《The Exalted Guard》A Walk and A Plan


"Mike! What the Hell was that?!" a semi-truck with a McDonald's AD sped by as the pair walked side by side down the street. They both still had their uniforms on, thankfully with all of the holes and tears sewn up. Why take them off? They'll be back at the pizzeria at 12:00 AM anyway.

Mike lit up a cigarette as he turned to speak to his friend, "What was what?"

"You know what!"

Mike's hand went to his chin as he thought back on his day, "Me walking in on the boss yelling at you?"


"My, so called, 'Golden-Glow'?" A puff of smoke accompanied this question.

"No." Jeremy said as he wafted the smoke away from him.

"Hmmmm, what happened with Vincent?"

"Yes! Exactly that!" Jeremy stomped over in front of Mike, causing the bigger man to stop abruptly. Jeremy looked up into Mike's eyes with concern and worry, "Why did you grab him by the throat like that?! You know what you just did right?! You just gave him a reason to get you fired! Do you even realize—"

Jeremy's words were cut off as Mike ruffled the smaller man's hair. The glow that had been around him since this morning seemed to have tapered off after they had gotten outside.

The sun was still out, but it was starting to set in the horizon.

"Don't worry about it," Mike said as he gave the blonde haired man a break, "Vincent doesn't have the guts to get the police on my ass."

"How do you know that?"

"I don't," Mike started walking again, being careful to not knock Jeremy over as he moved on. After straightening his hair, Jeremy caught up to Mike and matched his pace.

However, I am an optimist. And I try my best to look on the bright side of things."

"That's fine, Mike, but what if your wrong and Vincent calls the police on you?"


"Then I'll go with them, and answer any questions they have," the two friends passed by a comic book store where an entire line of men and women fought to get to the front of the line. As Mike passed by, the crowd stopped to watch him move past. They marveled at him, almost like he was a statue made of gold.

If you notice, Jere, you will only ever get in real trouble with the law when you refuse to cooperate." Mike walked by the end of the line, causing the entire procession to erupt into chaos yet again.

Neither men seemed to notice, "But what if you get fined, or worse, thrown in Jail!? You know we can't afford that! We hardly make enough money to feed ourselves!"

Mike waved his hand, "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."


A scream, high pitched and nearby rang through the air.

A laugh, low and guttural followed shortly after.

Jeremy stopped, his legs trembling underneath him, "What was—"

He heard a WHOOSH and when he looked to his left, Mike was gone.

Julia was just out of college.

Her breathing was ragged as she ran down the deserted sidewalk. Where was everyone this time of day?!

Her parents had told her that it was a waste of time and money, and that she would be better off getting a rich husband somewhere.

Footsteps moved fast behind her, as her bright green dress fluttered in the breeze.

She told them they could shove it.

She turned down another street, not really caring where she was going. As long as it was away from here!

She had just graduated, and it was almost time for her big day.

But no matter where she went, the sound of footfalls followed behind her.

The day when she finally got her big break, and was hired for her dream job as a journalist.

Her green eyes were puffy from crying so much, wishing that this was just a dream.


If only she hadn't of gone out to get that coffee this morning.

Her energy, even with the adrenaline flowing through her veins, finally ran out as she slowed to a stop in a grassy clearing.

"Nowhere to run now, Julia," Julia's spine felt cold as she turned to face her assailant.

He was a tall man, taller than even Julia at 5 feet in heels. He arms were lanky and thin, but they fell to his sides in a way that made him look ready for any attack. Which he probably was, judging by the serrated knife held in his right, light skinned hand. His shirt, several buttons undone, was stained just like his pants, and he reeked of alcohol.

However, that is not what told Julia who he was. Nor was it the shock of black hair that covered one eye in a sinister fashion.

It was the scar on his cheek where she had cut him once before.

"Chris?! What part of 'restraining order' do you not understand?" Julia yelled at her ex-friend, defiant despite the situation.

Chris' mouth parted in a predatory smile, "Oh Julia, you know I've always been a bad boy," he fingered his knife as he said this.

"I already told you, stay the fuck away from me."

"Now that's not fair Julia," he took a step closer, "we used to be so close in high school."

"No we weren't! You just thought we were in that sick mind of yours!" Julia stepped back, her auburn hair whipping around as she looked for somewhere, anywhere to run. Despite the situation, her eyes still burned with a fury that could not be matched by any fire.

Chris stared into those eyes, and his face lit up with a sneer, "Julia, you know that you shouldn't lie to your boy—"

"Hey man, you're bothering the lady."

Chris span on his heel, knife poised to stab whoever was behind him in the kidneys. He had already been stopped once, he wouldn't let it happen again—

The first indication that something was wrong, was when Chris felt resistance against his knife. He looked down, and saw his hand stopped mid-swing my a muscular hand.

He looked up, and then he felt weightless as a fist connected with his lower jaw.

He saw three things before he blacked out.

First, his knife being held in the hand of a man in a security guard outfit.

Second, the sun setting in the west, as it silhouetted the one who flipped him through the air.

Lastly, the things that he would remember for as long as he lived; those eyes.

Those burning, golden eyes.

The ones that shown with a purpose, a noble purpose.

The type of eyes Chris could only ever dream of having.

Confidence, hope, and more were all reflected in this man's eyes.

No, not a man.

A Demi-God.

And that's the plan, you sure you've got everything?

Of course! I'm the messenger after all!

Alright, make sure that you let everyone else know. Tonight's the night we take out those guards!


What, I thought you said you got everything?

I do, but...you said 'guards'. Does that mean the scary golden one too?

Yes, that one too.

But—but—he took out Freddy and the Captain like they were nothing! Plus he glows gold, and is really strong, and looks really scary, and—

BB, calm down. What have the Captain and I told you about being brave?



That being brave means to stand up to things even if they are scary?

Exactly. Now run along and be ready for tonight.

Alright! Bye Mary!

….You won't survive this night Schimdt. I'll make sure of that.

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