《The Exalted Guard》A Little Talk


Mike raised his eyebrow, "My everything?"

"Your everything?!" Jeremy sounded surprised, what for Mike didn't know, "You look like you're….glowing." It was true, there seemed to be some kind of 'aura' around Mike that lit up the rather dark office.

"Thanks Jere, I should get you a soda for that," Mike sat down in the chair next to Jeremy, putting his feet up on the table. Surprisingly, his boss didn't seem to mind. "However, right now you need to clear up what happened last night for the boss and me."

"That's exactly what I was doing until you- wait! What do you mean for the boss and you?!" Jeremy looked at Mike like he had grown a third head. "You mean you don't remember anything that happened last night?!'

Mike shook his head, "Nope. Last thing I remember is three of the fuckers surrounding me, then I blacked out and had this weird dream."

"Dream? What dream?"

Mike took his feet off the desk and leaned forward, "Ok, so there I was, about to meet my Maker at the hands of those furry fags, when BAM I start glowing gold and punch straight through the bear's arm! At first I'm like 'The Fuck was that!?' Then I realized it was a dream, and I started going HAM on those motherfuckers!"

"HAM, Mike?"

"Hard As A Motherfucker. Duh," Mike softly slapped Jeremy on the back of the head, causing him to fall forward a bit. He caught himself and looked at Mike with annoyance. Mike ignored him, "So, anyway, I rushed at the bastards and started ripping into them. I tear the chicken's and the rabbit's heads off, and shove the bear through a wall! At which point, Yiffy the Pirate and his sister, Yifferella, came at me(heh heh) and I shoved my fist through the captain's chest.

I then began to use him as a hammer on the girl fox until they both stopped resembling foxes. Then you came in Jeremy, I passed out again, and I woke up at home. That's my story and I'm sticking to it."

Jeremy was looking at Mike with his mouth wide open, "You've got to be kidding me. Is that what happened last night?! Were you on drugs or something!?"

Mike looked at Jeremy with a blank look, "You know I don't do that kind of stuff, Jere. And besides it was just a dream."

"No it wasn't! You must've did that, because that is exactly what I saw when I walked out of the closet!"

"Eh, probably just a coincidence. More than likely they all tripped or something."


"That sounds completely-"

"Reasonable, Mr. Schmidt," Jeremy stared at his boss in disbelief. His boss, had just said that what Mike said was completely reasonable, "It is obvious that Mr. Fitzgerald has been exaggerating the events that transpired last night."

"No I'm not! Why are you taking his side on this!"

"Because, Jere, it's the only feasible answer. I mean, do you seriously think that I could punch a robot's arm off of it's body?" both Mike and Mr. Fazbear had a massive laugh at Jeremy's expense. Jeremy looked between the two men.

'What is going on here?!' He thought as they laughed. 'A minute ago, he was busting my balls. Now Mike comes in and he completely switches gears? The Hell?'

Mr. Fazbear finished laughing as he wiped a tear from his eye, "Oh yes, quite hilarious. Well, it is obvious that neither of you are at fault, so both of you just return to your post. We'll pay for any damages caused, and make sure the customers are pacified."

Mike stood up, and offered his hand, which the manager shook enthusiastically, "Thanks man. Me and Jere'll get back to it." Mike let go of his boss' hand and nodded towards the door. Jeremy, still distraught at the turn of events, walked through it in a trance.

"Oh yes, and Mike, can I call you Mike? I was planning on having a dinner with my family tonight at 8:00. Would you like to come?"

"Only if I can bring Jeremy. He's my bro, and I don't leave bros behind."

"Of course, you can bring as many people as you like. I won't mind at all."

"Sweet, see ya later," and with that, Mike walked out the door with a very confused Jeremy in tow.

Cindy was had just turned 5 years old. It was her birthday today.

All of her friends were there, and her favorite Aunt.

They had Pepperoni pizza and chocolate cake, her favorites.

She even got to see her favorite band of animals play on stage.

She was the apple of her family's eye.

She was crying in a corner of the Prize room.

The Puppet knew, he could hear her through his box.

And it was tearing him up inside.

