《The Exalted Guard》Dayshift


'It just doesn't add up,' Jeremy grabbed another pizza from the oven and handed it to one of the waiters to take. The...girl took the pie and started to walk back into Party Room 1. There were so many people working at the restaurant at this point, that Jeremy had lost many a name to time. The only reason he could remember Mike is because they were always together for the Night Shift. Everyone else might as well have just been side characters in a video game to him.

Especially when he was still trying to make sense of both last night and this morning. 'It didn't make any sense,' he thought, taking down another order as if one auto-pilot. 'If, as crazy as it is, Mike's story has any credibility, then he pulled off something only possible in superhero comic books!

Not only that, but what was up with Mr. Fazbear? He pulled a complete 180 the minute Mike walked in the room! Speaking of which,' while putting a new pizza into one of the ovens, Jeremy glanced over to where "Super Mike" was.

Mike was currently standing in front of the "Family of the Day." Basically, the family who paid big bucks to have a big party for their kid today. And talk about a big group! There were about 10 adults and like 18 kids! Jeremy had to respect the parents of whoever this was for, they really went all out! He had to guess that they could afford it, if the man in the business suit giving Mike his complete attention was anything to go on.

Speaking of which, the whole table seemed to be giving Mike their undivided attention. Jeremy raised his eyebrow, handing another waiter a fresh pizza and soda. 'Why the heck are they all looking at Mike? Is is the glowing?' Now normally, this wouldn't really be much of a big deal.


Except for the fact that the kids are giving Mike all of their attention too.

...And the fact that they are all standing right in front of the stage where the Toy Animatronics are.

Fazbear has a pretty big soft spot for kids, which is part of the reason why he paid the extra dollar to give the Toy Animatronics that criminal database thing. As such, all employees are required to make sure that the children are completely and utterly safe at every time of the day. Thankfully though, most of the children are in the room where the robots are, mystified by the way they sing and dance.

So, why is it that every single last child has stopped to listen to Mike?

"Hey, Jeramole."

And how come everyone seeme to only do this with Mike? The last time he tried to talk to a customer, they just waved him off.

"Hey! Earth to sissy britches!"

And why-


The clatter of dishes followed as Jeremy jumped up in surprise. He winced as a fresh out of the oven pizza fell to the ground, landing crust side down. Jeremy's hands went to his rather ruffled hair and squeezed, "Oh no. Not again."

A man, Vincent Jeremy figured, looked over Jeremy's shoulder, "Well….your pay's getting docked. Again."

Jeremy looked at Vincent, "Why did you s-s-scream at me?!" He was really only asking to be polite. He's pretty sure Vince would take any moment to yell at him. That guy is like a bully, a big, purple, bully.

Crossing his arms over his purple uniform (Why did he have that on anyway? No one else here wore purple! Not even Fritz!) and frowned...or smiled….Jeremy could never tell which, "It's 3:00. Time for you and your butt buddy over there to go home." Vincent pointed his thumb at Mike, who was shaking hands with the father and mother of the family.


I tried to tell ya, but you seemed to space out while looking at McGlowing over there. What, were you imagining the things he's gonna do to you tonight?" Vincent hit Jeremy on the back of the head, laughing as the smaller man knelt down in a panic to pick up his fallen hat.

Jeremy waved his hands in a gesture of rebuttal, "W-w-what?! No! No! Of course not! I was just-urgh-nevermind. So, my shift's over then?" Jeremy had long since gotten used to Vincent's constant abuse (especially since Mike was there to keep the other guard in check) and had learned to not even try to argue with the man. It was like arguing with an extremely hostile brick wall.

"Yep, so if you don't mind, scram!" Vincent points his thumb behind him for emphasis. "Oh, yeah, and tell that walking night light that if he hangs out with the kids too much people are gonna think he's a-"

"Does it make you feel big, Vincent?"

Both men wince. The previously nonchalant atmosphere had just become extremely oppressive. It was as if someone had just angered the boss, and he was going on a firing spree. They looked to their left, and there stood Mike Schmidt with his hands in his pockets, glowering at Vincent.

"Does it make you feel good? To just berate people like that?" Jeremy gulped. Mike didn't usually sound like this. Sure, he did always have a problem with Vincent, but he never let it show at work. The worst he did was make passive aggressive comments towards his fellow employee. However, now...Jeremy could feel actual malice in those words.

And worst of all-intent.

Vincent, though he tried to hid in by standing tall, was visibly shaken by what Mike said. Jeremy could tell, even as the other man said, "What's it to you?"

"It's not polite. And, it bothers other people," Mike leaned in to Vince, making sure they were eye to eye, "Including me."

"You've never had a problem with my 'comments' before. So why now? Did I happen to hit a nerve today, or," Vince smile looked like a snake's when it was moving in for a kill, "or did I happen to hit on some truth back-urk!"

Jeremy's mouth fell open as Mike began to hoist Vincent up by the throat with one hand. Jeremy ran over and grabbed Mike by the arm, "Mike! What are you doing?!"

"I could kill him Jeremy. I could kill him right fucking now, and stop him from doing something horrible." Mike's voice was as cold as ice.

Jeremy kept pulling on Mike's arm, but he couldn't seem to move it. What was Mike made of, solid stone? "How do you know that he's gonna do anything even slightly horrible?!" How come nobody was calling the police or something?! Jeremy didn't want Mike to go to jail, but someone need to do something!

Mike grit his teeth, "I...I..I just know, OK! I don't know how I know, I just do!"

"And if you're wrong?! You'll have killed an innocent man and gone to jail for it! Please!"

Mike seemed to hesitate for another minute, before he finally let Vincent fall to the ground. As the purple covered man took in ragged breaths, Mike marched out of the resturant.

Jeremy looked at Vincent, and held his hand out to him, "I'm so sorry about-"

Vincent swatted his hand away, "Fuck off, you tool! And tell your fuckbuddy that I plan to press charges against him!"

Jeremy, holding his smarting hand, looked down at the floor. He followed Mike out of the entrance, worrying about his friend.

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