to see you cause my heart and mind, wanted it so, now, I feel a flame burning inside me" Frey and Aedrik looked into each other’s eyes and that calmed Frey completely, they had promised to tell the truth and talk about anything, and his eyes, they could not lie to her.
"You know, Pan is right, what exactly did you do before? I had not left you from my sight ever since you entered the hall, and suddenly you had me going for you. You know love magic, perhaps?" Aedrik told her smiling with his most charming smile.
"Oh no, you will not escape that easily, you still have to sing for me sometime soon" Frey smiled, having eased completely. She felt the warm touch of Aedrik’s hand, and their hearts beating in unison.
"You guys suck" Pan was still comforting his arm "Talk about young couples" Frey looked at Aedrik and they laughed at Pan.
"Pan is 56 years old, he is considered just a young adult by most fey, but he likes to act like and old man from time to time" Pan stuck out his tongue, and Frey and Aedrik laughed more.
"It took us a while, but mom and dad are almost here" Noelle, had come with them. The lord and lady Lunebleau were greeting, lord Finean, just a few steps away.
"Cousin Pan, this is my sister, Noelle" Frey said as her sister approach them smiling, Pan made the same exaggerated bow, Noelle gave him a polite bow.
"Noelle, this is Pan le Fay, Aedrik's cousin, and currently his grumpy and old fey companion" Aedrik and Frey smiled, Pan made his extravagant bow, which Noelle responded with a confused face.
"Well, I guess you all are better company, than the lords we have been greeting along the way, I should really consider finding me a suitor so that I can skip the greetings, like you and Luka did" Noelle added "Wait, how old are you?" Noelle asked Pan, to Frey and Aedrik's delight, but Pan was unperturbed by that.
"By the way, did you both really asked Aedrik, if he went drinking the blood of virgin maidens" Pan changed the subject with a toothy smile, Frey and Noelle choked and blushed.
"In my defense..." Noelle was about to start, but the magic lights form the chandeliers attenuated, everyone in the great hall turned towards the entrance.
"HIS ROYAL MAJESTY KING FAVRE REYNAULD WITH HIS WIFE QUEEN CATHERINE DELACROIX, HIS MAJESTY THE ROYAL DUKE OF POITIERS ARMAND REYNAULD WITH HIS WIFE FLEUR BELMONT, AND HER MAJESTY PRINCESS LOIRAINE" as master of the hall announced the entrance of the royal family, everyone had cleared the floor of the great hall, to give way for them.
The King of Loire was well over sixty and he had not aged well, his hair was more white than chestnut, his body had lost its muscles, and yet he still moved with authority and his gaze retained a certain edge, he had dressed for his part and the woman by his side completed the image. The queen was some years younger than her husband and still looked radiant and beautiful with her brownish blonde hair, and a dashing red dress. Behind them came the heir to the kingdom, who as accustomed wore the title of Royal Duke of Poitiers, he had the same chestnut hair as his father had and a very handsome face, to his side came wife, her black hair fell elegantly to her waist, and she moved with rhythm, enhancing her already pronounced rearguard.
Last came princess Loiraine, she was almost the same age of Frey, the princess had a healthy tanned tone, and a lighter hair color than her mother. The princess wore an intense red dress cut perfectly to match her slender figure, seldom did the princess tried to call attention to her, but not tonight. The princess was almost as tall as her brother, her delicate features contrasts with her magnificent frame, she moved slowly, and for many, she was the most beautiful lady in the kingdom.
Frey had rarely spoken with the princess, she found her polite and gentle, as how you would expect from a princess, but Frey had always felt… lesser. The princess presence shunned the other ladies, Danielle had ample complains about that, especially since Frey and the princess were almost the same age, and they had started attending social events together. Tonight however, the princess had been rejected, Frey turned to look at Aedrik, and felt a sudden rush, everyone’s attention was drawn to the newcomers, particularly the princess, but not Aedrik, he only had eyes for Frey.