He could make a good guess as to what it was. Her first day at school is tomorrow probably. And, as usual for kids, she didn't want to go. She didn't know anyone there, she didn't want to leave home, ect. He would know, he used to be that way. At least, he was pretty sure he did.

He shook his head, no time for a trip down memory lane. There was a child in pain, sitting in front of him! He needed to help her, isn't that what he was made for? Why he did what he did every night? So, he began to open the top of the box, carrying a Freddy Fazbear Teddy Bear with him. Just when he crested the top of the box, he saw him.


Mike Schmidt, the Security Guard.

He was walking right towards Cindy.

The Marionette knew he needed to do something.

But….why couldn't he move?

He never hesitated to charge at Mike before. In fact, just last night, he had revealed his ability to speak to the other guard. He was a machine, and though he had a small concept of "feelings", he knew that one thing he could never feel was fear.

But then why was he staring in awe at this stupid, glowing, human? Wait, glowing?

Mike bent down so he was eye level with the girl, "Hey there kiddo. What's your name?"

She was wearing a pink dress with lots of bunnies and frills on it. The sleeves were soaked through, from the crying probably, and her face was partly covered with strands of her long brown hair. Her puffy green eyes stared at Mike intently listening to every word he said. Mike saw how he was reflected with a golden aura around him in the child's eyes. He mentally shrugged. Probably a trick of the light.

"C-C-Cindy," she said, her voice barely above a squeak.

"Cindy, huh," Mike tilted his head and smiled, "Sounds like the name of a Disney Princess."

Cindy blushed a bit, and looked at the ground. She seemed to suddenly gain a lot of interest in her feet.

"Now tell me, why is the Princess crying?" Mike liked kids, they were so innocent. They didn't have to worry about the darkness behind the world. And he knew it was his job to keep it like that. "It's not very becoming of Royalty."

"My-My-mommy said, I have to l-l-leave home and….."

"Go to Elementary School tomorrow?"

Cindy looked up at Mike in surprise. "H-How did you-"

"Know that?" Mike finished for her, standing up from his position, "Because I went through the same thing when I was your age. My mom was gonna make me go to school, and I didn't want to leave my friends and family. I did everything I could to delay the day I had to go. Illness, nose bleed, even tried to bribe my mom with my petty allowance. No dice.

So, I went to school, and you wanna know what happened? I liked it. I made friends, I made enemies, and then my mom got me at 3:00, and that was it. School is not something to be afraid of, it's just an obstacle like everything else. And besides…." Mike looked from side to side, and then bent down so he could whisper in Cindy's ear, "If you promise to give it a try, I'll convince your mom to get you ice-cream after school."

Mike winked at Cindy, and her mood immediately brightened. She started jumping up and down saying, "I promise! I promise!" And then she ran out the room.

Mike smiled after her, then his face became serious. He turned around and looked at the not yet free, Puppet Fucker. He walked close to the machine, and looked it straight in its empty eyes. He's not sure why he thought this thing was scary in the first place. Why did he think this thing was a threat to him. All it was, was a mechanical murder, who has killed countless guards before Mike got here. And he was gonna stop it.

"I know what you are, you piece of shit," his voice was completely calm as he addressed the murderous being, "I know that you're not just some normal bot. In that head of yours, there's a brain. And that brain is thinking, thinking and waiting. Waiting for its chance to get out and hurt these innocent people.

Well just to let you know, you're gonna have to go through me first. And believe me, I don't die easy," with that, Mike walked out of the Prize room and down the hallway.

As he walked, Mike paused for a second. He looked around, and spotted Vincent sweeping the floors nearby. Mike looked at him for a moment, before continuing on his way to Cindy's parents. He's not sure why, but when he looked at Vincent, he felt a very strong urge to punch the guy so hard in the nuts that his Great Great Grandchildren would feel it.

The weirdest part was, he felt like he could actually do it.

As easily as snapping a twig.

The Puppet was sitting in it's box, doing the one thing that it always does when it has a moment to itself.


And one thought permeated it's mind, more than anything else.

'What the fuck was up that Schmidt guy's eyes? Why'd they flash gold like that?'

'...and why do I suddenly feel like I want to apologize for all the guards I've killed?'

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