《Beyond the Stars》Chapter 02: Number 32


Chapter 02

Li Wei woke up in a room with no door and no windows. The walls and the ceiling were white, but the ground was dark and smooth.

“Number 32 Li Wei!” A thunderous voice echoed in the room.

“Great deeds in death. Reincarnation in one of the superior worlds granted.

The ground transformed into a sticky liquid and he began to sink. Li Wei struggled to keep his head out of the liquid fearing he wouldn’t be able to breathe anymore. But quickly he couldn’t hold on and was swallowed by the darkness. However, he found himself in another room this time blue with a red door. There sat a black-robed man with a long gray beard and round glasses. He was sitting behind a huge brownish executive desk. The room made Li Wei uncomfortable. The colors didn’t match with each other’s at all and that bothered

Li Wei’s presence wasn’t even noticed by the man that kept working. Which made Li Wei even more uncomfortable because he didn’t know if he should talk or not

“What am I doing here?” Li Wei wondered

"Your being reincarnated" the man was finally looking at him with a smile or a smirk on his face.

“The world you have been living in was a lesser world. The world you are going to be reincarnated in is a Greater world."

“A Greater world is called as such because it has a bigger universe about twice the expansion the one in your world had. Therefore, it has proportionally a bigger population.”

Li Wei was at lost for words and just stared at the man with his mouth slightly opened

The man smirked once again and kept talking

“But the benefit of a greater world does not stoop that low. A Greater world is a gate to immortality.”


The man stopped talking grabbed a long pipe and began smoking for a few seconds where the old ma seemed lost in the pleasure. Then he looked at Li Wei again

“Any questions?” he asked.

“Huum a few. Does everyone in the Greater worlds become immortal? If not, what do you have to do to become one? Why should I become one? What do you mean by a gate? Why do I get to go there? Who are you? Are you god or a god? By reincarnation do you mean I will…

“Stop.” The man almost choked on his pipe from the flow of questions that did not seem to stop

“ I will answer the question I am able to answer because I allowed you to ask but I don’t won’t to spend that much time on this so we will stop right after I’ve finished.”

" First only those with good enough karma through their lives can get to the greater worlds. Did you think this is the first time you've come here? Most people do good once or twice in the string of reincarnation. You’ve already been here 31 times. And have done some good in every one of them. You might not know that but good has a very different definition from the morals you humans created. To us Good is staying true to one’s path but being capable of knowing when the path has to be changed. Truth is in every single one of your reincarnations you’ve led a very carefree life and stayed true to that but at the end of the last one you showed a very different side of you.”

The dark robed man snapped his fingers and a huge picture appeared. It was Li Wei’s face distorted by rage.


“I liked that and wondered what would have happened if you had power. Which leads to answering another one of your questions. Immortality is power. To become an immortal, you must become one of the few strongest in that world while staying true to your path. Yours has to be redefined and since I like what I saw I decided to bet on you.”

“Bet on me? For what reason? What does that incur exactly?”

"Every Millennium each overlord which I am can choose a pawn in the grand scheme of things. That chosen one can recall their past life at the age of fifteen. Do you want to be one?"

" I prefer not remembering anything than be a pawn." Li Wei interjected

He smiled, "Indeed. I believed that would be your answer. That’s why I chose you anyway."


"Now go"

The room and the old man disappeared, and Li Wei found himself in space unable to even lift a finger. He was finally sucked toward what looked like a huge planet.

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