As the royal family walked along the great hall, the Loirians knelt. The members of the Fey Danan delegation, made small bows as a sign of respect. As the royal family continued, more and more people kept kneeling, and as they approached, Frey parents knelt as well as Noelle, Frey was about to but Aedrik her held had, and their eyes met ‘I hope you would share my responsibilities’ that is what he had told her, she stood up, with him. He smiled at her as he saw her resolve, things were going to change, she knew that. They were a couple now, his warm touch eased her.
As the royal family passed them, Aedrik and Pan, who was behind them, made a courteous bow. Frey remembered her mother’s words ‘You chose this my dear, and from this moment on, you have to walk the path you decided’ with that in mind, Frey made a bow, she inclined deeply, but she did not kneel to the royal family.
The royal family continued until they were in front of the grand table at the end of the hall, and then turned to face the guest of Château du Loire. As the lord and ladies raised, the great hall went completely silent. The king moved a step forward from his family to address his guests.
"Lord and ladies of Loire, friends from the Fey Danan Empire, the Royal Family of Loire welcomes you all" his voice resounded in every corner of the great hall, yet the king spoke in a soft tone "Today has been and historic day, many of you took part in the conference with the Fey Danan delegation and we have found shared goals and interest. We have a great opportunity in front of us, but I would not like to bother you all with a long and tedious speech” most of the lords and knights, nodded at the kings’ words. with those in mind, we now have a great opportunity in front of us, but I would not like to bother you with a long speech" most of the lords nodded at the kings’ words.
"Today, Loire has decided to forge an alliance with the Fey Danan Empire, one that will bind us as brother nations" applause took over the great hall, a solemn air filled the room "Together there is much we can achieve, and together we will march on a common enemy, one that has been threatening our borders for some time" at that point many lords and knights were stomping the floor and applauded.
"The Empire send one of its heirs to demonstrate that this alliance is something they take to heart, the same as we do. They send their fourth prince, Aedrik Lachdanan le Fay, their… North Star, and for those of you who do not know, Orcbane of the Boreal Glades" many more people applauded, from Fey Danan delegation, many roared as they heard their prince being called. Frey could see Aedrik made a sour face when he heard that nickname, but it was not the only one he had, Frey have heard many more when people talked about him.
"The prince and I have already signed the alliance treaty between our nations, however there is one last token of cordiality and mutual respect that will seal this alliance” everyone in the great hall went silent “The Empire has always created ties with their allies, and they have always done so with a noble and sacred promise” by now everyone’s eyes were on the prince who was supporting the hand of the young lady standing by his side.
"The fourth prince Aedrik Lachdanan le Fay has asked for Lady Frey Lunebleau hand in marriage, and house Lunebleau has accepted his proposal" the whole great hall erupted in a commotion, cheers and applause filled the hall. The Fey Danan delegation was ecstatic with Pan leading the cheers and applause much to Frey dismay. Aedrik looked at Frey, grinning from ear to ear, he gently took her hand and lifted it. The applause and cheers went wild, Frey could not help but smile embarrassed.
"May our nations, find common purpose, and our bond never breaks" once more the entire hall erupted with cheers "With that let us commence the banquet" The chandeliers ignited at once, servants poured inside the hall, carrying food and drinks on all the tables.
"Hoping for this new marriage to have happiness and health, let the newly engaged commence the first dance of the night" The great hall exploded in applause and cheers, in a moment the sides of the dance floor were filled with anyone eager to watch the newly engaged couple. The royal family and everyone near them, were going to congratulate the young couple before they opened the first dance. Frey felt her father and mother standing beside her, as well as Noelle, Luka, and René.
Meanwhile, the young ladies, and eager lords and knights were waiting and eager for the dance to commence. The great hall was quickly filled with voices, the lords and ladies discussed what had just been said, everyone talked happily with their neighbors, the dance floor was being invaded by every lady on the great hall.
Frey felt Aedrik warm hand as they held each other, his gentle touch made her feel certain, this what not a dream. Before anyone else interrupted them Aedrik turned to face her. He had the smile of a little kid who had gotten away with something. She knew everything was about to change, for them both and still, she felt nothing but happiness as he held her hand.
"Care for a dance, lady Frey?" Aedrik asked her with his eyes lost on hers, his hand was holding hers, not just supporting it, Frey felt surprised at how it made so much difference.
"With you?" they both laughed at that.
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